Avatar of andastra
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Andastra
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 139 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. andastra 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Outlander binge... this show is so intense.
7 yrs ago
Back from my small hiatus, ill be sending out replies tommorrow.
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7 yrs ago
My grandmother has passed away I won't be on for a few days thanks for understanding
7 yrs ago
Hey RP friends, Have some family issues going on right now. Family member fell ill quite suddenly. Posts will be slow, please bare with me. Thanks :)
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7 yrs ago
*boops your nose* *boop boop*
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I think i may need to drop this RP as well, I've run to far behind due to personal stuff. If anyone is interested in doing some 1x1 or such i would be up for it but i bid you all farewell. Its been fun and thanks for all of the fish :)
Hey guys!

So i wont be able to post for a couple of more days. Last week of finals and i have 8 assignments due and a short animated film to finish before sunday.... So lots on my plate! I will reply when i get back most likely monday morning :) Sorry i'll try and keep up on reading if i can

Happy Easter :)

Yay, the site is back <3
I'm waiting for others to reply before I do. Seems that hero's and grainy are the only ones posting unless I'm missing something :/
This is a new site the old one including all the information is gone so you have to make a new one.
Got my post up...Hope Seymon (sp?) doesn't mind i used his name briefly for a little white lie :P
Anastasia tried to soak in all the information just given to her by Veti. Perhaps what Anastasia saw when she peered into Nestor's mind was that human part of him. It was if she could see past the exterior of his frame and see what truly lied behind the mysterious man. She was pulled from her thoughts before she could even respond as the world around them dissolved into another. Veti helping her crippled ass up as she tried to catch her balance. She smiled and nodded a small gesture to thank her for her words.
<"But the truth of Nestor is, that he does still have his human heart. He is a man - an extraordinary man, true, who can wield a great deal of power when he chooses. But a man nonetheless, who is also in a great deal of pain."> The comment rang through her mind. A man in a great deal of pain... She was not sure of really what that would entail. She contemplated emotional pain, or maybe even physical...or perhaps both.

She looked over at nestor to see him on the ground still watching the commotion going on around them. She didn't want to come off as rude by staring but this man sitting just adjacent to where she stood now drew her attention more then she really knew why. Granted he was the first to speak with her, the first to really acknowledge her existence. She watched him now get up obviously in pain from his injuries. She looked down at her own leg that was now matte with blood. She wanted badly to go over and help him but sadly her leg would not allow her the pleasure of such company.

She hobbled over to a rock and sat back down on it. She opened up her bag that was tied to her hip and reached down so far she was elbow deep. Swishing her hand around the bottomless bag she finally felt what she wanted. Pulling two glass vials she looked at them in her hand. One was a pain suppressant she had brewed up before she left, it was a tricky thing to brew but it was quite powerful when drank. She put the other one away, it was nothing more then a simple potion she could use against an enemy if time needed but the one in her hand was the one she needed the most.

So many things went on unnoticed to her she hadn't realized that the man they had come here for had arrived already. She could see why the Wolf girl wished for him so..just the look on her face explained her love for the man and his showed the return. She smiled lightly at the sight, she never knew love of the feeling of it but watching humans gave her an idea. However this was different, this was not like any form of human love...no this was greater. The powerful display of affection they had for each other could be felt by all. It made her feel a bit warm inside. She saw from the corner of her eye Nestor joining them as his bod language showed his pain. She looked down at the vile in her hand and without even thinking got up and began to walk towards the group.

When she reached them she heard Nestor finish his greetings of his friend, she had no idea what was the thing with the boots but she saw it as sweet that the demon wanted to return his property. " mm i'm sorry to interrupt but Semyon ask me to give this to you... its for the pain. He said it should rid it all together so you can heal better... " she offered him a smile while giving him the smile vile. Although she was in a lot of pain, she worried for her friend and worried more that if the offer came from her directly he might not take it. Assuming he takes the vile she looks over at max and nods slightly. " you are a hard man to find, but i am glad your safe... I'm Anastasia.." she offered him a smile.
Finals for me...don't worry I haven't left or sorry I haven't left lol. I will have a post up soon maybe a day or two I'll try my best for tonight. :) would have done it yesterday but I recused a dog from a very large farm spot in my city poor guy. Covered in mud and frozen to the bone since it was raining and so much snow.
Mines up too short, but it's all I could get at this moment sorry XD
Anastasia felt herself being lifted down from Adams arm as she set down she cringed at the pain that shot through her leg. She watched the demoness offer the flask of stuff to others around her, she laughed lightly at the sight. At least she was trying to be helpful..

Anastasia looked over to see Nestor injured, she was about to hobble over to him to aid him but he had already gained attention of someone else. He was the first person to show her kindness on this trip, so she felt saddened that her new friend was injured. It s an odd feeling sadness, not something she really ever knew in her life. She could feel something pulling at her heart like fingers on a chalk bored. She felt herself sucking her breath in as she tensed, she looked away from him hoping to kill this horrible feeling.

Before Anastasia could do much else she felt someone grab ahold of her. A firm grip lifting her as if she weight less then a feather. She looked to greet her superman of sorts to see it wasn't a man at all. She smiled at the red headed beauty as she helped her speaking to her in her native tongue the sadness disappeared faster then it had arrived. She lowered herself on the ground with vetis's help letting out a large sigh of relief when the pain relaxed in her leg. "þakka þér vinsamlega sakna .... veti."(thank you kindly miss....veti. ) she smiled warmly at her. When she settled on the ground she then remembered something. She glanced over at Nestor as he watched his demon spawn give away his flask, his look mad her laugh slightly. "Ég sá sýn, eina sem sýnd var að mér með draug .. atleast það er það sem það virtist vera. hún sagði "sál illan anda, en hjarta mönnum er .. og biðja úlfinn stúlkuna hvað hún atvinnustöð""(i had a vision , one that was shown to me by a ghost..atleast that is what it appeared to be. she said “A Demon's soul, but a Human's heart"..and to ask the wolf girl what it meant" ) she looked over at veti to see her reaction.
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