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The Tsardom of Radena


News of peace in the West

Peace between the Zellonians and Osladian-Kalpian powers had finally been reached. A devastating conflict, that in the eyes of many Radenans, brought about the needless deaths of thousands in an almost brutish fashion. The Tsar himself commented on the issue directly, “The war the Zellonians fought against the Osladians and Kalpians shows just how far man is willing to go to win a war. Such brutality in a conflict should have never seen the light of day. The tactics used by the Osladians especially throughout the war is deplorable, the fact that no definite resolution on such issues having not been reached is despicable. While Radena will accept this peaceful resolution to the conflict to be absolute, it will not accept that the methods used by such countries to be justified. We can only implore upon the greater powers of the world to go about seeing an end to such unsightly and dishonorable forms of violence in the future.”

Headlines throughout Radena for the next week read “Peace in the west”, “Oslad bloodies its hands no more”, and “Zellonians stands their ground, a second chance at peace”. Opinions of the Osladian government and her people only continued to be soured, especially among the Radenan upper and middle class. Fears of the new Osladian government, one seemingly more militaristic than ever before had many worried. Some pieces even referred to the Osladian Prime Minister as “democracy gone awry”, one opinion piece that had gain significant popularity had this to say on the new Osladian Prime Minister:

Prime Minister Yegorov, a man of such honorable names as the ‘Count of Black’, has been recently awarded the highest position among the Osladian government, second only to their Tsar. A man of whom so affectionately referred to the Zellonian King as the ‘Mad King’, despite King James being beloved by his people, and whom has refused to acknowledge the wrongdoings that Oslad had committed during the war against Zellonia. His rise to power however, can be of no surprise. For the ‘Count of Black’ is a precautionary tale, one that every Radenan must hear, for it tells of the many failures of democracy. Bloody and dishonorable, this is the kind of man whom’s ideas will bring about an end to a civilized continent.
The Tsardom of Radena


Yevstingey Vintovka Model 1

“600 meters?” Questioned General Stepanov, an experienced and well trained rifleman who was given authority by the Tsar to inspect the proposed model rifles from the Radenan arms companies.

“600 is correct, we here focused on the requested specifications from the authority of the Tsar himself. Light weight, simple design, and as your men likely have found out awfully sturdy for a rifle of its making and design. Perfect for withstanding temperatures both freezing cold and blazing hot. Wetlands or desert. It functions as intended.” Commented Remizov Yevstigney, a native Radenan Entrepreneur and owner of the fledgling arms company Yevstigney International. To him, this was his chance for his business to finally get a foothold in the national market and possibly even become an internationally recognized.

General Stepanov continued to inspect the rifle, going through its design. The quality of the rifle itself was nothing impressive, but the rifle was not intended to innovate. It relied upon safe and effective designs, from tried and true methods. “It’s a fine weapon Mr. Yevstigney, but it certainly could be better. With your competitor's design still in the works, I think it would be awfully hasty to put your design onto the field so quickly. In the meantime, I suggest improving upon the accuracy of the rifle itself. It may take a beating, but if it can’t hit the enemy then it has the same combat effectiveness as a wooden stick.”

Mr. Yevstigney let out a simple sigh. “I understand your concerns and reasoning. We hope to have improved upon the rifle’s design in due time. Until then General I wish you good luck in your endeavors.”

The Tsardom of Radena


The Sosodrov Crisis of 1874

The year 1874, was a dreaded time for the Radenans, bringing back memories of nearly two hundred thousand dead and a humiliation like none other. The city of Sergat, formerly known as Sosodrov, had long been part of the Tsardom of Radena ever since the year 1645. Originally constructed as a military outpost with a small village attached to accommodate the families of the men stationed there, the population mostly consisted of two hundred native Radenans, a fourth of which actively served in the army.

This soon changed a little over a hundred years later, when massive gold deposits were discovered within a small mine near the city. This naturally attracted the attention of thousands of young and ambitious men, beginning to what is often referred to as the Great Migration. At first most migrants were native Radenans from nearby, bolstering the population by nearly twenty thousand. By the time five years have passed though, the population had grown to nearly a hundred thousand, most immigrants from the nearby countries of Kalpia and Kuralov. The city had little issues with the sudden influx of immigration at first, but over time the wealth began to run dry.

By 1843, nearly half the population had left the once prosperous city of Sosodrov leaving behind the many who were far too poor to leave themselves, most of which were native Kalpians. Feelings of being disenfranchised and abandoned by the Tsardom and with little help to revive the once prosperous and great city rebellion was almost inevitable.

December 8th, 1873 the citizens of Sosodrov, mostly native Kalpians seized the fortification along the city's walls, killing 8 Radenan soldiers in the process, and reportedly shouted the following from the rooftops “If Radena will not acknowledge the troubles of Sosodrov, then our fellow kin in the Republic of Kalpia surely shall!” Radenan troops quickly moved into the city to quell any sense of nationalism among the population, but by January 3rd 1874 the Kalpian Republic officially proclaimed the city of Sosodrov to be rightfully Kalpian and announced that the Tsardom Radena has invaded Kalpian lands. The war had begun.

Artist depiction of the “Sosodrov Rebellion”

It wasn’t long, before Kalpia responded to the Radenan presence within the city, nearly two thousand troops had garrisoned along the city caught unaware. By the time night had fallen that day, all but thirty Radenan soldiers had survived. This marked the first, in a long series of losing battles against the surprising military powerhouse of Kalpia. Both their discipline and skill in combat had proved to be a challenging foe to the Radenan army. Within the month, the cities of Melda, Canva, and Polnov have fallen.

By the time a year had passed, a military strategy was proposed by General Kalashnik Leonidovich, a well respected member of the Tsar’s old guard. The plan itself proposed the giving up expendable, yet seemingly strategic cities along the border in the north, such as Abocel and Zamocin. Once accomplished, utilizing overwhelming numbers, the troops would take advantage of the then stretched Kalpian lines, eventually cutting off Kalpian forces from the rest of their army entirely through one solid offensive. However, while strategically sound, the offer itself was outright denied by acting Mareșal Nosov Leonidovich, brother to the general due to seemingly unknown reasons. Rumors say it as an attempt to humiliate General Kalashnik Leonidovich, others that elder brother Mareșal Nosov Leonidovich truly questioned the viability of the plan.

With General Kalashnik Leonidovich's plans shelved and untouched, Mareșal Nosov Leonidovich given unconditional control of the Tsar’s Army proposed a different solution. Believing the Kalpian victories to be a simple fluke, and the fault of incompetent generals, such as his brother, he believed that the Kalpians would not be able to break the line holding onto Abocel and Glavnaya. However he believed that being desperate to make ground, they would likely attempt an assault in the north, as striking at the heart of the Tsardom of Radena would prove to daunting of a challenge for such a weak and dishonorable republic. As a result, he proposed weakening the southern front and leaving Glavnaya lightly defended, anticipating an assault on Abocel within the coming months.

Mareșal Nosov Leonidovich, circa 1873

This battle however did not come. As months passed and troops continued to be shipped north, the Kalpians noticed the slowly dwindling count of divisions along the southern line. Thus enacting a final push towards Glavnaya, resulting in a bloody campaign to the capital of the Tsardom lasting three weeks. Eventually ending with the Siege of Glavnaya and the burning of the Tsar’s Palace. With the capital occupied and the Tsar himself forced to flee the city to safety, by the time a week had passed offers of surrender were sent to Kalpia. The Treaty of Jovington was signed, officially ceding the city of Sosodrov to the Republic Kalpia, as well as forcing the Tsardom to pay $50,000,000 worth of reparations, officially putting an end to the long and humiliating conflict.

Treaty of Jovington

The Tsardom of Radena


The Zellonian War

It was not long after the first attempts at conducting a “hit and run tactic” along the southern Zellonian Line that General Leventy Gerasimov, a veteren of the Radenan-Kalpian war and experienced commander realized that such strategies would not work on so small of a front. It was then that he wrote back to Martyushev Borislav Andreevich, Appointed General of the Army he commented on a revised strategy alongside the I Memoital Corps.

Dear General Andreevich,

I am well aware of the effectiveness of hit-and-run tactics against Radenan enemies such as the Kalpians during times where troops are often times outnumbered or outmatched. However, it can not be stressed enough the necessity of such tactics to be implemented in regions or areas where the vastness of the land before the invading army is to much for them to properly or effectively protect. The battleground in Zellonia, calls for a different kind of warfare. One such battleground where every offensive counts, and that men can not flee so easily as they would in Radena.

As such, I’ve decided to use my own sense of intuition to begin a strong offensive against the Osladian troops alongside the I Memoital Corps. Men who have challenged the Osladian army for some time now. Trusting that the offensive will either break the Oslad line or cause a great deal of casualties.

General Gerasimov of the Radenan Volunteer Army

The Tsardom of Radena


The Bloodied hands of Oslad

It was just recently that the Tsar had heard of the atrocities committed by the Osladians in the lands of Zellonia. An act so deplorable, he struggled to even acknowledge their shared ancestry and culture. The crowd stared up upon his grand balcony, to which had been perfectly set up to give clear and precise speeches to the people below. A large crowd of around two thousand had gathered to hear the word of the Tsar, in a week likely well over twenty million would have heard, by the end of the month the entirety of the Tsardom itself. He audibly began to clear his throat to the public, before beginning to speak.

“It has become clear to me, that our Eastern brothers have become misguided and mislead into committing unbelievable and deplorable atrocities within the Kingdom of Zellonia. Such acts that go beyond the agreed upon rules of warfare, that the civilized nations of the world follow without question. Unfortunately, so enamored with blood and imperialism are the Slads of the West that they know not apparently the difference between a woman, a child and Zellonian soldier. These brave men defending their homeland do not deserve to have their loved ones butchered and burned and raped, and this Tsardom will not stand for it.

If our brothers to the East can not conduct war in the manner of a country from the Continent, then they shall be treated no better than the uncivilized tribes of Serranthia and the inward looking dynasties of Settumu. They relinquish the rights given upon the nations of the Continent through these vile acts and are no better than the uncivilized peoples slowly counting away the days until they finally experience the enlightenment brought to the Continent.”

Nearly 2,000 bystanders stand outside of Tsar Pyotr II’s Palace, January 28th 1900

Just as a general update, we are now using this discord discord.gg/f6n4B8
The Tsardom of Radena


Eastern Opportunity

After much discussion among the Tsar and his advisors, the Imperial Palace had officially announce the “Settumu Resettlement Act”. Offering a year long housing subsidy to any willing to brave the journey to the the Eastern lands of Settumu, Economic Minister Grishin Gennadiyevich made a statement that the law had hoped to achieve “new found economic opportunity” within the more barren territories of Radena. Many speculate that more initiatives to improve upon the Settumu territories could vastly improve the economic potential of Radena as a whole.

A week after the initiative had begun, nearly one hundred families had been reported to have begun an almost year long journey to Settumu. Reports show that many of these men and women are poor farmers hoping to capitalize on the cheap and abundant land. This trip however is not expected to be easy. Most of Radena’s Eastern territories consist of vast amounts of untapped and untamed tundra, with few if any settlements within the vast expanse of emptiness. Officials had advised any who wish to take the journey to be prepared to rely mostly on whatever rations and foodstuff brought with you for several days and to pack for intense cold, especially during the winter season.

More families are expected to attempt the journey once winter comes to an end, in hopes of a far easier journey during the initial trip. Fifteen Radenan families are reported to even be taking the journey by sea, some of which is an even more dangerous journey than by land. Estimated to take only a few months to reach the Eastern shores of Settumu, it comes with dangers of intense and uncontrolled waters of the southern oceans.

Family of 8 traveling to Kutbor (circa 1899)

Zellonian-Osladian War

With the most recent addition of Kalpia into the war against Zellonia’s claim to the western straits and Zellonian Sea, many among the population fear an official declaration of war from the Imperial Palace. These tensions carried over several days, until Tsar Pyotr II made an official statement to address the concern over the issue of Radena’s stance on the war.

“The Kingdom of Zellonia and the Tsardom have had strained relations over the past months due to the acquisition of a Radenan merchant vessel at the hands of the Zellonian Fleet. However, due to the reasonability of King James, the merchants alongside their vessel and cargo were quickly returned home once more, without any issue or incident between our country and theirs. As such, the Tsardom of Radena will remain staunch neutrality towards the war happening so close to home, so long as the people of Radena remain unharmed and both the integrity and honor of this mighty Tsardom is maintained.”

Artist rendition of Tsar Pyotr II later that year (circa 1899)

The Tsardom of Radena


Unifying the Empire

The Multi-Continental Railroad (MCR), one of the greatest infrastructure projects ever taken upon man has recently gone underway. Thanks to subsidization by the Tsar himself, the Romanievich Railroad Industry has taken on the project with little issue with an expected completion of the project to be 1906 and celebrated as one of the greatest accomplishments of man, covering nearly 10,000 kilometers of land.

“It is a pleasure on behalf of the RRI [Romanievich Railroad Industry], that I, Dobronravov Romanievich announce that official construction of a Multi-Continental Railroad. The first ever of its kind. It shall stretch from the Continent to Settumu, beginning in Glavnaya and ending in one the largest eastern cities in the Tsardom of Radena, Suyang. The sheer honor this company and its investors have of funding this railway for our Tsar is beyond words, and we are eager to pursue the construction of this project until completion.” RRI founder, Dobronravov Romanievich announced in a press statement earlier this week.

The history of the RRI stretches further back then just an on whim construction of one of the greatest infrastructure projects the Tsardom has ever seen. In fact, the idea has been proposed numerous times throughout the history of the Tsardom of Radena dating back to the 1840s when Tsar Aleksandr III was given proposition of the then Radena Rails Company (RRC), to connect the entirety of his empire with a single railway project however it was then denied due to monetary concerns. It would then be proposed to Tsar Aleksandr III two more times, once more due to extreme deficits and another due to conflicts in the east, and a third time to Tsar Pyotr II who shortly after his inauguration was given the proposal by the RRC, but was denied a final time due to their then struggling financial issues and worries of bankruptcy, before eventually being bought out by Romanievich.

Dobronravov Romanievich circa. 1898

The Dubrovvodsk Mutiny

Lack of pay due to constant deficits within the Tsardom of Radena has caused feelings of resentment among the men who serve in the Tsar’s army, eventually leading to the boiling point known as the Dubrovvodsk Mutiny. Around 4,500 soldiers deserted their posts after raiding the armory and commissary. The Tsar himself commented little on the issue referring to the men as “traitors to their fellow countrymen.”

Martyushev Andreevich, Grand General of the Army expanded further on the Tsar sentiments in an official statement, “The Dubrovvodsk Mutiny was an embarrassment for all who were involved. A disaster that our Tsar eagerly looks for solutions to prevent. The cries of the men whose loyalty is towards the Tsar have not been ignored. This however, does not change the fact that those men who participated in the mutiny choose to loot and raid rather than remain patient and have faith in the very man who is destined by god to lead his people. As such, they shall be dealt with as if they were traitors to the Tsar.”

Later that day official wanted posters for all 4,500 identified men who participated in the mutiny were placed in several of the major cities of Radena, as well as close relatives investigated as potential locations that the men could have fled to.

Aetorian Spring Ball

It was not uncommon for the Tsar of Radena to not make an appearance at the Aetorian Spring Ball and unfortunately due to other concerns this year would be one of them. This lack of appearance however didn’t deter the lesser nobility of the Tsardom to not attend. Important men such as Baron Abram of house Nikolayevich, a rather prestigious nobleman with a rather industrious name and owner of the famous Ida and Abram company.

Founded fifteen years ago, he named it after him and his now deceased wife, Ida who first gave him inspiration to design his first field gun. This eventually lead to the creation of the 87-mm Nikolayevich Gun. Eventually seeing full use within the Tsar’s army and even combat. Rumors have it that his primary reason for attending is due to the recent announcement of the M1899 Prager machine gun, by the Tyro-Redanian government.
Official Government Name: The Tsardom of Radena
Head of State: Tsar Pyotr II of Radena, Khan of the Daichid, Khümüüs, and Naiz, Huángdì of Rén, Shén of Shèngdì, and Sultan of Ashkhas and Almuharibun (42)
Capital City: Glavnaya
National Language: Radenan
Basic Demographics:
Tsardom of Radena:
Daichid Khanate:
Khümüüs Khanate:
Naiz Khanate:
Dìguó of Rén:
Sultanate of Ashkhas:
Sultanate of Almuharibun:
- Population: 6.
- Stability: 3
- Landmass: 10
- Demographics: 0
- Civilian Industry: 5
- Armaments Industry: 4
- Infrastructure: 2
- Naval Industry: 2

II. Military:
- Army Size: 6
- Army Training: 4
- Army Technology: 5
- Navy Size: 2
- Navy Training: 1
- Navy Technology: 1

III. Economics:
- Rare Resources: 4
- Common Resources: 5
- Luxury Resources: 3
- Bureaucracy: 3
Official Government Name: The Tsardom of Radena
Head of State: Tsar Pyotr II of Radena, Khan of the Daichid, Khümüüs, and Naiz, Huángdì of Rén, Shén of Shèngdì, and Sultan of Ashkhas and Almuharibun (42)
Capital City: Glavnaya
National Language: Radenan
Basic Demographics:
Tsardom of Radena:
Daichid Khanate:
Khümüüs Khanate:
Naiz Khanate:
Dìguó of Rén:
Sultanate of Ashkhas:
Sultanate of Almuharibun:
- Population: 6.
- Stability: 3
- Landmass: 10
- Demographics: 0
- Civilian Industry: 5
- Armaments Industry: 4
- Infrastructure: 2
- Naval Industry: 2

II. Military:
- Army Size: 6
- Army Training: 4
- Army Technology: 5
- Navy Size: 2
- Navy Training: 1
- Navy Technology: 1

III. Economics:
- Rare Resources: 4
- Common Resources: 5
- Luxury Resources: 3
- Bureaucracy: 3
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