Avatar of Argetlam350
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  • Old Guild Username: argetlam350
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Tyrin had been recounting a tale of when he and Tove had been sent out to track and hunt a Diablos out in some wastes when commotion from the top deck descended downward. Through the commotion, it sounded like that some monsters had decided to attack the ship
"Simon the food was delicious but duty calls. Come on Tove," Tyrin bid the chef a quick goodbye as he pushed his way out of the gallery and making his way back to the top deck with Tove. Upon reaching the top deck, they could see some a small swarm of Remobra were circling and causing a mess.

Tove barely jumped back in time as a glob of poison hit the deck, scrunching his nose in disgust at the putrid stuff. Most seemed to just be out of blade reach but spotting a few that had landed, Tyrin focused his attention on them."All right guess we get to do some early hunting," Tyrin said grabbing the large blade he carried off his back and bringing it forward, ready to strike at the nearest Remobra ",Sorry but that food is ours." Charging forward he made his way to put himself between the cooking pot and the encroaching Remobra's. Tove brought out his own weapon, a small sword perfect for his size.

My interest is peaked.
I'm interested
Tyrin noticed the felyne cook making his way towards where he and Tove were sitting and eating and welcomed him."Ah our chef joins us in his good graces," Tyrin said in welcome to the felyne, Simon, as he joined them."The soup's good as usual but I can't wait to see what you cook up once we're off this boat. I'm a bit tired of fish."

"Fish always good," Tove argued back while Tyrin rolled his eyes at his companion.
"If we had it your way you'd eat fish at every meal,"Tyrin countered with Tove giving a smile and eating more of his own soup.

"I promise to carve some good chunks of meat from hunts to bring back for you to do what you will," Tyrin stated with a smile at Simon ",Sure you can make something amazing out of whatever we bring back. Better then just the normal slow cooking over a fire."

While Tyrin was conversing with the chef, Tove looked around and had noticed one of the other hunters from earlier had also seem to come down to the gally, it was hard to say how the felyne felt for the other hunters at the moment. He had little time to know them while on the ship surprisingly enough. Currently she seemed to be conversing with another member of the team, one of the farmers, if Tove identified the clothes right. For the time he returned to the conversation going on with Tyrin and Simon.

My interest is peaked.
"Go supply hunting when landed yes?" Tove suggested to Tyrin as Tyrin moved from the raining of the boat and began to make his way to the galley. With all the excitement and commotion, it had been easy to ignore the call of food, but now that it was settling down and people were going around doing their business, the gnawing pain in his gut told him it was time to eat. Tyrin looked at his palico companion and nodded.

"Yeah can't hunt without the necessary materials, or we could and die," he chuckled as he walked back down into the ship and past the barracks ",You seem more excited then I, you know?"

"Off ship soon, hate rocking, land solid," grumbled the palico. Upon entering the gallery, Tyrin and Tove wasted no time getting their own food and finding an empty table to eat and continue chatting with one another.
Tyrin nodded to the compromise."Whatever gets us off this boat soon," He stated looking back at the island. A motley group they were, Tyrin thought listening on the others who voiced their opinion on the compromise. He got the feeling that butting heads with Luna was probably going to happen at several points, at least going off of her snarky comment. Devrin he could see getting along with though only time would tell. Jun seemed to be a bit hard to determine on how Tyrin would get along with him.

"Time for hunting, later. First need to make camp," Tove interrupted Tyrin's thoughts. He looked at the palico and nodded."Yeah would love to start hunting as soon as we landed but would be dumb to run in blindly like that." Tove gave a nod hoping up on one of the rails to get a better view being careful not to fall."Good you use your head, maybe hope for you yet," The palico teased as Tyrin made a friendly jab at him.

"Hey careful what you say maybe I'll just use you as bait for whatever we come across," Tyrin joked back with a smile. It definitely would be one interesting adventure they would have, that was something Tyrin was certain of.
Tyrin slowly woke up putting hands to his ears as the makeshift alarm continued."I don't remember orderings a damn alarm to wake me," he grumbled annoyed as he briefly stared at the ceiling of the wooden boat. He only hoped his companion wasn't as rudely awoken as he was. While his companion was more level headed he could get angered easily especially from being woken so rudely."Might not be the new world but it's still a new place to explore," he said getting up holding a tooth tied to a necklace around his neck. He had won it off some trader, who had come back from the new world for supplies. He had shared several interesting stories as well as did bets with some of his trinkets he had gained from hunters their. What Tyrin won was a tooth from some fanged wyvern from the new world called Odogaron. He could only hope to see some new creatures here. He got out of his hammock ready for whatever would be thrown at them.

Tyrin's palico companion, Tove, had been up for a little while before the make shift alarm had been rung out. Unfortunately while he had been up, the sound was still piercing. He decided at that moment he would never like that man and would regret every moment he'd have to be near him.

"Well at least you're awake now," Tove stated to Tyrin as he got out of his hammock ",Come, come! A new journey awaits us both. Just try to use your head." With that the palico made his way past the feet of others to reach the top deck and see the island they would soon be exploring and no doubt hunting upon.

Tyrin soon followed suit though he had to wade through the other people who were mingling up to the deck. It took only a few minutes to find his companion as well as a decent spot to view the new land. It seemed he came up at a relatively good time since there was a vote being held on where to land. So far it seemed that no one place was exactly winning.

"A forested area would be the best choice," Tyrin through his opinion out into the air as a suggestion, agreeing with the previous comment of another passanger who pointed out an area of land near the coast. It would be at least a decent temperature all year round with ease of access to materials and hopefully decent soil. Tove nodded next to him agreeing with his human partner, for once glad to see him using his head.
Still interested.
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