Avatar of Bondye
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 349 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. Bondye 3 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current So how much of Mahz's blood is margarita at this point?
3 yrs ago
Simple: if you hate everyone equally, their pronouns are "dumbass" and "numbskull". Feel free to address me that way.
1 like
3 yrs ago
I'm more than happy to respect the pronouns of anyone who isn't a piece of shit.
3 yrs ago
It's less CWC having as much weight as personal issues and more me losing faith in humanity.
1 like
3 yrs ago
I went offline to deal with personal issues. I come back to the internet to hear Chris Chan committed a serious, disgusting crime. Please let COVID turn into a zombie virus, I've had enough.



The necessary evil!


To purge the world of evil worse than man!


Because no one else will!


Most Recent Posts

Well, my serpentine aliens I usually have dressed in a little hat, bowtie, and cane. Anything else is pretty much anything goes.
>bitching and arguing ensues when news of a new game drops

In 20XX, Serizawa Industries unveiled their newest device: the DigiLink Full Dive VR system. By intercepting and scanning signals from the user's brain and transmitting feedback to it, the DigiLink could fully immerse a user in a cyberspace known as Arcadia. Over the course of several years, Arcadia grew exponentially, thanks in part to businesses using Arcadia to sell goods and services. Then something bizarre started happening: odd creatures began appearing throughout the cyberspace. Most were small and harmless; some were even curious about humans.

Serizawa Industries called them Digimon, billing them as virtual creatures that could be tamed and kept as pets in Arcadia. However, many suspected that the Digimon were not a new feature in Arcadia, but something else entirely. Regardless, many Arcadia users took to keeping Digimon as pets. Some even took to caring for them like real, living beings; however, the general consensus is that Digimon are merely strings of ones and zeroes that simulate real organisms, even if many have the ability to speak.

Arcadia is not the perfect cyber-utopia many believe it is. If you know where to look, you can find all kinds of scum and villainy. Hackers stealing and selling data, criminals organizing online to carry out real-world crimes, and more. Even with Serizawa Industries' massive investment in Arcadia's cybersecurity, many of these types still persist. Because of this, some in Arcadia have taken it upon themselves to root out these criminals.

That's where you come in. Not all hackers go about Arcadia with malicious intent, and you're in the business of helping people out. For a fee, of course. Being a hacker has its risks, and you may as well be paid for them.

Areas in Arcadia

  • Arcadia City: The primary hub of Arcadia, you can find almost anything here. By linking your bank account to your Arcadia account, you can make purchases through the marketplace, and have it delivered to your home. While the system doesn't normally allow for combat, Digimon tournaments are held on a monthly basis in the Arena.
  • Arcadia Wilderness: The area around Arcadia City. Beautiful and serene, many low-level Digimon make their home here.
  • Ancient Shrine: An out of the way area in the Arcadia Wilderness that hosts the Dungeon. Stronger Digimon often appear here, possibly coming from the Dungeon.
  • The Dungeon: An area beneath the Ancient Shrine, Arcadia users can plumb its depths for unique items and Digimon. The dungeon's layout, item drops, enemies, and bosses change on a monthly basis. It's extremely rare for players to reach the lower depths solo, but those that do are held in high regard among dungeon-raiders.
  • Walled City Kowloon: An area discovered by hackers several months after Arcadia came online, it is now a hive of scum and villainy, frequented by hackers and cyber criminals. Many speculate that it was supposed to be the original Arcadia City, or an eventual expansion. On top of the black market, under the table Digimon trading and gambling on Digimon battles is a common way to make money. Curiously enough, a lot of Digimon make their home here as well.
  • Flooded City: Another datamined part of Arcadia's code, the Flooded City was deleted from the server by Serizawa Industries, but not before a small community of hackers copied the data and opened it up as a public server. Built next to a wide, uncharted sea, the Flooded City is a summer hangout spot for many users, and is home to a unique ecoyststem consisting of both Digimon and artificial organisms modeled on real-world fish and marine life.
  • The Abyss: A wide chasm to the north of the Ancient Shrine. It was quickly discovered that an invisible wall has been erected midway, and attempts to break through it by hackers have proven fruitless. Serizawa Industries has hinted at an expansion beyond the Abyss.
  • Public Rooms/Public Forums: Areas that Arcadia users can create and interact in that show up in the registry. Can be password protected.
  • Private Rooms/Private Forums: Areas that Arcadia users can create and interact in that do not show up in the registry, and have higher security than their public counterparts. Unlike public rooms/forums, these are password protected by default, and the only way to access them is if you're given the link to them by someone with access to the room/server.

Character Sheets

My apologies. Yes, I'm still interested. Feel free to post a CS.
Call me Nissan, because I'm looking to pick up an imouto or two.
Giving this a bump. In the mood for a RP in the Jurassic series, or a mecha and kaiju setting.
>saw either a mouse or a large bug dart under the loveseat

Boredom bump.

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