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I am now officially calling this RP off. Sorry to all who wanted to do it! We didn't get enough participants.
Amaranth said
I agree! Mtntopview said he was busy but not a word. We shouldn't give up yet though.

I guess we just have to give it time :/ I'll give it until Friday before I call it off. I will start it if I get 5 people!
Amaranth said
Maybe you should bump the interest check

Will do! :)
I'm still looking for 4 more people! Apply now!
Amaranth said
Aghhh more people need to post, I want to do this >_<

Lol then spread the news! I don't need exactly 7 people though. 5 or 6 would do the job. This is my first flight, so odds are that I wouldn't have a full flight.
Malan said
Yeah it plays into his whole "Doesn't think things out well" thing he has going on for him.

Should be interesting :)
Malan said
Name: Ricky DewittNickname: N/AGender: MaleAge: 25Appearance: Ricky is average height, only slightly muscular with an otherwise normal build. He has curly black hair that falls to his ears, and a short black beard (more than stubble, but nothing to grab onto). He has grey-blue eyes and he's currently sporting a black eye. Personal Item(s): Ratty white t-shit, dark blue hoodie, khaki pants, hiking boots. Ricky keeps a switchblade in his boot. He had a few flasks of whiskey on him in his pockets, but nothing else.Bio: Ricky was born in New York City, to an addict single mother. He lived in poverty, going to school to get away from his mother and his home. Due to acting up and a lack of any punishment, he began to fail his classes and began to explore drugs at a young age, just like his mother. He started staying out overnight getting high and causing trouble. By the time he was 16 he had been arrested 5 times (vandalizing, destruction of public property, trespassing, petty theft) and wouldn't come home for whole weeks at a time. He began to sell drugs for a gang to support his habits. He'd also act as an enforcer on those who wouldn't pay what they owed to the gang (for whatever reason that may be). Ricky's drugs of choice are mainly heroin and marijuana. He Ricky always acts first and thinks later, which often gets him into trouble. Recently someone owed money to the gang so Ricky decided to 'send him a message' by burning his house down. What he didn't know, however, was that the man was a courier for a drug lord and had over five million dollars worth of drugs in the house. Ricky was told that he had ten days to pay off the money or he would be killed. Ricky knew he couldn't afford it and also wouldn't let them win, so he decided to kill himself. Purpose of Flight: Ricky has lived in the area for a while but never actually saw Yosemite. So he thought he'd take a tour. Also, he planned to kill himself by jumping off the helicopter over the park. Yosemite Summary: It's about the size of RI and has thousands of lakes and ponds. Granite rocks make up the structures you see in Yosemite. Most visitors stay in the park, which is only 1% of the area. 95% of Yosemite is wilderness. There are about 400 species of animals living in Yosemite, mostly because of the diverse topography. Yosemite Falls is the tallest in North America. There are bears, bobcats and foxes in Yosemite. There are many glaciers and valleys. Its surrounded by wilderness areas. Summary of the Rules: This roleplay is focused around realistic survival, not romance or fighting off 200 wolves after they've bitten off your legs.

ACCEPTED, but damn kill himself?! Have fun with that!
Soulserenity20 said
: Solara (Soul-air-a) Blackwood: Soul: Female: 24: "Plant and Wildlife Reference Handbook of Yosemite National Park", Snacks and a couple bottles of water for the flight, a thick hoodie incase the weather turns, journal and pens, a backpack to carry it all in, painkillers for altitude headaches, and whatever she has on her person: i.e. hair elastic, clothes, a necklace, chewing gum, her purse with a comb and make up (lady stuff) in it, and "The Hobbit", to pass time. The rest of her belongings are in the luggage compartment.: Solara lives for nature and the study of all living things. She is finishing her fourth year at university studying Biological Sciences, focusing mainly on mammalian Ecology and evolutionary genetics. She's spent a lot of time in the field throughout her classes, mind you they were always controlled outings and she was well prepared. She spends alot of time outdoors on hikes and has a fairly athletic build. She has long brown dreadlocks that fall past her shoulder blades. Solara is a kind, loving individual often called a social butterfly. She is a leader, but has grown to know that sometimes, if not most times, it's best to sit back and follow. She knows her facts and trusts her instincts. She has a great fear of heights after taking a nasty spill down a cliff side while rock climbing, luckily she sustained no permanent injuries and walked away with a few broken bones and a deep fear of experiencing another fall like that. She's trained in basic first aid, as a part of her field work requirements, but is certainly not "comfortable" with blood or protruding bones. Solara has been a meditator most her life and this has given her the ability to stay calm... but then again, who can really stay calm when stumbling out of a burning helicopter in the middle of uncharted wilderness?: Solara planned to spend a few weeks in the area studying the wildlife for a thesis she's writing for her university final.: The vast plot of land christened Yosemite National Park is diverse and stunning in all its glory. Largely untouched by civilization, the wild truly thrives here. The landscape is dappled with an abundance of rives and lakes, offering nourishment for thick forests and diverse animal and plant life. The terrain is a mosaic of deep vallies and sharp mountain ranges and plateaus, formed by ancient rivers that carved deep, prehistoric rivers into the jutting land masses of granitic earth. The weather is warm in the days, but drops quickly at night. Mild winters offer the most precipitation with snowfall that blankets the land. Glaciers hide deep in the mountain ranges, though small, they lay like icy reminders of a colder world. Throughout Yosemite, ancient groves of Giant Sequoia trees (three to be exact) thrive, like giants of the plant world, towering over all as the largest living organisms in the world. Intense erosion of the land has created unique, strange stone structures with sharp edges and unusual shapes. The land is home to a wide array of wildlife, including many dangerous predators such as bears and cougars who hold little fear for the Man they see so rarely.: Be real; write with heart and thought, skip the unnecessary vulgarity, remember your english skills and don't be lazy with your post length. This is a RL simulation; that means RL scenarios in survival; it's not easy, it's going to take common sense. We're not trying to make babies or find love, we're trying to survive and get rescued. We're all humans, not gods. This will be tricky, but that's the fun in it :).

Amaranth said
Name: Zoe ChernekovNickname: None really. Her name is short as it is. Gender: FemaleAge: 15Appearance: Zoe is about 5'5-6" with light brown hair, typically done up in a messy ponytail. Her eyes are bluish green, depending on the lighting and whatnot. She has a typical build for a part-time student athlete, though she isn't particularly strong. Her nose is small and button-like, with her cheekbones being high. She dressed sensibly for the trip, picking out a light blue long sleeve shirt and some darker jeans to wear. Her shoes are a little beat up but are otherwise unremarkable. Her face usually wears a look of innocent wonderment and curiosity. Personal Item(s): iPhone (probably smashed now), Backpack with a folding knife her father insisted she carry, a bottle of water, her light red (not pink but not red, almost....amaranth coloured hehe) jacket, a pen or two, a notebook (mostly empty, a few sketches at most), a little bit of money, some extra hair bands (she typically keeps her hair in a ponytail), a camera (probably broken but the stupid thing barely worked anyway). Aside from the backpack she obviously has clothes on, and she usually has a bracelet around her left wrist. Bio: Zoe is smart and can catch on to things quickly, though when things go over her head, they really do go over it. She has a dry sense of humour she got from her parents that can be annoying sometimes. She can be serious when she needs to but likes to keep the mood light. She takes criticism hard and usually needs positive reinforcement do avoid falling into a somber mood. She can be strong-willed and decisive but for the most part she is fine with being told what to do. She also can be shy at first but once she warms up she can talk about nothing for hours. She does cross-country running at her high school so she has good stamina but is lacking in the strength department (she's young though, cut her some slack, jerk.) Purpose of Flight: Her mother took her on a trip to Yosemite, but gets extremely motion sick and allowed Zoe to go on the helicopter tour by herself. She was mostly quiet the whole trip because of her mild shyness. Yosemite Summary: Yosemite is a rather large park noted for its formations of granite rock, (most notably Half Dome, El Capitan, and North Dome), which make extremely popular climbing locations, forests of various old growth trees, and rivers and such. Most visitors only explore Yosemite Valley, despite only occupying a fractional amount of the park (a shame really, it's so beautiful outside the valley too). There are quite a few peaks and ranges as well inside the the park confines. Another note is the park's high number of waterfalls, though not surprising consider the high number of rivers and streams as well as the reputation for rock formations. The climate of Yosemite is pretty much the same for California, that is to say Mediterranean. Summers are hot and winters are mild, rather typical of California. Summary of the Rules: This is supposed to be realistic, let's keep it that way, so use common sense and ask in OOC if you have doubts about something, don't be vulgar (swearing to a dull roar, no sexual content [she's fifteen you sick bastard]), post a decent amount but don't overdo it, quality over quantity and again common sense man. Jeez I hope I didn't mess up .~.

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