Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Note said
Is there a definite cast yet? Are we all "in"? I guess we should separate our characters into two or three small groups because we'll merge at one point into the large group that the plot follows. Kaden and Jack are already in a group. So do we make one or two more and just have people join? What do you think, Sarge?

I am also curious about this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by peanut20xx


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Has this RP started yet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fell
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I don't think Sarge has posted about who has actually made it into the rp yet, and it hasn't started yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by peanut20xx


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Name: John Cameron

Age: 21

Nationality: American

Occupation (pre-outbreak): Business Associate for Desmond Inc.

Appearance: Caucasian, he has dark brown hair slicked down with his sweat since he really doesn't have hair gel, he wears a filthy black and suit with his black shirt unbuttoned and a red tie undone.

Personality: John is an extremely paranoid business man, he jumps at the very simplest things due to too reading too much horror fiction on his plane rides to different locations. He is also very headstrong so arguing is almost an everyday thing with him. He prefers to be in groups thinking it'll help stir walkers away from them, and if they do they might have a better chance of winning a fight. As a business man he always prefers to fight with words over a bullet whenever he see's an opportunity, it's like his boss said; "If you can talk to them, you can win them over."

History: Started at a young age, John Cameron was forced to take business classes in high school and worked with his father at Desmond Inc. Because of this John missed the most of his high school year and what it held for him (prom, activities, etc.) to the point that he worked his girlfriend out of his life. It was because of this he hated his Dad to the point where he wished death upon him. Even in the work place his father, who got him this job in the first place, made sure that John stayed below him in his ranks so he could work harder for the company. John knew it would hurt his father if he surpassed him, so he worked hard to be the best worker Desmond ever had. He just needed one more job in New Orleans, a bar was about to be closed down and Desmond wanted first dibs and John was the man to get it.

John found out about the outbreak as soon as he touched down at the airport, where he joined his first survivor group which consisted of the coach class from his flight. After the group tumbled down due to lack of leadership John picked a gun from a security officer and ran into town where he looked for a new group to, hopefully, survive with. His journey lead him to a cafe in the middle of town where he hopes to find fellow survive.

Useful Skills: As stated before John is pretty good with his word, he closed a numerous amount of deals when he was working for Desmond. His skills with a gun isn't much to brag about, he can handle a handgun well but anything involving two hands isn't a good. He prefers a two handed melee weapon above all so he can keep is distance from the walkers.

1 canteen
1 COP 357
13 .38 special bullets
1 briefcase to hold supplies
1 lead pipe (How original huh? XD)
3 Choco loco candy bars

Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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Love the concept of the RP, especially how it starts later into the apocalypse. Interesting!

Also the ideas for how everyone would meet were intriguing. I like the horde flushing the city forcing us to move etc.
I read the comics, and novels, play the games aswell as watch the TV show. Hordes can be in thousands so that idea is completely possible and would make sense also! :-)

I read someone asked if the apocalypse took place in the TV show universe or the comics universe yesterday, in the comic universe the Z word is commonly used. In the TV show it has strictly been written so it never appears. Apart from the Z word being used in the comic universe, there are very little differences as to the actual universal laws. Everyone is infected, bite kills you unless you can stop it spreading (like hacking of Hershel's leg), no known cure etc. :-)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larceny


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Note said
Is there a definite cast yet? Are we all "in"? I guess we should separate our characters into two or three small groups because we'll merge at one point into the large group that the plot follows. Kaden and Jack are already in a group. So do we make one or two more and just have people join? What do you think, Sarge?

Note I would love to be in a small group with you to start. My characters name is Lee Richardson. PM me if you want.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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StuartM said

I wasn't spoiled by this, but you really should avoid Spoilers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Antagonist said
I'm excited, any idea when the IC post is going up?

Fell said
I think Sarge said Monday?

I did indeed say Monday.

Note said
Is there a definite cast yet? Are we all "in"?

No. I'll let everybody know who made the cut on Monday when I put up the IC post. Unfortunately I've had 13 characters submitted for an RP that I was really hoping wouldn't go above 10 people to begin with. Annoyingly, so far there hasn't been a single character I'd have felt deserves to be cut, so it's going to be a tricky decision on Monday... or I could just avoid the decision entirely and accept everyone, but that might be considered biting off more than I can chew. We'll see.

Note said
I guess we should separate our characters into two or three small groups because we'll merge at one point into the large group that the plot follows. Kaden and Jack are already in a group. So do we make one or two more and just have people join? What do you think, Sarge?

I'm not personally going to sort people into groups. People can group up if they wish or be alone, it's entirely up to them and I'll let you sort out who you group with by yourselves. I will in fact volunteer my character up to anyone who thinks they would like to start with him in their group, or alternatively I'll begin solo.

StuartM said
I read someone asked if the apocalypse took place in the TV show universe or the comics universe yesterday, in the comic universe the Z word is commonly used. In the TV show it has strictly been written so it never appears. Apart from the Z word being used in the comic universe, there are very little differences as to the actual universal laws. Everyone is infected, bite kills you unless you can stop it spreading (like hacking of Hershel's leg), no known cure etc. :-)

I'll be straight up with you guys and admit that 90% of this RP will be based on the lore of the Telltale Games, which seems to be the same as the TV series as far as I can tell. Playing Season 2 of the game is what originally gave me the idea for this RP, so that's my base. So yes, bites kill you unless you are very lucky and take very drastic measures. You turn when you die regardless of how you died, unless your brainstem is destroyed/damaged, and there is no known cure for being all corpsified and gross.

And just to let everybody know, the current plan is that we will begin the RP with everyone either in or around the town of Slidell, just to the North-East of New Orleans across the lake, connected by a bridge (and presumably some sort of ferry service as an alternative). Then, SOMETHING will happen which will result in a herd of walkers passing through the town, forcing everyone to take cover. At this point, some people may choose to take cover in the same place, and glorious RP interaction will occur!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flychageo


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Sarge said And just to let everybody know, the current plan is that we will begin the RP with everyone either in or around the town of Slidell, just to the North-East of New Orleans across the lake, connected by a bridge (and presumably some sort of ferry service as an alternative). Then, SOMETHING will happen which will result in a herd of walkers passing through the town, forcing everyone to take cover. At this point, some people may choose to take cover in the same place, and glorious RP interaction will occur!

That sounds like a pretty good way to have everyone meet up in a pretty realistic way. The horde kind of "herds" us as it were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antagonist


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Sarge said And just to let everybody know, the current plan is that we will begin the RP with everyone either in or around the town of Slidell, just to the North-East of New Orleans across the lake, connected by a bridge (and presumably some sort of ferry service as an alternative). Then, SOMETHING will happen which will result in a herd of walkers passing through the town, forcing everyone to take cover. At this point, some people may choose to take cover in the same place, and glorious RP interaction will occur!


Sarge said No. I'll let everybody know who made the cut on Monday when I put up the IC post. Unfortunately I've had 13 characters submitted for an RP that I was really hoping wouldn't go above 10 people to begin with. Annoyingly, so far there hasn't been a single character I'd have felt deserves to be cut, so it's going to be a tricky decision on Monday... or I could just avoid the decision entirely and accept everyone, but that might be considered biting off more than I can chew. We'll see.

Pun intended?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

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Antagonist said
Pun intended?

Intended? No. But definitely welcome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antagonist


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*Looks at time.* It's almost midnight. Which means it's almost Monday. Which means you should tell us who got in hahaha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by peanut20xx


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I'm guessing different time zone since it's 5:11 PM where I'm at. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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sarge is UK like us
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It is almost Monday. But as I said, I've been working all weekend, so I'm going to be a mean old man and make you wait til the morning. Bwahahahahaa!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by peanut20xx


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Ah, perhaps I should drop out of the RP since I'll be in a different time zone? :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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i havent been working for like 3 weeks

I love the summer holidays
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antagonist


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peanut20xx said
I'm guessing different time zone since it's 5:11 PM where I'm at. :p

It's 23:19 here haha!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

peanut20xx said
Ah, perhaps I should drop out of the RP since I'll be in a different time zone? :/

I'm sure that won't be necessary. Judging from what I've seen so far, posts have been coming up in this thread at all times of the day, so it doesn't really matter what time zone you're in. Also, I doubt this will be the sort of thread where the IC will move ahead three pages in the course of an evening, even at peak times, I don't know about anyone else but I don't like writing that fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StuartM
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I'm in the UK also :-)
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