Avatar of BuzzingBee
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    1. BuzzingBee 8 yrs ago


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Hello! This is Buzzingbee! I used to be on here as BuzzBee but I had some trouble. I had issues in real life that made me go off for a while and then when I was going to come back on, passwords, emails, etc were forgotten and lost. xD But I'm back and ready to jump into where I left off!

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A u d r i e l l e M i s t m o u r n

Hotel, Azure

With Aida, Louis, & Rene

As soon as the trio stepped through the door, Audrielle was taken by the sight before. It was practically mesmerizing to the young source blood. After years of being sheltered by her caretakers, parties such as the one before her were never something Audrielle had really been able to enjoy. Her caretakers tried to keep her presence as secretive as possible, only introducing her to those they deemed fit out of fear of her being targeted. When they entertained other old bloods or council members, it was never anything even close to what was before her that evening. Dancers swirled together in tight-knit pairs that moved with an elegance that Audrielle had never seen before. Masks lined each face in the room and chatter filled the air almost as much as the music did.

As suspected, Belmont clearly knows how to throw a proper party.. Audrielle thought, a smile decorating her lips. Regardless of what his other intentions might be, the young source blood already found that it was well worth the risk. Tonight would just be the very beginning of gaining her own freedom. In the next moment, she spotted the familiar figure of Rene climbing up the staircase to meet them. At her sides, she could practically feel the two old bloods grow tense, still uneasy about the situation Belmont had created for her. Audrielle ignored them though instead looked ahead to the older source blood with a friendly smile. Though she didn’t consider him a friend in the slightest, he had earned some favor from her just by being the one to open the door to freedom.

While he addressed her caretakers, someone else drew Audrielle’s gaze away from the host in front of her. Further into the crowd, she felt a pair of eyes on her and looked out to see some man—it was impossible to say who both due to her lacking knowledge of vampires as well as the mask he wore—looking their way. She couldn’t make out much due to the distance but she couldn’t help be curious as to who he was. Unfortunately, she was only able to catch a quick glimpse of him before Rene addressed her. Pulling her gaze from him, her hazel eyes settled on the source blood in front of her. “Thank you, Belmont. Your party is as extravagant as I expected.” she said with an amused smirk. As he asked about a dance, she dipped her head. “Of course.”

As Belmont offered her his arm, Audrielle paused. Part of her had been hoping to do her scouting alone that evening but she supposed that she had just gotten her hopes a little to high. If it wasn’t Belmont escorting her, Louis or Aida would have quickly swooped in instead. With Belmont being the lesser of three evils in this predicament, Audrielle graciously accepted his arm. “That sounds perfect.” she said with a smile. “I’m eager to get this underway.”

“Audrielle… would you like one of us to accompany you as well?” Aida asked tentatively. Her dark gaze flickered towards the host. She didn’t trust Rene and disliked the idea of him being alone with the young source blood. Especially when he was the one introducing her to candidates—likely only ones he had picked out too.

“No, no.” Audrielle answered quickly, not wanting either of her caretakers to be swarming over her. At least with Rene she didn’t have to worry about the older source blood treating her as if she was five years old instead of fifty or cutting in to choose her options rather than letting her choose her own. “You two just enjoy the party and I’ll catch up with you after I’ve met a few of my options.” She flashed Louis and Aida a smile before turning back to Belmont with a hint of excitement glimmering in her hazel gaze. “Alright Belmont, lead the way.”

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and watched the two source bloods with narrowed eyes. Damn you Rene.. he thought scathingly. The older source blood had backed them into a corner with the help of a very stubborn and naive Audrielle. Louis didn’t trust that Belmont just simply wanted to ‘help’ the younger source blood by getting her a guardian. No, he had to be playing at an angle, he always was. Louis just couldn’t figure out what it was, yet. Regardless, he had no intention of standing idly by. “I’m going to follow them. There’s no way in hell I’m letting her out of my sight with that bastard.” he growled under his breath to Aida.

The other old blood nodded her head in agreement and swept her gaze over the crowd. “Good, you do that. I’m going to see if anyone we’d approve of is here tonight.” she muttered thoughtfully. “If by some miracle they are, then I can figure out a way to send them towards Audrielle.”

“We’ll catch up later then.” Louis nodded before moving to make his descent down the staircase. He doubted Rene would invite anyone they’d want as Audrielle’s guardian if he had a plan of his own but it wouldn’t hurt for Aida to double check. In the meantime, Louis intended to follow the two at a distance, trying not to come across as obvious as he weaved his way into the crowd, picking up a goblet of blood for himself on the way.
No worries! :)
Cool! Yeah I'm just wondering if they should approach Daniel or if Daniel should approach them xD One idea I had is that Daniel could run into them separately through work with maybe them hiring the firm he works for to run a campaign for them.

Also Daniel doesn't realize how bad of a question he asked to someone who's homeless XD
“My kind?” Daniel echoed her words with a laugh. Despite questioning it, he had some idea what she meant. After all, he was a man who knew a little value in appearance could go a long way, tonight was evident enough of that. However, his appearance was more for work related success than to pick up women at bars and parties. The fact that the two overlapped just happened to be a nice bonus. “I doubt that. Mainly because I wasn’t lying in saying I don’t get out much.” he smirked with a small shake of his head.

Her flinch to his words didn’t go unnoticed. It wasn’t either of the reactions that Daniel had been expecting from her. To add to it, her reply was a bit ominous to match despite still having a smile on her face. Perhaps she’s thinking of an ex.. He thought with a small sip from his nearly finished drink. Whatever the reason, he made a mental note about her reaction. He’d have to make sure to avoid such topics unless he thought it advantageous to dig for more information from her. As she went on with a more lighthearted response, he put on another smile and acted as if her previous reaction hadn’t caused raised any eyebrows.

Daniel chuckled as she rebranded their meeting into a Hallmark special. “I can work with that. Certainly makes me sound better, much more like a knight in shining armor. And since it’s not some Nicholas Sparks shit the chances of either of us ending up in a coma or worse are at least low.” he said amusedly. It was a much more selfless take on what had transpired to say the least. Daniel was well aware of that but he couldn’t help but entertain the thought of him coming to the rescue for a second longer. Lifting his drink to his lips he took another sip before looking at her with a curious glint in his gaze.

“Alright I got an important question.” He began as he set down the glass once more. “If we’re going Hallmark special, what actress would you want to play you?” It was a silly question but it was a way of getting to know her better. At the very least, it was a way of peaking into the type of media that interested.
I feel it xD Mine went off on a tangent I wasn't originally planning too lol
Penelope nodded her head as Hazel advised her to be safe on her ride back. She was just about to turn to leave when Alistair also cut in to send her off with a message to Olivia. The knight had suspected that the two were still meeting so she found his words a little amusing as they confirmed it. “I’ll be sure to relay that to her.” she chuckled with a small nod. Turning away from the group, she headed out of the mouth of the cave and back to her horse. As she mounted the stead, she felt a small hint of anxiousness about finally returning to her battalion. A lot had changed since she had last left it, not to mention that she also had no idea what it’s current state would be when she arrived.

Guess I’ll find out soon enough. She thought with a tense exhale. Giving her horse a sharp kick, she took off in the direction of where her camp was located.


The ride there wasn’t very long. She passed through Myrefall and traveled through the forest until it opened up to reveal the base. From afar, it appeared to be the same camp that she had left and for that she was grateful. There was no thrill in returning to the warfront but she was eager to see how the ones she had left behind were faring during their near month apart. Not to mention that she came bearing rather good news. With any luck, this camp would soon be taken down with the war’s end. Keeping that thought in mind, a small smile crossed her lips and she continued her way to the front.

Almost immediately the guards stationed there were caught off guard by her unannounced return. A couple mumbled their welcomes to her and she dipped her head to them in return. She had no doubt news of her return would travel quickly that night, likely over the knights finishing supper. She hopped off her horse and handed the reigns over to one of the guards. Though she could have handled putting away the beast on her own, she needed to speak to Mia before word reached the baroness’ ear by the morning. Penelope thanked the guard and then began to make her way towards the tent.

As she walked, she took in the sights of the camp, eying for any familiar faces as talk began to break out from her return. Since it was nearly dark though, it seemed most were having dinner already or retiring for the night. The one thing she did get from the sight around her was that the camp had hardly changed, which likely meant that things on the warfront were no different than before. It was both a good and bad thing so she chose not to dwell on it for long. Luckily, she didn’t have to as a familiar, feminine voice called out from behind her.

“Penelope?!” Turning her head, her gaze rested upon Olivia. The female knight stood a short distance away with wide eyes, seeming stunned to suddenly see her friend that had appeared without prior notice. Her shock gave away to a grin and the other female knight hurried over to catch up with Penelope. “What the hell are you doing here?” Olivia asked as she gave her friend a quick embrace.

“Returning to the warfront of course.” Penelope smirked as she hugged her back. Taking a step back from Olivia, she was glad to see that her friend appeared to be in good health.

Olivia rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not what I mean. The last time you wrote, you said you were throwing some huge party to end the war! Why are you back already? Did it not go well? Oh and how’s that viceroy of yours?” She shook her head and grinned. “Gods I have so many questions! You better start answering them!”

Penelope gave a small laugh. “I figured you would but I have to go see Mia first. As much as you want answers, I’m afraid someone out ranking you wants them as well.” she explained with a smirk. It was refreshing to see Olivia again and she was eager to share everything with her as well as find out how everyone on the warfront had been doing but she would have to wait. A quiet rumble from her stomach gave the knight an idea. “How about this, grab me a plate of whatever they’re serving for supper and I’ll meet you at my tent right after I’m done speaking with Mia, ok?”

Olivia let out a disappointed sigh before nodding her head. “You drive a hard bargain Vermillion but alright.” she said with a smirk. “If your talking price is food then I’ll pay it. I’ll meet you back at your tent in a bit then.”

“I’ll see you there.” Penelope grinned. She was just about to turn away when she recalled Alistair’s words. “By the way, Alistair said that he misses you.” she added, smirking mischievously as the statement caught Olivia off guard. After all the teasing and mischief that the female knight had put her through in the past, it was nice to have a good bit of leverage to get back at her with. “We’re definitely talking about that later too!” Penelope called over her shoulder as she hurried off to Mia’s tent before Olivia could say anymore.

Stepping up to the front flap of the tent, Penelope tentatively poked her head inside. “Mia?” she called out. Her gaze soon landed on the baroness who was sitting at the small wooden table in her room. As Mia looked up, her expression gave way into one of surprise. Penelope casted her a small smile and stepped into the tent. “Sorry I didn’t send any letter ahead of time… Things move fast at the castle and well, I’m back.” she explained with a sheepish smile.

“So you are.” Mia said with a hint of amusement in her expression. The low light of the lantern on her desk managed to shine just enough for the glimmer to be caught on the baroness’ face. Mia shifted to stand up, stepping over to her lieutenant to place a hand on her shoulder. “I’m glad to have you back Penelope but I must ask, why the early arrival? You still had another month to try and convince the king before I required for you to return.”

Penelope couldn’t help but let a smile take over her lips. “I know. That’s actually why I returned. The king is currently sending the viceroy to Younis to negotiate for peace as we speak.” She paused before adding. “I actually traveled out with him until we reached Wellspring.”

Mia’s eyes widened slightly before she broke out into a proud grin. “I see. That’s good news.. As I’m sure you’re aware, very little has changed out here since you left.” The baroness’ grinned died down and she let out a sigh. “A stalemate, still as tiring as it was the day you left. Well, with any luck, this war will be over shortly and peacefully though. I certainly look for to it.” Mia shrugged her shoulders and took a step back from Penelope to walk back over to her table, her gaze thoughtful as she looked down at the pages.

It seemed that the warfront was just as Penelope expected it to be. Unchanging and still as grave as before. She just hoped that would help in convincing the barons to act defensively until peace could be reached. The lieutenant shifted a bit as she looked to her baroness for more information but Mia had fallen quiet. However, her dark gaze silently spoke of how much was going through her mind. “Did.. Did you want to go over anything else before I retire for the night?” Penelope asked raising an eyebrow.

Mia finally looked back over to her lieutenant and paused before shaking her head. “No, we can catch you up tomorrow after you’ve gotten some rest.” she assured. The baroness pursed her lips together in a pause before adding, “But Penelope, I have to ask since you said you left with him again… Regarding our new viceroy, did you know prior to your father showing up that he would get that title?”

Penelope blinked in surprise at the question. She expected some questions about Crow becoming viceroy but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon. “I didn’t… It came as a shock to me as well.”

Mia studied her for a moment and then frowned. “Penelope, I must ask… what exactly is or was your relationship with him? I’ve ignored it for far too long and I’d like to know, considering it sounds like you’re still hanging around the criminal turned noble.”

The knight let out a small breath, more at Mia’s words about Crow than her actual questioning. After all, Penelope knew that it was only a matter of time before the baroness found out that her lieutenant was now being courted by the very man that used to steal from their battalion. The knight had no intention of lying any more now that her and Crow had taken the proper steps to officially court as nobles. “Well, since you’re asking, I’ll have you know that I’m being courted by him now.” she said, meeting her baroness’ gaze as she tried to gage her reaction. When Mia said nothing, Penelope took it upon herself to give her more information. “Gavin and I broke it off a while ago. You know that he took that sword for me so I’m guessing you can connect the dots there… I just happened to get lucky that the king wanted to give him the position of viceroy and I swear I had no hand in that.”

Penelope shifted her feet. While she held no guilt over her choice to be with Crow, the silence from Mia was nerve wracking. “My father gave us his blessing even.” she met Mia’s gaze with a stern expression. “Mia, I may have been involved with him but I swear I never did anything that would have hurt my battalion nor my kingdom. I won’t apologize for being with him—I have no regrets there—but I do apologize for having to go behind your back.”

After another pause of silence, Mia finally acknowledged her words with a small nod. Her feelings were impossible to read though. The baroness’ gaze gave away nothing but mild shock. “Ok.” she replied in an all too simple tone.

“O-Ok?” Penelope echoed with confusion. She was expecting a little more than just a casual ‘ok’ in response to everything she had just said.

“Yes.” Mia said slowly moving to turn away from Penelope to look at the papers on the table she had been eying before the lieutenant walked in. “Thank you for reporting to me first, Penelope. You are dismissed now. Go get some rest.” she instructed the knight with a small wave.

Penelope blinked, unsure how to take Mia’s reaction. Usually most people had a more opinionated reaction when she admitted to being involved with Crow—and more often than not their reactions were one of disapproval rather than excitement. However, her own baroness made her feel damn near foolish for even admitting to it. “Ah, right. Thank you, Mia.” she stuttered with a respectful dip of her head. Penelope turned and headed out of the tent, all the while pondering what to make of Mia’s lacking reaction.
Oh makes sense. Glad to hear you're good though ^^
Makes sense cx I figured Penelope wouldn't stay for dinner so at least you won't have to double for too long xD
While Crow’s words had been cryptic to her, it seemed that he had been right in assuming that his old companions would know what he was talking about. Penelope was glad too. The last thing she wanted was to relay a message that no one understood. Her gaze flickered between the two thieves as the spoke of the fallen tree before looking back over to Hazel as she thanked the knight for delivering the message. Penelope dipped her head to the herbalist with a small smile. Though Hazel’s words were kind, she couldn’t help but feel a faint sting for being the one to take him away from them in the first place. Even though it seemed none of them harbored any grudge towards her for it. “Of course. It was the least I could do.” she said with a shrug.

As Hazel offered her something to eat, Penelope hesitated. Her immediate answer would have been yes merely based on the hunger from the long trip to reach them. However, upon second thought, she realized that it was likely for the best that she didn’t accept Hazel’s offer. Though it was kind, Penelope silently recalled that the herbalist was pregnant. The last thing she wanted to do was take food away from the mother to be. Besides, her battalion would have plenty of food to spare so it felt wrong to take it from the small group that had to keep themselves sustained. Plus she wanted to reach her battalion before the sun fully set.

“Thank you for the offer but I’m actually on my way back to my battalion right now.” Penelope explained with a grateful smile. “I want to try and reach the camp before it gets too dark. Plus I wouldn’t want to delay your own trip. Crow has a rather strict baron with him so I’m sure he’ll only have tonight to meet you all before they continue on into Younis in the morning.” She gave a small shrug and glanced over her shoulders. Her camp wasn’t terribly far so she didn’t doubt that she could make it there in time before the sun fully set. There would be plenty to do and catch up on when she did arrive too.

A breath escaped her at the thought and she looked back to the trio standing in front of her. “In fact, I should be taking my leave. Message aside, it was good to see you all again. I hope you have an easy trip to wherever that tree is.” she said with a smile.
Same lol and yeah I'm up for still going that route unless you wanted to take it a different direction c:
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