Avatar of Blue2
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    1. Blue2 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Just popping in to say hi!


Hi and welcome!

I started roleplaying about 18 years ago and have recently returned to it because I missed it. I most like adventurous sci fi and fantasy, or more slice of life to action action filled modern day magic and mutants. I'm not into fandoms anymore and I'm not looking for romance roleplays either.

Often people create dark characters with heavy pasts. I do that sometimes too, but my character will then have a 'that's just life. Deal with it' attitude instead of feeling sorry for themselves. I also enjoy playing characters without such a heavy past. I enjoy the sciences so playing a scholar or mechanic is right up my alley. I also practise martial arts, but thougg I oike playing fighters, they are more the stealth characters than the muscled ones. I don't like hormonal (teenage) characters. I don't take death lightly so unless I'm playing an assassin my characters will look for ways to avoid murder.

Lastly, I love being a GM and controlling an entire world. I have some sci fi and modern fantasy worlds in my mind which I would like to play out here. I'm also a regular player, mostly casual where description is limited to what's necessary rather than describing every step, scent, bite or thought that occurs.

So that's a little about me. How about you?

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"A while." Rachel answered. "I moved here about... Seven years ago." She turned lwft and then right. "This city has quite a large magical community. The university is a regular human facility, I don't know about tge magical community there so you'd need to be careful. But if you want to blow off steam, there's a bar for the magical community down that alleyway, round the corner." She pointed to her right, down a street almost as narrow as the alleyway you'd just got caught in, except that this street was curved so you couldn't look down it very far.
Rachel asked which street you were on as the students lived all over the city. When you named it she agreed to take you there. "It's not too far off for me." She said as she started walking south. "I work at a theatre." She then answered the first question, pulling a folder out of her purse. "I was on my way over there when I ran into you.

"Here." The playbill showed a staged forest and several people dressed up in flimsy dresses and unrealistic clothing from another age. But there were also fairies on the pamphlet -real fairies, not actors playing them. With green sparkling text the pamphlet read 'A SUMMER'S MIDNIGHT DREAM' Below that it said in smaller, slightly pulsating letters 'Now playing at The Bazaar' the address and times were listed on the back of the playbill.

"What we're playing now is basically A Midsummer Night's Dream, but then the fairy version, not tge human Shakespeare one. It's quite funny, it mocks the human version a little. Any magical creature can buy a ticket, so long as they vow not to fight, maim or kill inside the theatre."
There was plenty of choice for food, and most of these restaurants had people of student age to do the serving. But all of them seemed regular, not one of them had a hint of magic about them.

"No, I'm not." Answered the woman. "I work. But if you're lost, where do you need to go? I'm well-known around here." She thought about that sentence for a second. "I mean, I know my way around here. Sorry, bad English. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you."
Rachel nodded. "The red-eyed guy only targets magical creatures." She answered. "He feeds on their magic to replenish his own. If he'd got to you, you would have died." She frowned,blooking around her again. They usially operate on the other side of town, though. Across the river. I wonder what it was doing here."

Then she heard the comment about a medical student. "You live in one of tge student houses then?"
The woman took the time to catch her breath as well. "Just a friendly passer-by" she said with an accent, looking around. She had led the woman to a street of restaurants, where plenty of people were walking this way and that, looking for an inviting place to eat dinner.

"What is a witch doing walking into an alleyway?" The woman asked. when her breath was caught again.
She knows why she felt like taking this alley route to work the moment she turns the corner. In front of her she sees a young woman in a staring contest with what she knows is a demon. A glimpse of the red eyes tells her all she needs to know and she quickly averts her eyes. Making eye-contact with those eyes will cast you under his spell, ready to do his bidding so long as your eyes lock.

The girl is already stepping towards the demon, fully under his influence. The demon has to concentrate to keep the eye contact, though and he doesn't seem to have noticed Rachel yet. She pushes her back against the wall behind a container and rumages in her purse, qyicly finding what she's looking for. She pulls out the bottle, takes a deep breath and the pushes herself away from the wall. She runs a few steps towards the couple then throws the potion at the demon's feet while shielding her eyes. The glass breaks and a blinding flash appears. It works. It breaks the demon's eye-contact and the demon screams, bring a hand to his eyes.

Rachel hurries towards the woman and gently starts pulling her back. "Come on, we need to get out of here." She looks at the woman uncertainly, wondering if she was blinded by the flash as well or if the demon's gaze protected her until it broke.
I mean more atory wise. Everything goes black around her but since I don't know what you had planned the red-eyed person to do I'm not sure on how to continue.

I guess I'm asking do you want me to give my own spin to the story, as in where, how and to what circumstances your character wakes up or did you have in mind a certain way this plays out? Or do you want me to introduce my character from her pov only and then yours will wake up?
How mch did you alr3ady have planned about the attacker?
Hello all,

I'm craving a modern day magic rp. Or more specifically: I have a world in mind and would like you to put your character in there to see how it works. Basically that means tou get to play one character of your chosing and I'll play the whole world around it (we can discuss what to do with your character's relatives or friends, but new characters will be my responsibility). I'll be the Game Master and you the character in a modern day world with a hidden magical layer. If this sparks your interest, please keep reading.

So, if you like what I wrote please contact me either via pm or this thread.
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