Avatar of ArkhamInmate333
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ArkhamInmate333 5 yrs ago
    2. █████████████████ 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Always remember, your focus determines your reality.
5 yrs ago
It's quiet...too quiet!
5 yrs ago
Hello Gotham! Joker's back in town! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!


Name: Arkham
Aliases: Inmate, Max, Tex, or Master of Dungeons
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Terran
Ancestry: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Unitarian Universalist/Jedi
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Gender: Male
Major in College: History
Degrees: BA in History w/ Minor in Communications
Occupation(s): 7th Grade Science Teacher, Freelance Writer
Greatest Inspirations: J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, George Lucas, Stan Lee, Geoff Johns, Andrzej Sapkowski, Maria V. Snyder, The Russo Brothers
Years of Writing Experience: Going on 18
RP Level: Advanced
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Poor writing without a desire to improve
RP Strengths: World Building, Game Mastering, Peer Editing
Preferred Genres: High Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Romance
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, Back to the Future, The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Marvel (MCU & Comics), DC Comics, Supernatural, Assassin's Creed

Current Roleplays:

Archived Roleplays
Star Wars: Knights of Fate
Star Wars: Light and Shadow

I first came to this realm and joined the Guild's ranks over a decade ago, long before the Dark Times that came after the Great Migration of 2014. Seven years ago I left to travel in the Mundane Realm. During my travels, I studied, grew, and honed my skills. I now return to this realm, armed and ready for the challenges that lie ahead!

In the Mundane Realm, I am a teacher, living on a horse farm in the Valley of the Shenandoah River. I am also a scribe of no small skill. I also serve as the Master of Dungeons for several groups of brave adventurers in the Forgotten Realms of Faerûn.

Most Recent Posts

Kael spun and moved into a defensive stance as he heard the droidekas approach. Before he could begin deflecting their assault, something jumped down from the trees. The lightsaber it ignited wasn't red, but that didn't necessarily mean the one wielding it was a friendly. After all, he owed his mechanical arm to an emerald blade wielded by General Grievous.

The newcomer appeared to be Shistavanen based on her appearance, brown and silver fur covering her body, pointed ears...yeah definitely Shistavanen. She deflected the blaster bolts without much trouble, then used the force to wing a rotting log at the destroyers, knocking them flat. The threat was neutralized.

"Those were new," he heard her say as she extinguished her lightsaber. Her ears pricked back, as though remembering she was not alone. "Oops!"

Kael had not moved from his defensive stance, and he saw no reason to do so. He narrowed his eyes at the newcomer.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

Looking to start an ADVANCED level RP set in the Star Wars Universe. I'd like to do something during the Clone Wars Era. Female strongly preferred! Please bear in mind that I'm a bit of a purist/perfectionist when it comes to roleplaying Star Wars (when in doubt Wookieepedia usually ends up being my source for "reliable" Star Wars info). I find it challenging and fun to work in such a well defined universe. If you're interested, please shoot me a PM!
"Sithspawn!" Kael cursed under his breath as he ducked behind a tree. He heard the AATs before he saw them. Unclipping his other two lightsabers from his belt, his mechanical armed whirred quietly as it split along its length. He waited. The droids were moving closer. He looked up. That branch was just within reach. He jumped. His landing caused the branch to tremble slightly. Again he waited. The droids began to pass by. As the third AAT made its way under his branch he sprung into action.

He dropped from the tree and plunged two of his lightsabers into the top of the droid tank, crippling it. Before the droids on the ground could react, he'd cleaved three of them in half. The second AAT was coming around to fire on him. He ran between the two tanks just as it fired. He was thankful that droids seemed to rarely think before acting. That was all the tanks taken care of. The remaining droids were brought down by whirling blades and blocked blaster-fire.
Once he’d set R3 on the repairs that could be accomplished without replacing parts, Kael headed into the forest. If he wasn’t in range of Master Secura’s party then there was no reason he should be anywhere near the Separatist Base. Regardless, he kept an eye out for droids, nothing stopping them from sending out scouts. His plan was to walk out a kilometer from the crash site and then make his way back.

The hiss of Master Gaern's lightsaber cut through still quiet of the forest as Kael ignited it. He swung the glowing sapphire blade lightly at a nearby tree, leaving a shallow scorch mark. Hopefully if he kept marking trees in this manner every ten meters or so ir would keep him from getting lost.
Posted! :)
The whine of the Eta-2’s twin turbine engines were drowned out by the alarms blaring inside the cockpit. Kael had been hesitant to receive this assignment from Master Yoda. Endor was commonly referred to by spacers as the “desert island” of space. Rarely had any ship landed on the Sanctuary Moon intentionally. The stellar anomalies in that region of space made traveling through the sector risky. It was those same anomalies that had Kael spinning towards the surface of the planet.

The starship was falling from orbit in a hurry, he had to act fast. He was still docked with his hyper-ring, if that went down with the ship he’d be stuck on the moon. The release controls were unresponsive. He tried again. No response. He reached out with the force. He knew this ship, he knew where the lock pins were that held the ring in place, knew the connections that had to be severed to prevent the ring from shorting out. The green and silver astromech beeped and shrieked in its dock. Kael closed his eyes and…the ring broke free of the ship!

* * *

It wasn’t one of his more gossamer landings, but he’d managed to save the ship…mostly! He pulled the manual release for the cockpit and pushed the transparasteel hatch upwards.

“You okay R3?” The beeps and whimpers from the domed droid seemed to indicate that it was rattled, but otherwise alright. “Good.”
The ship had crashed in a clearing. Towering redwoods, the sharp scent of pine, and the chirping of insects dominated his senses. Kael knew the reputation of this moon. Scattered amongst the trunks were the downed wrecks of countless ships, fallen prey to the peculiarities of this section of space. He reached down to his belt and retrieved his com-link, with luck he would be within range of Master Secura’s party.

“This is Jedi Master Kael Corerunner,” he called into the mic. “I’ve crash landed on the Forest Moon of Endor. If you are receiving this please respond.” He waited, listening intently for the faintest crackle…nothing. He sighed and looked to the trees surrounding the clearing. Somewhere out there were the parts he needed to repair his ship, if not the power cells then at least the long range communications.
I certainly can! :)
Well we've got the IC Thread, we might as well use it. BTW Did you realize that Endor is the moon where most of Episode VI is set?
Maybe she's been living with Ewoks!
Excellent! When shall we start?
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