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    1. awkwarddingo 9 yrs ago


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Get Kid: Resurrection


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As Amalthea talked and the assassin clutched his robe, Solomon could only think. The complete mess that was his life the past few hours were slowly being organized in his head into a discernable thought. His first step was, as Amalthea put it, get moving, probably set up camp a ways from here in the forest neighboring the burning town. He was not, however, going to leave his killer behind to die. He picked her up again and hoisted her over his shoulder.

"She has some debris in her leg. Wouldn't last a day on her own." Solomon told the princess as he gathered his composure, clutched his staff, and started to walk towards the woods. "Let's find a place to make camp, treat wounds, and ask questions to our new friend here. She has quite a bit to answer for." He still wasn't thinking as clear as he could be, with one of the few places he could feel comfortable in burning down behind him. Once he was calmed down and the wave of emotions passed over, then he would talk, and maybe pass out on the most comfortable patch of grass he could find...
And he did indeed hear it, the coughing was heard just above the roars of the flames, and Solomon rushed his way to the source, only to stop a couple of feet away. Her... He thought with disdain. He hesitated before picking her up and hoisting her over a shoulder. He started coughing as well, the air thick with ash and fire, thin with air.

He started back up to the room with the window and jumped down with her on his back. Right as he landed, the shock of the ground was enough for Solomon to drop her on the ground, and he fell to his knees, hacking and coughing. "I... I hate fire..."
Solomon looked up at the window. "Look, you've been hurt. Sit down and rest. I'm going to check the inn... Just in case. I don't want anyone being left behind. Don't worry... I haven't felt more alive." He ran a few steps up the wall before kicking against it to get high enough to grab the window. It has been a while since he scaled cliffs, but even death didn't make him lose a step.

He put his elbows on the window after his arms, and he then pulled the rest of himself up the window and into their former room, where he started his search. "Hello? Anyone here?! Come upstairs! There's a safe way out!" He started shouting as he searched.
"Stay alive. I have questions for you to answer." He said. The moment she let go of the staff, Solomon dashed as fast as he could to the inn, hoping that the woman was doing her best to distract or otherwise dispatch the Fellmorans as he ran in the open. When he made it to the inn, he attempted to enter through the front door, only to notice the burning wood blocking his way. He didn't even try to move, knowing that he would end up doing so, which would probably cause the entire from of the building to collapse. He then remembered the window he told Amalthea to escape through if the Fellmorans came along and -well- they were here, to say the least. He circled around the back to find the princess just below the window.

"AMALTHEA!" He half-shouted, half-whispered, running up to hug her. After a tear or few and the hug, Solomon put both hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Is anyone else inside?!" He asked quickly.
Solomon quickly got to his feet and in a combat stance, frantically looking about him. He breathed quickly and deeply as he looked around himself and at the flames. Everything that had occurred came back to him swiftly. The inn, the rangers, and the red haired rogue with eyes like emeralds, including those last words he heard from her. That promise and that apology. That dagger to his heart.

"I was dead." He exhaled. He had enough questions to last a lifetime, but their current location was less than perfect for him to ask them. This place burning around him was the closest thing he had to a home. One of the extreme few places he could rest his head without having to worry about any cutthroats stealing his deliveries. He crouched back down after noticing the Fellmorans. He looked at the grey haired woman with eyes of determination (and a bit of confusion). "I need my staff."
"Wait... Amalthea..." was all he could exhale before his vision blurred, he went limp and pale, and death took him.
Solomon tried sidestepping again, stepping to the same side and gathering the same result. However, the already fresh cut was cut even deeper, and Solomon lost all feeling in his right arm. He grabbed another mug and haphazardly lunged at the attacking the third ranger, jamming the mug into their face repeatedly and with much prejudice. He hadn't seen the lady ranger yet, being in a sort of daze from the adrenaline and blood loss.
So I need to lead him to death using the three attackers? I think I can do that.

And I think I see where you're going with this. I will do my best to keep up.
Solomon attempted to sidestep the claymore, but his timing was off and he felt a vertical line of pain coming from his right shoulder, which was now cut deeply and bleeding. He takes a few steps back and leans on the bar, throwing a heavy iron mug of ale at the one that attacked him. He didn't dare let the pain get to him, he gritted his teeth and made himself ready for the next attack.
Meh. Like I said, a blessing in disguise. More time to focus on the one or 2 rps rather than the 3 or 4. though it is a bit disconcerting and I cant help but blame myself.
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