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    1. cider 10 yrs ago


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Unfortunately, yes.
I'd argue it's up to the catholics to decide through the vote. I don't see how being Irish in general would make it one's business, much like it wouldn't be anyones business - gay or straight - to marry in someone's backyard just because the neighbours thought it was okay.
Still accepting!
I believe I've sorted my CS now. It's ready for review.

House Dayne of Starfall

Seat: Starfall, an ancient castle in Dorne. Located in the Red Mountains on an island in the Torentine.

Words: Unknown.

Affiliation: Dorne.

Description & history: House Dayne is said to be one of the oldest houses in the Seven Kingdoms, supposedly tracing its ancestry all the way back to the dawn of days, over ten thousand years ago. The very first of the Daynes is said to have raised their ancestral home of Starfall after finding a fallen star possessing magical powers on the location. His descendants became the Kings of the Torrentine and, to this day, the Lords of Starfall.

Due to the important, strategically speaking, geographical position of the house, the Daynes have taken part in numerous battles fought between Dorne and the Reach, and still to this very day a fierce hatred remains between the Daynes of Dorne and the Oakhearts of the Reach that stretches thousands of years back in time. Ever since the Daynes supported the legendary warrior queen Nymeria in her conquest of Dorne some eight centuries passed, they have remained a relatively loyal vassal to House Martell, as well as one of the major powers in Dorne.

The Daynes possess a Valyrian sword, and arguably one of the most famed ones at that - Dawn. The sword is not handed out hap-hazardly to the next heir in line, but rather only handed out to a knight of Dayne deemed worthy of wielding it, otherwise being kept safe at Starfall. This knight is, apart from the sword itself, bestowed the title "Sword of the Morning" - a title usually associated with a very capable warrior indeed. Some of the past Sword of the Mornings include Ser Davos Dayne, who married Nymeria herself, and Ser Ulrick Dayne, considered one of the greatest knights of his time.

Among its bannermen are House Dayne of High Hermitage, a Dayne cadet branch of landed knights. Their seat, High Hermitage, is a castle located further up the Torentine, between Starfall and Blackmont.

Recent events: As part of Dorne, the house of Dayne remained independent throughout the Dance of the Dragons, loyal to Dorne and wanting no part of the dragons' quarrel.

Roughly a dozen years ago, Lord Mallor Dayne suffered a blow to the head in a skirmish against reachmen and sellswords, redering him incapable of ruling. Since then, his youngest brother Criston and, later on, his heir Rolland, have been ruling Dayne's lands in Mallor's stead. Mallor was very popular amongst his subjects, and it took a great deal of time and effort for Rolland to regain the trust and obedience the people had previously had for their lordship. Now, things are looking up again for House Dayne, as Rolland has proved himself a capable and strong leader. Rolland's cousin, Ser Drayton Dayne, is the current Sword of the Morning. Tregar, Rolland's younger brother, is bitterly disappointed with not being passed Dawn himself. Moreover, Ser Drayton's recent decision to leave Starfall for Sunspear and join Princess Aliandra as a sworn sword has upset Rolland and Tregar alike.

The lands prosper as much as circumstances would allow, and Rolland have recently ordered his soldiers, under Tregar's command, to move in against the bandits and highwaymen yet remaining in the region.

I wrote up a CS for the Daynes during the last of these rp's I participated in, but that rp never got off the ground. Is it cool if I rework that CS for this rp?
God damn. A new GoT rp? I'm up for it!

EDIT: Also noting the guild got some serious updates in the past five months.

EDIT2: Those little summaries you've written at the end of your posts in the IC will be mighty handy in the future, Sini. May be a good thing for more people to pick up, unless someone is willing to write up summaries of events further down the road.
What about mine?
Ellri said
Yup. We probably missed a sheet or two. Just point the missing to us.

Here you go.
Hi, just wondering what the state is on the CS:s that haven't been commented on by the GM's yet? Posted mine about a week ago and have heard nothing since. Would've waited longer without commenting, but now I see this talk of the IC being prepped so I thought I should ask.
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