Avatar of Blaine Crommet
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    1. Blaine Crommet 8 yrs ago


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@General Scales Props for using Tank's quote in the middle of the story!
@Blaine Crommet
I love how Ecto just talked to Raven Tale's wraith like it was a buddy of his, and Omega freaked the f**k out. XD

Yeah, he does feel a kinship with dark and deathly things :) We are not normal, after all. Also, he was super-dizzy from the pain and the blood loss.

Omega's reaction is much more understandable :D
Okay, okay... breathe.

Ecto was laying on the floor, his side a terrible mess. Though his healing factor slowed the bleeding, this was much more than he could handle.

Dammit, is this how it ends? I can't stay this way forever, but if I shift back, I probably die REALLY fast. But if I get to a hospital, somehow... make it there, I might stand a chance. Of course, that will mean the end of my vigilante career, since everyone will know who I am. Crap.

He tried to get up, slowly pulling his hands under himself, and pushed up his upper body with agonizing pain. He closed his eyes, and breathed deeply.

When he opened his eyes again, a horror greeted him. Dark, terrifying, and creepy, Raven's monster looked at him.

"Are you... here to... take me? Can't you... see I'm... already dead?" The creature slightly tilted it's head. "Sorry... bad joke." It gave out a sad, but strangely beautiful sound, a grieving note. "Yeah, I know... it's bad."

He afforded himself a slight smile as he closed his eyes, and tried to come to terms with the possibility that this was the end.

"Ecto." - he looked up, and saw Raven standing over him.

"Raven you have... no idea how... happy I am to see you." She knelt down next to him, and slowly, softly touched the seeping liquid.
"Yeah that's... gross, sorry."
"Hold on, you'll survive."

She started taking off her clothes. Well that's not what I had in mind. Is she made of marble...? Oh, she's an albino, how cool. Or maybe I'm getting dizzy and can't see colors right anymore.

"Your going to have to trust me, I can't help you unless your shifted back to normal." But that would leave me completely naked...Wait, is she...coming on to me? No stupid, you can't think straight.

"Disperse my friend." - and with a whoosh, Raven's dark minion disappeared to fog. She said some words, like a mantra she chanted her poetic summon, and the phoenix appeared that pulled Tank from the stage. That's nice, nice bird... Shit this is painful.
She turned to the phoenix: "Hello my friend, I need your help for another."

Utterly confused and light-headed, Ecto looked at Raven Tale. "Whatever you... you know."

He shut his eyes, and materialized himself on the ground.
@CloudyBlueDay Actually, this has never happened before, he was never injured this seriously while being spectral. In his normal form, he'd be bleeding, well, blood. But this was in between forms.
@Artifex Well yes, normally. Purely physical attacks should have no effect on him. Wraith's power, however, can affect his incorporeal form. So could any elemental or other supernatural power, to varying degrees. It also takes some time for Ecto to switch between physical and corporeal forms, and when Walker slipped off him, it left Ecto in a semi-vulnerable state.
When Levi is the cooperative one... o_O
This is EXACTLY what Ecto tried to avoid.

Things were heating up within the group and he felt something needed to be done fast. He really didn't want to take any sides, this was never the plan.

He agreed that they shouldn't just stroke Wall Walker's hair, give him sugar cubes and send him on his way. He IS a bank robber, after all. And maybe... he felt like if Captain Powerhouse couldn't catch him, and he could, he would feel something... pride, satisfaction. He also kinda liked Graffiti, and didn't want to disappoint her.

But... murdering Walker in cold blood? That is insanely dark, stealing money does not deserve death. NOTHING should. A little pain? Maybe... but NOT death.

Getting into Walker's body seemed like the best idea at the time, since it was to harmlessly bind him in his place, and would also protect both of them from any trigger-happy ideas, thus, taking the middle ground. This way, they would have time to sort things out. At least, that's what Ecto thought...

He was shocked to see that Wraith didn't really think the same, and effortlessly pushed her hand right through Walker's ribcage. It was a sudden, cold sensation, her fingers, like icicles forming around his heart.

"Wraith, don't -" - then hell broke loose.

When Ditch kicked Graffiti's paintball gun out of her hands, Walker suddenly slipped from Ecto's grasp, like a smooth, silk blanket being pulled from you. Leaving Ecto where he stood, he suddenly turned around, and bashed Wraith in the face with incredible force. The girl staggered, her hand still in Ecto's body. "... keeping my hand insubstantial like this is an effort. As soon as I stop, well, that's when accidents become necessary, I'm afraid." - the words echoed in his head.

Oh no.

His side exploded with excruciating pain as Wraith's hand left him. To the outside world, it was quiet and mostly unnoticeable, like a gust of wind during spring, but for Ecto, it was agony incarnate. He fell to the ground, a thick liquid substance seeping from his side. Ectoplasm...?

When he managed to look up, the others were focused on following Walker, who had apparently taken Ditch with him in a tussle. Everyone rushed into the building after them: Omega, Raven Tale, Black Rose, Wraith... Even Graffiti. Did really no one notice him getting injured? Or they just didn't care...? He tried to center himself with all his strength, clenching his teeth.

"Sure... don't mind... me, just... bleeding to death. No biggie..."
Wow, I just woke up and all hell is loose @TeamWalker, full out Civil War...
Shit shit shit! This is getting out of hand!

When Walker came out of the building, Ditch barred his way. Well, as long as you can bar someone's way who can go through walls. Still, he hesitated.

Ditch, Raven Tale and Omega was trying to stop the guy by trying to talk sense into him, but Graffiti really didn't like that idea, and Wraith didn't seem peaceful either. That could really trigger the dude. Whatever the case, Ecto decided to take the middle ground to make sure the incident from two days ago doesn't repeat. Why can't we just get along, dammit.

He took the chance and crashed down to street level, right into Wall Walker, possessing him. A faint, blue-greenish myst surrounded the villain, and for a moment, his eyes lit up. Ecto could feel something was very strange, his body was different than the ones he haunted in the past. He sensed a strange inner glow, an intangible, fizzy feeling you get when your hand falls asleep and it feels like thousands of sharp needles are piercing your skin. He really hoped Walker could not just simply phase out of him and run away.

"Listen mate, we're not the danger, but we CANNOT let you go around like this!"

He also prayed that none of the others get any funny ideas, since anything that they do to Wall Walker happens to Ecto as well.
Okay, following directly will not do.

Ecto tried to catch up to Wall Walker the the shortest way possible, but he was not able to just go through walls. He WAS able to slip through cracks and slits, but completely dense surfaces were not letting him pass, and this slowed him down. I have no chance of getting to him this way.

He could see shattered pieces of glass flying through his vision as Omega opened up the way for others, and a terrifying looking horror rushed past him, her screams sending a chill down Ecto's spine.

Since he was not used to chasing someone this way, he was a bit confused and felt out of his element. Element... AIR! He needed to get a better overview, and he could provide tactical advantage from a higher position! He flung out the window and took a look at the place from above. He heard crashes and shouts from the apartment.

"There!" that must have been Omega. Then he heard a thumping sound and something crashing, like a picture or a mirror falling down. Crap, what's going on? Then he noticed him. He was exiting the building on the other side, Wraith following close behind.

Ecto swooped down.
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