Avatar of BR8K
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    1. BR8K 9 yrs ago


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It seemed as though it was time to move in. Quill could hear Edward's voice from outside, and, much more entertainingly, he saw Khar. Perhaps his favorite of the Order, at least as far as fun went. For a while he'd thought Khar just shared his distaste for people, but really what it came down to was much different. Khar was so serious, so proper about everything, and here yet again he displayed the very attitude that at first had had Quill backing away, but in the end had brought him back with vigor. What a fun man.

Quill bounded over, his performance voice tacked on. "Look, everyone look! A feat of strength not yet before seen on Sophitia!" he called, hands gesturing proudly to Khar. "Forget the miracles of Steel, bury the sayings of Sand, for here we have a new god among us! Our very own Khar has done the unthinkable, look fast and you might see it! Stand and bask, for he was born friends, and to this day still lives and fights, with a stick lodged firmly up his ass!"

He wasn't sure yet if he liked the slothman well enough to stand up for him, but one thing Quill would never pass up was a chance to poke a little fun at the grump. He laughed and skipped to the end of his little mock-performance, before actually coming to a rest within the great hall. A quick glance outside to see if the Admiral had followed, before his attention returned to the present.
Quill quite nearly laughed himself to death. Perhaps it was first the sight of the young man collapsing on the ground, but then it was most certainly the presence of the sloth. He was perhaps the most primal beastkind Quill had ever seen, even during the long stretches through Li Lian he'd never seen any so bestial. It was new, it was interesting, but above all else it was funny.

"I can only pray," Quill said, his voice a bit shaky from the laughter. "That such a man graces our Order. Oh I'm so happy I stayed I can't imagine what I'd have done had I missed that."

He wasn't normally fond of his own kind, the reputations he and others tended to garner were more often than not an inconvenience. Indeed he was impressed that the sloth, looking the way he did, was able to get through Silvercliff to the bastion in one piece. It didn't take much to set off the cruel curiosities in man, and beneath all of his amusement, Quill held an underlying pity for the sloth-y aspiring knight. It was quite a large amount of amusement however, and Quill was determined to learn more, for certainly such a man could not move through history unremembered.
Quill enjoyed stories, both hearing, telling and retelling them. He was quite low on sailor-tales as it was, perhaps this Tuyta would make a good subject for one. He made a note to ask the man about his naval past later on, but before he could move to continue their conversation, a couple of folks who looked like proper knights had made their way into the bastion. The first was a statue of a man, his armor decrepit and haunting, and the blade he bore none the lesser. The second seemed at least somewhat cheerier, though both seemed in too much of a hurry.

"My my," Quill mused, attention completely diverted. "The eagerness of some folks, hm? I don't think the first fellow even bothered to knock. Mayhaps I've just underestimated the urgency of our summoning."

He leaned back on his hips and let his arm rest upon the handle of the blade dangling at his side. "Oh, apologies, no I can't say I'm too in the know about what we're really doing here. I can however say that, whatever it is, it's bound to me more entertaining than anything else going on in this political storm of a kingdom. I think I'm going to remain out here for a bit, see what else the tide brings in, so to speak. Always interested in seeing the sorts of people this Order attracts."
Quill paused only for a moment when the new voice joined him in his song, but just as quickly he pulled a wide grin and picked back up. It was rare that others would join in on his songs outside of a few drunkards now and again, and even rarer that those who would join in looked as though they new the songs well beyond their lyrics. So he enjoyed the remaining verses, harmonized with the seafaring man, and when the song came to an end, he made a show of springing to his feet and offering a graciously low bow.

"You'd be quite right, friend, on both counts! It's a tune I picked up transitioning from port to port not too long ago, in fact I carried it with me here to Silvercliff," he said. "Sir or madam Quill, whichever the fancy. Jester first, but knight as well, I take it you too are answering the summons of the kind lord Edward?"

He took a moment to search the man over, try and glean from his briny exterior what he could. The sailing types were always well-worn and hard to puzzle out, but then, most of them weren't knights of the Order either. As far as first visitors went, Quill would say he was pleased with the interesting start.
On the porch of one of the city's numerous taverns, Quill sat with his feet up on the railing an his hands behind his head. Presently, he sung one of the few Silvercliff tales he'd picked up from bards outside of the city. Were he in a more mischievous mood, he might have instead sung an Al Zidoan hymn and see what sort of ruckus he could stir up. But then, the tavern catered mostly to Li Lian transients anyway, so he wouldn't have much luck.

He glanced down and saw a few coins had been tossed into his upturned hat. Charity was one of the things the city had going for it, all of the noble folk held onto their spare coin like a child would their greens. If he put effort into his songs and jests, Quill rarely had to worry about paying for a place to stay out of his own pocket. However, upon a second look, he saw that coins were not the only thing filling the cap, but amidst them as well was a small piece of parchment. Sitting up, he saw the figure of a page scurrying away, and figured the boy was in enough of a hurry to warrant not presenting whatever he needed to.

The letter was plain enough, more than likely a spare ready for such instances, but the message itself was far more interesting. Sir Edward himself requesting a gathering of knights? And the man had seen fit to list his name among them? Oh, happy day indeed! Quill all but sprung from his seat, a flurry of giggles as he emptied the coins in his hat onto the ground and plopped it upon his head. The Arcane Bastion was impossible to miss, and he made quick work of navigating the streets up to its grand base. He'd never met any others of the Order, or rather, the ones he'd met had been in passing, and either wrote him off as a jester, or simply never interacted. It was a pity, really, of all the patiences in Sophitia, he was so tempted to try the knights'.

So Quill resigned to wait for a while outside of the bastion, to sit down upon its great steps and sing once again. Beneath its sanctuary he felt free to sing just about any of the melodies he could remember, and given the amount of time he still had to pass, he ran through quite a few. From tundra cantors and mockeries of the Li Lian beast folk, to ballads of past Silvercliff kings and a few hushed blasphemes from the deeper crypts in Al Zidoa. So much history, all so intricate and elegant, all of the heroes and fools that filled stories upon stories. How quaint, he thought. How quaint.

And he waited.
Much the same, I'll probably have Quill already meandering about around the Order's hold if anyone's looking for interactions o/
Same here, such an amazing series.
You get like, +100000 for the Artorias pic
Also have a sheet posted, lemme know if it needs any tweaks!
Name: Quill

Gender: Up to speculation, often defaults to “he” but "she" is fairly frequent

Race: Beast

Age: Vaguely-Twenties

Title/Nickname: Jester Quill/Quill the Grin

Kingdom of birth: Even Quill doesn’t know the answer to this one. At some point he began to be passed off and off between various nomadic peoples. He’d gladly lie though, and say he’s from anywhere that suits him.

Worship: Quill purports to worship just about any god that suits the situation he’s in. He might praise one god for a joke, or blaspheme another to get a rise out of someone. Though he definitely believes they exist, he is not, personally, a big fan of any of them.

Appearance: Tall and thin, a wiry and feminine frame wrapped in a few layers of lean but practiced muscle. His hair is long and fluffy and fiery red, and two abnormally large hare-ears of the same color fall behind his head, a stark call to his bestial genes. His eyes are blue and icy, and it might be hard to stare at them for very long in the right light.

Though for the most part his clothes are light and flowing, two things Quill is never seen without are the overly-large-brimmed hat atop his head, and the grin that never seems to leave his face.

Magical affinity: Only Wind, but quite skilled with it.

Skills: For combat—Wind affinity, swift strikes, quick and agile.
Out of combat—Fairly good singer, silver-tongued, good storyteller

Equipment: Equipment: Quill’s weapon consists of two forms, a single-handed curved and notched blade, and a gnarled scythe. Often he wields the blade alone, and keeps the staff portion in its folded position at his side, but for the instances where he needs the extra reach, he can attach the blade to the end of the staff by its handle, locking it in place and extending the staff out into its full length. The wood, while scratched, neither splinters nor cracks, and the blade though weathered shows equal signs of integrity. Quill won’t say where he got the weapon, but it clearly isn’t his, its grim nature a contrast to his bright and jovial presented self.

Favorite spells: Presently, Quill’s affinity is used mostly for mobility. He tends to keep moving on the battlefield, preferring quick hit-and-run strikes and swift counters. Though he can to some extent deflect and/or propel objects with wind, most of his magical prowess is apparent in the mobility it offers.

Character background history: Quill is not fond of people, perhaps that’s why he’s a jester, –or was anyway– so that he could mock them openly without causing too much of a fuss. Born of the affair between a bestial and a human, Quill spent most of his early life transitioning from roaming group to roaming group, being raised by just about whoever could be arsed to do so until they grew tired of it, and shoved him along. He heard a lot of mockery for his appearance, and was called a “mutt” most places he went. In his early teens he spent a lot of time shadowing with gangs and street-clans.

Quill will never gives a straight or consistent answer as to how he learned to fight as he does. Though his stories often include being taught by a nomad called Sienne, sometimes they are a woman, others a man, sometimes a monster and sometimes a figment of his imagination. Whatever the case, everything between Quill’s earliest teenage years and the current time is a blur, and by now, Quill probably believes half the lies he tells about it anyway.

Whatever the case, his motives for joining the order are nearly as cloudy. He changes his answer a lot, but he’s more interested in what others’ reasons are, anyway. In fact, unless prompted, Quill seems to go out of his way to avoid being the topic of a conversation that doesn’t involve some kind of antic or another.

By my knighthood I swear: I Swear To Enjoy This~
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