Avatar of Azazaa
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    1. Azazaa 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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Don't have any ready right now, except for one NPC. I can help you write one though.


Yes, it would. Just remember that nobody's supposed to be a professional soldier in the beginning, so no hand-cannons that shoot supersonic EMP laser death beams.

As the twenty-first century came closer to its end, the world's leaders felt optimistic about the future for the first time in a while. There hadn't been wars in Europe for well over a hundred years, and the constant advancing of technology and science granted people longer lifespans. Humans no longer had to worry about doing dangerous and physical work as intelligent, easily affordable robots came to the public market. Mankind was thriving, and as an unavoidable effect of the globalisation progress that had started in the previous century nations begun cooperating with each other more and more.

Members of the European Union officially merged into a federal state in the conference of Vienna, during the late year 2096. By that time China was the world's leading superpower both economically and militarily, and the United States of America had lost a significant amount of its international influence. Russia had slowly turned into a pseudo-democracy with a small shadow government consisting of the nation's elite pulling the strings on the background.

As bells rang for the new century, the age of decline begun. Governments had failed to stop the climate from changing, and dark clouds of pollution loomed over cities. Ice on the Antarctic begun melting, and the rising sea level brought disaster and distress.The dream was over, and people noticed the planet was running out of resources. First it was the oil, then basic life necessities such as food and clear water. The world superpowers soon realized they would have to fight for what was left to secure their very existence, as nobody was willing to share their reserves. The Middle East was the first to fall in the chain of conflicts that would later escalate into the third and final World War. First it was the Americans on their selfish pursuit for every last bit of oil for their machines, but Russia soon joined them in a devastating proxy war. At last, the European Federation sent in troops to "provide humanitarian aid and return peace to the region". The entire area had been wiped off the map by 2111.

Russia was still sitting on sizeable oil reserves, and the South-East Coalition lead by China begun an enormous assault to claim those for themselves. The Europan Federation took advantage and attacked as well, driving Russia to a war on two fronts. It was only a matter of time before America had joined in. Who was fighting who was very unclear at this point, and battles took place all over the Eurasian continent. Smaller countries usually aligned themselves with one of the military mights and sent in money and troops in exchange for protection.
The next conflicts were fought over the remaining ice in the Arctic. Everyone rushed in to harvest as much water as possible, leading to more fighting. And even more after that. Blood on ice.

It's now the year 2117, and there's no end in sight. As a European citizen of eligible age you have been chosen (forcibly conscripted) to fight in this war. Most of the active reserve has already been deployed to the eastern front, and there's no time to provide you with full military training. A government transport will soon arrive to take you to an orientation camp, after which you will be sent to assist our soldiers in defending the European people and their future. Refusing to cooperate is viewed as treason and punished by physical removal from the society. Ave, Europa, nostra vera patria!

Disclaimer: This rp is science fiction and my versions of the above nations have been heavily exaggerated for satire purposes. These descriptions aren't meant to be racist or offend anyone.

Welcome to 2117! This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but haven't really found the time for. I was originally going to host this on another forum but it never took off, meaning this is kind of a reboot but not really. As always, my word is law and meta or god rp isn't allowed. I'll later pick one of the recruits to lead the group. Feel free to invite your friends, I'm not yet sure how big the group should be.

This seems great, any chance you'd accept one more character..?
I think I'll have to drop out from this, don't really have the time or dedication needed..
I need a moderate sized British controlled port (that operated around 1700 and a few years after) for my character's backstory. Could someone point me to a detailed map or something, or can I just make up a place?
If this isn't dead I'm interested
This one's kind of a remake of my earlier Neimoidian Krus..

Name: Finrux Nafine

Species: Neimoidian

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Force sensitive: Nah

— Financial genius (or just a cheapskate? You decide!)
— Fast runner and good hider. Useful trait in this business.

— He's kind of a coward..
— Not really built for fighting.
— Addicted to hallucinogens.

Weapons and gadgets: Modified E-11 blaster, three thermal imploders, a stolen imperial code cylinder and a whole lot of death sticks. It should also be noted that Finrux is a full-on kleptomaniac, and tends to grab everything that looks useful or pretty in his eyes.

Appearance and apparel: Physically as slim and slimey as every Neimoidian, what really sets Finrux apart is his style. He has a long and dirty coat with a bunch of hidden pockets for guns and goods, and loves wearing wigs and fancy hats.


Backstory: Born to a rich Trade Federation accountant's family during the Clone Wars, Finrux learned to appreciate money and luxury at a young age. He grew up in a small upper-class neighborhood and never had a lot of friends in his childhood. Finrux was only 9 years old when the Galactic Empire was established, and couldn't quite comprehend the scale of events at the time. Soon after the end of the Clone Wars and the disbanding of the CIS, imperial authorities came to arrest Finrux's father for a great number of supposed financial crimes. He tried to bribe them with no results, and quickly found himself and his son fleeing the planet with the help of a dozen battle droids.
The Neimoidians were now on their own, with no way to access their funds without being discovered. They sold most of the droids and started a new life in the Outer Rim, now handling cargo transmissions for the Hutts. It was at this time when Finrux learned to pilot a ship, as he had to act as a courier on several occasions. This went on for years, until one night Finrux won an interplanetary cargo freighter in a game of Sabacc. He sneaked into his father's office, grabbed the two remaining droids, as wel as all the valuables and left once more to act as a full-time smuggler with nobody to share the profits with. He continued working with the same contacts he'd come to know in these past few years, but also came in touch with new employers. As time went on, he did gather a small crew, or gang around him, to take care of the more unpleasant parts of the job — with a minimum wage of course.

Rusty Rancor
Name: Finrux Nafine

Species: Neimoidian

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Force sensitive: Nah

— Financial genius (or just a cheapskate? You decide!)
— Fast runner and good hider. Useful trait in this business.

— He's kind of a coward..
— Not really built for fighting.
— Addicted to hallucinogens.

Weapons and gadgets: Modified E-11 blaster, three thermal imploders, a stolen imperial code cylinder and a whole lot of death sticks. It should also be noted that Finrux is a full-on kleptomaniac, and tends to grab everything that looks useful or pretty in his eyes.

Appearance and apparel: Physically as slim and slimey as every Neimoidian, what really sets Finrux apart is his style. He has a long and dirty coat with a bunch of hidden pockets for guns and goods, and loves wearing wigs and fancy hats.


Backstory: Born to a rich Trade Federation accountant's family during the Clone Wars, Finrux learned to appreciate money and luxury at a young age. He grew up in a small upper-class neighborhood and never had a lot of friends in his childhood. Finrux was only 9 years old when the Galactic Empire was established, and couldn't quite comprehend the scale of events at the time. Soon after the end of the Clone Wars and the disbanding of the CIS, imperial authorities came to arrest Finrux's father for a great number of supposed financial crimes. He tried to bribe them with no results, and quickly found himself and his son fleeing the planet with the help of a dozen battle droids.
The Neimoidians were now on their own, with no way to access their funds without being discovered. They sold most of the droids and started a new life in the Outer Rim, now handling cargo transmissions for the Hutts. It was at this time when Finrux learned to pilot a ship, as he had to act as a courier on several occasions. This went on for years, until one night Finrux won an interplanetary cargo freighter in a game of Sabacc. He sneaked into his father's office, grabbed the two remaining droids, as wel as all the valuables and left once more to act as a full-time smuggler with nobody to share the profits with. He continued working with the same contacts he'd come to know in these past few years, but also came in touch with new employers. As time went on, he did gather a small crew, or gang around him, to take care of the more unpleasant parts of the job — with a minimum wage of course.
Work in progress!

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