Avatar of Black Keys
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    1. Black Keys 6 yrs ago


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Hm... I'm not sure where Jarynth will go, now. Will probably roll to see!
Hiyo I'm still alive-o! Oh boy, lots of catching up to do ^^"
Caster's identity will be pretty easy, and I'll be describing their appearance with the intention to hint at who they might be, since it does concern the role I wish to play for Caster
Jarynth Robincrest

Baron of Berries
Vintage Virtuoso

can also shoot a bow

Current Location: Town Hall

@Lucius Cypher

The roads have been rough for Jarynth, as was made apparent by his torn clothes. First of all, he was robbed, twice. The first time around, he lost his bow after deciding it would be a good idea to sleep next to it... out in the open. The next had occurred when he was camping with Halflings, who both had large appetites and a love for Elven rations. Without weapons and with little food, Jarynth considered giving up a few times. He even once considered sending his messenger raven to the Winemaker's Guild in order to request a better mode of transportation. Sadly, he was unable to do so at the time, as he had just realized he was eating a pair of raven legs at that particular moment. If anything, it was a miracle that a man like Jarynth had survived the journey to Frontier Town at all. Seeing the other group of new arrivals along with the trio of locals awaiting their arrival, Jarynth found it to be a perfect moment to introduce himself.

"Hello, friends, foes, new and old! Forgive me for being so bold! My name is Jarynth Robincrest! Baron of Berries! Vintage Virtuo-... Hey, wait! I'm not done yet!"

Seeing the others make their way through town in the middle of his introductory speech, Jarynth chased rather them, clutching his heart. It wasn't out of any physical pain, but out of heartbreak that not one of these travelers would listen to his tale of hardship, much less hear his name. The wound had stung especially bad, as he had spent much of his journey rehearsing his grand entrance! No matter, no matter... Jarynth will allow such wounds to heal while they're still shallow. There will be plenty of opportunities for him to introduce himself, later.

As he was brought into the town hall, he was given a questionnaire. Deciding that it is the perfect place to chronicle his tale of hardship, he began to write to his heart's content, writing small enough so that he can fit his entire story onto the sheet handed to him. In the end, the only information left actually relevant to the questions were his name as well as the fact that he is trained in the Elven art of archery. Perhaps to his dismay or to his benefit, he had left out all the important details about him being a vintner, something he may regret in the near future... at least, if the scribe responsible for reading his sheet is actually able to read it.

As the young human known as Dormic began to explain things to the new arrivals, Jarynth's train of thought began to trail off. He began to imagine the great fields that he has seen earlier, now filled with a never-ending garden of grapes, a vineyard of unrivaled beauty and perfection, overlooked by a beautiful marble chateau of Elven design. His mind continued to trail off until he took a small bite out of one of the complementary biscuits they were given. The dryness was just too intense for his taste. Is this what the frontier life is like? he thought, to himself, before finally deciding to listen to Dormic.

Aside from the Harvest Festival, which sounded like a wondrous opportunity to get an idea of the local flora in order to better determine the perfect place for his vineyard, not much else caught his keen, pointed ears. As soon as Dormic finished explaining things to everyone, Jarynth approached the scholarly man, his credentials in tow.

"Hello, hello, esteemed guide! I am Jarynth Robincrest of the Winemaker's Guild, and I must ask if there is anyone in particular I should implore to about purchasing a plot of land in order to build my vineyard at... Oh, right, but I was robbed on my way here! Oh, drat... well, then, is there anywhere an vintner can put his exquisite talents to use, then? And speaking of wine, would you happen to have any? It would go good with the biscuits, those awfully dry things..."

I realized that this frontier lacked a certain je ne sais quoi.

Do Casters have to be nerds? Find out at Rome!
Is this still open? I've got a fun priestly idea in case we might be lacking those o.o
Oof, that's fine, though a mutual friend of ours told me that Berserker would have gone great with the Master concept I had in mind. Oh well, I guess we'll see when Berserker's revealed later in the RP! Now I'm curious...
Oh, we aren't allowed to pair with others if we are already in a different pair? And my Caster is just about done, just running it through with a friend of mine who's more of an expert than I am with making Servants.
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