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  • Old Guild Username: Bandit Keith
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    1. Bandit Keith 11 yrs ago


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natsumehack said
I Make it self destruct, and leave the terrible fan fiction plot hook to a great cartoon alone.

Problem is this Megas can't be destroyed even with attempting a self destruct
Your <ANY CAR/TRUCK OF YOUR CHOICE UNDER 50K$> has been damaged in an accident recently. Some dumbass who doesn't know how to drive hit your mirror while trying to pass you. Because you like to do things yourself, rather then take it into a shop, you head to the junkyard to find a mirror. While looking for one, the owner says you can have anything in that pile for 2$. You pull out a mirror, only to cause an avalanche of junk! You run away, and look behind at the mess you have caused. What you see is a silver 30m tall robot without a head! You purchase it for 2$ from the owner. After bolting the <ANY CAR/TRUCK OF YOUR CHOICE UNDER 50K$> to the head of the giant silver robot, you find that someone has left an instruction manual inside your glovebox. You open it..

This MEGAS is controlled by your thought, the controls are merely to help you focus your thoughts and don't actually do anything. The robot will mirror what you want it do, and nobody else can use it.
The MEGAS is invincible. You will not die so long as you are within it and in control. It grows in strength and power depending as you grow angrier. Should you be in immediate danger, the dashboard will always have a button that will save you.
The MEGAS can travel to any fictional universe you want it to. To do so, simply insert a disk into the CD drive that corresponds to a fictional work. Loading the Halo 4 Complete Soundtrack, for example, will take you to the Haloverse, circa 2557. To open a dimensional rift, turn up the speakers to 11,000,000.
The MEGAS does not obey any laws of physics, and operates entirely on Cool, Awesome, Convenient, and Funny. If you want to go to Alpha Centauri, the speed of light will not slow you down.

You flip the sheet around, and you see 3 boxes to fill in.

Primary, Secondary, Tetiary colors I want: __________________________________________________
Decals and stickers I want: _____________________________________________________________
A 3 letter acronym to name it: MEGAS _____
Theme Song I want to play when I'm fighting something: _____________________________________
Fictional characters I want as passengers:____________________________________________

You now have a MEGAS, the god of all mechs. What do you do?
This is the base ideal and guidelines to the ideal

In this rp ideal,either ever since the summer before Second Year, Harry has had a secret. A secret bound by contracts, set in motion by gringotts and his father's business moves Harry gets found by a Goblin who tells him about being a head of house, owning lots of properties and companies, blah blah blah you've seen the plot devise a hundred times But one of these companies, Ingen, require special attention for him, as his summer is spent not in Dursley prison, but Costa Rica on Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna! He is Ingen's ace.With Magic, Harry and the greedy Hammond set out to better Jurassic Park, with Harry finding out how dangerous the greed of Hammond is

Rules/guidelines and some details I have for this ideal

1: Harry will help John Hammond and Ingen make Jurassic Park open, Hammond being aware of Magic

2: Harry's tendencies to be brilliant, if lazy is to be shown as he revolutionizes JP, but keeps a average act in canon

3: Harry will have enough power to put a lid on some of the ideas for the park, AKA the Raptors

4: Hammond will have his Movie persona

5: Harry will be able to use magic as much as he wants while in Costa Rica

6:Rule on bashing, Harry potter verse I shall not let Remus,Sirius, Tonks, Mcgonnagal, Luna or Hermione be bashed(most of everyone else you have free rain to bash ) Albiet making fun or having others piont fun at another even flawed judgement fun I'll let in. On the Jurassic Park universe those that had sense and the kids I want keep from being bashed more or less feel free to ask me if you can bash a character as sometimes a character at times had sense but discarded it later on in the next movie

7: Harry will have a house on Isla Sorna

8: Harry's Jurassic Park must have at least one Sauropod/Titanosaur, three Hadrosaurs/Iguanadon, two Ceratopsian, Four Predatory species and 3 other species of majority choice. But, because Harry is logical, no Spinosaurus and no Raptors(Albeit I've been mauling over the ideal of Raptors being a Security group you'll know why or how down the line)

9: Parseltongue can affect certain Dinosaurs...will use as necessary in the plot

10: Have magic allow avenues into new, non dinosaur creatures, as well as less famous ones.

11: If you want to have Harry clone Dodo's, Smilodon or something that became extinct since the meteor, be free to do bring it up I'd likely agree to it so long as its reasonable(In otherwords nothing like a Megalodon or Sarcosaurus for they could more or less easy enough go to where humans live). Same for pre dinos.

12: When the Order finds out, let loose comedy

13: the creatures that can eat meat and be affected by Parseltongue aside from the standard diet will eat almost any magical if the''Security'' is brought in to deal with some form of threat that the magical is the cause of as in my head canon most purely magical people don't technically exist on muggle or my preferred term mundane legal records when it comes to existing, So Security can do whatever they want to magicals without legal problems be it the none human security or the human security

These depending on what others want may or may not be put in as a way to not get the creatures killed off early in therefore its just a possibility and majority vote might make me keep some out or put none in of the below I might put some in anyway

the islands Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna are afew magical dead zones of the world you can get there by magic such as apparition or portkey but at that point no magic can be used,even what got there so no access to magic that leaves the body/needs a focus

Once existent creatures being brought back in a unnatural way give the creatures magic immunity or resistance even to the killing curse

Do to the magic used to gather/improve the DNA the creatures have access to variants of magic making them even more of a predator or more easy to survive if they would be the prey

Canon and Original characters welcome ,Anyone interested?
Put simply I'm looking to crossover Red Dead redemption (regular and/or undead nightmare version) with the Bioshock series of games likely Bioshock infinite would be the wisest choose for the crossover to happen we can work with OC's or Canon characters depending on ideals or preferences
I'll likely get flamed for this theme/type of thing but its stuck in my head

Plot Synopsis for the rp : An alternate ending to Evil Dead II sends Ashley J. Williams, a local Deerborn, Michigan man and S-Mart Housewares associate, being sucked into a portal created by the Necronomicon Ex Mortis, roughly translated, The Book of the Dead. It is bound in human flesh and inked in human blood. After fending off of hordes of Deadites, the dark spirits which are residents of the infamous book, Ash begins to recite a passage which would cast the Deadites away for good. But, his luck runs out when a mysterious portal opens up and sucks him, the Necronomicon, and his Oldsmobile Delta 88 into the unknown. It reopens and casts Ash into the middle of Ponyville with his beloved car falling off to the side of him right at Town Hall. The Necronomicon is nowhere to be found. Ash, now in unfamiliar land and low on gas, must locate this ancient scripture and team up with very unlikely allies to find the book and return back to Deerborn.

Now, with Ash, as fans of Evil Dead know, he will screw up the words and accidently unleash the Deadites across Equestria. OCs and Fan-Chars alike welcome. I myself will take the role of Ash and all of his badassness.
Zelos rubbed his forehead he knew such things from being one of Indralia's guards as even though hes younger then most people who become guards he has the skill needed and his age allows others to underestimate him which is always good for the person thats being underestimated''True but if they turn on you its not my fault''Zelos muttered as he then stopped a pick-pocket in a kind manner for he could tell its a child in cloths that are practically rags''Here child you only need to ask''Zelos felt odd calling someone just 5 years younger then him child but he didn't want to say little one or the like anyway he handed the child some money discreetly hidden under a apple so no one would notice the money till the child used it
Zelos hissed at the question like a displeased snake''Indralia sir I told you I was against seeking help from here for the most part when you suggested coming here on a supply run months ago but a loyal and honorable man known as Drakan holds sway over the citizens as he cares for there well being for that sway hes had attempts on his life''Zelos said the last part offhandedly showing that type of thing is rather common in this Citadel after all theres so many citizens that if they was extremely loyal to someone like Drakan and Drakan wished to reform that place that the citizens rallied as one group could take the Citadel ''Matter of fact me family was exiled for publicly supporting the mans ideals for bettering this place''
Zelos was against seeking help from this Citadel from the start not just because his family was banished without the chance to collect there weapons,armor and other gear they'd need when first starting the journey but also because the place Darkhold holds mostly those towards the darkside of things. Sure not everyone is bad in the place but a good deal of them are
(OOps I never worked on this kind of set up where theres tabs to hit to switch very well thanks for informing me)
Zelos was against seeking help from this Citadel from the start not just because his family was banished without the chance to collect there weapons,armor and other gear they'd need when first starting the journey but also because the place Darkhold holds mostly those towards the darkside of things. Sure not everyone is bad in the place but a good deal of them are
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