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    1. Bec 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current i want to rp but i cant focus cuz cramps >_>
8 yrs ago
i can't believe i'm this excited to play play a depressed moe mothman


I'm a seventeen year old nonbinary LARPer who wants to try their hand at text-based roleplay.

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Name: Skylar Zinn
Alias: Jinx
Age: 21
Sex: nonbinary
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Personality: Brash and reckless, Skylar has never been one to miss a fight. They're not competently heartless, but they definitely put their own wants before anything else. Skylar usually maintains a carefree and cocky attitude but are quick to anger if things don't go their way. They're not one for restraint, not ever missing a chance to indulge themself in whatever they find entertaining.
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Occupation: Mercenary
Status: Fugitive
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Eye Color: green
Power/s: (limited) probability manipulation
Strengths: very lucky, hard to intimadate, pretty good at hand to hand combat
Weaknesses: reckless, low tolerance for suffering, controlled by emotions, over confident
Background: Growing up with little supervision and lots of money, Skylar acquired a taste for dangerous excitement early on. They picked fights, stole, vandalized, caused all shorts of trouble. With their superhuman luck on their side and their parents money to bail them out when that failed, Skylar felt unstoppable. Things changed when after a partially bad arrest their parents finally cut them off. But Skylar found a way to get more excitement and money then ever before, a career as a mercenary.
Relationships: none yet
Equipment: twin handguns, smoke bombs, dagger

Real name: Artie Prince (born Artemis Prince)
Hero name: Calamity Kid
Age: 17
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender: nonbinary
Crush: (update if your char gets one) none yet
Height: 6′ 3″
Related to: the Amazons
Race: Amazonian
Powers: flight (can't fly faster than they can run, and it's just as exerting), super strength (not as strong as a fully trained adult amazon)
Weaknesses: Mostly untrained, inexperienced, and lacks equipment such as Amazon gauntlets or any weapons.
Strengths: Disciplined and superpowered.
Average overall grade: B plus
Personality: Since childhood, Artie has been very strong willed. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and they don't back down from it. They have a somewhat serious nature but are friendly enough. They don't put their trust in people easily but are to polite to let it show.
They have a somewhat serious nature but are friendly enough. They don't put their trust in people easily but are to polite to let it show.
Dislikes: Misunderstandings, being called a girl, and needless fighting.
Likes: Animals, hiking and rain.
Bio: Created out of clay and raised on Themyscira, Artie's childhood was one of a typical Amazon, filled with training and schooling with the girls. But Artie knew something was not quite right, it wasn't until they where allowed to visit the mainland that they found the word for what they had always felt, they are nonbinary. Since they came out, Artie's relationship with their people has been strained at best. The Amazons believed the world of men had poisoned their mind, that Artie only had to accept how great woman are to be a woman. They where confined to Themyscira, with the intention of being set right though tough love. Fortunately for Artie, they where able to run away when a shipping cruise ship was drawn near the island by a unpredicted storm one night. They've done their best to make it in the mainland since.
@KatherinWinter I don't really wanna play the same character in two very similar rps because I think it would get pretty confusing for me

Name: Moth Silver (aka "Mothman")
Age: young for their species
Gender: genderless
Species: not even they know
Powers/Abilities: flight, very good night vision, surprising streagnth
in human disguise:
out of human disguise:
Backstory: For as long as Moth can remember, they've been alone. They grew up in the Appalachian wilderness with only the the singing of the birds and the chirping of the crickets to keep them company. They expected it to always be this way until one night when they found a cemetery in the farthest part of the forest. Moth was fascinated with the strange sculptures and mysterious markings on them, so fascinated that they over time taught themself how to read them. Fearful by nature, Moth was for a long time to afraid to interact with the humans that frequented the sight. But one cold November night, a mix of loneliness and curiosity drove them to make contact. They lost their nerve after beginning seen for only a few seconds, but this would mark the first in a series of interactions that would end in tragedy. On December 15, 1967 Moth attempted to perch on a suspension chain of the Silver Bridge, but when they landed to hard the chain snapped. This caused the bridge collapsed, killing 46 people. Horrified at what they had done, Moth retreated home into their woods and swore to never interact with anyone again out of fear of hurting someone. Moth grew depressed, feeling nothing but intense guilt and crushing loneliness. Years pasted by like this, until one day another creature passed through their woods. Moth wanted to keep their vow to never make contact with anyone ever again, but it had been so long and they where so very lonely. For a moment their loneliness overwhelmed their guilt and they met the traveling creature. The traveler told them about a school for supernatural beings like Moth, a school where they could finally stop being alone in safety. Even though Moth felt they didn't deserve to, they decided to attend. They took the name of the Silver Bridge as their own as a constint reminder of the deaths they had caused and for first time in decades left the woods.

Personality: A life of isolation has made Moth very sociably awkward and gullible. They're easy to scare and easier to push around given that they loath confrontation and will avoid it at all cost. A kind soul, Moth hates to be the cause of anyone's suffering.

Friends/Family: no family that they know of, no friends yet

Crush/Relationships: none yet

Other: Moth has a very low opinion of themself and doesn't expect to excel in school or in their personal life.

Theme: Snow Owl by the Mountain Goats
Name: Moth Silver (aka "Mothman")
Age: young for their species
Gender: genderless
Species: not even they know
Powers/Abilities: flight, very good night vision, surprising streagnth
in human disguise:
out of human disguise:
Backstory: For as long as Moth can remember, they've been alone. They grew up in the Appalachian wilderness with only the the singing of the birds and the chirping of the crickets to keep them company. They expected it to always be this way until one night when they found a cemetery in the farthest part of the forest. Moth was fascinated with the strange sculptures and mysterious markings on them, so fascinated that they over time taught themself how to read them. Fearful by nature, Moth was for a long time to afraid to interact with the humans that frequented the sight. But one cold November night, a mix of loneliness and curiosity drove them to make contact. They lost their nerve after beginning seen for only a few seconds, but this would mark the first in a series of interactions that would end in tragedy. On December 15, 1967 Moth attempted to perch on a suspension chain of the Silver Bridge, but when they landed to hard the chain snapped. This caused the bridge collapsed, killing 46 people. Horrified at what they had done, Moth retreated home into their woods and swore to never interact with anyone again out of fear of hurting someone. Moth grew depressed, feeling nothing but intense guilt and crushing loneliness. Years pasted by like this, until one day another creature passed through their woods. Moth wanted to keep their vow to never make contact with anyone ever again, but it had been so long and they where so very lonely. For a moment their loneliness overwhelmed their guilt and they met the traveling creature. The traveler told them about a school for supernatural beings like Moth, a school where they could finally stop being alone in safety. Even though Moth felt they didn't deserve to, they decided to attend. They took the name of the Silver Bridge as their own as a constint reminder of the deaths they had caused and for first time in decades left the woods.

Personality: A life of isolation has made Moth very sociably awkward and gullible. They're easy to scare and easier to push around given that they loath confrontation and will avoid it at all cost. A kind soul, Moth hates to be the cause of anyone's suffering.

Friends/Family: no that they know of, no friends yet

Crush/Relationships: none yet

Other: Moth has a very low opinion of themself and doesn't expect to excel in school or in their personal life.

Character Theme: Snow Owl by the Mountain Goats
@Bryn sorry i'm new and don't know how to deate posts? could you tell me please
Name: Vulpini Vole
Talent: Animal Talent
Personality: Ever since childhood, Vulpini has always felt out of place with other fairies and prefered the company of animals. They never could quite figure out social norms and people overwhelm them easily. Animals aren't as confusing, and they don't judge. Vulpini also has a adventurous spirit on love to explore the island with their animal friends. They sometimes find trinkets tinkers, once even a tiny basket of tiny apples.
Name: Vulpini Vole
Talent: Animal Talent
Personality: Ever since childhood, Vulpini has always felt out of place with other fairies and prefered the company of animals. They never could quite figure out social norms and people overwhelm them easily. Animals aren't as confusing, and they don't judge. Vulpini also has a adventurous spirit on love to explore the island with their animal friends. They sometimes find trinkets tinkers, once even a tiny basket of tiny apples.
@KatherinWinter i'm putting my character in the animal army instead
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