Avatar of Asesina
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    1. Asesina 4 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Are people really that crippled by their social anxiety or whatever mental disorder they have that they can't bother to reply with a simple "no thanks" after pitching my idea?
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4 yrs ago
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
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4 yrs ago
Más sabe el diablo por viejo, que por diablo.
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The kitchen was just as in bad shape as the general area outside, and Jane scowled in disgust with every step as she pressed forward further into the room, the dirty water underneath her feet leaving an unpleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. She scanned the various areas within the kitchen, her ears listening for any sudden movements other than her own. And it wasn't long, as predicted, when Jane came across what she was looking for.

Jane made eye contact with the odd-looking feline prior the offensive attack against it, but once more, it had managed to evade it. The creature then closed the distance between them at a quick pace, making Jane instinctively take a few steps back. The creature pounced on the woman, the force knocking her off her feet and onto her back before she felt a strong, sharp pain at the base of her neck. She cried out in pain, and a moment later witnessed her foe being squeezed to death right in front of her eyes. The details were gruesome as thorns dug into its skin and blood oozed out from numerous puncture sites. Another scream from the creature, although this time it was a cry for help. But such attempts fell on deaf ears and its body went limp and was lifelessly dropped to the ground instantly. Jane's tattoos abandoned her immediate surrounding and she was suddenly left alone with nothing more than a series of bleeding wounds.

A few moments later, another wave of pain hit her when she attempted to get back on her feet. She grit her teeth and used the island for leverage to stand up, quickly unshouldering her backpack to grab her first aid kit. Jane had a dressing she was going to use to stop the bleeding. The creature lay dead by her feet, but Jane didn't care for it at the moment. Instead, she pulled out the dressing and pressed it against the wounds. She held it there for a few moments before realizing she would not be able to secure it in place. It was frustrating, but she knew it wasn't the time to feel sorry for herself. Using her free hand, Jane placed everything in her backpack again before closing it shut. She looked around momentarily and decided to head out the same way she had come in. She grabbed the bag by the top strap and walked out in somewhat of a hurry. Jane had learned a lesson the hard way, and she told herself she wouldn't chase after those weird creatures anymore.
The first attempt was a miss. Eventually, the noises quieted down save for the steady drumming of the raindrops on the weatherworn structure. The putrid stench inside the building invaded her nostrils to the point where she became nauseated. Jane did her best to ignore the feeling and quickly pressed forward, but in just a matter of moments, the terrible smell was replaced by a soft, floral scent. The young woman was confused at first, but quickly realized where the scent was coming from. It only made sense given that she was surrounded by plants. Apparently, not only were they there to protect her, but also to alleviate any discomfort. Jane hadn't experienced anything like it before, but it was a luxury she would welcome with open arms.

The creature resembling a cat moved itself further into the building to hide itself wherever it could. Jane followed suit, not wanting to lose sight of it. She attempted to raise her hand to bring her weapon into sight, but a vine of roses wrapped itself around her wrist to keep it in place. They had spared her of the foul smell in the building, and maybe this was their payment. But she be dammed if she couldn't even make her own decisions at that point.

For a moment, Jane didn't have a visual on the animal, but she found it once more moments later.

"Come here!"

She picked up speed, quickly taking the corner as the same vine which had restrained her seconds earlier whipped at the creature once it was within view.
I hope it was okay that I was being a bit vague at the end; that's just for you to take it in any direction you wish.
]Jane stopped dead in her tracks. She was not all that fond of surprises; but rather, she was the type that liked to have everything calculated just perfectly. She exhaled slightly and bit her lip, her expression one of unhappiness. Her surname may as well have been Murphy. The thoughts going through her mind slowly started to develop a pattern, taking a turn in a negative direction, and an all-familiar tingling sensation slowly spread through her skin. It was obvious what was about to happen next, and that point, there was no turning back. She voluntarily relinquished control to the branding on her skin. The tattoos set aglow, slowly flickering with light. Jane felt the slight burning sensation, slowly building up in intensity to the point where she gritted her teeth, but just as fast, a cool wave washing over her while she watched herself slowly become surrounded by the animated, dark shapes.

Her hand naturally fell to her side, though it still maintained its grip on the weapon. Slowly, Jane inched forward, avoiding rushing in blindly. She didn't care for animals, mainly dogs. She was attacked by one when she was a little girl and the incident could have ended a lot worse if her mother hadn't intervened. She didn't care that it was that one dog had went after her, in her mind, they were all the same. Even the little ones that just like to yap away at someone mercy passing by.

The moment Jane stepped through the doorway and turned left, three stems shot out in front of her. She smirked in response, glad that whatever had been wandering around had met its demise.
Will post tomorrow!
My apologies for the slight delay, work has been crazy.
The young woman was famished, but she used every bit of energy to sprint to cover in order to avoid the heavy rain pouring down on her. She hated feeling like a wet dog for as long as she could remember, though she was glad she had finally caught a break. Even though the worn down gas station appeared to be isolated, she obviously wouldn't let her guard down. Jane waited in place as she tried to make out any movement from within the small building located across the lot. Nothing. She shifted her weight, simultaneously placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh yes, they've settled right on the beach. Atlantic Beach down in Jacksonville."

"How do I know you're not lying to me?"

"Why would I? What do I have to gain?" The man smiled, but Jane didn't return the same. Instead, she stared him down, the interaction between the two growing a bit tense.

"Well either way, you believe me and make the trip, or you don't, but you don't find the individual you're looking for," he shrugged his shoulders as if he couldn't care less about her indecision.

"I'm not a fan of rumors, that's all, but I'll bite. I need to find this person."

"A lead is still a lead at the end of the day...I knew you were smart."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks for the tip." Jane put her gun away before walking off, hoping she wasn't being lied to.

She replayed the interaction in her head. Nothing since had gone as planned, to include the horrid weather. Jane weighed her options, and after some mental debate she decided to go over into the main building of the gas station. She would hurry down across the lot, but she wouldn't rush in blind. Once more, she drew her gun and carefully moved forward to avoid any surprises.
NAME: Jane Franzese

AGE: 26

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

PERSONALITY: Sarcastic and short-tempered with a low tolerance for the simple-minded, to put it kindly. Most often than not, Jane is rather vocal whenever she feels the need to get the message across. Friendships come and go, and therefore Jane does not mind the least bit to use people if it is beneficial for her in any regard. She finds humor where others will not, but she knows when not to alienate herself as to not end up at a disadvantage from being outnumbered. Maybe she'll let her personality shine through to those around her, or maybe she'll play the part of an angel and make just about anyone believe the facade.

"Come on, get up."

Jane got to her feet, not bothering to argue with her step-father. She already knew he intended on making her take some action. "Where do you want me?"

"No, don't worry about moving the couches, I'll take care of that. Just go to the kitchen and grab the biggest, baddest knife you can find. It's not so much for you to join the defensive line, but I want you to have something to protect yourself with. There are a lot of us in this small space and things may get chaotic."

"But that girl just said--"

"Like I said, go the kitchen. Let her distribute whatever she has to the others, the more the merrier."

His voice was stern, and Jane knew better than to disobey him at a time like this. She was a rebel, but she was also smart, and she knew when to back down. Besides, it's not like he was in the wrong. In the end, they all had to find a way to kill those things trying to kill them.

With that thought in mind, Jane made her way to the kitchen in quick strides. Reality had set in and she was scared as to what they were going to be up against. She'd seen those things before, but to be within such close proximity to one of them made her breath nearly catch in her throat.

On the other hand, Dean moved quickly towards one of the couches. He was able to easily push it in the direction of the front door. The group already had a couple of injured people to be responsible for and he was not about to add to that number, not if he could help it.
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