Avatar of amberly
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    1. amberly 5 yrs ago


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Hello Hello!!

I'm here on weekends to put aside adulting and get a little more story in my life.

Adventure, well developed characters, stories that can take years to write, with lots of back and forth between us, that is how I role-play. I fall into the casual category when it comes to post length.

No Smut.

I also exclude frequent foul language, horrific gore, and mature romantic content.

I firmly believe that stuff is unnecessary. Let's keep the fight scenes PG-13 at worst. I write no worse than I read, my favorite books being Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice, and Sherlock Holmes.

I'm always in the mood for not modern. I love steampunk, medieval curses, fantasy adventures or a nice spaceship.

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Andrew was pale. His body light, drifting in the water as Angel moved him. The current pushing and pulling on him. But if his bare skin did touch Angel it had no negative affects on her.

The wolves did not chase Angel once she was into the water. They lined up on their side of the river like a fence blocking her return to their territory.
Three of the wolves where killed, and the other two slunk a little farther back for a moment to prepare for their next attack.

Andrew was unconscious, his face pale from the cold water. The battle that had gone on around him had shifted his position, as the water ran by it pulled him slightly deeper into the river. His head went under water but he didn't wake even though it began to drown him.
The other wolves fanned out and circled around gradually making their way closer and closer. Those in the river coming from behind paid no attention to Andrew, as if he was nothing more than a log washed to shore. They attacked Angel from all sides at once. Their feet stepped on Andrew without damage. He was as harmless as tree.
A second wolf approached beside the first. The woman didn't seem threatening. But she also wasn't leaving. That was a problem. They sprang forward to try and chase her into the river. They growled, barked and bit at her. Jumping up to push her backward.
Octavia settled into the driver's seat for flight and their delayed conversation. She flew the little Dragonfly with practiced ease. The Dragonfly did not belong to her either, but she did not see any need to make that fact known. It was only going as far as the hangar after all, where she would be hiding it behind the draped tarps and hoping no one would notice it on first inspection. Let Hubert worry a little.

Besides, it was good for discrediting her brother. "Two airships stollen!" Quickly amended with the correction "No, only one ship. It is not as bad as Hubert Dorrsett made it sound at first."

The Dragonfly would also point to her own initiative, there was no sense in making it seem like she had been kidnapped. If anyone had been kidnapped, it might be more accurate to say she had spirited away Mr. Fischer. Hubert would see her fingerprints all over the whole scheme and thanks to Me Fischer's departure from the party would be oblivious to his involvement.

He was asking about starting companies again and this time it was not him, or her, but we. For his help now, she would gladly help him in return with his endeavors.

Father had been a shrewd businesses man. Huber was a disaster. Mr Fischer's success could not be foretold. But Farther believed people had a right to fail, as well as the right to seek good advice and avoid it.

"You said you had a few promising designs. Are you interested in seeing them built as experimental or in starting a company to mass-produce them?" Octavia rattled on quickly, not allowing time for him to reply until she had asked all of her questions.

"Would you like your own company? I mean, would you like to oversee all of its operations and the business side of things? Or would you prefer to be working primarily on the ships themselves in some company that would support you?

"You see, Father left me departments in several organizations. I'm testing the amount of influence I have there. I may be able to get you into an established company, or I'd gladly help you start your own if that is what you prefer. I expect you'll be back in the hangars working to your heart's content long before I'm done cleaning up after Hubert."

Now that they were away from the house they had a few minutes to talk. She took a wide arc to the Orion's hangar to avoid being noticed flying above the security stop at the gate on the road. Even Hubert couldn't dismiss the security staff for every hour of the night. Yellow light shone through the little windows of the booth in the distance and a long rectangle fell on the street through the open door. The security guard sat outside in the pleasant darkness, leaning back in his chair with the worn soles of his boots propped up on the gatepost. His cap rested on his knees and the breeze ruffled his hair. Work was dull but at least the night was fine.
The wolves crouched their teeth barred in the trees before the lead charged out at the fallen monster. The others circled round it snapping at the flesh and almost coughing as they gagged on the taste. But it didn't seem to move out retaliate in any way and they continued to investigate the horrible body.

Only one wolf flanking the monster had seen angel and turned it's attention to a living threat in it's territory. The wolf growled and stalked toward the woman, warning her to leave.
Andrew partially comprehended the words she spoke. Recover, safe.
Yes they were safe now, the monster was dead. Safe. The river was safe, so cold and shivering. Rest. He would lay right here and rest. It was getting dark, or was that just his eyes closing? They should close, rest she said. Rest. He slipped out of consciousness.

An animal snarled at the dead monster from the trees. That thing didn't smell right. It needed to be chased away or killed, gotten rid of! Another snarl. It was a small pack of wolves issuing their teritorial warning.
The ground seemed to spin beneath his feet. Andrew's legs wobbled as he turned to look where she'd pointed. Confusion covering his face, liar? What had he said while passed out?

The body was a still, oozing heap. The monster would never get up again.

"You did it!" Andrew rejoiced. Relief flooded over him like cool waster. Yes, cool water sounded wonderful. The river continued to rush past and Andrew stumbled toward it, struggling to stay upright.

The adrenaline faded and the pain took over. The fight had ended and what was left to fought for? Go lay down. Go forget. He didn't care if he never woke up.

He fell to his knees on the bank and sunk his hands in. He lay down in the water to submerge his shoulder and hoped it would lessen the pain.

"Are you badly hurt? You should go get that leg taken care of. Good luck." He said through gritted teeth. He could feel the blackness coming again.
Andrew's gaze remained fixed on Angel.

"Then what are you doing here with me? We can't let him escape. I don't think we can let this drag out any longer it needs to end..." His voice became too worry to hear anything else except "Angel." right at the end of his thought.

He rolled into his side toward her, his back to the dead creature, he still hadn't seen it. Holding a dislocated arm close against him he tried to push off the ground with the other one and get to his feet. They had to get to following that monster if it killed him, so she could be sure she had killed it. That was her propose. He wasn't going to get in the way by being too injured for her to leave him.
With the weight removed, Andrew gasped for air, light fighting for his eyes to open again. He squinted and blinked at the blue sky he could see beyond the trees. And the shadow of someone, someone with him.

"Angel? Did you kill him?"
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