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Christopher Ashbrand

The Scion of the Ashbrand, The Worker of Living Stone

Somewhere Near the Matou Manor, Miyama Town, Fuyuki

They moved rather swiftly through what the locals called “Shinto,” as Christopher had scoped out much of the surrounding territory already. There seemed at first to be little of note, but if one looked a bit closer, some things seemed to be a little more than unusual.

A heightened presence of the thugs and other such criminals milling around the city, which could indicate many things. That they were aware of the conflict, and were attempting to guard the city out of some sort of twisted chivalry, that they were the thralls of some Servant, though his Seeker of Mystery seemed to indicate otherwise, but who knew when it came to those from legend, or perhaps they just heard a great deal of noise and were coming out to investigate.

...or they came out for the newly opened bar, advertised with flyers strewn through what seemed to be all across the city, which seemed even more like blatant bait than the Servant smashing open his familiar earlier that evening. Aside from the absurd pricing of a single yen for a “shot,” (since the yen was becoming worth even less due to the silver devaluation of recent, which is why the merchants earlier in the week were more than happy to take even his “foreign” gold), the fact that they advertised that they were making their “products” for more than three millennia, and the particularly odd comment at the bottom... it practically screamed out that there was something unusual going on at the establishment.

Oh, and the fact that the bar wasn’t even there when he was preparing his map of the city earlier was also something rather significantly worrying.

Christopher made a mental note to set up some observers, some normal, and some perhaps… sturdier, at the location oh-so-helpfully provided at the bottom, and to update his oxhide map.

However, his and Avenger’s main goal was to go to the other part of the town, “Miyama.” There was a higher likelihood of an encounter with a Master and Servant here, considering the locales and the fact that two of the three Families who constructed this… War established their homes here. Considering the Tohsaka and the Matou were in the same district for so long, it may have very well meant that that they had arranged an alliance, or something of the sort. After all, the Einzberns are competitors of immense strength, due to homunculus having magic circuits with few peers, and it would actually be fairly likely that they would band together to strike down one of the strongest competitors first, before battling each other.

It wasn't like they would be overly concerned with the other newcomers, considering they had been on home ground for generations, and were preparing for the war all this time.

“Avenger, you did wish to some of the power players of this War, no? We're fairly close to the Foreigner's District, where the Tohsaka and the Matou have built their homes. If we travel swiftly enough, we may be able to observe two of the strongest contenders for this war, and discern some of their defenses. The Matou are closest, let us go there first."

They set down in an area that was close enough to the Matou manor to observe, but likely far enough away that they wouldn’t be noticed too easily. Christopher pulled out one of his simpler observational Codes, a simply enhanced set of Porro prism binoculars. He “zoomed in” a fair bit closer, so he could take a look at the enemy's domain.

Goodness gracious.

As expected of the Matou, there was a bounded field in place that blurred the specifics of the location from his vision. However, the fact remained that there was a hole in the mansion. Someone had the nerve to not only attack one of the Three Families, but assault them directly, bypass their barriers, and blow up at least a portion of their sanctum.

Frankly, that was more than impressive.

However, he was unable to see more clearly, as with his limited observational tools, he could not outright bypass the bounded fields. Thankfully, however, he had not come alone, and his Servant far outstripped him in most capacities, including this one.

"While I am able to see the general basics of what has become of the Matou manor, due to my limited ability and tools in this matter, I am unable to discern more of what has occurred, Avenger. Undoubtedly, however, you must have been able to perceive more, especially with your Skills. What more have you found?"

Christopher Ashbrand

The Scion of the Ashbrand, The Worker of Living Stone

Workshop, Outside of Fuyuki

A lance of irritation coursed through Christopher. How dare she speak to him like that? Like he was but a child, crying for one of his broken toys, and wanting to throw a tantrum because of it? On what authority did she-

And then he realized that she had a far higher authority than him, as she had been the first queen of Carthage. How much of a fool she must’ve appeared to her, to be so easily baited into a trap with only the destruction of a mere feline familiar.

And was he not the fool? He came here to polish and test his magecraft, rather than simply achieve the Grail, but not all here had such motivations as him. Some truly sought the chalice with its promised wish, or something perhaps equally as valuable as it, and thus they would be prepared for battle in truth. After all, there would be no reason for so, so many to have arrived in the city, the practical multitude of his fellow Fes arriving in this backwater, among others as well. He would be cast down, for he had not prepared himself for a battle beyond magecraft, and while he had prepared his territory adequately, he had hardly prepared himself for the War. While dozens of battle plans would be an utter waste of time, rendered worthless in the face of the multifaceted glory of the history of humankind, and the manyfold branches that sought the Root of all things.

Alas, but there was no use weeping over something that had already occurred. Reassert control over oneself, maintain a calm demeanor, and approach something with a logical mindset. It served him well enough in the Clock Tower with its cutthroat politics and competition, it should suffice here.

“My apologies for my hastiness, Avenger. It shall not happen again. You make a fair point about gathering more information directly, and I must agree on that point. However, to even go close to any competent magi’s workshop would be something I would be wary of doing on the first night, much less of the Einzbern, Matou, or even the Tohsaka, who seem to be of the lesser of the Three Families from my observations. Therefore, I would prefer to explore the city, though away from certain areas I have assessed to likely be workshops. If we do not encounter anyone in particular, perhaps certain locales would be forthcoming in information, as well. Would this be an acceptable course of action?”

Christopher Ashbrand

The Worker of Living Stone, Scion of the Ashbrand

Outside of Fuyuki, Workshop

Christopher watched as the sunset finally ended, and inky darkness crept its way through-

Suddenly, multicolored lights streaked through the sky, heading towards the… Einzbern camp? Glancing towards his map, with the data he could gather through his own observations, familiars, and golems, he checked his deduction, and it seemed to be correct.

Well then.

The Holy Grail War had officially begun, then.

But where to…

Going to fight a proper magus in their Workshop was the worst possible idea, even with something as strong as a Servant at his side. The potential Workshops, or at least bases, he could easily recognize were the Temple’s, with its excellent leyline, position, and anti-spirit barrier, the other “fallen” leylines, and the graveyard, a good source of material for any competent necromancer. That’s not to mention the Three Families, but going anywhere near their homes was literally suicide, and was not worth contemplating.

Someone had the confidence to send arrows streaking into the night, and-

An oh-so-delightful individual was smashing one of his familiars in a bag, somewhere around the Fuyuki, as that was where it, a cat, last was. Well then.

So either walk around Fuyuki, looking for a fight or something of the like, or to respond to this individual’s “invitation.” Wonderful.

“Avenger, it is time to commence the battle, finish your preparations and ready yourself. Unfortunately for us, staying in the base isn’t precisely going to win us the war and its prize. I am thinking that we go to the Docks, as someone’s assaulting one of my familiars, and I would think it would be terribly rude for us not to respond to their invitation. However, if you have any other ideas, I would be open to suggestions.”

After saying that, Christopher pulled on his gloves, put on his coat and all of its various “accessories,” and grabbed one of his suitcases. It would be time for him to test himself against other magi, and he would best be prepared, lest he be defeated swiftly and ignobly. And that wouldn’t do, would it?


Christopher Ashbrand

The Scion of the Ashbrand, the Worker of Living Stone

Outside of Fuyuki, Workshop

So this is what they meant, to be in the presence of giants. There was a certain... presence around the Servant he had summoned. Of royalty, of one divinely granted the right to rule a people. Fitting, as he had summoned Dido, the famed First Queen of Carthage.

As an Avenger.

He wondered what that meant about him. Christopher didn’t use a catalyst, after all, so Dido must have been the Servant most suited to him. Magecraft sought the truth, after all, and therefore, it didn’t lie. It was humans that lied and erred, not the art.

Anyhow, clothing. Not an unreasonable request. He did have some bolts of fabric and thread that he could fabricate some garments out of. However, there was a measure of gold in some of the chests, and buying something for his Servant would be far from the worst use of currency he had done in his lifetime. But the-

Oh, he should probably introduce himself before he got into any business. Right.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Christopher Ashbrand, and my talents lie in the fields of golemancy, and I have some measure of skill in rituals as well.”

That was a start, right? Now for clothing.

“As for something less attention drawing to wear, there are two avenues within my means to offer you, both with some measure of benefits and detriments. Firstly, we could go out into Fuyuki proper and obtain for you some clothes. I’ve already mapped out the city, and I have some gold on hand, we could go purchase some clothing. I know where the high quality goods are, and it would allow for you to familiarize yourself with the area, personally. However, it would expose us to attack, and the workshop would have a lessening of defenses. On the other hand, I could make for you some garments. I have a measure of material, and either produce something wholesale or modify some of my clothing. This allows for us to stay within our base of operations, lessening risk and increasing our amount of time to prepare. On the other hand, the quality of clothing is not necessarily going to be as high as if purchased, and reconnaissance would still be limited to my golems, and whatever skills you have that lean towards that field.”

“What would you like to do?”


Christopher Ashbrand

The Scion of the Ashbrand, Worker of Living Stone

Workshop, Outside of Fuyuki

The air was still, within Christopher’s workshop. It was a matter of course, since they were deep underground, without a touch of wind to stir the insides of the network of rooms. Sighing, Christopher rose, preparing himself for the ritual he was about to take part in.

It was fortunate indeed that he had arrived early on. His Seeker had spun like a pinwheel and glowed to near-incandescence when he arrived in Fuyuki, signifying that the Three Great Families had surely prepared the city for an immense battle thoroughly and long before the war would start. Thus, he took his luggage and walked to a place where the Seeker didn’t point to and glowed not, and set up shop. Looking around, he’d have to say that he didn’t do bad at all, all things considered. His oxhide map of Fuyuki was just about complete, thanks to the data gathered by his smaller constructs, the bounded fields were intact and continuously topped up by the rituals he had enacted, and his golems were patrolling and ready for action.

It was hardly comfortable, but well, there was no need for comfort in pursuing the art of magecraft. Christopher knew that fact well enough. And that was all that this war really was, truly. Something to advance magecraft. Something that many agreed with, what with the immense amount of magi flooding into the city with. A great many of his peers had arrived, surprisingly.
He’d do terrible, terrible things for a piano though.

Well. No need to wait any longer, the day had arrived.

Stretching and cracking his knuckles, Christopher checked over the summoning circle one more time. It was unnecessary, all things considered. It was as perfectly drawn as it was hours ago, when it was first made. Golems really were quite useful for doing tasks that needed to be done to the letter. Drawn with the heartsblood of a freshly slaughtered ox into the center of the room, it was as good as it was going to get, with his od running at its peak just about now-

Right. Time to get the show on the road.

He cut his thumb and completed the circle, and began to chant that fateful aria-

“Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation
Let my great Master Ashbrand be the ancestor”
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.”

The circle began to glow an eerie, dark red. It shouldn’t be an error however, all possible variables were accounted for. The blood, probably.
“I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!”

He hoped he summoned a great hero. Losing the war wouldn’t be all that great of a tragedy, but it would be an outright disgrace to him and his family if he was taken out of the war far too quickly.
“An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!”

No time for extra thoughts. The die is cast.
“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!“


I saw Fate and was immediately interested.

If there's still room, can I grab Rider?
I've always enjoyed fairy tales.

I'm not completely sure on my worldbuilding skills, but I'm interested, nonetheless.
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