Avatar of AngelofOctober
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    1. AngelofOctober 9 yrs ago


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Current Ah yes an advertisement of an RP from three years ago perfect status quality right there. Back from the dead
5 yrs ago
Containment Field is still looking for members; roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Resident Evil Fans: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Mahz been on vacation for half a year, I wonder if he'll come back from his Mahzquest - youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8… - where could be Mahz be now? Find out next time on Mahzquest.
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5 yrs ago
All I ask is that people communicate these things.


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Discord for Easy Communications

Rated M: Violence, gore, and language. This is a 18 plus game that doesn't focuses on romance or sex, in fact this game likely will be entirely sterile considering the nature of this game. This game is mostly 18+ due to it's evocative nature, a lot of gore, body horror elements, etc.

Government issue federally funded branch of defense called the B.C.I.T. [Biological Containment and Investigation Team] after a string of mysterious mutations plagued the U.S. Borders in Puerto Rico. Official documents state an illegal pharmaceutical company was experimented on the population of people in Puerto Rico turning them into mutated cannibals. Records state they "consumed the flesh of their fellow man with ravenous hunger"

The goal of the B.C.I.T. to defend and prepare U.S. for biological terrorism. What the B.C.I.T actually do is really unknown to the public and even if anyone would read official records and archives they likely roll their eyes. Zombies in Columbia. Cannibal Mutants in Puerto Rico. Virus contagions turning people into gross monstrosities. Sounds like government conspiracy to most.

Important documents are leaked to the public. B.C.I.T information is leaked. Easily dismissed as a hoax. B.C.I.T location buried deep within the Nevada desert.

A breakthrough has been made. Link to several of the drugs in the subsequent cases in the past have been linked to a single drug company. Virtue Medics. They are shutdown. Government buries link to B.C.I.T

Welcome to Containment Field. With the remake of Resident Evil 2 coming out and me looking back fondly over my time with F.E.A.R. this RP is an homage to the franchise. Namely Operation Raccoon city.

I need 5 very dedicated members to play a member of the B.C.I.T. The B.C.I.T is a government run defense agency who goes out and investigates biological sumthins. It usually involves, aliens, mutants, zombies. The current RP year, March 10th, 2014 - you have been assigned an operation in the small town of Holloway in Virginia. Strange deaths and strange disappearances have been happening and it is up to the team to figure this out. While also fighting horrific monstrosities.

This RP will lean heavily on thriller horror action. But it does have mystery and intrigue. Each member of the RP supports the team through their role and those roles provide your characters special abilities that only that role can perform.

Now I know roles aren't always popular. Though in this case it helps keep the team focused and helps narrow the RP down so we don't have all 5 beefy soldier dudes barking at each other. The characters themselves will be created by you, but your role you will take and each role is assigned a unique ability that helps them in the scenario of this RP.

Team Leader - I'm already seeing a collective groan right now. It's difficult for members to play the role of team leader often because they don't know where they are overstepping their bounds. Team Leader in this RP tells the team where to go, and how to get there.

Special Ability: Quality navigation skills. You are born, for whatever reason with an exceptional gift at remembering maps. You can visualize a map in your head and be able to graph it onto the streets and roads you see in a town.
Slot - Open

Biological Specimen Analyst - The BSA of the B.C.I.T is a highly trained and specialized individual with a degree in biology and the knowledge of cryptids. Nearly become a pseudo biological sciencist. They are the ones who tell you what it is, what's it weakness is, and how to kill it.

Special Ability: Able to assess and identify specimens biology in order to asses morphology and other useful information to help the team eradicate said specimen.
Slot - Angel of October

Officer 1 - How do you expect to kill said specimens? The Team Leader, you and another officer provide the firepower the team needs to melt biological specimens with enough bullets it might as well be raining.

Special Ability: For some reason you were born with more keen senses. You have a heightened sense of reality and because of that you have a heightened sense of awareness. Your body tingles when danger is near and you often can call out and spot danger before the rest of the team does.
Slot - Open

Officer 2 - Having each other's back is the more important feature, when operations like this are surprising and unexpected. Making sure you have your fellow gunsman and teammates watch is important. Each other's safety and protection is important.

Special Ability: While has more heightened awareness, the other has more heightened reflexes. For whatever reason you were born with the gift of being able to react quickly to situations faster than others around you.

Field Medic - You shoot. You heal. Being a field medic is like being a much more survivable soldier, but with more running involved from the thing that wants to eat your face off. All jokes aside you provide suppressive fire for the team and aid them in any basic medical care they may need.

Special Ability: You have a knack of healing wounds with whatever you can find. If you don't have it in your bag or your bag has gone missing, but you found a piece of cloth - you'll find a way to sanitize it and use it as a wrap.

Communications and Operations Management - Not everyone gets to be a cool soldier. You still have to have someone maintaining the gadgets like the computers the team uses. Someone's got to get into locked doors electronically and someone's got to make sure the communications are still going. You relay the operations and the current goal of the team.

Special Ability: You have a way of weaseling your way into things you shouldn't with just your computer alone. Able to force security locks with the keystrokes of a computer

Name: [Full Name]
Age: [make this believable, I'll recommend it's going to be 25 and up]
Role: Look at list
Appearance: [no anime, but drawn is fine]
Personality: [make them feel human, that's all I ask]
Skills: [what are the skills they possess]
Weaponry: [Team Leader, Officers 1 and 2 - get two weapons a primary weapon like a handgun or a rifle or a pistol and a secondary weapon like a knife or a baton. Field Medic, B.S.A., and Operations Manager get a handgun.]
Bio: [a bit different, but what other operations was your agent a part of in the B.C.I.T. what's their track record like, etc.]

Lancaster, Los Angeles/ State Highway

It’s very early and he only knows it’s very early because of how tired he feels. Like he’s going to fall asleep standing up. Lukas is staring at a very small bag of his belongings to take with him, the man he’s been sharing a cell with is up right now. He’s a bald man, the back of his head looks like a deflated ball, he gives him a gummy grin missing teeth in the front. He’s not sure if he’s excited or if he should be nervous about leaving. You don’t quite feel at home in this place. It feels alien and comfortable at the same time, sometimes the cold metal bars would make weird noises or you would hear whispering in the middle of the night concerned it was a conspiracy. It was cold in here. You’d think such a contained place would be warmer with all the bodies, but it isn’t. Yesterday was a busy day, making sure he had books checked in, already saying goodbye to at least some of the kids who transferred with him last year.

“Excited to see your family?” Jakobs ask, whenever he talked his mouth would make wet smacking noises, he always wondered if it had to do with his missing teeth. Jakobs one of the few adults that didn’t frighten him being here. Some of the adults were scary and hard to engage. Many of them had intense looks, expressions that made him nervous.

He promised others he wouldn’t let this place change him, though he’s scared it already has when the question hits him like overwhelming anxiety. He’s scared that Nadia or Robert have changed their minds about him. That the three years he spent in here, that Robert or Nadia started to believe the things they have said about him since he hasn’t been able to defend himself. But he knows those two aren’t like that. Yet, it’s the biggest worry he has.

“Yeah,” he forces a smile.

“You’ll get far, that’s what I always said about ya when you came. Seen it, said to myself kids going far,” Jakobs points at him and smiles. When a door is closed it echoes through the whole hallway. Resonating with the metal bars. The largest security officer he’s ever seen walks up to their cell. His heart is racing now and he can hear it in his ear. It makes his eardrum vibrate.

“Lukas Demaionewton,” the security guard, Mathison, addresses.

“That’s me,” does he sound desperate? He clears his throat, “I mean that’s me.”

Mathison just watches him, “You will follow me and you will follow every instruction you are given. Is that clear?”

Lukas nods as the bars are open. Just a little longer now and he’ll be outside. How much has changed? He’s pretty sure he’s not going to be seeing any hoverbikes, surprise you’re in the super future now. But the kids at their school, they’ll have their tales. The news might say something unpleasant for a few days, he’ll have to be prepared for that. He lets his feet drag, but with a slight skip following Mathison. Every door resonates with the walls. There’s a few others who have gotten up early to say goodbye to him. Connor’s some kid with some curly ginger hair that looks a bit like whipping cream sitting on top, he nervously looks over at him, “I won’t...forget you.”

That’s an odd thing to say. At least in the tone he says it.

“I’ll miss you too,” Lukas says, as they continue to walk down halls, doors, loud slamming. Till they stop in a room. He’s handed a shirt and a pair of pants. Robert’s probably pulled it out of the closet and handed it to the prison last night.
He’s just use to this. Here he's always watched even when you don’t think you are. He tried to abide by the rules, broke none of the rules and felt even more watched waiting for the moment he cracked. Slipping onto what is essentially his nightwear, Robert could have asked, sweats and an old sweater. Once he’s turned in his uniform he follows Mathison to the intake. The sally port is his last obstacle till he’s out and into Robert’s car.

“That sick kid,” he swears he hears before he’s standing before a window. A man with oval shaped glasses fixes them upwards.

“We have some paperwork for you to fill out,” the man tells him with little to no interest for him as an individual.

There’s a paperwork for how much he has earned from his job. There’s paperwork for a new fingerprint, his always turns out weird, a bit sucker shape, but no one seems to care. There’s another photo he has take for records or so he’s told. He’s eager to get out to the port at this point. All these formalities feel like it’s a prank, that they’re simply issuing him a new ID and telling him it was all a prank. The man thumbs twice through the paper. His heart is racing now. His chest is tightening. His eardrum is vibrating with the sound of his own heartbeat.

“Looks like everything is in order,” man says.

“That’s it? I can go?” Lukas ask.

Man doesn’t really emote, he just stares at him and makes a gesture to one of the guards to the sally port. It’s opened and he walks out, the last slam of metal he hopes to ever here. Squinting his eyes briefly, outside air. One not behind barbed wire. He’s looking for, Robert is leaning against the passenger side of his car and gives him a lazy wave.

“Was ‘fraid they were keeping you,” Robert tells him with a smile.

“For a moment, I thought they were too,” Lukas replies.

Robert nods his head, “Get in the car we shouldn’t loiter too long in front of a prison.”

He’s known Robert his whole life, but right now he’s feels distance. Shouldn’t there be more to them meeting like this in a long time?

“Nadia, didn’t come,” Lukas mentions opening the door to Robert’s tan sedan, noticing the backseat empty.

Robert just smiles, “Boy do we have something special for you.”

She’s at the apartment then. He wants to hug and kiss her, he hasn't in so long. They have seen each other during visiting hours, but it never really felt the same because this place makes you disassociate from the real world so much.

“One second,” Luka says turning to face the prison. Lifting up his middle finger high, “Fuck you prison.” Sitting in the passenger seat, buckling up.

“If the guards start coming out, you know I’ll have to let you go,” Robert jokes.

“Well it made me feel better,” Lukas says as Robert peals out towards the road, while Lukas fiddles with the radio in the car for the first time in years.

An advert plays, but he let’s it. He hasn’t heard something try to pander to the human lizard brain in years either.

Sound of someone sniffing the air.

“Oh, oh I didn’t notice you were there,” a woman’s voice nervously laughs, “I wish they invented smelling speakers, because you wouldn’t believe how unbelievably amazing my house smells.”

Takes a big whiff in.

“It smells just like peeling oranges,” she says, “I’m glad for my Spray and Scent plug in scentinator. It gets rid of bad smells and well.”

She takes another sniff and exhales, “You just feel a sense of oh what’s that word again, relaxing.”

Spray and Scent plug in scentinator. Just plug. It sprays. And well makes your house smell simply amazing. Spray and Scent sold separately from oils.

“I hate that commercial,” Robert groans.

“I haven’t heard it,” Lukas remarks. Roberts pulls a face.

“Right, sorry,” Robert keeps his focus on the road. Things feel awkward right now.The drumming beat of a radio station jingle begins to play.

“And welcome back listeners to the Dan and Jeremy show, it’s currently 8:30 am in the morning, traffic on the highway is fairly light today,” the hoarse, smoker voice of Dan plays through the speaker.

“So Dan,” Jeremy voice is lighter, a lot more nasally, “While we were on a break, a breaking news story was just posted on RightNews.net.”

“Woah woah Jeremy you can’t just plug in other people’s platform on this show, we’re not associated or affiliated with RightNews and they didn’t ask for us to talk about this,” Dan said, “It’s just so you to have your phone out while we’re on break.”

“What was I supposed to do Dan, listen to the Scent and Spray for the hundreth time,” Jeremy retorts.

“Okay, okay we’re getting off base here, what’s this article you want to talk about,” Dan responds.

“They are calling it the most controversial release ever,” Jeremy says, “Nineteen year old Lukas Dema-how the fuck do you say this last name?”

“Just say Newton,” Dan says passively.

“Is being released out of state prison, after his brutal execution of eight people three years ago,” Jeremy continues.

Robert’s hand inches towards the radio. Is he sick to be curious?

“Let it play,” Lukas mentions to Robert.

“But Lukas,” Robert says.

“I’ll be fine,” Lukas tells him.

“Perhaps we should fill in for the listeners who have been avoiding the news or have been living under a rock,” Dan says, “What roughly three years ago, a sixteen year old boy walks into a telecommunications company called Ion Communications. Right?”

“Yes, that’s right Dan,” Jeremy says.

“Kills the guards, and then executes-excuse the gross imagery here listeners- a man, bullet through the skull,” Dan continues.

“Yeah,” Jeremy said, “What I won’t understand is what motive the kid had, you know Dan. Michael Peterson was just a stereotypical guy like you and I. He had nothing associated to his name. Or it’s really well covered up annd this kid just goes in - murders a bunch of standards.”

“My theory on this Jeremy, you want to hear my theory,” Dan says.

“Go on,” Jeremy says, “Curious.”

“My theory is that when an Ultra gets their power it corrupts their minds turning them crazy,” Dan says.

“Genius, well said should work for the scientist,” Jeremy says.

“I know,” Dan replies, “Anyway, what’s your take on this dear listeners? What’s your view and take on releasing this monster back into-

Robert changes the channel. It isn’t how it went, he’s told people time and time again how that night went, but none of them ever believed him. Sometimes it felt like the criminal system, no that is exactly what the justice system was. Guilty until proven innocent. But who would provide the defense towards his case three years later? Robert only briefly glances at him.

“Look as much as it might sound fun, finding the person who did this to you,” Robert pauses, “I want you to focus on getting things straightened up. Get your GED, find a college, normal people stuff. Don’t let this thing define or consume you.”

Get your life straight? What a way to put it Robert.

“But we are going to find the person who did this?” Lukas ask him.

“Yeah sure,” Robert makes a face. It sounds more like Robert wants him to put all of this behind him. Not to mention it again. Allow it to fade into the background.

“You can tell me the truth, you don’t really want me to do so,” Lukas mentions.

Robert grumbles, “Let’s not talk about this. You just got out of jail and you’re already discussing about breaking more crimes. Just lie low for now. Have a few dates. Do things people do. At least for a little while. Can you do that for me?”

“Fine,” Lukas huffs and lies his head on the window of the passenger. He’s so tired from being up so early. He’s a little nervous going back. Going back to their apartment. Interacting with the people. Only so few believe he was telling the truth and listening to the talk show, there’s a lot of people who believe his guilt just because someone told them he was guilty.

Get your life straight, huh. Put it behind him. Never to try again. Not sure how he should feel about that. Or what is the right course of action. Of course he believes in balance, you can’t always be absorbed by your super identity and vice versa. To put it behind him. Lukas closes his eyes. To have a normal life. When they aren’t even human. What’s that mean? Once again everything is different while remaining the same. Like life changing events are in limbo, slow to register or process and the right decisions are obscure.

“Sometimes I have dreams I am drowning and then I realize I can swim, so I swim, endlessly, without any direction,”

Character Tab
RP is Canceled! Thank you everyone for showing interest.
Still WIP, but being edited

Age: 24/25

Gender: Male

D.O.B: September 9th, 1991

“Totally original art, not sold for millions,”

A sign is propped up on a bench just outside of a coffee house in downtown Cosmic City Fall. A scattering of different artworks, all on personal sized canvas, are laid out with tags that read $$ negotiable. A young man is relaxing, back propped against a brick flower bed the city paid for, smoking a cigarette. He’s wearing a pair of costume goggles, oh what’s that style - steampunk. Sandy brown hair, bundled in a high collar, wool trench coat. Worn cargos and combat boots fixed together by some tape, he looks up at you and lifts his goggles up sitting them atop his forehead. Hazel colored irises with a very dark distinct limbal ring around them that make them really stand out.

“So, what you think?” he ask with a crooked smile, that shows off his unnaturally pointy canines.

You’re looking at paintings in watercolor, depicting vivid images of birds, almost as if the birds are lifting off the canvas itself about ready to fly off.

“They are nice,” you give him an uncomfortable smile.

He frowns briefly. There’s a breathy sigh. He flicks the ash off the but of his dart onto the cement. He gives you a wave of his hand.

“Yeah yeah,” he says dismissively in his modulated, but hoarse cadence.

It isn’t that his work isn’t beautiful, it’s evident he has some talent. All of his work carries with it a sense of grace and elegance. He has a gift of using bright and vivid colors that seem to lift off the canvas itself. Complimentary colors that illuminate brighter than the neon signs that flicker open all around, there is something magic in his work. But looking at the dirt under his nail, his duct taped boots, his goggles, and someone’s purposely cut the fingers of his gloves so they are uneven in shape. You’re hesitant to help him out. What is he going to spend the money on? This seems to be something he understands with the dismissive hand gesture, sitting down to sulk.

“Sorry,” you mumbled.

The 5’6”, 167cm, just flips you the middle finger.

“Fuck off,” he tells you more firmly, his earlier energetic, charisma has faded now that you’re not interested.

“Sorry,” you say again before walking off.


"Why do people spend millions on fakes [as in someone pretending they are X famous person] when I am sitting here selling an original of their time at fifteen. It's bonkers to think what people with money are willing to waste. And people who go to Bullseye ain't going to a pass from me neither. Why buy that copy of a painting in the public domain, that hundreds of others are going to buy, when you could have a one of a kind,"

A common misconception might be that Valeran what Valeran does, that defines himself, as some form of attention seeking behavior. An odd sense of humor that doesn’t land with a setup and a punchline, but from impulsive spontaneity may come across to others as someone trying too hard to be funny. Someone trying hard to be noticed. The truth of that reality can be so far from the perception of others have. In truth, internally Valeran never really feels comfortable with being out in public;

“A case of stomach worms constantly and antsy legs that keep moving when I want them to stop”

The goofy, silly image is really a way to fight and cope with nervousness he feels. It’s as if challenging himself to being different than the nervous wreck he feels inside that he might be able to make it fade by doing something that makes others laugh or entertained. Instead of falling prey to anxiety he may combat it with silly antics or goofy behavior or random impulsivenesses that laughter relieves the pressure, but he still doesn’t feel quite relieved of his anxiety.

A lot of this anxiety stems from a lot of self doubt and low self esteem about himself. In fact while Valeran is talented and gifted, his inner voice is cruel and beats him down. Something he’s familiar with considering it was the tactics used against him by his family members and Glenn. They’ve help create an inner voice inside that is often self critical, vicious, and cruel to Valeran. Constantly picking pieces away at himself, while outwardly he looks like a whole, unshattered individual.

Those who support Valeran understand that Valeran from an early age has always seen the world much differently than others have. Valeran’s mind has always wandered off to the what ifs, the maybes, the impossible to possible. Looking at a door that goes nowhere may turn Valeran’s head into believing that door is used for secret meetings in a dark alleyway opened by magic or that it is indeed a portal to another dimension. He may see an old woman everyday on a porch knitting and weave a story about how she’s waiting for her lover to come home. Valeran’s never been about taking anything at face value, but has always dissected inside to see what lies deeper. He’s always been concerned about the deeper meaning of the world. The deeper meaning of what people value. While Valeran doesn’t discuss these things with others, he portrays these questions, these excitements and easily enthused thoughts with his actions.

Those who know Valeran know him as an eager individual, some would even say he’s as eager as a child. Curious about the world around him, even at his age, still discovering how things work, still finding ways to implement a bit of magic and cheer in people’s lives. He’s always been the type of person to thrust his good nature onto others, if they are sad he finds ways to remind them why they are loved, if the person is looking for an answer he’ll find a way to lead them there. He might not have all the answers and he might lead them to what he feels is the right answer, but he never claims to know the infinite knowledge of the world. Or claims that he is indeed in the right. Valeran is loyal and has always put time and care into others likely because he’s always felt a burden to others. If he can relieve one person from feeling like a burden to others he feels he has done his job, even if he himself doesn’t feel that way about himself.

On the surface Valeran might seem like someone who has it all together, but the truth there are a lot of empty holes in Valeran. Empty holes he hasn’t been able to fill, no matter how much he tries putting something together and filling the holes, it ends up feeling emptier, and emptier, like no matter how much he puts in the holes they just absorb them. Therapy only ever sort of helped, he struggles on finding value in himself, which just ends up creating this deeper rift between himself and his feelings. Sometimes he wonders if he even is experiencing happiness when he laughs with others. Or if it’s just going through the motions.

The Other Me

Mind’s are fragile, feeble things, that often fall prey to a number of disorders that people would call sickness of the mind. Diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2, Valeran’s often had to find ways to cope and manage his symptoms. Often his art is how he has achieved this. While known as a drawer and a painter, he is a crafty storyteller as well.

Graphic Novel by Valeran Scott Mathis
Vol: 5
Description: Upon the discovery another world, Unreality, a young man returns home only to be the host of another individual Hysteria. Now Julian must travel between Reality and Unreality to solve problems while coping with his ordinary life.

Panel 1: A black panel introduces the story. Text box of muffled words, none of what is being said makes sense.

Panel 2: Julian’s eyes slowly begin to open as he’s staring at the ceiling. As he tries to stand up he bumps into “glass”. He realizes he is in the Still Mind. The in between Unreality and Reality.

Jullian: Hysteria? Where are you?

Panel 3: Hysteria is looking at himself in the mirror in Julian’s room, he’s fixing Julian’s hair as Julian’s voice comes from the Still Mind.

Hysteria -smirk-: Right here.

Julian: You can’t just take over my body!?

Hysteria -fixing a shirt with a skull design on it- : It’s not fair I have to stay in the Still Mind, we could share. Sharing is caring.

Julian: It’s my body! And my school! And my friends!

Hysteria: And I’ll make you cooler and more popular I promise.

Panel 4: Julian sits on the black floor of the still mind. Melancholia wanders into the Still Mind through a white light.

Melancholia: I thought gloom is my thing.

Julian: Hysteria took over my body and now he’s at my school.

-Julian turns his attention towards a viewing window as they see through Hysteria’s eyes walking into a high school-

Melancholia: Oh. Well, that isn’t so bad?

Julian: It isn’t!?

Melancholia-shrugs-: Take it like a vacation.

Julian: Easy for you. You have no motivation to do anything, but Hysteria isn’t me. He’ll just do something that will embarrass me later.

Melancholia: Eh.


While ordinarily Valeran is someone people get along and respect, there is an entirely different reputation that follows Valeran. Of a worker who missed too many days of work and was let go. Of a worker who was unworkable, irritable, and started fights with others. And despite the advocacy, many jobs struggled to justify keeping him as an employer. While Cosmic Falls City may be large, there was a growing stack of complaints of Valeran’s erratic and sometimes unmotivated behavior.

Some would justify then that mean that he deserved to lose his jobs. Some further would explain his dipping his toes into drug abuse as his fault. Though those were only solutions to self medicate when coping in other ways didn’t work. Valeran’s had an off and on relationship with drugs since his current decline. And while he may seem to be put together sometimes, sometimes he falls back into pieces like a jenga tower.

A glossy, skinny paper book sits on a shelf, a paper tent has been folded over that reads in sharpie: Local Artist. Issues upon issues are sprawled out by various names, Harry, Johnathan, Kaleb, Newb Stomper, but your eyes stop on woven text, and an unusual name that you’re not even sure if that’s a real name Valeran Mathis. Volume 1 - Stitchery and Swords. Sounds slightly boring. Stitchery? A boy is posed on the cover, no swords, nothing about it screams epic battles and epic fantasy. You shrug. Heck if you’re supporting a local artist, then you’re supporting a local artist and if it’s bad you can laugh about it later.

by Valeran Mathis

Preface: Dear reader before you read this tale, I'd like you to throw away your notion of good and evil. This story is not about good or evil, it is easy to assume looking at the Human King Alexanderite and Master Desmond as evil - meant to be stamped out. But they were a product of their time. Desmond only did what was expected of him and without Desmond the tale I am to tell about an average man in a fairy tail town then that individual wouldn't have learned the skills to help and rise up when the people needed it. Do not judge these individuals with our modern black and white views and see them through the eyes of living people set with expectations and placed burdens of society. Welcome to Stitchery and Swords.

Volume 1: The Boy Who Lost Everything to a Cloud

Volume 2: Garlic Boy Learns
Description: Craven taken in by Desmond Lancaster, has begun his training under Desmond. His knew home is something to get use, while his knew corridors are simple servant corridors - simple something Craven is use to - the corridors are located within a castle. A whole new set of laws, politics, people, have to be learned on top of learning how to read the books Desmond has given him, learning about plants, and other ingredients before there is any brewing to be had.

Volume 3: Apprentice’s First Brew
Description: A year has passed, Craven has proven himself a bright and a quick learner. Desmond is beginning to fear Craven might truly surpass him. Conflicted with keeping Craven’s education to a minimum and wanting to keep him motivated to work Desmond decides to allow Craven to create an ailment for the first time. Craven’s first adventure begins collecting ingredients, without the help of his Master’s watchful eye. Let out of the city for the first time in a while, Craven is accompanied by a Guard as his escort.

Volume 4: Secret Techniques
Recap: Craven and Fernando have traveled through the woods to a city a few miles away from Weeping Hallows to gather ingredients from another herbalist. Returning home, they have gathered the rest of the ingredients in the forest before taking the road back to Weeping Hallows. Though there is an issue, Fernando has gotten himself turned around and the both of them are wandering a dark, forest only getting deeper and deeper into the brush.

Volume 5: Mushrooms and Explosions
Description: Returning to Weeping Hallows, unbeknownst to Craven Fernando has disclosed their visit with Davha to Desmond. This only further increases Desmond worry that Craven will be more successful than him. In order to combat this, Desmond begins to cut back on Craven’s advance trainings and slowly begins to hand him minor task and jobs. Meanwhile, Craven’s learn how to sneak out of Weeping Hallows to start his training with Davha on offensive alchemy.

Volume 6: The Ying and the Yang of a Brew
Description: Craven’s training continues with Desmond and Davha. While Desmond reluctantly trains him in elixirs of healing properties. Davha continues to train Craven in understanding how to infuse magical components into a potion for wildly various effects. Craven begins to understand that ingredients are not just herbs and plants, but can be a variant of ingredients from crystals, to energy, that give the potion life. Desmond further worries about Craven, as his medinicals are becoming quite potent and powerful.

Volume 7: Forbidden Alchemy
Description: Craven’s training with Davha is going well, perhaps too well. Desmond continued paranoia about Craven’s eventual success is the launching point for a plan. A plan to bar Craven from learning any more elven magic. Unknown to Craven, Desmond exposes to King Alexandrite what happened in the woods months ago when Fernando and Craven got lost, exposing the secret of the elf that lives there. King Alexandrite thanks Desmond and tells him to give him time to deliberate on what has been said.

Volume 8: Elf or Human
Description: King Alexandrite being known as a kind man calls for an audience with Craven. Desmond watches from the shadows away from Craven’s noticeable gaze. King Alexandrite informs Craven that he is aware that he has been practicing elven magic outside the castle walls at night. He also informs Craven that sort of magic is against the laws of Weeping Hallows. Ultimately he gives Craven a choice, to abandoned Weeping Hallows, give up his home, his job here, to live like an Elf, but to never return to a human settlement. Or to give up learning Elven magic, keep his job, home, and shelter in Weeping Hallows. Craven’s fear that Davha and Iylas may get hurt if he refuses to stay here, means Craven chooses to stay with the humans.

Volume 9: Life of an Apprentice
Description: Craven’s life becomes stagnant, as he falls in line with his position as an apprentice of Desmond. Who continues to give him minor jobs and doesn’t allow him to touch any of the advance studies. He refuses to teach him any more. Says he knows enough. Craven doesn’t argue or rebel with this line of thinking, instead he accepts it respectfully. While he might not sneak out at night, Craven does sneak the advance textbooks at night and makes sure to put them back exactly where he has found them.
Tentative. Tempting. Why do you make such interesting scenarios?
This RP is still active. Characters will be completed in January, the first two weeks, hopefully and the IC will begin somewhere after that.

Name: Callum Greyson Grant

Age: 25 - might be older

He seemed odd didn’t he? He was handsome, with a cute haircut, his skin was olive, and he stood at 5’9”. 175cms. He seemed to check out in the department of tall, dark, and handsome. He tended to wear dress shirts casually, often in monotone flat colors such as grays, blacks, or whites. Always with white slacks, and black boots. He seems to “dress” it up with colorful ties, bright yellow, a white, maybe a red one, a sky blue. And seems to always wear black around his eyes.
*Notation; this is not actually eyeliner around his eyes, despite him passing it off as it is, it’s natural darkness around his eyes and is the disease in his blood being shown through because of how thin the skin around the eyes is. Also like to add, his arm is not always black, it only happens when he is activating his disease control and happens in whatever arm he is manipulating his disease in.

You decided that’s it, he’s been living in the same apartment as you. He seems like the type of guy you’d be interested in and enjoy his company with. So you decide you’re going to do it, ask him out on a date. When he turns you down, he’s respectful, and very cordial about it. He seems rather apologetic, but smiles at you. He seems different from the way he’s dressed. You expected someone else entirely then the man you got.

Problem was that even after he rejected you, you couldn’t get his silvery voice out of your mind. He spoke so fluently, formality words and sentences together like he spent his time speaking oratories.

As for it goes for his superhero costume, it’s not very lavish going for dark colors, and being able to move freely in his outfit. He has no persona for Outbreak. He says he lacks any real imagination to create a superhero persona. Though despite Outbreak not having much of a persona or an alternative personality he does seem more comfortably militant in his thinking, tactics, and mannerisms.

Personality Strengths:

He betrays his looks being a rather stoic, and stern figure. He’s actually a lot more like someone’s older brother than he is someone twenty something struggling to find an identity. He seems to be the type of person who is comfortable with himself, that he’s already been through troubled times and knows how to navigate around stressful situations.

Speaking of which, it’s difficult to make Callum sweat. He is not an easy man to scare, intimidate, or stress in stressful situations. He seems perfectly at ease to navigate these scenarios without an ounce of panic. When something does panic or stress Callum then you usually know it’s something to worry about.

He’s rather down to Earth, when he isn’t “working” he tends to be rather laidback and doesn’t really get in the way. He doesn’t like to start arguments or conflicts, he’ll have a good debate now and then as long as it’s a fun debate. Once the debate becomes personal or starts to meander into personal attacks Callum enjoys it far less.

He, ironically, can be a rather sensitive individual. He empathizes with the tragedies of others. This emphasizes his older brother like personality, as someone willing to hold someone and hug them when they are having a difficult time in their lives. He just has to be careful when doing so, wouldn’t that be terrible to kill someone when you’re just trying to give them the empathy they need.

He’s also quite artistic and philosophical. Which really throws everyone for a loop. He seems to quite enjoy relaxing to a canvas and watercoloring. He seems tranquil and quiet peaceful when doing so. He’s a quiet soul often.

When he is “working” his mannerism shifts to a rather tactical, militant soldier than the man you know off duty. He’s a critical thinker with a strong attention to detail, it’s why some would misrepresent him as OCD. Considering he likes his rigid structures and routines and does everything on the clock.

Personality Flaws:

Something is odd about Callum. He seems to have a completely different life experience then the man he tries to play himself off to be. The struggling artist, who lives in an apartment comfortably by himself, who cares for his friends.

Seems in stark contrast from the man who experiences night terrors and night sweats. He’s seen things he doesn’t admit to seeing and tries to deal with it often alone with himself. Though that’s sort of a difficult thing to think clearly through a panic attack.

He also seems nervous about certain things, the slam of a car door makes him flinch, the sound of metal scraping across cement makes him nervous, a garage door in a family home makes him anxious. The sound of a gun springs him into action. Though it’s never quite the same thing as nerving him, as it making him more alert or aware.

That and Callum is a man of his rigid routines. He’s not very good at dealing with things that suddenly or drastically change. It takes him time to process that something in his daily routine changes and if he starts a fit about it, it’s merely because it’s difficult for him to adjust.

As Callum spends a lot of personal time alone planning and walking himself through the day. His day is as planned as his plans are. Callum doesn’t like going into a situation without an organized plan, he doesn’t deal with spontaneity, but he’ll tolerate it.

And while Callum is the type to help another individual out. He doesn’t necessarily accept another person’s empathy towards him. He either doesn’t see himself as in need of it. Or feels he can wrestle with his monsters alone.


Diseased Physiology; Callum is a walking germ, he carries as a host a disease made entirely out of his own psychic energy stored in his blood and under his skin. He can manipulate the disease with his own psychic will as he pleases. Because he is a host of his own disease he does not present any of the symptoms of the deadly disease, but is highly contagious in spreading it if they come into contact with his blood.

Infectious Bomb; Able to willfully explode his body. He “turns” into a gaseous form of miasma created from a dusty, moist, cloud of his blood. This cloud spreads about 80ft in the air, as a fine particles that are breathed in. They infect anyone in the radius.

Reconstruction; After being blown up, he has the ability to reconstruct himself. In general though this takes a while. Most beings might be able to reform themselves several minutes after their explosion. But he takes several hours, even days. Depends on how much of him is left. Considering that people breathe in his blood and the rest of himself that had turned into a fine dust, he has to reconstruct himself with whatever material is left of him.

Tissue Regeneration; Basic level regeneration. Can regenerate from minor wounds, such as cuts, bruises, and light burns. Recovery from minor blood loss. Critical wounds such as limb loss, damaged nerves, and internal organs cannot be regenerated, because the wound would close up faster than they could heal. Cells that are fatally damaged, such as by burning, cannot be regenerated, may result in permanent scarring if not dead, you know like a normal person.

Nosokinetic Constructs; Can mutate and turn diseases into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.

Diseased Whip; He can construct a whip made from his diseased blood. Touch with this whip, contaminates his enemies and infects them through their open wounds.

Anemia; due to the lack of his reformation or regenerating being able to regenerate blood cells. He has anemia.

Major Skills:

Cold Reading -

Originally a practice performed by mentalist, psychics, and other performing entertainments they used a set of techniques that would imply the person doing the reading knows more than what they actually know.

These techniques can quickly obtain a great deal of information by analyzing the person's body language, age, clothing or fashion, hairstyle, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race or ethnicity, level of education, manner of speech, place of origin, etc. Using a strategy of high probability guesses, quickly picking up on whether their guesses are in the right direction or not, then reinforcing and emphasizing on any chance connections and quickly moving from missed guesses.

Callum uses these techniques in order to wiggle information out of others. He plays a rather wicked hand of mental toying in order to get what he wants by implementing this strategy. As people are well inclined to believe a psychic who tells them about themselves, they are also inclined to believe a man with such a military forward presence that he knows more than what he really knows.

Strategizing -

Callum likes plans. He likes to plan ahead and strategize different events that could or would occur. He likes to know beforehand what to expect. Spending what seems like on hours plotting out all the outcomes that could possibly occur in a circumstance. Callum leaves little wiggle room for something he cannot predict, but he won’t be happy because it wasn’t something he was planning for. It’s why some people who know him call him Plan C Callum or the 4 Plan Outbreak. Because he always has a backup plan.

Military Training -

Despite what Callum says, it’s obvious to many that he has some military training. The way he efficiently fights in combat. The way he carries out his briefing and plans. His straightforward mannerisms. Callum can work with guns, explosives, and other military grade weaponry.

He is most efficient though with military knife combat. And considering his powers force him to bleed for it to be released, he is always carrying a knife on him or two. Whether or not you see his knives he carries is a different manner.

Minor Skills:

Watercolor and Acrylic Painting -

When Callum was struck at night with night terrors or when he use to be unable to sleep do to the inability to relax in his new environment, he use to turn on the television and watch marathons of Enjoying Painting with Rob Ross. Callum found the show somewhat relaxing and soothing, slowly beginning to mirror and copy the techniques of Rob Ross onto a canvas and found himself actually at peace with painting. While Callum may be no professional artist, he has a good eye for landscapes and has an attention for detail that makes people drop their jaws when they find out he’s only really been painting for the past three years.

Remembering Details -

The saying goes, an elephant never forgets. Well then Callum has the memory of an elephant because he never forgets a detail. No stone is left unturned without Callum noticing, quite literally. His bag of chips moved an inch more than where he placed it, he’ll remember. Odd facts he stumbles across in the middle of late night surfing the web, he’ll remember it just to share with others.

Programming -

Look Callum is not the type of person who is going around busting down doors and flexing his muscles. Have you seen how lean he is. While Callum is no expert hacker or coder. He can still write a pretty intermediate program or virus program. Super helpful when quietly sneaking into places you shouldn’t be. Or super helpful in destroying things you don’t want people to see.
Akay sent me, count me in if you want. Because at this point I doubt I have any friends on the Guild
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