Avatar of Blue2
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 233 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Blue2 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Just popping in to say hi!


Hi and welcome!

I started roleplaying about 18 years ago and have recently returned to it because I missed it. I most like adventurous sci fi and fantasy, or more slice of life to action action filled modern day magic and mutants. I'm not into fandoms anymore and I'm not looking for romance roleplays either.

Often people create dark characters with heavy pasts. I do that sometimes too, but my character will then have a 'that's just life. Deal with it' attitude instead of feeling sorry for themselves. I also enjoy playing characters without such a heavy past. I enjoy the sciences so playing a scholar or mechanic is right up my alley. I also practise martial arts, but thougg I oike playing fighters, they are more the stealth characters than the muscled ones. I don't like hormonal (teenage) characters. I don't take death lightly so unless I'm playing an assassin my characters will look for ways to avoid murder.

Lastly, I love being a GM and controlling an entire world. I have some sci fi and modern fantasy worlds in my mind which I would like to play out here. I'm also a regular player, mostly casual where description is limited to what's necessary rather than describing every step, scent, bite or thought that occurs.

So that's a little about me. How about you?

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The ship beeped, indicating that you were approaching Veridian, your destination. It was time to take back control of the ship and start the landing procedure. There was indeed a line to your allocated parking lot. You would be contacted by the convention organisation shortly.
"The superhero ones." Now you'd done it. Hensen's eyes started glowing as he started talking. He unzipped his bag and showed you different comics, all of super heroes. He loved the ones that used science to enhance their natural abilities especially, though some of those where certain choice events gave a person super powers were alright with him as well. He didn't like the magic ones much. He preferred imagining the super heroes could be real in this world and the magic ones were often so over the top, well beyond how magic worked, that he didn't like those. If you let him, he could talk about it the whole trip and if you talked about what you liked in comics, he would think you were the most amazing woman alive right now.
Hensen nodded, seemingly understanding what you were saying."Sounds cool, a life full of adventures, never knowing what will come next. Kinda like the people in my comics."
The third option was a very impressive one. The Centaur brand was known for basically making small flying hotels and this version was no different. It had 4 crew quarters, twelve double guest rooms and about as much cargo space as the Queen Elisabeth. It could maintain a speed of nearly 3 lightyears a day for weeks without failing. It had several area's where the guests could relax, including but not limited to a bar, a pool and a gym. If you were planning on ferrying people around the galaxy, this was certainly an interesting option.

"I feel for your situation, captain. Yer ship breaking down the way it did, really unfortunate. Bad business from the one who sold it to yer I say! A shame to us credible dealers. Tell yer what, this baby is worth a little more, but I'll make this an even 9500 credits, just fer you."

For 9500 credits this was truly a beautiful ship. It would cost you everything you had, but then you'd be able to carry quite a few people around per tour.
Hensen nodded. 'So, do you do this often, finding odd jobs on a job board? I mean, it's not exactly a regular thing."

The ship continued flyinf as it did, on automated pilot, a soft hum telling you the systems were working. It had alarms everywhere if even the slightest thing would go wrong so you'd be notified the moment something woyld go amiss.
I'm out of the country for a day. Will respond later
Hensen remained silent for the liftoff procedure, for which you didn't have to do much. While piloting lessons had instructed you how to compensate for gravitational pull and bad weather, this ship was equipped to do all that by itself. When you'd left orbit and put the thing on autopilot you basically had two hours of waiting while the ship flew itself.

"I'm sorry the job isn't much more excited than this." Hensen said, watching you. "It's just that I'm not old enough to fly myself yet and our regular pilot's got the day off, so..."
Hensen noddes. "I'm ready when you are!" There was definitely anticipation in his voice. He was looking forward to this convention.
Henswn paused to watch you take in the Mattiz. "Quite impressive, isn't it?" Then he grinned. "My dad would kill me if I even thought of borrowing that one. We're taking the Cervi. Over there."

He pointed to the back of the hangar. Way back tgere, in the shadow of the Mattiz stood a shuttle, maybe just big enough for three people to get comfortable on. The Cervi was still a relatively high-end shuttle. It had all the latest technology on tge inside, meaning you gave it your deatination and it practically flew itself. But it was much smaller, much less luxurious and much, much less expensive than the Mattiz. The small shuttle could fit in the Mattiz' cargo hold.

Hensen walked towards the Cervi, openes the roofdoor above it for lift-off purposes and opened the door to the Cervi for you. He gave the shuttle his authorisation codes and let you at the helm. "I inserted the destination last night, including the parking lot I reserved for this. It's a two and a half hour flight, though I expect parking will take some time since the convention starts today so everybody will be arriving."

He took the passenger's seat at the helm and left you to get acquainted enough to get this shuttle off the ground.
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