Avatar of chzyhndx
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 27 (0.01 / day)
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    1. chzyhndx 9 yrs ago


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Alright, that's two people.

Just for the record, this is not a wholly serious thing. Expect silliness.

Also, expect an OOC and stuff soon as well.
So, have you ever felt like your average fantasy story was not cliched and hacky enough? Like, you have your big bad evil guy who threatens to take over the world, and it's up to the heros to stop him! And you get to be the heros, of course. Whatever that means, whether you're a wizard or fighter or whatnot.

There's nothing wrong with that. That's a perfectly workable plot. Let's do that. What could go wrong?
Hey kid.

Hey kid.

You wanna try some lisp?
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

I'm not, I'm a victim of abuse from mothers. Feminism makes society feel like I don't exist because women are angels and only victims. I have a lot of hate inside me and I've stopped caring who I hurt as long as I destroy those who fucked me over. I'm a crusader and would gladly see the Spanish Inquisition brought back to punish these bitches. Hate and destruction is the only way society will stop throwing me under the bus and calling me a liar.

Name: Mariette Armature.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Tall, and in between lanky, and stocky. Her hair is short, black, and if not kept in a ponytail, would rapidly turn into a frizzy mess. Her eyes are these huge orbs that somehow manage to fit in her skull, big and and brown. Her skin is tanned, because that's what happens to people who live outdoors for a sizable portion of their lives. Her clothes are a set of greyish white cloth and brown, hard leather pieces, forming something that might be considered armor, slightly. Very modest, actually covering her body. On top of all of that, she wears a cloak with a huge, face covering hood, because it turns out thats a fashionable thing to wear.
Weapons: A flintlock, muzzle-loading musket, nearly as long as Mariette is tall, and a single lens where the sights should be. The barrel has an inscription reading "Rex Regio Regum". Also, a machete.
Magic: Wind, inasmuch as it pertains to making some minor gusts blow around. This actually really important for little things like hiding your scent, making decoys move halfway believably, and making sure really far shots actually hit on target.
A former ranger of the forest, Mariette is a follower of the 3 S's. Sneaky, speedy and shooty, with the normal amount of strength that someone who shoots a large rifle would have. I.E: enough to avoid dislocating her shoulder.
So, she has a whole bunch of tricks up her sleeve, like decoys.
An absolute stranger to not-living-in-the-forest, Mariette is not precisely a peoples person. She is absolutely blunt and shameless, and it may actually be impossible for her to lie. She's not actually a loner either, and really all about talking way too much about things to random people. She is actually way more curious than she has any reason to do so.
Allegiance: Neutral
Mariettes parents were rangers. They lived in a cabin, in a twilit bayou, surrounded by absolutely absurd amounts of tree and wildlife, and very little contact with the outside world. Outside of a few visits to some local villages, this made for several boring years, until she became a teenager, at which point, she left for civilization. The idea being that staying in a cabin for the rest of her life would constitute a miserable experience. This was significantly harder than she thought, what with the middle of nowhere being where it was. So, this takes much longer than what she expected. About 4 years in fact.

When she finally reaches civilization, she's acquired a very unique set of skills, and figures the best thing to do would be to use them, for saving people or whatever it is she'd be halfway decent at. She hasn't really decided yet.

...That took longer than I thought it would.
Yooo! I found this, and I'm interested.

May I sign up?
Why has the guild changed yet again?
And Invisitexting is still a thing.
It feels like moving back into an old house and seeing all the furniture's been moved around.
Then again, I never really did anything besides lurk.

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