Avatar of Blandman
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  • Old Guild Username: Blandman
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Raion Torikumu
Kumogakure Genin
Team 5

Raion couldn't help but to stand there slightly dumbfounded, and a little bit insulted, as he was called stupid by the youngest member of their team. He continued to stand there, arms still slightly out-stretched as the child went storming off, only turning slightly in time to be disoriented by a sudden and violent flash of light. So intense was it that he had no earthly idea what was going on until the dust had settled and Kumori was left backside-first on the ground, rubbing his head. This brought a notable smile to Raion's face.

Then came his instructions and, oh he liked them very much. His smile turned into a grin. He didn't even acknowledge much else as he set off at a blaring pace, this time successfully avoiding the wooden beam. Raion's sheer sprinting speed was pretty scary considering his age, bolting past both his teammates in a matter of seconds and besetting his sensei shortly after. However, instead of just haphazardly trying to strike his teacher from behind, Raion actually ran ahead of the man, stopping dead in his tracks all of a sudden and flinging his right foot backwards in a sharp upward motion quickly, hoping to deliver a lightning blow. Dust was kicked up as Raion's foot went hurtling toward Nori. His grin was wider than ever. And his confidence was so much that he even shouted out; "TAG!"
This week is good for me too.

The game is afoot!
Another post guv'nas, and edited my first one a bit as I realised I had rudely omitted Kumori from it. My apologies!
Raion Torikumu

Raion listened intently to Nori's words as he spelt out to them the challenge they would be partaking in. Great! He had loathed the idea of just sitting around and exchanging pleasantries. The fact that he could show off his undoubtedly limitless skills at the same time was just all the more appealing. His hands balled up into fists slightly at his side in anticipation, but he managed to keep the rest of his excitement under wraps.

That was when his Main Rival Arch-Swordsman Nemesis Number One interjected and offered him the choice of going first or working together. The choice, in Raion's mind, really was quite obvious. He let out a loud and purposeful single laugh. Rolling up his sleeves, Raion set himself into an almost pouncing position.

"Watch me get this guy with nothing but a bit of boundless enthusiasm!" he announced grandly with a wide grin.

The young boy set off at some speed. However, in the midst of his, ahem..."boundless enthusiasm", Raion failed to notice the rather large plank of wood he'd left delicately on the floor. Right in front of him. His first step, though fast, was his only one as his foot clipped the heavy object. With all the momentum he had gathered, the young ninja was sent toppling head over heels into the ground, hitting it with the most satisfying of sounds. For a while he simply just lay there in a slowly dissipating cloud of dust, but eventually he managed to raise a hand of friendly suggestion.

"O-on second thoughts....maybe I should give you guys a chance too," he said, rather more meekly.

Regaining his gusto, the boy crawled back to his feet and turned to his two new teammates. He held each arm out, as if to instigate a huddle, and lent in, somehow managing to exaggerate every motion.

"Alright gang, what's the plan?!"
Yeah, I'd be fine with the three of us, we've each got interesting characters to work with. I'll put up a short CS for the youngest sibling. Should we stick with the minimum age 16?

(Also, I very much appreciate your SWKotOR reference. This means we're bestest buddies)
General inquiry; should I make a CS for the as yet unnamed sibling Gregor will be supporting, or should we sort of just wing-it?
Post all done and dusted.

Also, just noticed I got quoted in the Breakdown.

I feel so loved. If I could feel love that is.
Raion Torikumu

The day had rather helpfully reflected the general mood in Raion's mind, that being particularly bright and elated. Outside the sun beat down on the hard surface of Kumogakure and people everywhere were gearing up for whatever day they had planned. The boy awoke with a massive grin on his face, and gravity barely managed to drag him back down as he bolted out of bed and landed with a determined thud, before bounding off down the hall of his simple family home.

In a matter of seconds he was at the dining table and enjoying a particularly hearty meal, prepared to celebrate his first full day as a genin and inauguration to Team 5. Clearly the best team and future legends. Especially Raion. After exchanging some rather pleasant and easy conversation with his family, Raion jumped into shoes and threw on his favourite dark green jacket, before attaching his beloved sword to his back. He felt ready, and so stepped toward the door. Only to be stopped by his father clearing his throat very loudly.

"Challenge Nine," was all that he said.

Raion's shoulders slumped and he let out a sigh, before meekly exiting.


As people went about their regular business, they were greeted by the odd sight, and occasional sounds, of a young boy struggling with what appeared to be a massive block of wood across his shoulders and walking along. It must have been at least two meters in length and about a foot in width, with two extra weights dangling from either side. New additions. Now that he was a Genin his father had made the daily challenges more difficult, but had failed to tell Raion exactly what he had added to each one. He missed the old plank.

Still, he shuffled along, letting out a groan every now and again as the sheer weight pressed down on him. Now the once happy Sun was an annoyance, the hard soil unkind, the warmth unrelenting. But still, he was determined to reach his destination. His team had been instructed to meet at a training field, chosen by their teacher. He wished they had chosen a closer one. As he began the arduous climb up the winding path, Raion was beset upon by a mini speeding maniac, who's tuft of white hair went past him in a blur. The sudden intrusion sent Raion off balance and almost caused him to topple over. After a few seconds of desperately balancing, he managed to compose himself in time to shout; "Hey! Watch where you're going you idiot!"

When he finally did arrive Raion was utterly heart-broken to see that he wasn't the first one there. No, in fact, Tsuyoshi was there already, along with another boy whom he now recognised as Kumori but also realised was the one who had almost caused his collapse not moments ago. Which could only mean one thing.

'We're on the same team'

Raion was part aggravated, part excited. The chance to better his main swordsman-rival on a daily basis was titillating! But the fact he had lost their first challenge, being the first to arrive, was infuriating. Huffing loudly to announce his arrival, Raion dumped the wooden plank down in front of him, sending up a puff of dust. Craning his back, the boy looked sideways at Tsuyoshi and shot him a devilish smile, a glint in his eyes, before doing the same to Kumori and giving a little thumbs-up. Then he turned to their teacher and introduced himself.

"Raion Torikumu, Master Swordsman and all-round supremo, present and correct!"

He snapped his feet together and gave a salute in a notably mock fashion, before relaxing again.
I already done posted in dat der Databook! Do I get a prize?!
Nah, just patiently waiting to be told where me Team is meeting up.

Crisps are what them crazy colonials call chips. I mean...they're called crisps because they're crispy!
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