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Apologies to all for having to wait a day between my promise and delivery. My body forcibly decided that sleep was more important than writing yesterday. I promise to learn the art of sleep-typing so avoid any further inconvenience.

On an unrelated note, while typing this out I imagined Davanteaux with the speaking voice of James from Team Rocket. Make of that what you will.
Davanteaux remained silent as each member of the group gave their introduction, his eyes closed while he swayed with the melody. He stopped playing moments after the other elf spoke. Looking upon the others in the brief silence he created, Davanteaux sprang into action. He would make an address to each.

First, he addressed the Orc. He was confident, and with a reputation to match it, “Ay, adventurers we are. And pleased to be joined by the legendary Lonely Blade. Indeed, people sing praises of your prowess throughout the land. A survivalist and warrior, peerless on each front. I am pleased to see you.”

Next, he addressed the holy woman. She seemed a bit lost in every way. An interesting case, to say the least, “A young woman engaged in the religious servitude, her faith leading her into practice. There are no nobler and purer souls than those whose full faith in a God. Truly, no more powerful. May you be served in kind for your kindness.”

He bounded to the half-giant. Although obviously hiding something, they were doing it in one of the best ways possible. It was better to be suspected than to compromise oneself, “Ah, a grand sight. The best of men, you are. So large, and with such wisdom to remain silent. Though your size speaks a'plenty, your restraint says yet more.”

Spinning around to face the mage, a bold smile illuminated Davanteaux's face. This one was incredulous, and rightly so. Clearly very intelligent, but who did she serve? “My, my, my. The perfect martyr, making a sacrifice of yourself to serve the common good. Give to give, what charity and benevolence! May none speak ill of your contribution, as all that is worth preserving may benefit from your loss.”

Looking to his fellow elf, he held out his hand in a universal Elven salute. The Wood Elves had reasons to fear and suspect High Elves, making this one a particularly valuable potential ally. “Ah, my brother in exile. I too know the pain of being forced from one's homeland. Through my own experiences abroad, I am sure that you are strong and fair. Truly those of us who are less than us would hardly last a day in this world.”

Finally, he spun back into his original place facing the crowd centrally. It was likely that true fools were absent from the group. It was surprising, considering the work they were here to take. In his surprise, he found pleasure and comfort. Though he had thought it an unreachable ideal, there were indeed small emergent moments like this that had been entirely impossible in the world before. His faith was slowly and surely being fulfilled. Before he introduced himself, he had a short meditative silence. After a pithy moment, he spread out his arms in a sweeping motion, “I am Davanteaux, servant of Icthus in this grandest of ages! Only in this time would such a party be possible. A new age is dawning before us, and we are its harbingers!” With that, he gave a deep bow. Though he suspected the warier among them would think him insincere, in those last words he was absolutely truthful.
Max said

Here. Just waiting on Hebaboh for a full round of posting. I now have it and will be working on on Mr. Davanteaux's read of the crowd.
Davanteaux, Underdeep

As Davanteaux daintily picked at his third hearty Dwarven meal, he elaborated on his impressions of the city to several intent listeners, “I've met many men in this city thus far, and not once have I met a person too weak or childish to manage their own destinies. I was struck by one such man earlier: a merchant. His eyes were hard but wise, and his stock was at once carefully chosen yet highly diverse. Clearly a man of tact, honor, and discipline. Though his life experience had taught him to never trust those of my kind; even today a dastardly elven thief attempted to wriggle from him more than he was owed, he welcomed me with the hospitality reserved by Dwarven kind to all visitors. I was inspired to leave him with a song for his progeny to carry his legacy for the coming generations. While Lords and Kings who inherit their titles and use them to take from you, the true backbone of this city, this man who like yourselves is what has preserved Underdeep is such numbers for this long. I now wear these rings and bangles bestowed onto me by this magnanimous representative with pride.”

Beaming, one listener demanded “Tell me Davanteaux, what is the name of he who is surely the finest merchant in Underdeep?”

Davanteaux lifted his hand to deflect the question while he finished what was left of his ale, then responded “I needn't name him, for I expect that any of you would have had such presence and mercy. I named him representative not because I believe he was the best of you, but because I believe that any man who lives and works in this city is his equal!”

His words were met with a cheer from his immediate listeners that picked up through the rest of the pub. He stood suddenly, pulling the horn from his pack in a deft motion, “A song! A song for every dwarf in this city that through the sweat of his brow brings ever more value to the lives of all: to the miners, the merchants, the barmen, the cleaners, the washers, the engineers, and the builders!” Another cheer was soon met with powerful chords that resonated with their hearts. Slow and strong, it was a folk song that they recognized and began to sing along to, slamming their steins and fists into the tables with the beat. Taking on a new significance, they sang of a man who single-handedly built a tower. To them, he was no longer a fantastical figure that deserved to lead them, but evocative of their own capabilities. He had truly captured their hearts, altered their minds, and changed their destinies. Each of them would go on and spread their new attitudes further. Maybe the new trend in the population would inspire some new philosophy, but he knew he couldn't hope for that. The next few steps on that path would have to be taken with the full knowledge that they were necessary.

After he finished the song and sat down to finish his meal, one dwarf spoke to him in confidence, “You said the time before Worldbane was dominated by the oppressors of all races, but what of our own Dain Lionbeard?”

Davanteaux reflected that this step of the process had come a bit early. He leaned over and whispered back, “It is for the Dwarves to determine whether their leaders are oppressors. By their nature, oppressors are weak and alone, using their will to undermine the strong such as yourself. It is only an illusion. If it is found that you are led by an oppressor, there is little that one weak and deranged man can do against thousands of the strong and pure-hearted. Once the veil has been pulled from all eyes, all may judge Lionbeard as the man he truly is, fair or false, then the people may take the action they feel is justified.”

With that, Davanteaux finished his meal and got up to leave, shouting positive words to the patrons upon his exit. One off-handedly inquired as to his business in Underdeep, to which he responded “ Next I shall meet with Dain Lionbeard.” His claim was met with a variety of responses ranging from shock to grins from those that heard it.
That had been the most receptive pub, as in the other two he had met with only mild success. The merchant he had met first was easily the most enthusiastic, showering him with gifts for his travels. For the last century, this was by far the most ambitious project he had taken on. He wondered as to how long he might have carried on like this before an order was sent for his execution, publicly or privately. The dwarves that he spoke to would no longer be nearly as subservient. The ideas would have their time to stew while he was sent away on a quest which, regardless of outcome, would greatly increase his credibility in the city.

As he approached the castle Davanteaux was put slightly on guard as he was stopped by one of the castle guards, “We are certainly hurting for recruits, but there's no way a bard is going to live two days out there with what we're planning on.”

Davanteaux smiled and introduced himself, “I thank you for your concerns, but I am no ordinary bard. I am Davanteaux.”

The guard stared at him for a moment incredulously, “You? I suppose next you'll tell me you're a thousand years old and personally killed the old King of Men?”

Davanteaux let out a short disarming chuckle, “Something like that. If you please.” he gave a short bow and walked past them into the entrance hall.

Entering Mustering Hall, he noticed several of the inhabitants' look of surprise and amusement at a tiny well-dressed Elven bard enter the hall among a group that was equipped for war. An orc, a half-giant, a few humans, and a fellow elf of the wood variety. Noting the quiet, he stood in a central position and spoke boldly to the group, “Any apprehension I may have had before has dissipated, as a truer band of adventurers has surely never been. I will be pleased to make each of your acquaintances. First, allow me to commemorate this occasion.” With that, he pulled his lyre and started to play. The song was slow enough to relax its listeners while they waited, but contained a few progressions of encouragement.
Max said My IC is up. And I managed to do all that on a goddamn mobile.My fingertips are numb.

Holy shit, Max. The sacrifice of both of your thumbs will not be in vain. I've never seen a person more committed to making an RP post.
Ampharos said Same.^ Variety is good.On that note, I'm curious to know what everyone's character's alignments are. Do we actually have any characters who identify as evil?

Davanteaux is definitely of the chaotic neutral catagory, leaning toward good or evil depending on the situation. He's very much an ends-justify-the-means kind of guy. He does have a higher goal, and it is to improve the world, but he doesn't put a lot of value on individual lives. Alignment aside, he's still certainly an asshole.
Edited per request. I look forward to kicking this thing off, since there's definitely an interesting mix participating.
This looks like it could be a lot of fun. Below is my proposed character. My goal was to create the kind of character you find yourself trusting when everything tells you that you shouldn't, while providing an element of fun still maintaining the dark atmosphere. While his affectations might make him seem invulnerable, he is quite mortal, and he knows it.


Name: Davte Rilal (abandoned)

Age: 350

Gender: M

Nickname: Davanteaux

Race: High Elf

Skills: As an experienced bard, Davanteaux has mastered a variety of musical instruments in a multitude of genres. While the first century of his life was devoted to traditional anthems and dances of the High Elves, Davanteaux's profane lyrics and atonal compositions drew great controversy in traditional Elven culture. Since that period of his life, he has learned the styles and tropes found in many lands among all known races. In his life of traveling, Davanteaux is practiced in the art of tact and making himself difficult to find. Within the last fifty years, Davanteaux has familiarized himself with the culinary arts. His breakfasts are well-loved.

Profession: Bard; Wanderer

Religion: As a worshipper of Icthus, Davanteaux considers his profession as a bard to be a life-long religious pilgrimage. The exact reasoning behind this decision is ambiguous.

Equipment: Davanteaux travels light and unarmored, adorned in clothes just slightly more fashionable than practical. His tunic and fine silk pants remain clean and untattered in spite of his lifestyle. In the medium-sized pack slung over his shoulder, he keeps all items necessary for his survival. In the pouches on the outside of the pack, he keeps nine different spices in small containers collected from his travels. In the main compartment, spare clothing and bedding are meticulously organized with his musical instruments so that all items are easily accessible at any given moment. The instruments he keeps provide him with the largest diversity in sound, being a lute and bow, a drum with sticks, and a metal horn with a sliding action and clicking valves. Among his vestment is hidden a small dagger, which he shows freely when using it as a kitchen knife while cooking.

Personality: Davanteaux's general manner could lead to the interpretation that he is insane. Cordial and warm, he is very welcoming to all regardless of their reaction to him. While most are put at ease by this introduction, his endless praise of the new world and celebration of all elements thereof is highly upsetting to most listeners. At first he is merely tolerated, but his aggressive friendliness, artistic and culinary skill, and familiarity with social obligations allow him to maneuver himself in almost any group. After a seemingly arbitrary period of time, he will suddenly disappear, only to arrive in another place to start his process over again. In very rare moments, it is possible for the skilled to see a flash of bitter fury come across his face, which instantly dissolves into his usual laughing smile, leaving a doubt that it ever happened.

Backstory: Davte Rilal was born into a musician's caste, resigning himself to entertain nobility in a mundane and static environment. While he did exactly what was expected of him, he received a standard and satisfactory fare and the affections of a few uninteresting courtiers. His only solace was in the time he spent in the libraries, where the old knowledge was kept. Eventually, after discovering the doctrines and philosophy of Icthus, Davte isolated himself from society for weeks. Reemerging as Davanteaux, his new habits (although enticing to some) were far too scandalous for the conservative court. Widely considered to have lost his mind, he was ostracized and nearly censured. Before an arrest could be made, Davanteaux disappeared.

After abandoning High Elven society at the age of 100, Davanteaux spent the next 100 years learning the ways of as many cultures as possible. In this time, in played in many noble courts and in front of peasantry. His crafted lyrics were inoffensive and specifically appealing to the crowd for which he played. A constant theme in his music of this period was the promise of a greater future, and the rebirth of the ingenuity of all races.

At the time of Worldbane, he found himself entertaining a Human King. As the kingdom was invaded, his knights slaughtered, and his towns burned, Davanteaux played an overture. The kingdom had been eliminated within a week, but his was not among the corpses. In the remaining days of chaos, he was seen amidst several armies leading their musicians in ushering forces to battle. He shouted noble words of duty and honor as the soldiers marched directly to their deaths. Once again, his was not among the corpses. These activities would become legends passed around by the scant survivors, and forgotten over the decades.

For the next 150 years, Davanteaux's activities began to seem erratic and inconsistent as he traveled among the settlements. His name and deeds of this period are most often preserved in conversations in the public houses over ale.

Additional Info: Although hardly famous, Davanteaux has a reputation as an almost mythical character in multiple regions. He is known to restore virility, convince entire villages to worship death, save children from starving using grass, cuckold nobleman, pacify rebels, and kidnap the unmarried. Of course, his general tendencies and enigmatic nature lend themselves to gross embellishment.

Edit: Expanded background as per request.
In Hey 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome, other new member!
Hey, I was a member of this forum last decade (under this username) before I started my undergrad. Now that I'm working and without homework every evening, I find I have a bit more time to hone my craft (my writing is ridiculously rusty).

I like overly-ambitious RP projects that every one puts their hearts and souls into and then loses interest in after a week. When I was younger I loved dark overtones, but now that I realize the world is dark enough without my help, I now prefer dark undertones. I was way into vampire RPs before I guess they've been fundamentally ruined. Now that I've completed a History and Business degree, I dig highly realistic fantasy and non-fiction. The last thing I wrote got insanely political from the beginning, so I'd like to take a step back and work on my characters again.

I look forward to RPing with everyone soon.
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