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9 yrs ago
Current Sorry if I haven't been replying to stuff, I've been really busy with a bunch of stuff, and probably will be for most of November


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@Jotunn Draugr

Thanks, I'll try to reply soon :)
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@lovely complex

*hugs* Thanks for running this RP whilst it was up, it was one of my first and definitely my best Casual RP. I look forward to hearing more.

John laughed a little at the booby trap comment.
"They're in a pocket on the side," He said, "Next to the folder."
He set the pan down on the ground and let out a content sigh, looking forward to the meal.
"This definitely beats soup."

John didn't even notice her glances, just happy to have company for once. Even though he was used to it, he still didn't enjoy loneliness. It was nice to talk to and eat with another person every now and then. After a few minutes, the rabbit was cooked. John took the pan off the fire and nodded to the tent.
"There's a few plates in there," he said, "Go and grab a few."
He wondered if this person knee what he had done in the past.

He quickly put the rabbit in the pan, smiling at the hiss of meat hitting the hot oil. He was handsome, in a rugged, loner sort of way, his short blonde hair messy, his blue eyes sharp. He wasn't incredibly muscled, but wasn't skinny either. The word 'lean' would pop into your mind if you saw him. And even underneath that smile, there seemed to be an air of someone who was annoyed with the world, but was probably too lazy too try and change it.

"Good. It's a useful skill," he said, spreading the oil out and fishing a spatula out from somewhere.
He stayed silent for a second.
"My name is John," He said after a while, "John Williams."
He held his hand out, waiting for the rabbit.

The man sat down next to the fire and took the pot off, sniffing what was inside it. He grunted a little. He pulled a pan out from his tent.
"You know how to skin that?" He said, pointing at the dead mammal.
He put some oil in the pan and set it over the fire, letting it heat up a little.
"You got a name?" He asked.

"Yep. Most shifters try and avoid my camp," he said, pointing to the small tent a few metres away, "Probably a good idea honestly. I don't have the best reputation around here. Not after the things I've done."
He started to walk towards the tent.
"You want to stay and cook up that rabbit? The fire's warm, and I finally finished my soup," He shouted over his shoulder, before dropping to a murmur, "Fucking soup. Should have had pigeon."

"Nice catch," Said the scruffy looking man leaning against the tree, the shadow of unshaven stubble across his face, "Though I don't usually see shifters out this far."
He scratched his chin a little, and yawned.

"Well, good night then I guess," Selena replied, giving the girl a smile, "I'll see you in the morning."
And I have a feeling it's going to be a great day She though to herself as she headed out towards her tent, still glowing from happiness. Everything had worked out.
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