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    1. bobbananaville 9 yrs ago


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One day, a Wurmple had decided to find the world of the outsiders. It wasn’t a spontaneous decision; he’s spent almost a year watching any and every outsider that came into the forest (that he could find anyway). He’d spent many hours learning what he could of their language and their attitudes, such that he could eventually learn to emulate them. He’d even come up with a syllable by which he would be identifies, as they often did - Bob.

He’d spent months imagining what life would be like with someone watching his back - ensuring he’d have help in exchange for loyalty on his part. He spent weeks contemplating what a large group of Pokemon with such exchanges would be like. Just before leaving, he’d gathered berries and other knick-knacks that he might be able to trade for passage into whatever abode they may have. He had placed them in a net of leaves tied with string. Ten minutes ago, he finally moved in a random direction.

Bob was now lost. He was not very surprised - it was a dungeon, after all. The dungeon shifts, often without its inhabitants noticing, and the only way to realize this is to notice one’s nest or food cache disappear. Still, being completely and utterly lost and without any direction was rather disheartening. He could only hope that an outsider would come by, so that he might follow them back. Perhaps he could even form a bond, as he’d seen in many outsiders.

He spotted a pidgey in the corner of his eye - it was watching him. It looked like he’d been targeted by a predator - a situation made even worse by the enticing net of berries on his back.
If he knew any expletives, he'd doubtless be using them now. Instead, he carefully walked away, hoping that it didn't realize he'd noticed it. Or that he was mistaken.

((EDIT: Changed the tense to past))
Why is sexual orientation important in the CS, actually?
Not that I have any real problem with it, but it seems a bit out of place in an RP about demons and secret societies hidden beneath human purview.
Am I allowed to post my introduction?
I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but just in case...

EDIT: In preparation for my introduction, how does dungeon shifting work for wilds? Can they be awake during such a shift? Does it happen in such a way that they're unaware that such a shift takes place - and if so, what prevents them from realizing it? Do they have some sort of instinctual understanding of the dungeon around them that allows them to find their nests?
Character Skeleton

Name: Zachary Pinton

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Booksexual Heterosexual

Physical Appearance: Zachary, a Caucasian, is slightly shorter than others his age, and he's a little bit chubbier too. He's got blue eyes and short bright brown hair, which he likes to cover with a red hunting cap (Go Holden! Catch in the Rye Like a Boss!). His preferred style of clothing is anything that's RED, and mostly casual short sleeve T-Shirts, plus jeans. He's got a small backpack (blue) that he always wears when he's outside, even when he's not going to school or the like.

Personality: Zachary is mostly quiet and asocial - he rarely makes any attempts to talk to people, and when conversation is made with him he often tries to end it as quickly as possible. He is capable of having friends, and indeed he does have people he trusts (though he's not in close contact with any of them currently), but he generally prefers isolation over the company of others.
Zachary enjoys reading fiction, from Neil Gaiman's darkly fantastical American Gods to Salinger's Catcher in the Rye to Roald Dahl's short story collection, and rarely bothers with anything else if he can get away with it. He likes to go outside to read when he can, and smell the fresh air as he flips the pages - and he does this with the knowledge that people can and probably will pester him.
When in danger, Zachary likes to confront his opponents head-on. He's not very good at it - the one time he was mugged, he tried to throw his bag at the man and steal his knife, but all he got for that was a concussion and no money. And no bag. And no phone. And no keys.

History: There's not much to say about Zachary; he was a normal, albeit introverted, boy for his whole life. He'd had a bit of a bullying problem in his grade and high school years, but it was never so bad that he was traumatized, and his attitude towards his tormentors was such that their relationship wasn't entirely negative.
His parents were never entirely happy with how he was, but they rarely knew what to do to help him, so he was largely left alone to read.
When he got into college - a very nice college mind, one that his parents might have pulled some strings to get him into - he took a Computer Science course and promptly flunked out on account of being too busy reading fiction. Now, he's living alone in a studio, on a meager monthly allowance from his parents and on his pay as a part-time dishwasher. He's also back in a community college, once more taking a Computer Science course and doing substantially better than before, even if he's a bit too preoccupied with his novels.

Zachary's always had some stomach problems - he gets stomach aches for apparently no reason, and sometimes he has trouble keeping food down even when he's not full. They've started getting worse, though. He thinks he saw blood when flushing the toilet.

Demon CS

Soul Name: *Caeshun

Soul Meaning: That which is bound by Fate

Demon Class: Ghoul(above)

Magic Class: (Optional 85% of demons have one) **Illusion - this is how he'd get through the day without puking at his face in the mirror.

Appearance: Lovecraftian monster from hell. His tongue is hanging from his left hand and his right hand is covered with eyeballs that are missing from his face. His stomach, made of some jelly-like transparent substance, would store highly corrosive acid alongside his very much destroyed organs. He would absorb his food by placing it into his stomach and waiting for it to liquefy, then feel in very disturbing detail as it moves through his body and gives each and every part of him energy. His face would contain only a mouth, useful only for talking, and a myriad of pores with which he breathes the air around him and distributes paralyzing gas. At will, of course. Any semblance of his physical humanity would be stripped away, just like his skin that is only muscle now.
His legs would be fine, though. Perfectly human. His brain would be completely unchanged, too, so he'd be freaking the hell out about his eyes apparently being on his hand and his stomach apparently being the only way by which he could eat. And since he doesn't have the instincts that aid most beings like himself, he'd be flailing around with no clue what to do.

Other: He eats with his stomach, he speaks with the only large hole in his face (which is surrounded by a bunch of smaller holes for breathing), he tastes with his left hand, he sees with his right.
There is no way he isn't going to go insane.
Since Allure and Treasure town are kinda right next to each other, Birchwood forest is in the same direction from Allure as it is from Treasure town.


I hope you don't mind if I join you. Pl0x. Quick note: while I won't deny that Bob has predator issues, the source of his fascination is the seemingly symbiotic relationship between supposedly predator/prey as they traverse the Forest. He might be terrified of your character, but if he recognizes Thassa as an outsider, he'll cling to her if only to prove to himself that he's NOT SCARED of predators and affirm his desire to have equal relationships with Pokemon.
Alright, I'll probably post tomorrow (it's one in the morning! :D).
I read the first page, and I have to say that Kamina is a goddamn badass thus far. That said, I don't think I'll be able to read the entire RP, at least not without at least a few days (I can read fast, but I've got stuff to do). Which page should I start reading from in order to get enough info to know where to post first?
Also, anyone in or prepared to go to the Birchwood Forest so that Bob the Wurmple can follow them back to Treasure Town?

If you guys are interested, or want a refresher of the intro, I wrote a bunch of comments for each post. I was initially gonna do this in order to prepare to write my own summary of the RP, but after half an hour of this I decided against it.

... So my prior question still stands. Can I have a mini-summary of the story thus far, or should I just post and hope someone plays along or what?
Also, I've noticed that the convention is to use first person. Should I be consistent with that, or can I use third person?
You're bumping like a boss, huh?
I'd be interested in a Digimon RP, though I'm not at all inclined towards romance. If you want a romance angle, you'll have to do it with an NPC.
My personal preference is original worlds or the like. I know that there are characters we know and love, but I'd personally prefer to explore the transformation from a really shitty newbie Tamer thrust into a world he doesn't understand and wants to get away from into a bosslike facing Tyrant Omnimon in his heroic attempts to save the world.
I know. Dun worry. That's why I started with 'assuming I'm accepted'.
Edited out the level, added in a little note on his ability to speak.
What exactly did you mean by 'a little plain'? If you're talking History-wise, my justification is that Bob's arc (that's how I like to think of my plans for each character) is how he explores sapient-pokemon culture and of co-operation. Starting with a tragic backstory or otherwise an extremely complex backstory would really make it harder to focus on his arc.
Character Skeleton

Name: Zachary Pinton

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Booksexual Heterosexual

Physical Appearance: Zachary, a Caucasian, is slightly shorter than others his age, and he's a little bit chubbier too. He's got blue eyes and short bright brown hair, which he likes to cover with a red hunting cap (Go Holden! Catch in the Rye Like a Boss!). His preferred style of clothing is anything that's RED, and mostly casual short sleeve T-Shirts, plus jeans. He's got a small backpack (blue) that he always wears when he's outside, even when he's not going to school or the like.

Personality: Zachary is mostly quiet and asocial - he rarely makes any attempts to talk to people, and when conversation is made with him he often tries to end it as quickly as possible. He is capable of having friends, and indeed he does have people he trusts (though he's not in close contact with any of them currently), but he generally prefers isolation over the company of others.
Zachary enjoys reading fiction, from Neil Gaiman's darkly fantastical American Gods to Salinger's Catcher in the Rye to Roald Dahl's short story collection, and rarely bothers with anything else if he can get away with it. He likes to go outside to read when he can, and smell the fresh air as he flips the pages - and he does this with the knowledge that people can and probably will pester him.
When in danger, Zachary likes to confront his opponents head-on. He's not very good at it - the one time he was mugged, he tried to throw his bag at the man and steal his knife, but all he got for that was a concussion and no money. And no bag. And no phone. And no keys.

History: There's not much to say about Zachary; he was a normal, albeit introverted, boy for his whole life. He'd had a bit of a bullying problem in his grade and high school years, but it was never so bad that he was traumatized, and his attitude towards his tormentors was such that their relationship wasn't entirely negative.
His parents were never entirely happy with how he was, but they rarely knew what to do to help him, so he was largely left alone to read.
When he got into college - a very nice college mind, one that his parents might have pulled some strings to get him into - he took a Computer Science course and promptly flunked out on account of being too busy reading fiction. Now, he's living alone in a studio, on a meager monthly allowance from his parents and on his pay as a part-time dishwasher. He's also back in a community college, once more taking a Computer Science course and doing substantially better than before, even if he's a bit too preoccupied with his novels.

Zachary's always had some stomach problems - he gets stomach aches for apparently no reason, and sometimes he has trouble keeping food down even when he's not full. They've started getting worse, though. He thinks he saw blood when flushing the toilet.

Whelp, looks like it's time to go to Hell. Kinda. Metaphorically.
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