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    1. Animelover_princess 10 yrs ago


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no problem I got super busy too so sorry for the wait :)

I'm being kinda mean but like Andro's 90% sure she's gonna die (even though I won't kill her in this fic) so that's where that whole thing came from.
- Andromeda -

Andro did as she was told, her arms moved stiffly but she managed to pull them in with a slight shiver. she couldn't quite manage to get them to her armpits but they already felt warmer now bundled up inside the coat next to her chest. she could actually feel her heartbeat and was a little worried herself at how slow it was. it blood was half-frozen, it would be difficult to make it circulate. she was however, also sure it had gotten faster. she was only half-paying attention so she wasn't actually sure if Rain tied off the coat arms like she said she would or not. it didn't matter much to her.

"Ah...not sure if I'm glad to hear that or not really" Andro smiled a little and tried shrugging but it probably looked more like full-body shiver "I... I d-don't eat much... to begin with..." she never had much of an appetite, probably because of her unique bio-chemistry, she just didn't need as much food as the average human. on top of that her mother had been pretty insistent that Andromeda maintained a perfect hourglass figure. she didn't feel the need to voice either of those thoughts at that point though.

she was rather glad Rain didn't speak while she was telling her story, she likely would have completely lost her train of thought and as bad as her concentration was she wouldn't have been able to get it back. she partially forgotten the werewolf was there until her hand landed on her shoulder. she would have jumped if she wasn't exhausted, then she smiled and leaned into it. "It must have been hard..." Andro just laughed a little at that.
"It wasn't your fault though. We don't spring out of the womb knowing how the world turns round, we depend on our parents to teach us. Your mother ruined her ski trip all on her own by forgetting her duty to you" Andro went still for a second then chuckled a little "i-it took... me a r-really long t-time... to figure that... out..." she muttered.

she didn't realize Rain had started to move until she stopped but she'd already spoken by then so she figured she may as well ask her question. "Rain... i-if I... Don't make i-it... don't..." a heavy shiver interrupted her but she kept going anyway "don't leave me... ok?" she looked up, trying to catch Rain's eye "it's not... it's not fair t-to you but... I don't want-t... to be left out here..."
ok :)
decided Andro was going to delve into her dark past for this post because I'm a horrible person
- Andromeda -

she stared up at the werewolf for a minute before laying her head back down "l-lucky us..." she muttered, managing a tiny smile. her response to how she was feeling was a groan. she curled in on herself slightly before saying "M-mainly... I... I'm just t-tired..." she opened an eye to look up at her companion "cold... really cold... but warmer..." she tried to focus on herself, to try and see if anything was wrong, she realized one thing, she could barely feel her hands and feet, she was that cold. "can't... really f-feel... my hands though..." she muttered, pulling them into her chest, even compared to her already freezing body they felt like they were made of ice.

her mind was wandering a bit but she caught the comment on evergreens. would that be more comfortable or less? she thought. a manic giggle worked it's way out her throat when Rain's stomach growled. she actually couldn't remember the last time she ate, but Andro hadn't always been the best about eating anyway, and she was numb enough she probably couldn't tell if she was hungry or not. "it's...ok" she answered "I... I t-think I did too..."

she found herself thinking about the last time this happened. "w-when I was a kid..." she said "My mom... she took me to an exclusive ski resort... it was her favorite place to go be...before I was born and she hadn't been a-able to go since she had me... she didn't like me very much... I was... I think I w-was 10... she took me down one of the harder trails but I didn't know what I was doing... I lost my footing and crashed into a snow drift... it was cold... really cold..." she lost her train of thought for a minute, lapsing into quiet but after a minute she got back on track and kept talking
"a skier stopped t-to make sure I was alright..." she chuckled "I wasn't... he started panicking, looking for my mom... when she got to the bottom she turned around and came back... I can't go to the h-hospital, I'm not even... even human... so she bundled me up and... and took me to the family doctor, said I'd nearly died of the cold...I had nightmares for weeks..." she wasn't sure why she was saying all of that out loud, it just kept coming. she let out a humorless laugh "I heard her, a couple days later... telling one of the maids I'd ruined the trip... she never made me ski after that though..." she let out a shiver "god, I-I'm cold."

after sometime she said "h-hey... Rain? I... I have a q-question"
i know the Rose must be busy but i'm just gonna poke this lightly
I'm still waiting on someone else to answer (Rose I think)
I could possibly post with Oliver but I literally have nothing for him to do and no inspiration for how he'd interact with anyone if I did send him out
I'm sorry!

edit: yeah I'm waiting on either Nev or Rose
is there anything for me to respond to?

Edit: I checked, there is not
- Andromeda -

she tried to stay awake, she really did. as they walked her head was still cold, it lay against Rain's shoulder but wasn't covered by her coat like the rest of her. it confused her a little, why her head felt so much colder then her body, though her body wasn't warm by any stretch of the word. slowly, the warmth emanating from her companion's back and the almost rocking motion of Rain's gait slowly dragged her towards unconsciousness, even as she struggled to stay awake.

she was jarred slightly as she was lain down on freezing stone. the absence of the heat from before made her cry out slightly and her hands instinctively reached out but when they left the slight warmth of the coat she pulled them back. she didn't bother to open her eyes, and she couldn't hear anything and slowly she slipped back into unconsciousness.

warmth touched her face and she mumbled slightly, shifting towards it. her hand reached out, and this time it didn't feel like she was plunging it into the snow. the closer it moved the warmer it got, though she stopped from reaching any farther. slowly she could pull herself back to consciousness, and after some time she managed to pull her eyes open to see a fire burning in front of her. she was still so cold but the fire was certainly helping, but she knew she needed help. 'where's Rain?' she thought, numbly, 'she didn't leave me did she?' her eyes roved but she couldn't see much from her position but she barely caught sight of Rain's black hair. she felt the need to actually see her though, so she twisted slightly until she was on her back, rather then her side. Rain was staring at her but she could tell that Rain wasn't really looking at her "Rain...?" she muttered "you ok? ... where are we?"
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