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    1. Clirkus 10 yrs ago


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Also, I don't want to be the dick head who says this is character building. But when you get a job where they treat you right, you'll work your ass off while the pot smokers get fired because they take it for granted.

It's true. The place I worked before that was family owned and I was good friends with the owner and all our staff. We were tight and efficient, it was the best place I ever worked. Even on days that I didn't want to go to work, as soon as I got there I couldn't help but think "Man I love being here" and if I had a problem I knew the owner or my manager would listen to me and that they valued my opinion. I'd gladly bend over backwards for that place because I fucking loved it and knew that it was a good place to be. So to go from that to a corporate place really made me feel like I was being treated like dirt, and even though I worked twice as hard as most of my coworkers I never got any recognition for it.

Working somewhere that actually recognizes your worth as a human being really does make all the difference. And yeah no place is perfect but some places are definitely way worse than others.
I can't remember if I told this story here before because I've told it a lot, but there was one evening my roommate and I went to the UPS store to mail some textbooks back, and right next to the store was a little Chinese food place. I hadn't eaten much that day and neither of us had plans for dinner so I said "Hey look, let's get Chinese food for dinner." Which is a reasonable way to spend $7 for a quick bite to eat.

It was a quiet Tuesday night, a bit rainy, and we were the only customers in the place. We order some lo mein, fried rice, and an egg roll and sit down to wait at a booth in the corner.

A few minutes go by and a woman enters the restaurant. She is flustered and the words she is saying make very little coherent sense but she seems to think that my Caucasian roommate and I, sitting at a table in our street clothes, are employees of the Chinese restaurant. She asks "where's y'all's restroom?" So I point toward the back, and she proceeds to walk to the counter as if she's going to place an order, then walks back over to us asking again where the restroom is, so I point and say aloud that it's in the back.

This woman is so grateful to me for the valuable information that I provided her with that she says she's going to buy me a drink (remember, we are in a Chinese fast food restaurant), proceeds to take her debit card out of her purse and throws it on the empty table beside where my roommate and I are sitting, and then runs off to the bathroom.

My roommate and I look at each other in confusion. We still haven't gotten our food yet because this all happened in the span of about 90 seconds. In the background we can hear this woman pounding on the bathroom door "Is somebody in here? Yeah? Can you hurry up??" 30 seconds later, no one has come out of the bathroom so she starts pounding again "Is somebody in there?"

Eventually she gets into the restroom, thank God, and when she comes back out the card is still on the table next to us. She comes and wordlessly picks up the card, goes to the counter, and picks up the to-go order which was apparently her whole reason for coming in.

I cannot begin to understand or explain this phenomenon that I witnessed.
So ever since I moved to Charleston (which was a mistake btw, would not endorse living here, 3/10) I had been working this serving job in a BBQ/sports bar kinda place. When I started it wasn't bad. The manager who interviewed me hired me on the spot. The pace was a lot faster than I was used to (my previous job having been a fine-casual dining restaurant) and I quickly learned that the quality of service in this place was just a step up from fast food.

I'm not gonna name names because I don't want to put the business down, and tbh it was a pretty neat restaurant. The food was great but it just didn't attract the best sort of people.

After a couple of months the initial honeymoon-feeling I had from moving out and starting a new job had worn off and I started to see just how bad this place was. People were constantly being hired and leaving/getting fired. Most of the people I worked with were pot heads using every chance they got to sneak out back and pass around a joint (and I knew the cook who sold it to them too) and every other week or someone would get fired for it. But it was really just for appearances. Literally all of the cooks smoked weed at work regularly and all the managers knew about it, but they can't just fire all the cooks because then there would be no restaurant. So instead they'd fire an expendable server (most of them were students) as a sort of slap on the wrist "don't do drugs at work" but that did nothing to fix the problem and left us severely understaffed in the front of the house.

Meanwhile, I'm job searching because I hate the fucking place. Not only the management and most of the staff but even the actual building is falling apart (parts of the dining room ceiling were literally falling down, the roof leaked whenever it rained and even sometimes when it didn't, the whole building had to be evacuated one night and the fire department called because of electrical issue... I could go on and on) and I just want out. There were several times I was so frustrated with the way management handled things (busy nights, being given more tables than I can handle, being given parties of 20 or more who spend hundreds of dollars and don't tip) that I was tempted to quit mid-shift and walk out the door and never come back. But I stuck it out, because I thought I was better than that. Even on the nights where I had to stay well past close (we close at 2AM and the latest I ever had to stay was 3AM).

This next part I'm not altogether proud of, because I like to think I'm a good employee, a good server, that I work hard and that eventually my hard work will pay off. But there was one Saturday where I called in (I was scheduled for a double, and yeah I realize that was a dick move on my part but at this point I hardly felt like I owed them anything) and didn't go in. The GM (who is a total prick that never once talked to me as if I were a fellow human being) got pissed and fired me the next day.

And you know, I've never been more relieved in my entire life. Good riddance to all the bullshit I had to put up with there. I'd been meaning to quit very soon and already had another job lined up, and tbh my rent check is gonna be cutting it really close this month, but I can't help but think this turn of events worked out for the better.

So yeah, that's the story of how I got fired.
Hopes: dashed.

What do you want from me, Awson?
It happened a few times at university I guess. Maybe they just know you'll clear out that jar of pickled onions they've had in the back of the cupboard for ten years?

In FTL 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
So I don't know if this is just me, so I'd like your feedback.

Over the past couple of years I have noticed that a great many people in my life have asked me to live with them. I don't know what it is about me that makes it seem like I'd be a good roommate (although all of my roommates so far have said I was a delight to live with, 10/10). I'm pretty low maintenance and just generally a chill person to be around. But everyone from my close friends to random acquaintances to strangers online who don't even know what I look like have asked me if I wanted to get a place with them.

Anyway, just wondering if it's a common thing for people to approach you and ask you to live with them.
@UnknownScarlet4 I never said I didn't want to talk about it.
@UnknownScarlet4 a lot of things may have happened actually
Man this sucks
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