Avatar of BuzzingBee
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    1. BuzzingBee 8 yrs ago


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Hello! This is Buzzingbee! I used to be on here as BuzzBee but I had some trouble. I had issues in real life that made me go off for a while and then when I was going to come back on, passwords, emails, etc were forgotten and lost. xD But I'm back and ready to jump into where I left off!

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I can't wait xD
Penelope watched as the thief made his way over to them, noting the younger boy who followed him. She studied him with some surprise since it seemed the king had already assigned him a servant even though they had just barely returned to the castle. The knight hadn't even been expecting Crow to be assigned one, both due to his history as well as because she couldn't see the thief accepting the additional help easily. Her gaze flickered back to Crow as he settled in across from them.

The knight raised an eyebrow as she listened to him begin to speak to Naida about not being able to get in the nap that he had wanted. Her gaze shifted over to the boy who had accompanied him as she heard him clear his throat. As she suspected it seemed Crow wasn't too keen about having a servant. She was about to comment on it as the servant left but didn't get a chance to as the thief laid his head on the table. The knight frowned a little at his words, wishing she could at least reach out to take his hand.

"Things move fast at the castle." she mused resting her arms on the table. Discreetly, she stretched out one leg slightly so it brushed against his underneath the table. "Things will calm down I'm sure. Besides you haven't even been officially promoted yet so you've got some time until then... right?"

Naida looked over at Penelope and then back to Crow, smiling. "Yeah! You'll get used to it..Although I think father is planning to rush into the ceremony."

"Is he?" Penelope looked over at her friend then back to Crow with a subtle frown. They had only just returned and it seemed Crow was already stressed by how much was changing. She was hoping they'd ease him into it a bit more but it sounded as if it'd be the opposite. "Is that what the king wanted to speak with you about?"
True lol

Naida got the news about Penelope and Gavin xD

Almost as soon as the knight set foot into the great hall there was an excited squeak that sounded from behind her. The knight jump slightly, unprepared, and then turned to see the familiar face of Naida rushing over to her. She smiled at her friend's enthusiasm and stepped over to meet her. "Did you just get back?" Naida beamed. "Oh and where is my br- Crow?" She quickly switched her word choice as she glanced towards some nearby guards before her gaze settled back on Penelope. The knight supposed it wouldn't have really mattered if she referred to him as brother. The other guards would likely just assuming she meant Braden.

"Yeah, we got here a short while ago." Penelope mused with a small shrug. "And as for Crow, he went off to take a nap from what I know." Naida deflated slightly at that, seeming a bit disappointed she wouldn't be able to see her brother as soon as she would have liked. Penelope offered her a smile and gave her a friendly nudge. "From what I know about him, he never misses a meal so I'm sure we'll be seeing him soon enough. Come on, let's go get some supper."

"Ok!" Naida smiled as she moved to follow her friend into the great hall. After falling silent for a short moment, she looked back at the knight with a curious gaze. "Hey Penelope... How much do you know about him?"

Penelope blinked and looked over at the princess. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I was just curious. You've been around him more than I have. Plus you two don't seem to be on bad terms." Naida explained with a shrug. She smiled at Penelope. "You certainly aren't glaring at him like all the other guards."

"I've worked with him a couple times now and he's proven cooperative." Penelope responded with an air of casualness though quickly focused her gaze ahead as she moved to take a seat at an empty table. The knight was reluctant to admit anything to Naida about her relationship with Crow. They were going to be giving each other some distance for a while and she wasn't sure if she could completely trust Naida to keep a secret. Naida wasn't the greatest of liars after all and if someone like William went nosing around, she was rather certain it wouldn't go well. It was safer to just pretend she had a respect and perhaps even small friendship with Crow when around Naida. "Oh by the way," the knight began as she decided to switch topics. "Olivia told me to tell you she said hello."

"Oh! How is she?" Naida grinned, not batting an eye at the change of subject. "How's Gavin too? I imagine he's going to be missing you while you're gone huh?"

"She's doing well.. Still causing as much trouble as she can." The knight paused and shifted slightly. "As for Gavin well... he'll be fine... We're actually not courting anymore."

"What?" Naida's eyes widened in surprise. "Why not? I thought your father insisted on you two getting married?"

"He did but some things changed and well we decided to end things. We're still friends though.." Her gaze drifted over to the entrance of the great hall as she noticed Crow step inside. Naida looked over as well and grinned, waving her hand to flag down her brother. Penelope gave a faint smile, glad to see that their plan to meet through Naida would likely work rather effectively at this rate.

Honestly poor Preston xD
I feel like Crow's really going to stress him out lol
Penelope looked over at Crow as they stepped into the castle and returned his halfhearted smile. "See you." she mumbled nodding. The knight watched as he walked off to retire to his room and then turned to one of the guards that had opened the door for them. Now that she was alone, she didn't want to waste any time in finding her father and Tybalt. Mostly because the knight was eager to get some rest after their many days of travel.

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where Tybalt or John Vermillion are? I need to speak with them." Penelope asked with a polite dip of her head to the guard.

He shifted his gaze down to her and nodded. "Tybalt has retired to his quarters for now but John was placed on guard duty near the great hall." he explained with small dip of his head towards the staircase.

She pursed her lips together, a bit disappointed to hear that Tybalt wasn't working. She supposed she'd just have to catch him the next day then. "I see. Thank you." she said. Penelope was about to turn to leave when the guard smirked and addressed her again, his smug expression returning to his face.

"So... how long does that thief got before the king ends him?"

The female knight rolled her eyes. It seemed her guess about castle gossip had be fairly accurate. "Who knows... It's difficult to say if that's even what the king is planning."

"It has to be! What else would he possibly be planning for that cur." The other guard jumped in now with a huff.

"Well, I doubt he'd let the thief leave if he was planning to kill him in the first place. He clearly didn't return just to be hanged." Penelope pointed out. She crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the two guards. "I suggest you start thinking of some other reasoning." With that said, the knight turned and began her climb up the staircase to find her father, leaving behind the two stumped guards who were no displeased by the thought of the thief receiving anything less than such punishment.

As she ascended the stairs, her legs ached from the upward climb. Part of her was suddenly glad she'd be able to wait until the next day to speak with Tybalt. At least now she could speak with her father, grab supper and then retire to her room for the night. And I won't have to worry about waking up early tomorrow.. she thought blissfully.

"You're back."

She blinked, quickly pulled out of her thoughts as she barely reached the top of the stairs. Her gaze fell on John who had spotted her quickly. It was difficult to say if the older knight was pleased to see her again or still furious about her for leaving so abruptly in the first place. With his usual stoic expression, the female knight decided it was best for her to tread carefully. Penelope offered her father a small smile and dipped her head to him as she stepped over.

"I am..I'll be back for at least two months now actually.." she mused as she pulled out one of the letters from Mia.

John eyed it before looking back to her. "I see... And, where's that thief?" he asked with a disapproving grumble.

"We parted ways once we got back into the castle... He went to his room." Penelope shuffled her feet slightly and lowered her voice. "We'll be spending time apart now to avoid our relationship getting out any further while he begins his training."

John raised an eyebrow at her and crossed his arms over his chest. "Smart move." he muttered glancing around the hallway before looking back to her. "I just hope you two will be wise enough not to push for more to quickly." he stated warningly. The older knight let out a sigh as he decided to switch the topic. "I take it things went well with Mia?"

"Yeah. I even got her support for ending the war. Now I just have to focus on getting the king on board." Penelope explained with an eager nod, glad for the change of topics. The two continued to speak briefly about her plans for her stay at the castle. She was glad that her father's anger from before seemed to have died down and that he approved of her plans. Eventually she parted from him so he could carry out the rest of his shift undisturbed while she headed off to grab some supper from the great hall, enticed by the savory scents that wafted out into the corridor.
Exactly xD
Penelope gave a murmur of agreement as he pointed out that having the mutual connection would be a good thing. She thought so too. Besides, regardless of Naida's status, the other female knight—or rather princess—had become a good friend to her and while she would likely have to use her as a way to spend time with Crow, she was also eager to spend time with her friend. Catching up with Naida would be enjoyable and was certainly something she looked forward to.

As he turned back to her, the knight smirked amusedly. "I suppose so." She crossed her arms over her chest as she gave a small nod. Though she hadn't hidden the information just for giggles, it ended up being a fairly even trade.


As day wore on, the knight bounced between letting a companionable silence fall over them and striking up small conversations with the thief to pass time. It helped ease the lingering worries she still held onto as they drew closer to the castle. Nobles still gawked at the thief and whispered amongst themselves about his return to the castle but no one dared approach them. She guessed that they must have been convinced that he had returned to be hanged since she noticed a couple nobles sneer at the thief. It was only a matter of time before their world came crumbling down though so she ignored them like the rest.

Once the two reached the front gates, Penelope felt a bit of disappointment fall over her as their trip alone finally reached its end. Though they wouldn't be completely separated, she knew she wouldn't be seeing him very much and the chances of them getting any time alone were even smaller. She let out a soft sigh, praying that they wouldn't have to keep such distance between each other for long. The knight looked over at Crow and offered him a small smile.

"Well, once we're inside, I suppose we'll be parting ways. I've got to report to my father and Tybalt." she mused reaching for the papers Mia had given her. The knight looked ahead as she noticed the gates being opened, it seemed their arrival had been notices,and gave him a small nudge. "Hopefully I'll see you soon."
Same cx I'm thinking it'll be pretty awkward at first lol
Penelope looked over at Crow as he responded and gave a nod. She hadn't expected him to be ready. The time when their plans had their roles reversed wasn't that long ago and even though she had been certain in her decision to stay with him, there had already been a good deal of nervousness as well as apprehension to leave behind her life. Their visit to the castle had made realize how tough it would be to leave behind her home for good.

Of course, she wouldn't have to worry about that now. The knight turned her head to look up at the thief, returning his smile. Though she still felt a bit bad about him having to leave his life behind—it was something she likely would never be able to fully repay him for—she was ecstatic to have him join her in her world as a noble. "Well, I'll try to help with that as much as I can." She promised him with an affectionate look.

"Plus I'm sure Naida will help a great deal with that too." she mused as she focused her gaze back ahead as they walked. The knight was doing her best to ignore the stares he was getting from passing nobles. She still found it as irritating as before but unable to do anything, she just tried to keep her gaze focused on the road. "Gods I still can't believe I just found out she's a princess..." the knight groaned in quiet embarrassment. She glanced over at Crow and smirked in amusement. "Who would have thought I'd unknowingly befriend your sister of all people."
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