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Atomyk said
Which would you rather?

I'm going to sleep since it's 2:23am here. I'll see what it's like in the morning. :)
Do you want me to post again or shall I wait?
Leon swigged from the whiskey before handing it back to Shawn. The apartment looked somewhat clean and well kept. Leon assumed the owners took all the essentials and got the hell out. "I'm gonna have a look around." Leon said and he stood up from the sofa that blocked the apartment's door. He walked into the kitchen area and opened up the fridge. Nothing except for a few old pieces of produce that had expired months ago. He closed the door and continued on his quest for something of value within the apartment. Leon sighed, knowing there would be absolutely nothing. The cop opened up the bedroom next and a horrible sight met him.

The entire room was covered in blood. The bed, the wardrobe, the curtains, the walls. It was as though somebody had literally exploded in the room. The next thing that came to Leon's mind was that this was the result of somebody being bitten and a walker was possibly in the apartment somewhere. He unholstered his pistol and kept aim his aim in front of him just incase something decided it wanted to pop out at him. "Shawn, check this out." Leon called out before walking into the blood-drenched room. His feet squelched on the blood-soaked carpet as he advanced further in.

He opened up the en-suite door and dove straight in. It was the same scene as the bedroom. Blood covered. Then he noticed a human-like shape behind the shower curtain. Leon steeled his nerves before yanking the curtain back. What lay behind the curtain was a corpse. Bite marks all over it's body. Covered in blood. A kitchen knife in it's left hand and a slashed throat. The guy had taken his own life. Leon leaned over to get a better look when it's eyes flicked open. Leon had let his guard down and the walker pounced. It wrapped itself around Leon as he attempted to push it off. They stumbled out of the bathroom and onto the bed, all the while with Leon kicking and punching at it. He'd dropped his gun in the en-suite threshold.

"Fuck! Help me, man!"
Nelson cruised along the road in his rusty old car. His T-Shirt had specks of blood on it from where he'd just beat a walker half to death with the blood covered crowbar that sat in the passenger seat. Nelson never actually had killed a walker. He could never muster up enough strength to deliver the final, crushing blow. It wasn't that he was afraid. He would have loved to get some kind of revenge on the things that had killed his family. It was just that Nelson ran out of steam before he could raise and drop the crowbar to end the walker's life.

He continued on down the road before realising he'd misplaced his gun. Nelson leaned down, opened the glovebox and fumbled through it for a few moments before retrieving his firearm. He looked up to see a walker had stumbled into the road. Nelson swerved in an attempt to miss him but failed. Miserably. The full force of the car slammed into the walker as Nelson jerked the steering wheel violently, trying to shake it off. It was there, on the front, clawing at the window. That's when Nelson saw the tree they were on a collision course with. He slammed on the brakes, but it wasn't enough. The car crashed straight into the tree, crushing the walker's lower half beneath the car, immobilising it. It still clawed at Nelson though.

The airbags didn't go off, although Nelson's seatbelt managed to absorb most of the crash. It hadn't acted soon enough though, and Nelson smashed his head into the steering wheel, breaking his nose with a loud crack. His head was then slammed back into the seat's headrest, dazing Nelson. The scene around him was a total wreck. The windscreen had cracked, all the windows had smashed, Nelson could see out the corner of his eye that the front left tire and snapped inwards and would never work again. Blood covered the entire from of the car, most of it from the walker. Nelson made eye contact with the infected being before finally losing all consciousness, leaving him defenceless.
Zachary Ince

Zachary pushed his foot down harder on the accelerator, wanting to put as much ground between himself and the walker herd. His mind was racing, his head was spinning. He was having suicidal thoughts after his life-or-death brush with a group of ten plus infected. Zachary assumed if it was that bad there, how bad it must be in more populated areas of the country. But he pushed the thoughts out of his mind and decided to carry on surviving. After hearing the radio broadcast about the supposed 'safe zone' where survivors were being evacuated, it had given him a new lease on life.

He passed a sign with 'Camp Pendleton - 40 miles' etched onto it and grinned. He was going to survive the apocalypse, even if it was just for another day. Zachary's mind darted back to the opening stages of the outbreak. He was in college, in a lesson, when the teacher died and reanimated and proceeded to feast on his students. Zachary had leapt out the window and sprinted all the way home, just to find the walkers had already gotten to his family. That's when a supposed psychotic episode took over Zachary's body and he proceeded to grab his baseball bat and beat the nearest walker to a pulp before grabbing other essentials and taking his dad's car and getting out of the chaos.

The car turned onto the highway that was littered with burnt out vehicles, some with charred corpses in. There were other bodies just strewn about the road. A few were twitching but they'd been damaged so much that they couldn't move too fast. Zachary slowed his car down so he could easily manoeuvre the debris without causing harm to the car or himself. Then he spotted something that brought a smile to his face. More walkers to kill. Avenge his family. As he got closer though, he saw that they weren't moving around slowly, or groaning. In fact, a couple were holding weapons. They were human! Maybe they had food. God knew Zachary couldn't survive off the meagre two bottles of water and a packet of chips. He stopped the car about five meters from the group before getting out, with his pistol hidden behind his back incase they weren't friendly, and calling out to them.

"Hey! Guys!"

Dustin Phelps

Dustin gripped his M16A4 assault rifle tighter as the massive group of men, women and children were forcing themselves against the barrier of Marines that stood between them and a couple of helicopters that could evacuate them to safer areas. It pained Dustin to deny them their freedom, but he had his orders and he was going to follow them. The infected had broken through the first line of defence into Camp Pendleton, and were now roaming the base, devouring any poor human in their way. They weren't that far from the flightline, not that far from quite possibly the largest set of humans that most of the walkers would ever encounter.

It was then the first couple of Marines noticed the overwhelming horde and began to abandon their positions, saving themselves. As the walkers reached the survivors and began their feast, everybody, the Marines included, panicked. People were running in every direction, and some were headed for the Super Stallions, but they took off before anybody reached them. Dustin raised his assault rifle, looked down the sights at the nearest walker and fired off four rounds. The first three hit it in the chest, but the fourth found it's target and embedded itself in the walker's brain, killing it instantly.

Dustin then decided that standing his ground and fighting was a lost cause. Most of the Marines he was stationed with were either walker food or were too scared to fight the horde. The ones who did stay however, were quickly overrun and devoured. Dustin didn't intend on becoming one of them and ran for his life, passing many corpses and running through what seemed to be rivers of blood. He kept a hold of his M16A4 and managed to keep at full sprint, before reaching the residential area of the base. He found a Humvee outside with what seemed to be two fellow Marines. One looked like a First Lieutenant and the other a Gunnery Sergeant, or at least that's what Dustin could see from their insignias. They both outranked him, so Dustin made himself known by saluting both men.

"You aren't infected, are you, sir?"
Leon sprinted next to Shawn, as fast as his legs could carry him. Every now and then, he cast a glance behind to the ever-growing herd of walkers shuffling after them, all the while moaning and groaning and growling. Their car had run out of gas so they'd had to travel the past few miles on foot, and Leon's body was screaming for a rest. He pushed through the pain and just concentrated on keeping up with Shawn. Leon almost thought about giving up before Shawn pointed to a bar and suddenly they were both making a beeline for the business.

They slammed the door shut behind them and immediately pushed a couple of stalls against the door, in an attempt to hold the walkers back. Like that would work. They just keep coming, they have no pain threshold. "Jesus fucking Christ, man! How many are there?" Leon yelled, noticing the infected had began banging on the doors and windows. The first walker came crashing through a window which made Leon jump backwards before taking out his baton. He flicked it out and set to work bashing the walker's head in with it. The weapon hit skull before more windows smashed and more walkers came pouring through. Finally, the door gave way and the main force of the walker herd pushed inside.

He followed Shawn out the 'Staff Only' door and into the alleyway outside. Shawn pointed to the apartment block and they both ran inside and into the first apartment they came across. The duo shut the door and pushed the sofa against it. Leon drew his pistol and aimed it at the door, worried the walkers had seen them go in and were about to come crashing through. He heard the sounds of them shuffling past and further off into the complex, searching for Leon and Shawn. Leon holstered his gun and turned to see Shawn holding out a bottle of whiskey to him. "Fancy a drink?" He said, and Leon took the bottle from him. "Thanks." Leon swigged from the bottle and sat on the sofa they'd just pushed against the door.

"So, we're now trapped in an apartment with about forty walkers outside, hunting for us. Now what?"
peanut20xx said
I'm guessing different time zone since it's 5:11 PM where I'm at. :p

It's 23:19 here haha!
*Looks at time.* It's almost midnight. Which means it's almost Monday. Which means you should tell us who got in hahaha.
Zachary walked along the road, towards the overturned bus, his baseball bat resting on his shoulder. There was a distinct stench of death and decay floating about the air as he got closer. Then, the first body became visible. The bus driver. He had bite marks all over his body and one single gunshot wound to his right temple. Zachary grimaced at the sight and readied himself with the bat, holding it with both hands just in case any walkers were lurking nearby. He rounded the bus and a horrid sight met his eyes. Corpses were sprawled about all over the place. Some had bite wounds, some had gunshot wounds and some had both. Blood ran through the cracks on the floor, and the ground around the bus was more blood than tarmac.

He sighed as he crouched down to the nearest dead body. A woman, no older than thirty. She had a bite wound in her throat, and it was pretty deep. Zachary bit his tongue before running his hands through her pockets. He kept telling himself that it was survival of the fittest and she wouldn't need to use anything in her current state. He punched the floor lightly since he didn't find anything and decided to move onto the next one. That's when he heard the growling coming from behind him.

Zachary span around, bat raised, to see three walkers shuffling their way towards him. There was about two and a half metres between them. That's when he noticed that more were crawling out from the wreckage of the bus, all the while groaning and moaning. Zachary turned to run, but tripped over another corpse that was just awaking. He decided it was time to go loud as he retrieved the pistol from his waist. Zachary levelled the barrel with the head of the walker who's lap he'd fallen into and pulled the trigger once.


The walker's head jerked backwards with as the bullet entered through it's right eye and out the back of it's head. It's body fell back against the bus, like it was leaning against it, although it's brain was hanging out the back of it's head and was lopsided. Zachary scrambled up to his feet and saw the walker group was growing as it numbered around nine or ten from it's original three. Zachary panicked, aimed the firearm at the walkers and fired off a further three rounds.


One hit a walker straight in the middle of it's forehead, killing it instantly, whereas the other two went stray and hit two other walker's in their arm and chest respectively. Zachary rounded the bus yet again and made a beeline for his car. He yanked the door open and dived straight in as a walker reached him and banged on the front of the vehicle. Zachary slammed his door and fumbled to get the engine on before putting the car in reverse and pulling away right as the rest of the walker group reached his car. His heart was beating so he thought of the only thing to calm him down. The radio. He switched it on and was met with a different message. "All residents of Los Angeles are instructed to make their way to Camp Pendleton for immediate evacuation. If you can not make the journey, barricade your homes and military forces will rescue you within the coming weeks." Zachary grinned as he switched the radio off, knowing he had a new plan.
Thank you, good sir! I like yours as well!
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