Avatar of Arawak
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    1. Arawak 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Nation RP set during an Interplanetary dark age across hundreds of tiny worlds- roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Got my RP rebooted. Make a civilization human or alien and uncover the enigma roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Why not a sci-fi NRP that doesn't waste space? Interest check here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
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Damn it Flimo

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I'll probably wait and see what the map looks like for Sapia.

@Mihndar Dark violet is preferred due to the violet salt.

Why it works I don't know, it's just meant to be super phosphorus.
Is Sapia much different from Nova Mondai?
Hmm... I have no clue what the other nations are like. I may go with the following app I made or decide to set up on Sapia instead where I would make something much, much more alien than these loose relatives. I am assuming that the Void War caused some outflow of refugees to other countries in other parts of the world.

Name of Nation: The Greater Gestalt of the Four Vital Streams (Or simply The Gestalt)

Nation Characteristics: Theocratic Republic with with a deeply, deeply ancient system which is notorious for its alarming persistence even in the face of modernity. They have incredibly ancient ties to the land and have basically existed forever if you go with their mythology. They had been highly successful in their modernization camapigns due to their highly centralized, authoritarian system of government codified through ancient texts where reality and myth have no boundry. Despite their insular foreign policy, they are very welcoming of absorbing outside species to the Gestalt. The Greater Gestalt has managed to make very incremental progress towards being a modern society, but they are still a society based around manufacturing than anything else. Internally, they have problems with a range of radical resistence groups, but for now they have managed to keep some semblance of valuable stability.

Their society is primarily represented by the Great Mind, who is a male Sopor picked by a council of Sopor to act as the conciousness of the Gestalt and these male Supor are regionally elected from the different parts of their ecumene by local landlords. The underclass, who are effectively serfs, do not get to participate in elections and tend to be given bread and circus. This arrangement has caused numerous internal conflicts which the upper classes have had to crush multiple times, often with incredibly totalitarian methods.

Nation Location: The heavily forested region w/ multiple rivers, lakes and presumed swamps in the lower left part of the map. Their civilization holds its legitimacy on the control of these four huge river systems and their capital is situated around the lake.

Nation Initial Population: 112 Million due to the Violet Salt, river beds and such.

Species Name: The Sopor

Species Characteristics:
The Sopor are the main species of the Gestalt, even if they have come to include other species as part of their empire due to their special uses to the Greater Gestalt. They are humanoids of varying shape and size with the universal characteristic of being very pale skinned. They also have large arm flaps used for gliding, as many Sopor are arboreal by nature and this shows in their climbing oriented infrastructure. The Sopor have extreme gender dimorphism as well.

Male Sopor are usually very big, tetrapodal creatures who while more mobile when young, develop to become semi-sessile beings as they age and breed extremely frequently. These males make up the upper echeleons of society and tend to have other males killed in order to keep their positions. Spacecraft tend to be piloted by a specialized caste of male Sopor, as they were during the age of sea ships. It's all the same to them.

Female Sopor meanwhile, take on many, many more roles be it argiculture, construction, basically everything the male Supor don't do and stay mobile forever. Male Sopor that don't age tend to end up looking very much like female Sopor, indeed when young the gender isn't actually determined. It is only when they get older that the male Sopor become their adult form.

Side Chosen in Void War: Neutral
The Gestalt was never one to care for such alliances with outsiders.

Technological Level: The Gestalt is an industrial society despite their more naturalistic roots, mainly because in their mind, their pollution and ravaging of their own forests is just another aspect of nature and view their whole society as just some huge animal anyways. It is a polarizing issue within the courts, but publicly most simply don't care especially as outsiders bring it up. The Gestalt has built a strong industrial base with spacecraft and is in the middle of building an orbital city. Their strong industrial complex brought forth from their utilization of a huge population boom and heavy investment into spacecraft does mask how in many other areas, they are profoundly backwards such as in medicine or infrastructure. Int erms of weaponization they haven't gotten much further than using ballistics. Their space prescence is rather sordid an affair, with the Sopor in space usually acting almost independant of their society on the ground due to a poor communications system. There has been efforts to throw a colony ship at another planet as a "means to propogate the Gestalt", but no such projects have come to full fruition yet.

Special Resource: Violet Salt - Violet salt is a notable material whose agricultural applications have been used regularly by the Gestalt's Council for ages as a means of keeping the people fed with these fertility enhancing minerals which have also found use in trying to make a space city. Violet Salt is what is responsible for the surging populations within the Gestalt, for they have become increasingly effecient at mining it from the mountainous regions where it is found.
The Domain

A large cooperative based society which views itself as the sole light in an ocean of darkness.

(Incomplete, needs tech still)
Yes, that is a common feature of major worlds.
Yes, this is the case. Genetically altered / organic or completely synthetic life living within artificial worlds.

As for the tech level, it's pretty open here and up to you. I expect it to very rather diverse due to each world being its own little world.

The worlds are by default self-repairing due to the custodians. The custodians and their nature is up to you as well, as only the localized custodians survived the shattering to begin with. It is assumed world maintenance is a common task for them even if how the custodians behave or how they interact with others is incredibly, incredibly varied.
I am thinking of being a strangely optimistic detective or some shadow oriented spooky thing here.

Depends on if more people are super natural or if more people are human. I think it's good to have that kind of balance.

If I go with a detective character will there be any established organizations I should be aware of?
OOC is out.

Dyson's Dream
Player Roster:
@Arawak - The Domain
@Oraculum - The Concord
@raylah - The Directorate

Major Worlds:

Cutis - Earth, but so modified and changed to the point where it is a alien world entirely with its biosphere run amok and massive deserts. It has a ring of space junk and no ice caps beyond a receding one in the antarctic.

Poincare- Poincare is a moon sized, highly mechanical world with local custodians who are obsessed with making a world with mathematical precision. The project was one of the few lucky survivors of the great shattering, though the entropic effect of the shattering has ensured quite a few troubles for the local custodians and native intelligent life of this comparatively large world.

Dyson's Dream



From a few worlds, thousands were built.

But that was a long, long time ago.

In the current era, we are far less fortunate.

Four centuries ago, the whole system was ran by immaterial authorities who kept cosmic order over the network of worlds. They ran the whole solar system for centuries, but were discontent. The immaterials wanted total conformity. Their mad rush for universal conformity led to the shattering. The immaterials simply vanished, which led to absolute chaos and a perfect, incoherrent storm of disasters immediately afterwardAfter the decades of chaos, all that was left was the material realm.

What saved civilization from collapsing into total extinction was the resilience of the micro worlds built in the previous centuries. In these micro worlds, a vast store of smaller local societies developed under the metaphorical noses of the immaterials. Spaceship production began again and a new, more materialistic era had dawned.

The overall body of innovation which civilization saw under immaterial rule remains out of reach simply due to a lack of wealth for the shattered societies to even consider the excesses which the immaterials or the creators of the micro-worlds enjoyed.

The micro worlds are unlike the natural planets or moons. The micro worlds are hospitable to life and contain their own internal ecosystems, climate and terrain, all designed by various groups over the ages with very different world views from each other. The empires which have arisen since had to conquer natives whenever they tried to take any of these worlds for their own colonial ends (which in current times, has proven cheaper than building a new world from ground up).

Said micro-worlds are incredibly diverse, coming in every shape and size within the laws of physics. Some worlds are floating cities in the void, others have their origins as artificial habitats, while others are solely built to be a self-sufficient ecosystem. The local custodian AIs and solar energy panels within many of these worlds would prove to be critical to their survival in the shattering and in maintaining the biospheres they hold within themselves. And it is these very worlds which the current age has centered itself on.

What happens next, of course, is up to the societies which have arisen in the past four centuries.



1. Technology
-No FTL systems.
-Do not give yourself the industrial complex to make a micro-world within a century.
-AI should avoid being super human in terms of intelligence, all such super human AIs are dead.
-Avoid setting breaking technology (like say, a means to blow up the sun, infinite free energy or a invincibility barrier)

2. Biology
-No life from outside the solar system.
-Please be creative with your intelligent life, don't go for the obvious.

3. Worlds
-You may not use black holes as a gravity system.
-While habitats are internal, i'd prefer them to be mostly within 2 AU of the sun (or within the asteroid belt).
-Worlds of a size bigger than 150 km in length or are more than 50 km in radius are major worlds.
-Everyone should be based in this one star system.

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