Avatar of AzenExile
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    1. AzenExile 6 yrs ago


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Por Dios, La Patria, El Rey!

There is nothing greater than God and nothing lesser than my land and my people. For these three things, my life is devoted to the good fight.

Mariano never registered the gnawing pain of the wound to her right shoulder quite properly. She also couldn't bring herself to even accept the death of her last ally in this failure of a coup. Her older brother, Hernan, lay in her cramped, tired, bloodied arms. His broken arm still clutched his sister's ruined sleeve of a uniform. His fingers were still gentle. They were so gentle.

The voice of Covenant, her NC, reminded her

"My lady, you are suffering. I must be allowed to administer emergency medical assistance to you. We cannot let you die as the others did. For the sake of-"

Her broken reply came tersely. Through lips dried from combat and fire, Mariano never meant to hurt her "sister" but at this time, she couldn't help it

"Torpe, don't. I don't care. My brother is dead. We're all dead."

"You still breath and your heart beats as fiercely as it did when you fought for Valencia and her people and your followers. Even as you took us to the embrace of the Mediterranean waters, your body did not break."

"But my mind has?" Covenant could say nothing. The expression of the AI, which was shown on the digital face of her long gone sister, Consolas, remained concerned. It was as if she never cared about the attempts of her master to dissuade her.

She was programmed too well to be offended.

But she couldn't help her master as she began to, yet again, collapse on her brother's battered corpse, weeping loudly that if it were not for her remaining inside the tank, she would have demoralized her people.

She had blamed herself. She had blamed thecorporation. She had blamed the people who still were loyal to the greedy. And most of all, she tried to blame God.

For a day, she had not left her tank. For a day, her people could not see her dusty face, her body that shook with anger and grief, her eyes that burned. For a day, Mariano was entombed in the machine, her heart with her NC and fallen brother.

She was all alone. Her family's hope and bloodline rests only with her now.

The last of the blood of Don Carlos and Queen Isabella.


Now in Australia, the lady of the Spaniards, the woman who held the names of the Carlists, the Alfonsists and the Spanish Catholics, the fury of Europe, the hope of Iberia, could stop her temper from taking her mind away but she could not stop her hands from shaking.

She wasn't weak but she wasn't patient either.

851562 Spaniards who fled with her and more importantly, the countless inhabitants of Haven, some of whom were Spaniards, Filipinos, Americans and so forth, were looking to her and the pilots of this airbase.

She almost failed to notice the rest of the squad and the master of the coffee house. Reminded gently by her NC, she raised her head, looked at all of them and said

"AH! My apologies. My name is Encarnación Mariano. I'm a Spaniard who led my people here after we failed to save our country from Paragon. Hopefully with this invasion by Red Star, my countrymen and I can regain our honor."

She then turned to the master of the coffeehouse, smiling as she shyly requested

"Ummm, if it's all right, I'd like to eat some scrambled eggs, pancakes, a little tocino and a cup of warm chocolate with honey."

After making her request, Joey accepted it as she requested and said "Very well, Miss Encarnación."

"Thank you." Then she turned to Chelsea and the rest of the squad "It is nice to meet you all again here. I hope my presence will aid you in the defense of Haven and my people."
Will post if I am able in the afternoon. I have an exam today as well as a medical check up. Hope this isn't bad for my lungs
@Letter Bee Thanks. Sorry I couldn't use tinypic. ^^; I prefer to use urls directly.
Por Dios, La Patria, El Rey!

Spain remains alive in the hearts of all men and women, even those who do not have the blood of the peninsula, there are those who were adopted by our empire from before. And even as an empire fell and a corporation took over, we are still Spanish. And we will not let greed rule.


Encarnación ignored all things around her, strapping the armor on her suit. With one foot on the top of her foot locker and another providing her balance, she could hear Covenant speak to her easily as she adjusted some of the armored plates on her thighs

“My lady, do you wish for some advice from the Holy Book?”

The lady grunted as she made one final adjustment to her armor. She patted it well and said, straightening her back

“Yes. Could you please recite the passages that shall make us both ready for war…”

“Very well, Ma’am.”

“Thank you, Covenant.”

After giving her armor one last inspection and a quick look around as well, she sighed as she started to listen to the scriptures, the lady making her way out of her room.

“Put on yourself the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s scheme.”

She passed by some of her soldiers and officers from the war for Spain. They saluted her swiftly as she returned it with the nod of her head

“You are my war club, my weapon for battle - with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms.”

Kingdoms. Will I ever be a queen with a kingdom? Will there ever be a chance that these corporations shall go away as the tides do, as they ever do on the shores of Andalusia? Of Valencia? Catalonia? The places her people came from?

“Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all fighting men draw near and attack.”

She finally made it to the Operations Room. There she would receive her orders and speak with other pilots. She winced at that and felt a set of jaws come around her heartstrings. Was she truly a hero or a traitor? Perhaps something like the man with the mask from the ancient Watchmen comics?

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

And finally she spoke, keeping her voice down so she could hear her words alone before finally bringing herself forward to participate in the calm before the storm.

“I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.”

She paused for a little while. Then she looked to the rosary she wore around her neck as well as the Sacred Heart of Jesus painted on the armor that shielded her breast. She spoke to them

“Beat easy and let me stand firm. Bless me with bravery, with might and with honor. My duty on this Earth is not over yet and allow me, oh God, to be victorious and glad. Bless my hands, my mind and my weapons. Let go of nothing that will protect me and grant me the righteousness I need to be a good soldier. Firmly take my hands and grant them the power to end life that may stand against me and my people.

Save me and all that I hold dear. And in return, oh God, I devote my heart, my mind and my liberty to you. Amen.”

She crossed herself and joined the squad, entering silently with a smile as her Covenant told her, a whisper in her ear

“Por sus crímenes contra su gente y por mi deseo de servirle, Mi Señora, deje que mis armas rugen y mi armadura proteja.”
NC Character Sheet

Code-name: Covenant / Covenante / Torpe

Appearance: coeleveld.com/wp-content/uploads/2016…

Body Type: (Bipedal, Hover, Tank-Tread, .etc) Tank

Type of NC: (General-Purpose, Interception, Assault, .etc) Heavy

Equipment & Armaments: 95mm Main Coil Gun

1 x 12.7-mm, 1 x 12.7-mm machine guns and 1 x 20mm NATO, six-barrel rotary cannon

Automatic Loader

Automatic Fire Protection System

Advanced fire control system

Smart target-activated fire-and-forget projectiles (Spanish Smart Top-Attack Munitions)

(Can only carry 10 low yield missiles at a time)

digital battlefield management system

navigation system for rapid coordination

Artificial Intelligence NeuroCore - Constanza Covenant / Torpe

advanced threat identification and warning system

laser warning receiver and smoke grenade dischargers

modular armor, reactive

countermeasures system
Pilot Character Sheet

Name: Encarnación Mariano

Appearance: https://1.img-dpreview.com/files/w/TS560x560?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bakubo.com%2FGalleries%25202%2FSpain%2Fslides%2FOLYA1598.jpg&signature=wPSLAjjw6jCB0hlejEzOsjLWS3w%3D

Age: 26

Personality: Loyal, religious and most of all, aggressive, Encarnación is the daughter of Spanish soldiers who fled to Australia during the War. Taught by her father, a former Carlist, and her mother, General de brigada Laura Sofía Mariano, this devoted but furious woman of Hispanic heritage is determined to guard the gates of her city and to prove to the rest of those living in the city that the Spanish are righteous and noble even until today.

Backstory: Born into leadership of Paragon, this young woman showed promise in her skill with NCs and with training others how to use them. She also showed great spirit in her fury when in combat. But this wasn't without reason.

Even as she led Paragon as one of it's chief executive officers, she was recognized secretly by her parents and others in their inner circle as a princess. Truth be told, the girl was one of the only remaining individuals who had the blood of the Spanish royal family. Now there no longer were kings or queens or nobles. They were simply presidents, secretaries and corporate bosses.

This changed when she witnessed how a corporation could mistreat it's own employees. No, it's own people.

First, she saw them lay off her mentor, her maid, her caretaker after she suffered an accident that left her lying in bed helpless. Then she saw them crack down on a miner's strike. It didn't help she was the one who personally did it. It also didn't help her or anyone else at all when she was ordered to engage bystanders and families who saw their loved ones, their fellow Spaniards suffer. Then finally, she was told that she wouldn't even rise to the seat of power she wanted to change things. That she wouldn't say success despite her efforts.

It drove her to a tranquil fury as she defied the last order the Paragon gave her on July 17, the same day the Civil War of 1936 began: She was ordered to put down a food riot during the worst time of the year.

With a dignified glare and a string of curses, she disobeyed this order and turned her weapons on the Paragon security forces. Because of her actions, she used her NC, the Torpe, to lead the Spanish-Paragon War. A war that inspired the factions that hid in the shadows of the people, the CNT FAI and the Carlists, to unite with each other and stand against the corporation that dared to dominate them with tyranny. One by one, city after city rose not to protest or to riot but to fight and to dare to restore Spain to what it once was half a century ago.

Aiding them was a Paragon general who felt sorry for his fellow Spaniards and most of all, his fellow Catholics. His name was Gustavo Franco, a descendant of the infamous General of the Nationalist forces of the Civil War.

By his force of will and his tactical mind, he helped the rebelling princess and her armies fight the Paragon. They would have won too if not for his death when his plane crashed into the mountains of the north.

So even when she and her subordinates learned how to fight, they were pushed back brutally by the corporate forces until eventually they made their last defense at the city of Valencia before finally fleeing to the sea. Despite heavy losses, she did her best to protect her people and what was left of her soldiers until they finally reached Australia.

There, she cooperated with the government of the Independent settlement that welcomed them, helping her people settle and get along with the rest until the invasion. When it came, she didn’t shrink from her duties. Once again, she picked up her tools and went back to fight against the invading corporate bastards. And if they succeed, she would dare lead her people back to Spain and reclaim their birthright.

Tactical Preferences and Skills: Full Head On Combat

Aggressive Movements

Short to Moderate Range Gunnery

Knife Combat

"This briefing is over. Battlemage get moving, your transport is waiting for you in bay A-1. I have faith your squad leader will formulate a plan of action on your journey in, so my task is completed, good luck."

Well then, thought the alien. Let us go, he said to himself in his mind. He rose from his seat, which was at the front, in the corner. Then he turned and went away, out of the room first and looked for the way to the room where his locker was. He did not want to go without some of his own gear. After that, he wanted to visit the armory for the weapons and other essentials he needed before heading to bay A-1.

And just like that, he disappeared, not speaking to anyone for now but at the same time being polite enough to greet those of higher ranks than he has and waving to those lower than he is. Until he reached the locker rooms, he kept that up. And when he was alone with his locker, already grabbing stuff he needed, he simply hummed.
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