Avatar of BrokenWashing
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 468 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. BrokenWashing 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Remind me never to take an extra shift on the same day as a regular one again.......
6 yrs ago
Dab on the 'Taters
6 yrs ago
I know I shouldn't have but, Forza Horizon 4 has been pre-ordered
6 yrs ago
Well my first ever time watching E3 was fun. So hyped for FH4
6 yrs ago
My brief dog walk just turned into what can only be described as a tropical storm. I am now drinking hot chocolate in my onesie.


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

In Alphabet Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
In Alphabet Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Xavier (Professor)
Do whatever you need to do.
Well in the game you have the loot box system that gives you skins (alternate outfits) for your character. Are these things lore friendly in your opinion?
Quick pre-CS question, will/how do skins work in this? Also, what time period in the overwatch lore is this set in?
I already asked. I'm pretty sure it's a no.
In Alphabet Game 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Mr Incredible
In Dead 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Adéwalé Amadoe
Occupation: Slave, turned pirate.
Age: 32
Height: 6 ft tall (1.82m)
Weight: 105 kg
General description of appearance:

Adéwalé is a large African-Caribbean man.
His head is bald and he is clean shaven. Adéwalé wears black makeup in a tight ring around each of his eyes making him look even more intimidating than he is. On his right cheek are the letters, "S S" branded into his flesh, a cruel reminder of his life as a slave.
Clothing wise, he wears regular burlap pants that reach to his ankles. On his upper half Adéwalé wears a dark blue coat made of thick cotton.
Around his neck is a necklace made out of what appear to be human teeth.

Past: [DISCLAIMER] I do use some racial slurs/adult language but purely for story-telling emphasis and because such language was commonplace at the time.

Born into a life as a slave on a sugar plantation, Adewale grew up with a resentment for his masters, the Canewood family. Five generations deep, the family had run a highly successful business of importing slaves and exporting the sugar that they picked to all over the western world.
As Adewale began to reach adulthood, he also fall for the young woman, Elizabeth Canewood. Elizabeth was the daughter of the head of family, Isaac Canewood. Of course, no self respecting family would allow a nigger to be married into the family and even less so if said nigger was a slave. This love could not be! The relationship could not happen. In the eyes of Master Canewood, Adewale had to disappear. This was no challenge at the time, to dispose of a man whom no-one but yourself knows exists is an easy thing to do for a man of wealth and power. But, when your daughter is also in love with said man, that adds complications.
The result was an ultimatum. Elizabeth would stop seeing the nigger or she would be sent to London to stay with her uncle. Adewale would continue his duties on the plantation but not be allowed anywhere near the girl for fear of death.
On hearing of the news, Adewale went into a berserk rage, ripping the throats out of of the messengers who had told him this and storming towards the great white house in which his master resided. Upon seeing this sudden display of rebellion other slave workers Adewale inspired feelings that they had never felt before, they were tired of being told what to do and angry that they had let it happen in the first place.
A group of 60 men barged through the double doors and into the great hall of the building with Adewale at the helm of it all. Killing all who stood in his way, Adewale made his way to the private study of Canewood. Old Isaac never stood a chance.
Adewale left the study wearing Canewood's coat and holding his two ornamental pistols.

Relations with any other pc's: None as of right now.

Possessions (includes any ships owned or captained):
Two Ornate Flintlock Pistols

A large Bowie knife or period correct equivalent.
Adewale is captain of ex-slaver ship, "La Blanca", and it's crew of 25 men.
Tomorrow I'll post a CS hopefully.
Rest in peace, friend.
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