Avatar of AoStar
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  • Posts: 152 (0.04 / day)
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    1. AoStar 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current okay, I'm actually back this time
9 yrs ago
I'm back dududu


Ello, I'm Ao. There's not much to say here. School's going to have me busy a lot of the time, so I might not post as frequently as I'd like.

Most Recent Posts

@Edgey We'll be working as a team, divided into pairs~
"Kei-chaan!" Shuu called out, arm outstretched in desperation as the girl ran farther and farther away. A loud orchestra played dramatic music within his mind. Pervert?! Him? Well, maybe. The kitchen was a wreck. Shuu's rump ached. He got up from his spot on the ground and went back to the kitchen, where the others had started trying to piece the kitchen back together. Looks like we'll be buying a new table, huh Ata-chan?" He mumbled guiltily, scratching the back of his head with a disgruntled frown on his face. "Oh, Hajime-chan. About your earlier question. I thought it would be great for all of us to get up early in preparation for the tournament." He took a brochure out of the back pocket up his pajamas and held it up as a bright light radiated from it. "This tournament. It's hosted by the Universal Abilities Co. We're going to be divided into different pairs. I decided we all have enough talent, so I entered us as a competing team. If we win, we get a vacation at a beautiful resort." His eyes roamed over the destruction. "We probably need it the most."
BTW, does anyone here not live in EST? Just so I know.
If you could do that, I'm sure it would be epic, no matter how crappy the drawings are. XD
There is literally destruction at like 7 in the morning.
Shuu was happy to let Amami take over, despite being so dedicated to cooking a grand breakfast beforehand. He sighed in relief, as he trusted her cooking skills. When Sume-san came upon the rice cooker, he blinked in confusion. How long had that thing been up there? Months? Years? Generations? He couldn't even remember a time where he had actually used it. Maybe someone else in the house had. Atasuke was pretty independent. Mishi was like a silent fart, Shuu figured, sneaky and deadly. Haruko might have used it before. There was no way Hajime did. Isabella's small hand tugging his sleeve brought him back from his thoughts. "Bella-chan," Shuu pouted, "coffee now?" How was he to make that? And Bella's face, however devious it was, was just too cute. No. This would be easy. What was he worrying about? Shuu opened a low cabinet and took out a large coffee can, blowing away dust gathered on top. "Okay, coffee... Now, water," he mumbled to himself, as he took the entire can to the sink and started filling it up. Behind him, he heard Vernon's voice. He looked back at him with an encouraging smile, as the overly-dressed boy put his device onto the table. As the device started to shake, Shuu realized the water-coffee mix was overflowing from the can. He quickly turned off the tap. Okay, so now what do I do? He clicked his tongue. Ah! It has to be warm. This time he knew a spell that would work. "Ignir, shamela!" As the perfectly buttered toast popped up from the toaster, the can burst into flames. Shuu screamed like a girl, jumping into Kei's arms.
@Eviledd1984 Sorry, sweets. Our roleplay is full. I've finally updated the title, guys. Hopefully there'll be no more misunderstandings.
I'm betting it would probably be myself. o_o
Shuu stood there silently, his hands on his hips, watching as the chaos he knew was sure to follow ensued. One by one the group had migrated from their rooms to the kitchen, just as he'd planned. After everyone had finished with their complaints, he spoke. Where to begin? "Good morning, Ata-chan." "As for the rest of you," he examined each one in turn, then cleared his throat. "Koneko, for the last time you are not to sleep on the refrigerator. You have a perfectly good and empty room to use. And you two, Kei--" eyes on the magical girl, pouting, "--and Mishi, you cannot go back to sleep. We need to spend breakfast together, and getting pelted with potatoes would be painful. Bella, please be nice to Koneko, you know how kittens can be. Amami, Bella is definitely in my way, but I'd rather not have a repeat of what happened last time. Haruko, nothing's wrong, please stop apologizing. Finally," he let out a huge sigh, "Hajime, I do not have tits, and the tits that I do not have are very calm. Except for maybe Mishi's tits. She seems rather upset with me." With a smile, he gave the bookworm a wink. "Ata-chan!" He yelled out unnecessarily loud. Might as well all crowd together in one small room for no reason at all. "Come on over here to the kitchen and join us. Looks like we're having rice this morning. Thanks a bunch, Sume-san." He took the bag from the sandshark. "Now, how do you cook this?" Shuu turned the bag this way and that, as if the tiny pieces of rice would whisper their secrets to him. "Ahh, maybe a spell would work! Babluza, mafuza, kazam!" Nothing changed. The rice was still uncooked in the bag. "Okay, maybe I just made that one up. Anyone know how to cook this?"
I agree, Boz. :/ Post coming up!
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