Avatar of Color_Weaver
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    1. Color_Weaver 9 yrs ago


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Since I don't see any Dornish houses. Mind if I create one?
After Baphoment gets a post up I'll continue on.
I feel the odd ball out since I either listen to techno or classical
Apologies if it seems bad. I really didn't know how to play it off but I hope its up to standard.
The Countess Adelaide had been enjoying a superb meal of rabbit stew, along with few slices of cheese dashed with a chalice of blood red wine to wash it down when news of the attack had reached her ears. The messenger, a young man of the Lost Sons stood there watching her eat. She eat slowly to help with her thinking rationalizing what had been said, looking at the said young man and had shooed him away. Knowing that Brand's so called children would come back, though hadn't anticipated the manner they'd come back. Taking a slightly less than lady like sip of the wine since the only other occupant with her was Garmin and a few servants. Motioning for a refill, sitting there in thought. She had hired the Lost Sons for two reasons. One being that her husband had use their services frequently and she couldn't afford much else since her funds had been depleted helping in the Kings war. But to kill five and a presumed sixth, was idiotic saying the least. Exhaling a sigh rubbing her temple.

"Countess?" Garmin had heard the news too, but waited to say anything until it became obvious and finishing his seventh pint of black ale at the sitting. Looking at her, his look estranged and also curious on her thoughts.

"It is nothing, my giant. But we shall take a trip to town regardless. I want to see the damages and the town after all, it is by right mine now. Have the horses saddled please, I don't to come off too high to the town after all." Smiling coyly, though it was obviously threaded with maliciousness.

Garmin had snapped his large fingers to one of servants in hall, a rough man with age but loyal too the two for sparing his family out of humility. What Adelaide had wanted was heard, so in respects Garmin only gestured towards the stables for their horses to be saddled and ready. Motioning for another pint before they were to take off, only feeling a buzz of minuscule proportions. Tearing apart the rest of his chicken, preferring it plain.

Adelaide had finished her second cup before Garmin had finished, wiping the crumbs and dribbles of black ale with her satin handkerchief. Nodding seemingly in unison as it was time now to cheek the damages inflicted. Both of them taking different routes to the stables, Adelaide to grab her velvet riding cloak while Garmin in his leathers and mail. Making the rendezvous at the stables quick, she was curious on the matters at hand despite it being a thorn in in her side. Garmin helping Adelaide up as to not rip the expensive silk dress, after which he mounted his own humongous black Shire horse that made him further imposing. As if the massive blade at his side wasn't enough.

The ride had been silent between them as any unnecessary was avoided out in the open. But coming up to tavern which she cared little for the name of. Looking about at the string of mercenaries and the their captains, the disapproval obvious but sometimes situations arose she do little on. The captains Carlin and Nrave knew she wasn't the type to be explained from their work in their homeland. Adelaide once again receiving aide from Garmin to get down, ignoring the peasant onlookers as she looked at the corpses of the slain men. Seeing the methods used before shaking her head. Two or three losses would've been acceptable but not this many. Exhaling a sigh, looking over the the carnage that the tavern had seen. Watching the woman in the back with torn dress, but her attention diverted when Garmin and the two captains had come inside the tavern.

"We're chasing them down now." Carlin spoke after taking a half full mug from one of the tables.

"Call them back. We'd only be feeding into what they want. They kill using stealth or distance and them following into the woods is just what they want. We need this pack Brand's cubs on our terms." Adelaide had quickly retorted.Both men hated to admit that Adelaide was right and had yielded to her request to spare their men. "All is not lost though, perhaps we can lay a trap for them though." Musing a smile

"Pardon Countess?" Nrave had spoke questioning her motive.

"We're going to throw a celebration. Expose them, frame them for something perhaps. Possible catch or kill one of them if possible. All under the guise of simply having a good time. I will explain it to the both of you as you accompany me back to the estate. Garmin?" The giant of a man looking at his small mistress as she waved her fingers down for him to hear her. "That girl knows something, the one in the tattered dress find out please and thank you." Adelaide kissing Garmin's cheek before taking her leave with the two captains.

With the light reflecting off his bald head, Garmin looked to the woman in the tattered dress. His eyes growing dark as he turned to the woman in question. His very steps mirrored a quake as some drinks split as mugs fell and tremors flowed from him. Looking down at her obviously terrified of the man and had every right to be. Grasping one of the metal mugs, making sure she was watching as Garmin crushed to a ball in his hand before dropping it. After he said only four words in a both solemn and terrifying low tone of voice.

"We need to talk."
Well since JuJu is a total slacker, I would say an art gallery. Simply for the fact they don't get hit up much and extremely boring.
Sure Flavia I got no problem with it. It would be interesting.
It's short my bad. It deleted on me twice, so I threw something up quick.
Julie would've lost her job as a security guard months ago if she hadn't woke up to seeing a gang of thieves trying to break in on the monitors, more like they'd gotten in and were running from the scene of the crime. Instead of telling the truth that she was sleeping on the job and and had woken up barely to see them get off with the 'goods' so to speak. She had lied and said she had caught them on the camera coming back from a patrol around the building. Her boss had been unmoved by the speech she'd given, but more than disturbed at the beat down she'd given the trio of would be robbers. But thank the gods her shift was over hearing the knock on the glass pane, waking Julie from her slumber that was almost coma induced.

"Hey wake up." Her coworker had spoke up.

Shaking off the drowsiness, Julie waved off her coworker getting out of the both and to the locker room to change. The security uniform was tacky, so she had a change of clothes. Nothing great just a pair of bell bottom jeans and a loose fitting tie dye shirt, lost in the seventy or sixties craze. Whatever it was she liked that era since it had been the one of her freedom so to speak. Carrying the bag in hand, exhaling a sigh still tired but it could wait until later on. For now her stomach rumbled and her well 'supper' so to speak was calling.

"How's the job?" Julie had texted Enya. Knowing full well that the job scene had been harsh on her, Julie wasn't the one for tips either but tried to give helpful advice from time to time if it worked at all. Next message to Ziandar, "Your on your own for supper tonight." Not thinking that he was most of the time anyways.

Walking back to the apartment, part of the reason she choose the job is that it was so close to the apartment. She never bothered locking the door, after all who ever would break into their apartment would find it well uninviting to say the least. Exhaling a sigh as she walks in, coming to the fridge looking inside. "Damn..." Julie had mumbled. Closing the door before grabbing a bottle of Ouzo. Coming back outside to the patio. Pouring a glass, returning to the outside porch to take in the suns rays.
Working on the IC now. I feel asleep at the keyboard last night.
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