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Current Firmly. Grasp it.


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Though Rohaan had been initially sour about having to take a bath in the first place, the warm water was a welcome surprise. It felt delightful on his sore and tired muscles, and he did not feel inclined to ruin the niceness of it with vile soap. The only response that came from the barrel was a wet, deep-red tentacle that slid silently up over the surface of the warm water and curled around one of the few remaining ice chunks floating there. With surprisingly keen aim, considering he couldn't see her from his watery fortress, Rohaan tossed the little ice chunk at Hana, then withdrew the tentacle back into the depths. It left no ripple in the water's surface except for the gentle sloshing back and forth caused by the soft listing of the ship.


Berlin smiled and shrugged. "I suppose we don't. But be sure to get a little extra anyway. And I might even have a small stash of limes, too, if you felt so inclined..." He slapped Wheel's shoulder and left to survey the horizon and make sure of their heading before eventually returning to Pieter's side with a cup of mint tea in a dented tin mug. "You've got yourself a fine apprentice there, Pieter. I don't think he has any idea what he's truly capable of. None of us have ever downed Wheel...I'm not sure if I should present him with an award or be concerned for my berserker's health..." There was a surface note of jest in his tone, but his gray eyes were deep in thought. Those eyes strayed to the aft deck where Hana sat over a suspiciously still and quiet barrel. She was still composed, but he thought he could detect a hint of frustration in her expression. Just a little.

Berlin looked back to Pieter with a very poorly concealed smile fighting to break out one his lips. "Poor, brave soul..." he sighed, shaking his head.


Uban was beginning to cool down a little, though his eyes were still a somewhat disturbing shade of bright gold. "Really mate, I didn't realize it would be like that. I didn't even know I could do anything that...intense. Sorry." He did look a bit more bashful now that the adrenaline was wearing off. "I'll buy you a few rounds next time we make port, eh?"
Finalllllyyyy got you a post! It's not much but it gets things moving again. Thanks for standing by, it's been a crazy week or so. My car did finally meet its timely end so I've been dealing with that and entertaining guests and all that. But hopefully things will be calmer now.
The men just sort of stared, unsure if they should keep their eyes on the green-eyed cat with the very large teeth, the young speaker, or the phantom behind her, which loomed tall and slim over all of them. James kept muttering softly and shaking his head; Ridahne couldn't make out his mutterings directly but she knew too well the look and sound of heart wrenching regret. He was softly cursing himself, thinking that for sure he and Dax had just gotten themselves killed. Dax remained perfectly still, though his breathing was a little uneven as he recovered from the kick in the gut. Neither felt composed enough to speak as fear settled in their hearts.

After a span when neither answered, Ridahne gave her knife a swing so artful it could have been part of a dance. The sharp blade whistled through the night air as its edges reflected the moonlight once more. Her eyes glinted hard and cold from beneath her hood. "The lad asked you a question." Her voice was low and soft in volume, but it was made all the colder for it. In her was not a blind and wild rage but a calculated wrath that would not be challenged. "We aren't the sort to ask twice, James."
The use of his name startled him horribly and gave him the uncomfortable sensation that he had been watched for longer than he had thought, so the first thing out of his mouth was, "Sorry! Uh, sorry. Um, we're uh, uh, well we're horse uh..."
"Horse thieves," Dax added softly. Neither seemed proud of admitting this, though whether it was because they felt remorse about the whole business or if they were only sorry because they were caught, Ridahne didn't know.
"You're horrible horse thieves if you think you can just approach an Azurei Ismari and think he'll let himself be led away by two fools. He was not bred for his obedience."

James let go the breath he was holding. The Ismari breed of horses were prized for their agility and speed and on this side of the mountains they were worth a fortune to the right buyer. Too lofty a target for him, he realized. He should have known better.
Woof okay, it’s been a whirlwind over here. SO sorry I’ve been so absent but I haven’t left! I had family over this weekend and then I’m also now facing some critical car issues (might have to get a new one) so thing have been crazy and stressful here. I’ll try and get you a post soon I promise!!
Somewhere between coming up on 3 months of tendinitis plus trying to get my cosplay done, I’m a mess. Bear with me as I try to balance everything. I haven’t abandoned you!
Sorry for delays, it’s been a busy weekend and I’m gearing up for comicon! So posts from me might be a little slow in coming for a while.
Rohaan enjoyed that joke and openly giggled. He looked over at the lower deck where they were all gathered around a downed Wheel and an absolutely manic Uban. Rohaan hooked a thumb over at them. "But I mean, looks like Uban just did. I think that's the first time anyone ever got him." He seemed to puff out his chest a little as he said, "I probably could but Berlin won't let us really spar. Like, we do with knives and stuff but like, not really for real. He says we're too...vol...volalol? Kikhira. Like a fire with too much wood." He shrugged and played with the chunks of ice floating in his barrel, dragging them under and watching them pop back to the surface, or squeezing them and watching them shrink. "But like, let's say you did take the warm out of me. Would I be crunchy too? Can people get crunchy?" He thought this idea was fascinating. He didn't know that things could change shape too, just like him. "Can other things get crunchy just from cold?"

All his curiosity and playfulness vaporized the moment she held out the soap. His face soured instantly. This stuff smelled better than the usual garbage Berlin made him scrub with, but that didn't necessarily improve his mood at seeing it. What was wrong with sand? Or a smooth stone? Those scrubbed just fine and the skin always felt smooth and clean afterward. He thought soap gave his skin an almost...oily feel. Quickly and with a heavy plop, Rohaan plunged underneath the water and his form changed back into the octopus. He lurked at the bottom, staring up at her with his still blue but oddly shaped eyes, and showed no sign of coming back up.


Uban was trying to contain himself, but he found the more he used his ability, the more...hyper it made him. That wasn't quite the word. Euphoric? Energized? It was adrenaline in a pure form. He bit his lip to try and hide his grin but it didn't work. As he ran a hand over his tied-back hair, a couple small arcs sprang up at the passing of his hand. "Oh man, I'm sorry mate." He might not have looked sorry, but he was. He honestly hadn't thought it would hit Wheel that hard. Sure, he had the sense not to do that to someone un-cursed, or at least not that strong. But he hadn't been sure what it would actually do or what the limits of his powers really were. He thought he'd known, but Hana had recently challenged his perception and her ideas had pushed him to explore new limits. Just how far could he go? "I mean, I knew I had to try it on you since it wouldn't kill you but like...I didn't know I could do...that."

Berlin frowned, but there was a twinkle of amusement in his eye. His priority had been to see that everyone was alive and undamaged (mostly) and seeing that done, he could allow himself a little mirth. "I always thought it would be Rheoaan that caught this ship on fire someday, but now I think I have to worry about you..."
Uban snorted in laughter. "Hey, c'mon, don't put me up there with the half-pint arsonist...I'm not that bad."
Berlin looked him over. "For the sake of science, how are you feeling after that?"
Uban beamed at him like he had some truly incredible, amazing news but then said "I'm going to crash in an hour," he said brightly.
Berlin gave a dry chuckle. "Right. Keep you out of the rigging today then. Wheel, I think you've earned yourself an extra ration of rum for enduring that."
No worries! Sometimes a short post is all that’s needed
They moved as silently as they could through the underbrush but Ridahne, both elvish and trained in stealth, felt like each of Darin's footfalls was a crashing sound and she couldn't help but cringe. That couldn't be helped though...except maybe Ridahne might have to give sneaking lessons in the future. It would have all kinds of uses and appli--


Ridahne whirled, her amber eyes catching a glimmer of light as they peered out from under her dark hood. Her glare was sharper than broken glass but it was short-lived; their quarry had noticed and there was no use berating the human for her misstep.

"Ey, James!" Came a hoarse whisper, though Ridahne's sharp ears could still hear him. "Didja hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Whoever put out this fire's still here I think..."
Both men halted, listening, but Ridahne and Darin had halted for a moment. The elf was waiting for the right moment to 'strike' and she might learn something from their talk. The second man stirred first. "Forget that, Dax. Look at this horse! And that saddle...bet they're worth a penny!"
Dax stared out into the gloom but he saw nothing. "James I think we should go..."
"It looks elvish...blimey James, this might be one of them desert horses. Pull yourself together and get your axe out while I grab 'em." James reached for Tsura's reins and the horse neighed and snorted and pulled away. He cooed softly to the animal in hopes of calming it, but Tsura was better trained than that.

Ridahne gave the tiniest breath of a sigh and shook her head like she had expected better of them. One of them at least had the sense to be concerned and the other one knew nothing of Azurei horses. Well, it seemed her moment had come. The elf held up a finger and told Darin to wait a moment while she crept forward and around a bit. Behind her, Mitaja circled the other direction and together they flanked the two bandits. This seemed like they'd done it a thousand times, though usually the target was a deer or the spry goats that lived near sheer walls and cliffs. They moved as one, not in sync but in harmony.

James figured if he couldn't get the horse to come willingly, he'd at least get that saddle. It was well made and the bags were packed full of who knew what. He bent down and hefted it up, though as he straightened and looked up to what was just moments before empty forest, he saw a dark shape rimmed in moonlight.
"Take that saddle and I'll take a hand." As if to punctuate this sentiment, she tilted her knife so it caught the dim light and flashed white against the blackness.
James stumbled back, wondering where on earth she had come from. He might have thought her some kind of forest sprite or something if it weren't for the very corporeal horse and saddle and the remains of the fire, which all seemed too...mundane for a sprite.

Dax whirled and charged at her with the butt of his axe; he didn't really want to kill anyone if he could help it, but he wasn't above knocking someone about. His brave charge backfired however, as Ridahne kicked backward at just the right moment to send her foot into the man's stomach. He dropped, gasping. Ridahne looked back to James. "I said drop that saddle or you'll taste steel. I won't ask again." He did, immediately. "On the ground next to your friend. Any sudden move and I'll liberate one of your fingers. And you won't like which one I take. Clear?" He nodded fearfully and hunched beside a groaning Dax.

One of the first things Ridahne had learned was that sometimes a fight could be altogether avoided if the right manipulation was used. Make the opponent feel outclassed and they usually surrendered either more quickly or right away. Fear and a little dose of mysticism went a long way in deescalating conflict. At home she was taught to use the warping of light from heat waves, dust storms, and the glare of the sun to make a dramatic appearance or exit, or to confuse the target. Here, she had darkness. Her performance finished, she signaled Darin to join them. Mitaja stepped into the light, her greenish gold eyes glittering dangerously. The men gasped, and were even more astounded to see that this creature answered to the shadowy woman.
I figured they would be but didn’t have any specific plans if you wanna do something else with it.
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