Avatar of Balmung1100
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    1. Balmung1100 10 yrs ago


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I'm thinking the folks that haven't posted at all probably won't. So I'm gonna open up the recruiting stuff again in the interest checks.

@Aphelion You haven't missed much/anything. Valais or I are probably going to timeskip everyone into the lab soon.
@needlingAsklepios seems to have vanished, so I guess we'll have to just drag her along for a while and hope she comes back. Are any of the other people that have made CS going to post?@SuperTacticalDerp@OneWayOut

Next step is for us all to meet up in the lab.
"It's not very far, it's that big building with the Pokeball over that way." Ian said pointing to the large building in the center the boat they had come from. "I guess we'd better head over there. Not much else to do in this place." The disappointment in Ian's voice was barely hidden, but it was quickly forgotten as he remembered that there would be plenty of gyms to challenge.

Ian brought up his map on his Pokegear to take a good look at the Kosei region, it was a large place, to be sure. But from Windshire it wasn't very clear which route would be the best to take. The two paths branched of in nearly opposite directons leading to Mesalon and Vareena respectively. While Mesalon seemed slightly closer, Vareena's grass type gym would give Sneasel a distinct advantage. Ian decided it'd be a good idea to wait until after the meeting at the lab to make a decision and closed his pokegear.

"Well, let's head over there then." Ian said before the group set off.

It wasn't very long before they were standing in front of the large building, the sign on the front clearly reading Pokemon Lab.

"It isn't a very creative name, but I guess it gets the message across."

(a small while later)

Several trainers were seated in the lobby waiting patiently for Professor Tsuga to arrive. As expected, the man was already running a few minutes late. several minutes later the door to Tsuga's office was flung open and the professor strode through looking as frazzled as ever.

"I'm glad to see you've all made it on time." Tsuga stated as he quickly glanced at his watch. A barely noticeable look of alarm flashed on his face as he saw the time. The professor shrugged hopelessly."Unfortunately, I was the one who arrived late. I'm sure you all have plenty of questions about this region and why it was so important for you all to be here for this...orientation."

"Well, yeah. From what I can tell all of us already have Pokemon and the usual travelling gear." Ian said. It felt kind of redundant to hold a meeting like this when most of the trainers were already ready to go and explore.

"Yes, well I'm actually rather glad that all of you do. You see, I've misplaced the pokeballs that would be holding your starting Pokemon otherwise." Tsuga said with a sigh. "But that's irrelevant, I had to get all of you here today to officially register you for the Kosei League, and answer any questions you have about it. You see, Kosei is a very dangerous place and to be certain that trainers can handle themselves in the more hazardous areas, many places require a gym badge to enter. I understand how inconvenient that may be, but between Team Tyrannical's sudden activity and the odd circumstances that have been occurring so frequently these past few months, it has become a necessity for trainers to prove their abilities and continuously grow stronger."

"Team what?" Ian asked, now slightly confused.

"Tyrannical, yes. I'm sure, you being from Orre, you are aware that there are many groups of criminals that like to band together and cause trouble." Tsuga said. "Needless to say, Tyrannical is no exception. They don't seem to be too aggressive in their actions, and their motives, if they have any, are far from clear. But it shouldn't be too much of an issue for you all. They don't seem to be too concerned about random trainers, and from what I've heard they aren't too keen about attacking children. If you don't mind, Ian, I'd prefer if you could keep all questions to yourselves until I'm finished."

Ian grumbled slightly to himself at the word 'children', but nodded all the same. He didn't like the sound of these Team Tyrannical people. While they probably weren't nearly as bad as Cipher, they would certainly be something to watch out for.

"Of course, despite all of its flaws, Kosei isn't at all a bad place. With its wide variety of Pokemon, trainers, and sights to see, it is a region full of adventure!" Tsuga said excitedly. It was obvious that this part of the presentation was all but rehearsed. As if to confirm this, Tsuga shuffled through his papers for a moment and once he found the sheet he was looking for, began speaking once more. "Well, I guess that's my presentation. If any of you have any questions before you leave, be sure to ask while we're all still here. I'm sure at least a few of you will share the same question."
So when we all go our separate ways, obviously we're not gonna just walk in groups five feet away from each other. I guess this (or when we get through at the lab) is probably a good time to figure out which direction your character would like to go and find the folks that'd also like to go that way. The two towns that are in reasonable distance would be Mesalon and Vareena, so I guess your choice would be between the Normal type gym and the Grass type gym.
"Well you certainly don't see that every day." Ian said as he watched somebody crawl on all fours in the direction of the lab. "I'm sure we'll get to meet that one at the lab later."

Ian and the other two trainers (sorry for just dragging y'all along, but there wasn't much else to do at this point) walked to a large building with its own wind turbine sticking out of the top. The red letters reading 'Gym' were plastered over the doorway and the sign a few feet away from the structure. For some reason, the outer walls of the gym were covered with graffiti. Instinctively, Ian attempted to walk through the automatic doors only to bump against them.

"Maybe it's closed?" He thought out loud as he gave the doors another try. In an attempt to confirm the gym's status he searched for any type of written sign or another indication that the gym was empty. Finding nothing, he turned to the other two and shrugged. "I guess nobody's home."

Sneasel was still inspecting the area around the gym to see if there was some kind of alternate way in, after a few seconds she returned and sighed with disappointment.

"I guess facing a gym as soon as we got here was a bit optimistic anyway." Ian said, patting Sneasel gently on the head.
We'll probably have to steal a bit from Pokemon Reborn (which I really recommend it if you haven't tried it). Link Stones can basically recreate the same energy that trades produce, so it's just another evo stone.
Well the evolution items are canon in both I believe. I'm pretty sure Ash's gligar was given a razor fang right before he evolved. (don't worry, I have to get a razor claw at some point.)
In case y'all were wondering, the hooded guy happens to be one of the commanders of Team Tyrannical. Commander Argon.
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