Avatar of Baklava
  • Last Seen: 12 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: FMAlchemist
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1456 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Baklava 10 yrs ago


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Takin' a break.


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๐•„: ๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿœ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•ƒ๐•’ โ„™๐•๐•’๐•ฅ๐•’, ๐•„๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ช๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•‹๐• ๐•จ๐•Ÿ / / ~๐Ÿ™๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

The ride to the hospital flew by in relative silence. Callan took note of her fellow classmates: the injured and unconscious. She did her best not to stare too long at anyone. Siena, covered in blood and looking as exhausted as she felt, was among them, but it seemed Lily had healed her as well. The older girl named Angel had a face in tatters-- what the hell happened to her? She didn't spend very long assessing everyone. Nobody seemed like they might die, though she certainly wasn't responsible for that bit of good news.

No, the person she'd been responsible for was likely on her way to the belly of USARILN. Destined to be eaten by some gross mage-corpse eating monster. That was on her. The events that took place replayed in her head like the memory of a horrific movie. The camera always lingering too long on the lifeless honey-gold eyes of a girl she barely knew. She could've done this. She could've done that. Why? Why? Why? Why hadn't she been more careful? Done things differently?

The tears threatened to well up again and she buried her face in her hands until the truck eventually came to a stop; everyone was carted into separate rooms. The two nurses that were tending to her seemed terrified, but Callan barely took notice. They rubbed at the blood on her cheek, checked her dilation, took her pulse, and examined the strange ring of blood around her elbow-- where her arm had detached and regrown. Eventually she was moved to a separate room, but she wasn't left alone for very long.

They carted Christmas into the room and drew some blood. She found the sight disturbing, but, to her own chagrin, said nothing and averted her eyes. It wasn't until she realized they were having trouble getting the needle into her arm that she reacted at all.

"Here," she said, reaching towards the needle. She didn't want to be poked or prodded anymore. She wanted to be left alone. The nurse froze in fear as Callan's hand wrapped around hers, finally pushing the needle through the skin with the added pressure. She'd never had an aversion to needles or anything, but she concealed her uneasy feelings behind an irritated scowl-- one that did not go unnoticed by the pair of women as they quickened their pace.

Alone at last, Callan laid back on the bed and stared up at the blurring ceiling. She wanted to be alone. She didn't want to be alone. But who cared what she wanted? That girl was dead! Because of her!

She grit her teeth and covered her face, but the tears flowed freely beneath her hands. She dizziness and exhaustion that had once overwhelmed her was slowly receding, but her head simply wouldn't stop pounding. She could sense that Misery was itching to take advantage of her moment of weakness and she did her best to choke back the tears. Stop crying, stupid! she chastised herself further, sitting up and resting her forehead on her knees. Racked with guilt, she stayed that way, focusing on remaining in control as her tears ran dry and the Wisford fight repeated itself in her head.

A loud snap. Lifeless honey-gold eyes. A searing pain in her arm.

A snap. Lifeless eyes. Searing pain.

Snap. Eyes. Pain.
Marcus gained a friendship point! +

Sander gained a friendship point! +

Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -
Zoe lost a friendship point... -

Lily gained a friendship point! +

Brent gained a friendship point! +

Allison gained a friendship point! +

Kusari gained a friendship point! +

Chris gained a friendship point! +

(halfway done with lil opinion sheet updates)
Yeah. Someone would have to come up with a similar idea and make a new thread for me to be interested in anything like a reboot.
Alas, I don't have time to GM anything more than what I'm GMing now. But since I'm in school and don't plan on joining any other RPs, I'll be around if Avemelle or Delta ever decide to come back.
Yeah... maybe so. GM hasn't been online in over a month. Doesn't bode very well. :(


๐•„: ๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿœ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•Ž๐•š๐•ค๐•—๐• ๐•ฃ๐••, ๐•„๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ช๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•‹๐• ๐•จ๐•Ÿ / / ~๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Zoe latched onto the her target on the ground and Callan averted her eyes. She had an idea of what Zoe might do and wasn't keen on watching. Besides, the sight of Emma screaming while trapped in a mess of spikes as Kusari carefully pulled her out was enough to hold her attention-- or what was left of it. Good. They were okay. She was glad. It was still terrifyingly difficult to breath, however, and the temperature seemed to be dropping... Ah, if only she still had her jacket.

The noise coming from her cuff was practically unintelligible at this point. Though Emma had since stopped, someone was still screaming and crying. Familiar voices grew distant as Kusari proceeded to carry Marcus and Emma to safety. And then even more screaming. The edges of her vision darkened and blurred just before the ground, suddenly a rocky tapestry of spikes, came rushing at her. Fear flickered through her mind, but her heart couldn't pound any faster. A hard pressure hit her stomach, but it didn't break skin. She rose up and fell again, grunting at the discomfort. Again. Again. Again. She coughed behind grit teeth.

The movement only made Callan more dizzy, but she could still make out the large spike beneath her. A condensing black substance began to cover it. Misery. It seemed her hammer had deconstructed itself. She tried to focus on keeping the creature in, but it was too hard. She couldn't do it. Just like she couldn't save Savannah-- or kill the gargoyle. Not enough resolve and too much of everything else. A portion of Misery's hand emerged, by chance blocking the deadly spike just as the gravity finally stabilized. Callan slammed into the immovable creature's knuckle and rolled down, feeling every bump and scrape with stunning clarity. Everything hurt.

Her shadow followed as she fell. Misery continued trying to crawl out of the edges of her shadow as Callan lay awkwardly sprawled at the base of two spikes, face down in the asphalt. Before it could get more than a single claw out, however, it dissipated. It simply could not exist so long as its host was no longer sentient.

Callan | Zoe

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿœ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•Ž๐•š๐•ค๐•—๐• ๐•ฃ๐••, ๐•„๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ช๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•‹๐• ๐•จ๐•Ÿ / / ~๐Ÿ™๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

Collab with @Lasrever @Baklava

What was left of Callan's arm didn't seem to be going anywhere. Hardly a comfort given what had just happened. And there was no telling if it'd start up again. Looking past her bleeding stump, the monster girl she'd been wrestling with didn't seem to be faring very well, either. She convulsed even more violently, screeching in pain as the side of her face began to wither away. There was something familiar about it. The way her hardened flesh came undone like sand caught in an updraught--


But... didn't Zoe need physical contact to activate her ability?

A-and why would she use it on me?

She wasn't given much time to think about it, between the agony pulsing through her arm-- or was that her blood?-- and a vague understanding that she was only floating higher with every passing second, there wasn't much room for anything else. Maybe something heavy could help get her down. Then, she could try and stop the bleeding.

Could she summon a weapon? Would that work? But she'd have to be able to reach her shadow.... Callan shivered from the pain, but forced herself to move. She grabbed the petticoat of the quickly disintegrating gargoyle beneath her. It was a struggle to do so one handed, but she finally managed to draw out her hammer as her opponent stopped moving, Zoe's ability having made quick work of her brain.

The instant the hammer snapped into its form, it fell. Caught off guard by how suddenly it worked against the levitation field, she nearly lost her one handed grip on the thing. As she started to fall, Callan spotted Zoe beneath her. If the redhaired mage noticed and hadn't actually decided to turn against USARILN, Callan would have to apologize later for the way her body instinctively tried to avoid her during the fall.

Zoe herself had come to the realisation that she wasn't actually reaching anyone at this rate. Probably should've checked how fast the field was working before throwing herself in there. Floating uselessly, her eyes darted around, looking for some sort of way down. Nothing. Paddling was basically pointless as well, leaving her with no real options.

Suddenly, there was someone falling past her, and Zoe twisted and lunged to grab them, her hands just barely managing to grab onto their foot. The suddenness of the movement almost made her lose her grip, but keeping hold, she looked down to see who she'd actually grabbed.


Well, this was awkward. Hopefully her arm wasn't too--


The redhead didn't even think to hide her shock as she realised what she'd done. She hadn't expected the rot to work so quickly, but it seemed like she really didn't know her own strength. Or more likely, hadn't cared as much as she should have. Either way, Zoe quickly realised Callan was probably well within her rights to punch her face in. There wasn't much she could say that wouldn't sound hollow, though, so she stayed silent.

Feeling Zoe latch onto her shoe, Callan flinched. The head of the hammer hit the pavement, ending its descent, but still pulled the pair a bit further due to the momentum. Callan looked down-- or, more accurately, up-- at Zoe with wide, anxious eyes as she suddenly fumbled with her grip on the hammer. Misery clearly wasn't fond of the current circumstances-- trying to squirm out of the weapon's form. When did she get so sweaty?

Hearing her name, her gaze flickered to the hand on her foot. If she'd wanted to rot her leg, she would have done it by now... right? A hopeful thought spurred by her teammate's questioning tone. Had she simply mistaken her for someone else? An honest mistake. Aquamarine hair was all the rage these days afterall. An iota of sarcasm amidst the growing fog in her head that was urging her to close her eyes and forget about it. When did it get so damn cold?

"Zo--" She opened her mouth to speak-- to ask why or maybe tell her to let go and get away-- but all that came out was half a syllable and the rest of that bloody cough she'd been trying to hold in all this time. Ingrained manners prevailed and she turned away to cough into an elbow that simply wasn't there anymore. "Ugh" she wheezed, shuddering again. Through watering eyes, she watched the stream of red still pulsing out into the world, floating up into the sky and leaving her behind.

Zoe was unnerved as she watched the blood floating past her, though perhaps not as much as she should have been. From the looks of things, Callan wasn't in a good way, and her actions certainly hadn't helped matters. Plus, the arbiter seemed more than a little scared by her presence, which was understandable. She'd been freaked out enough by Zoe's powers this morning, and that hadn't been on anyone real, never mind her.

"I'm..." What? Sorry? Seemed a little late for that. Besides, apologising implied she wouldn't do it again - Not a direct promise, but still one she was uncomfortable making. After all, Zoe figured she was bad enough without being a liar as well. Still, beyond what she'd done, the coughing was worrying. Zoe was certain that the arm was the only thing she'd targeted, so this meant something else was wrong.

"You okay?" She spoke out of genuine concern, not quite realising how it sounded coming from her at that particular moment.

The short answer was no, but in between coughs, Callan couldn't even manage that. Savannah was dead. Lawrence, too. And the others were still in trouble. But more than that, something felt wrong. Really really wrong. And it wasn't her arm. She shook her head once, instantly regretting the movement. She felt dizzy.

Wrapping her good arm around the hammer's shaft, she applied as much pressure as she could to the bleeding stump and pulled the rest of her body down with Zoe in tow. She could see a figure some distance away. The only other person who wasn't floating.

"Can you reach her from here?" she asked hoarsely. Zoe asking if she was alright must mean she wasn't planning on killing her, right? She could only hope. And if Zoe didn't have to touch people to activate her ability anymore, then maybe this fight could be over sooner rather than later.

Zoe glanced over at the gravity-wielder. They weren't far away, but the field sent them upwards pretty fast. Still, it was worth a shot. No point waiting around for someone else to save them. "She's not in range, but I think I can grab hold of her if you give me a shove. See if I can convince her to lower the others safely."

Her expression was conflicted as she tried to right herself without floating away. Somehow she doubted Callan would approve her brand of 'convincing', though it wasn't about to stop her. This would be so much easier if she could actually stop herself from giving a damn, but she was only human, at the end of the day. No matter how how her stigma twisted her emotions. Still, someone had to do it.

"Send me that way, then go find a healer. You look like you're about to pass out." She forced herself to try and lock eyes with Callan, a little of her usual sternness creeping into her tone. "I owe you an explanation once we're done here, and I can't do that if you're dead, got it?"

Callan nodded faintly, not meeting her eyes. Her feelings concerning Zoe had yet to solidify into anything certain. Scared, confused, a little agitated... mostly tired. But she could manage that much. Probably.

An explanation would be nice, but her concern for that and almost everything else was dwindling. "Hold on tight," Callan instructed. She set her feet against the handle facing the enemy mage. She teetered there for a moment as another dizzy spell passed before she finally kicked off, pushing her legs with as much strength as she could muster.

They made some good distance, but by the time they were close enough, the lift had done its work, causing them to pass overhead.

"H-hurry. Kick off of me."

It took Zoe a second to make sure she was aiming for the right place, focused on the black-haired girl at the centre of the field. As soon as she got her bearings, she grinned. "Got it."

Pushing off of Callan without another word, Zoe sent herself flying almost headfirst towards the girl on the ground. Of course, it was tempting to just try and kill her right there, but with all the extra time the approach had taken it was obvious that the others were unlikely to survive the fall. For now, Zoe wrapped her arms tightly around the gravity-user's shoulders in what was possibly the world's most threatening hug.

"Do me a favour and let them down safely, would you?"

Callan upgrade!

Misery now has the ability to manifest wings! And fly!

But Callan can't.

๐•„: ๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿœ, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•Ž๐•š๐•ค๐•—๐• ๐•ฃ๐••, ๐•„๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ช๐•๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•• / / ๐•‹๐• ๐•จ๐•Ÿ / / ~๐Ÿ™๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

Something had happened. A few small flecks of blood from the gargoyle's shattered eye splashed across the bridge of her nose, but the majority of the warm red was streaming into her opponent's mouth. She smacked away the arm that tried to throw her off, tightly gripping the collar of the aberration's petticoat through her scarf with both hands and yanking her upward. In spite of all her rage, the sight of the inhuman thing in such excruciating pain gave Callan pause. A flicker of hope that it was over and they'd won crossed her mind, muddying her resolve to end the girl's life.

It didn't make sense. She deserved it for killing Savannah. For killing Lawrence. For attacking her friends. She deserved to die! Callan slammed the gargoyle back down into the asphalt. She lifted her up and slammed her down again, but Callan was the one who suddenly started feeling dizzy. The heaviness in her chest was getting worse and she subdued another cough that was welling up inside, swallowing hard as she slammed the girl down a third time.

Gun shots and squealing tires prefaced the sudden weightlessness that caught her by surprise. Her grip on the convulsing abe loosened for only a moment before her fingers quickly restored their gasp. She turned to look over her shoulder at what was going on, but she couldn't see anything.

Savannah, Lawrence, Marcus, Emma, the APC-- it was all gone. Replaced by the sensation of falling, or rather, sinking. A curtain of iridescent bubbles rose around her. Beyond them, she could make out the comforting sight of those stars she'd seen that morning. Beautiful and strange. So much better than the death and disappointment that she'd no doubt return to when this was all over.

Curiously, her feet weren't finding purchase. The bubbles surrounding her didn't fade away as she felt they ought to, either. In fact, the deeper she sank, the more dense they seemed to become. As such, she could barely make out the bright lights in the distance that seemed to be falling in line with with her. With all the starlight and passing bubbles obscuring her vision, she couldn't make out who-- or what-- it was meant to be. Or even if it was one or many. A kaleidoscope of sense. An ordinary alien with a presence that was somehow foreign, yet routine.

For a moment she thought she saw the her grandmother. Old and gray, but still vibrant with life-- as she'd always known her. Not the decaying lady attached to tubes and pumps in a cold colorless hospital room. But even Callan wasn't that delusional. It felt too bizarre. Then it was her parents. But after all that had happened, why would they be there? Dom flickered into sight, but that wasn't right. The next shape was of Marcus. Her thoughts froze and she could feel her heart skip a beat, but he had no reason to be there either. So away he went. She felt an infuriating shyness overcome the calm. Was she the one doing this?

She felt she ought to know, but she didn't. And as she racked her brain for an answer, uselessly groping around in the bubble swarmed darkness as it were, she found herself faced with a gargantuan wall, severing her from the answer she sought.

No... wait....

It was the answer. In a sense. The big picture which always seemed to evade her. Feet now firmly planted, she stepped back. And kept going. It was so... big. She couldn't find the beginning or end. The further away she got, the more quickly the sheer size of it began to weigh on her conscious. It was overwhelming. But what was it? It rolled up to the tip of her tongue and seemed to taunt her curiosity there. Anxiety soon flooded her mind as she got the distinct feeling that she was running out of time. Figure it out. Figure it out. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

But then it shattered-- breaking away like a paper mache unraveling itself from the glue. Inexplicably, she felt reassured. Even as the pieces floated through the ocean around her. She reached out and grasped a passing fragment, upon which she saw a single word. Before she could commit it to memory, a sudden shift in the current pushed her left and right and finally back into reality.

Callan watched Sander plunge into the gravity field and make short work of the a mage who seemed to be behind the gun shots she'd heard as well as a spreading layer of ice. Ribbons of blood followed the body of the man's demolished corpse. A harrowing sight, but one that also provided a distorted sort of comfort. Sander was here. He would help... and perhaps do a much better job of it than she'd done thus far.

Before she could take in anymore details of the scene behind her, however, something like a sudden, buzzing rash on the side of her arm gripped her attention from thereon out. An unscratchable itch coupled with searing pain was eating away at her-- literally. Dumbfounded, tears welled up in her eyes as she watched skin give way to muscle-- and then bone. Crying out in surprise and mistaking her enemy to be the culprit, she moved to release the aberration beneath her. The signals in her brain didn't make it past the command to pull her arm away, however. She watched in horror as her hand, still gripping the purple scarf, was left behind before that too broke apart and faded from existence.
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