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Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Sitting Room -> Operating Theatre

Shelly, consumed with the condition of her diaries, had barely noticed everyone march down to the infirmary, she wandered down behind them at her own pace, the Book of Sin clutched to her chest. She really didn't think she needed all that much seeing to, maybe a couple of stitches in her scalp and a drip, not much could be done about broken rib but it was best to check with a professional, the "right" kind of Mutant might be able to make her fighting fit again in an instant.

Locked and isolated inside the elevator Shelly's thoughts turned to the Puppeteer's motivations, surely a more covert approach would have been more effective considering he was only controlling a minority of students. Considering all the fancy tech that was here, why not use that to your advantage? Shelly wondered if she was overestimating the talents of the puppeteer. Maybe it was that simple though, to sow dischordance and doubt among those here. Shelly forgave Ayita, it was perfectly reasonable to not blame her for hurting her as she wasn't in control, but did she forgive her in her heart? Could she look at Ayita and not feel the pain she appeared to inflict on her? And Shelly got the shitless end of the stick relatively speaking, she was still walking around. Imagine having to put your life on the line along side that guy that knocked you the fuck out? Emotionally scarring.

Perhaps he didn't account for the presence of Psychics that could discern between people acting of their own accord and those that weren't. But at Xavier's Mansion? Surely he wasn't that stupid. The suspicious gears in her mind churned, somethin was fucky but she couldn't put her finger on it.

The Elevator doors slid open as did the Medical bay's revealing that everyone was pretty much in high spirits, everyone seemed pretty down to kick ass, just as soon as they got themselves out of the supine position. She ploped herself on a bed, legs dangling of the side, placing her precious remaining book on the pillow. She was happy to wait as long as needed to be seen, she could be upright if she wanted and was hardly a priority.

Shelly opened her mouth to voice her concerns,


Maybe not right now.
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio -> Sitting Room

Shelly threw open the double patio doors as best she could, which is to say, not particularly impressively at all. It looked as if a bomb had gone of in the Sitting Room. Books, timber and seat fluff was strewn everywhere in shocking contrast to the delicately well ordered form she remembered it being. Shelly orientated herself in the room hoping to find her bag much where she left it, only to find it flung to the side of the room near a rather soggy, half constructed version of the arm chair she was sat in earlier. The latches had yeilded and the contents were practically swimming.

It was a disaster. Weeks of daily records turned to pulp in her hands, melting away through her fingers, the grey ooze forming a sludgy pile of forgotten memories on the ruined carpet. Gone forever. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but eventually she'd have disuade herself of her own identity again and when she did, the contents of that book, that pile of wet fibre, wouldn't be hers anymore. It almost happened today, thinking about what could have come to pass made her feel sick to the pit of her stomach. Shelly thanked her lucky stars her heart wasn't really in it, she could treasure those weeks a little longer and get the important bits back on paper.

Despite its higher quality paper, the self help book no longer had the integrity to hold it in its bindings, its torn pages providing avenues for structural water damage beyond the ordinary capacity, the printed ink streaked down the page reducing it to a series of ultra-frail Rorschach tests. Unlike loosing her diary, this wasn't depressing. This was terrifying. One bad button push and all that Shelly was, could be gone, unrecoverable. This booklet was a failsafe and now the failsafe was disabled, using her powers wasn't just morally reprehensible, it was down right suicidal.

The protective manifolds of the Book of Sin appeared to kept out not just those that might pry in, but the water too. A quick dry of the covers and a pop of the key in the lock revealed, the sacred knowledge was safe atleast. A small relief, especially considering entries that needed to be made tonight. Shelly clamped the book closed again before anyone could see inside. She'd have to bring it with her until she got back to her room.

She'd need to get the Grimoire out as soon as possible, thats what the self-help book had made her memorize, but first the ER.
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio
Skills: Stamina

Shelly had taken a beating alright, it hadn't helped her beating started preemptively, with gusto and by what was supposed to be her own side. Shelly ran the events through her mind, and thought what would have happened if she hadn't been ejected from the room. All four of them would still been in there, in the chaos Shelly would definitely come out worse than some bumps and scrapes and broken bone. On reflection Uncle had inadvertantly done her a solid, which made judging him for it a toughie.

What was worth noting the most was how being unprepared had endangered her. She had been pushed around because she refused to sink to their level, then an enemy struck and the moral highground wasn't exactly strategic advantage. It wasn't something Shelly was going to let happen again. She needed her to recover her satchel, something she could do on her way downstairs.

Ayita vanished in a flash of white feather, not even acknowledging Shelly's own apology. This was disappointing but not unexpected, Shelly was quickly getting to grips with Ayita's incredible social grace. She immediately winged off with a screech, undoubtably a warcry and a warning to Mesmero were he listening through a puppet's ears.

For an instant, the air vibrated with the energy of impending violence but this subsided awhile after the vanishing of the brandished weapon. Another new girl followed out from the sitting room, practically unscathed verifying what her own ear told her, the sitting room was safe at the moment. Unless her powers involved cigarettes and civil chit chat, Shelly was ok, not that she'd be able to do much about it if they were, but Shelly would have bet money on it had something to do with disappearing things. Shelly caught the glance at the window.

"Hah, that was a team effort, me and this motherfucker over here,"Shelly quipped, nodding in the general direction of Cyclops. "If you could grab big bird over there I'll escort you two down to the honeymoon suite personally." Shelly directed her gaze at Beth, still concerned about what she was capable of.
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio
Skills: N/A

Much to Shelly's relief, Ayita had appeared to change tact, a decision that only scored her some minor scratches on the dude, ultimately resulting in her being suspended in thin air. Shelly would had relaxed, had she not been aware she was no longer the sole spectator. Shelly watched as a black figure recover from her own defenestration. Friend or foe? Foe didn't sound good, Shelly knew nothing about her and what she could do, it could have been glitter or instant death or something simply beyond comprehension, much like her own. Shelly assumed the worst, it was one of the dangerous powers that was making indoors sound like a pyrotechnic thunderstorm shreikfest. In Shelly's condition it was probably best to not engage, the new girl didn't seem too interested in herself and Shelly had enough individual attention for the time being.

The gravity defying child finally returned a form that could communicate, distracting Shelly. She apologising 'in part', which took Shelly somewhat by surprise. She fully expected no apology for her bloody scalp and broken ribs whatsoever, and not just because of Ayita's demeanour but because as far as Shelly understood, Ayita wasn't even responsible. It was tough to put aside the feelings the hurt and violation, but they were sated somewhat by Ayita's atonement and seeing Ayita helplessly hovering Shelly couldn't help but softly smile through the soreness. She forgave her, she had forgiven her ages ago. If saying sorry was building bridges, her advice was trying to establish boundries, boundries Shelly was going to cross whether either of them wanted her to or not. Now was not the time for a nuanced conversation the root of her vulgarity or about what limits Shelly wasn't going to accept on her speech. It was said and meant honestly, it certainly wasn't posturing, and didn't even seem particularly mean spirited, just some honest advice, girl to girl, and as such it deserved a simple, honest response.

"That means a lot to me, thanks Ayita." Shelly wiped a drip of sweat and blood from her forehead, "I'm sorry too."

Shelly's attention returned to the second mysterious stranger, she still didn't want to get involved, but she'd have to get past get her head checked out. Walking round to the front sounded like a good idea now Ayita wasn't stalking in the deep dark but strength in numbers was hard to argue with.
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio
Skills: Stamina

Shelly backed off as asked. Shelly didn't care much what Ginger had to say about her language, the presense of an angry polar bear demanded her attention. Shelly however, was impressed by the display of intimacy. Shelly could not imagine neither daring to direct a blind relations eye beams towards a common enemy and more impressively, allow her eye beams be directed by a relation while blinded. While the goal of knocking out a crazed student was perhaps not the most romantic, it was hard to argue that the manner in which they were doing demonstrated a level of trust and deepness of connection Shelly had only a cursory relationship with. Ordinarily Shelly would have regarded this act of love with jealousy but it was saving her ass right now so she was glad for it.

Another concussive blast rattled the door and the intact window behind her, a great gust wind blowing a spattering of water out with it. The battle raged on indoors and Shelly didn't have enough gas left to navigate through it, she was running on fumes and she knew it. The trembling never was just fear, she was spent also. She had about a final "fuck off" in her, a button push and maybe not even that. There was no leaving though, the bear guarded the darkness and mutant puppets guarded the house. She was pinned to the patio. But she wasn't alone out here, she had her defenders here so...

The couple were pinned to her.

"God, how could I be so fucking stupid?" It dawned on Shelly that if she weren't still on the patio they could have retreated, inside was a death trap to her, but maybe not to them. Because they weren't a liability. Instead they fought the bear hamstringed by her and there wasn't much left she could do about it. It took all she had to just stand there. The cogs stilled turned in Shelly's mind however and they formed a final plan. She couldn't continue to endanger them both like this. She knew what this risked, It was danger with a touch of penitence.

Shelly pointed towards the Day Room.

"Uncle, seems like this potty mouth needs one last ettiquette lesson tonight, would you do me-" Her broken rib throbbed violently and Shelly couldn't help but clutch at her side with her spare hand and take a breath, "would you do me the honour?"

She'd be out, no doubt from either the impact with the blast, the window, the floor or the wall, but she was going to be out somewhere soon anyway and, as far as she could tell, it was her only chance at relative safety.

"Just don't forget about me, ok?"

Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio
Skills: Stamina

Ayita's in the passenger seat of the bear mech? Who else was 'controlled'?

The idea that some of them were being manipulated was highly disturbing. Was she under control? If she was, it certainly wasn't like earlier when she punched herself in the face but Old Spice didn't say 'made to dance like a marionette' she said 'under control'. Whats to say her emotions weren't being played with in order to subtly force her to comply with the puppeteer's grand scheme? Shelly thought about her actions up until this point, had she done anything particularly out of character? Nothing stood out, could she continue safe in the knowledge she wasn't controlled? Maybe she could assume so for now.

Could she even trust the psychic? She was the one delivering the information, but what was part of the ruse? What if its intention was to destroy any remaining faith in X-men? What if its intention was to revive any remaining faith in X-men? Source or not, she'd been really inconsistent when it came to violence, punishing thoughtcrime, insisting on non-violence afterwards and now, after she'd come to a decent plan to sate the Ayita's rage without injury then informs her violence was the only solution? It was fucking with her head. If it weren't for the fact she'd gained some small respite from fighting due to their intervention, she wouldn't have even considered she was telling the truth. The story did add up though. It was a good explanation for the violence escalating in the sitting room also, Shelly's running theory up until this point was that other muties had gotten involved in the Irony vs Speed punch up, rival factions had been drawn up and they'd been duking it out, mutant-style, ever since. Instead some people, maybe even Mister Irony himself, were chosen to do some unknown force's bidding, thus fighting. Made sense.

With everyone fighting, whether they be the instigators or in self defence, Shelly had absolutely no way to verify who was controlled and who wasn't. It meant that she couldn't, in good conscious, go round knocking people senseless, or did it? Because atleast if Shelly did it she could be relied on not take it any further than that and no permanent damage would be the result. Or could she? Shelly had no idea at this point.

Out of the darkness, Ayita charged. It was terrifying to watch, and must have been even worse to be on the recieving end. The apex predator wasn't anywhere to be seen one moment, and pounding, full pelt, towards the couple/siblings the next. It was tough to tell initially if she'd had gotten the upperhand on them, it didn't seem so as the bear was beamed to the ground, but Ayita wasn't the only one. As the beam caught Jean, Shelly watched the man's goggles slide across the patio. She had to get those back to him, Shelly couldn't fight the bear, but it looked lik-

A familiar pain seared across Shelly's back as the beam swept across her. But there were more important issues at hand, if Shelly could take one of those Ayita wouldn't be out for long either and Shelly was down a convienent ally or two. Shelly grit her teeth and scrambled up with impressive vigor, fighting through all the pain, snatching up the visor in her left hand and making a break for the only other standing silhouette outside.

Ignoring the pain was not outside Shelly's capacity, she'd fought rough slugging matches before, but the reality of the totality of her injuries couldn't be. The numbness down her left side, the broken rib, the face shot and the recent blast to her back; she'd overstretched getting up so fast and in her hubris, Shelly'd stumbled and her grip on the visor was lost. It was closer than before, maybe even the rattling and bouncing noise it made as it scraped across the floor would help him locate it, but it was still going to take a miracle for him to get it back on his face, eyes closed, despite Shelly's efforts. It was mortifying, and the embarassment would have killed her then and there if it weren't for the presence of a bloody polar bear.

The mound of fur and muscle stirred slightly in the dim light radiating from the house.

"What the fuck are you going to do Shelly? You going to go toe to toe with a fucking bear? In your condition?" It was a terrifying thought, but maybe bear baiting, even for an instant, would give the other two a gnat's dick of a chance at subduing Ayita, because if they went down first Shelly was pretty fucked anyway, and they were already kinda down. Inside, Shelly was trembling. Outside though, Shelly was fucking trembling. "Was I really going to do this?" Shelly was running out of time before the bear would be active again, this was probably her only chance to say some meaningful last words. She drew in a deep breath.


Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Patio
Skills: N/A

A God Damn Polar Bear.

Immediately, the urge to smash the button took Shelly as she again feared for her life. She fought herself internally, it wasn't an ejector button, and quickly her thoughts turned to an actual plan of escape. Shelly had encountered a bear or two before and had recieved a couple too many bear safety training courses during the little schooling she got. Acting like prey was a bad idea; running and continuing to play dead were only going to put her on the recieving end of a thousand pounds worth of bear. The training she'd recieved told her she should make herself as big and loud as possible, both of which were things that came quite naturally to her. But Shelly wasn't fighting a bear, Shelly was fighting a human pilot in a bear mech, at least for the time being, and right now Ayita seemed much more interested in Aunty Mindreader than her. Ayita's bear senses and bear speed was going to make escaping into the darkness impossible, making escaping inside the go to idea, especially when a polar bear would have trouble navigating doors at any speed, to continue the pursuit she'd need swap to something Shelly might be able to handle indoors. That said she did not want to join the brawl that was raging in the sitting room, getting caught in the crossfire would be as bad for her in her condition. It would leave her pursuer in pretty awful shape too, but something made Shelly think they'd be more careful with Ayita than they would with her.

Things were really getting out of fucking hand.

Shelly hadn't yet dared move, but turning her head as slightly as possible gave her a view of how clear her route to the door would be. By the window, Jean weaved between Ayita's massive paws. A turn and a swing as she reached for the door would be likely be game over. Were there other options? It was beyond risky but perhaps now Ayita had the husband/wife brother/sister duo's number they'd deal with her and she could just remain resting uncomfortably prone. Beyond risky wasn't like Shelly at all, but at this point, what wasn't?

What about talk to Ayita? Shelly had just tried that and much to her surprise neither birds nor bears could hold much conversation. Maybe there was one way to talk to her still. Shelly cleared her mind, God she hoped Second Ginger was still listening in on her private thoughts.

"Aunty, before everyone you love and care about becomes bear shit do you think you can, like..." Shelly hesitated, wondering whether what she was about to ask was stupid,"...Can you patch me through to her? Because you're right, this can still end non-violently."
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Skills: Stamina

Shelly could not punch her way out of a bird fight. The ravens were on a bloody mission nothing was going to distract them from swooping on Shelly, not even the sun capturing safety glass. Shelly ducked and tightened her guard, protecting her face, the ravens couldn't break any more bones, but they could take out an eye. Nothing could be done about the torturous scratching to the back of the head and intense throbbing inside, but neither would kill her, it was just cruel.

The nuclear option was looking like the easy way out, it always did, and that was why she ought to be so careful with it. It simply wasn't fair to mess with people the way she could, and so it had to be justified, not just an escape, but with a clear and appropriate goal in mind. Ordinary escape however was still a good idea. While she still had half a tank of gas, bolting back inside was an option but by the looks of things, she'd have better chances out here versus one mutie, than in there versus several. Jean's pleas for non-violence fell on deaf ears, after what you did to me? How dare you. Shelly was still glad the puppeteer's new found pascifism meant it was still a one on one for now.

Shelly turned her attention back to her attacker.How had she gotten this bent out of shape over words and tap water? Shelly puzzled over the connundum. She roared and hissed like a wild animal, transformed into animals, talks of the events of her past from the perpective of an animal, her own brother outright admitted she doesn't behave like an ordinary human. You Humans... Its almost like she doesn't even consider herself one. But to put it to her bluntly that she's animalistic, she takes offence? It was absurd, incoherent. So why did she even leave? Despite the hunters, despite the food shortages, where you not happier with your pack? And if she thought being a human would save you from those, guess again. Shelly knew all too well about the sort of hunters that would have Ayita just for her mutant blood. Why would she even bother trying to socialise with humans if she hated their kind so much? It was only going to lead to more conflic-


They were more alike than Shelly first realised. Girls torn between two very seperate worlds, never quite fitting in either. The pieces slotted into place: bad behaviour, words choosen hastily, bullying and retaliation. Everything made sense, Shelly still wasn't wrong, but atleast she understood how they got here.

The headache was only getting worse and any desire to continue physically fighting with Ayita was waning. Maybe the mutie mindreader was right, maybe the fight could be ended with non-violence, but how? Armed with the knowledge they were cast from a similar dye, Shelly tried to ponder what she'd want to hear in Ayita's position, but between the torture and the headache, she could barely think.

Shelly collapsed to the ground defeated, arms still wrapped across her face.

"What do you want from me Ayita?" Shelly murmured.
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Patio
Skills: Identity Obfuscation, Stamina, Boxing

Shelly stared out across the estate at the setting sun, it had an understated beauty to it that was hard to not appreciate, even on its side. How had she even gotten here? Last thing she remembered was a humourous invitation to spank her ass which someone had clearly taken her up on. The serenity of the whipping wind and soft rustling of the leaves was such a relief compared to din of inside. Had she landed on her head? She reached up with both hands and it was immediately obvious where she'd landed, her left flank throbbed with the dull pain of bumps and scrapes, nothing major. The nuggets of safety glass shimmered in the reflected glory of the Sun's rays, gently crunching under her as she sat up. Gazing into the middle distance, Shelly gently tugged on her lip, reflecting on the events that transpired. Threatened, puppeteered, punched and finally launched out of a window, as advertised.

They'd collectively made their desire's plain to her, she wasn't welcome at the mansion whether she wanted to stay or not.

Rising on hands and knees, Shelly caught a glimpse behind her. She was there. From the corner of her eye, she could see Jean was looming over her. The telepath had hovered the distance across the patio, soundlessly crossing the glass strewn floor towards her with her shadow trailing behind her, and was already on top of her. Terrified, Shelly recoiled, Wasn't it fucking enough to eject her from the house? Judge Anderson, psychic judge, jury and executioner, weighed down on her. Talking wasn't safe. Thinking wasn't safe. The beatdown was coming. Pushing the button was no longer petty, it was about self preservation. Shelly's little heart thumped faster and faster, with every passing moment her agency was closer to being stripped from her or, now they were in open space, catapulted a great deal higher or faster. Shelly tried to breathe, tried to relax, tried to calculate but the knowledge her every thought could be read like an open book, it was paralyzing. Her hand hovered over the button, the klaxons rang through her mind. Cyclops bursting out the window was the final straw, her nerve was shot and Shelly, hardly ready for it herself, squeezed her eyes shut and reflexively punched the button.

Just for an instant, Shelly ripped through the meta-physical world to an identity-less dimension, there was just her and her twin. Shelly always hated leaving her behind - not in this void, but in her place. She was always smiling, arms length away, Didn't they know they'd blame her and not I? Was she just happy to see me? Before she could barely consider, she snapped back to real space.

Shelly was still on the floor looking up, which was worrying because she shouldn't think she was still there. Shelly's memories of the last half hour were still in first person, meaning dissociation had definitely failed for her and she hadn't become the mysterious, body double stranger she'd hope to be to protect her from more mind reading. Her blood ran cold, she'd needed it to take effect on all three of them, any loose ends... It was barely worth considering. Shelly scrambled to her feet, the telepath was busy tending the guy she came in with, she had a chance to escape, if it weren't for a new assailant.

I don't know the meaning of the word bullying?

Agony. Pain coursed through her chest, and yet Shelly still wondered how you could even think to utter that while breaking someone's rib. How could she be so oblivious? Ayita shouted, telegraphing her attack, and so Shelly took the opportunity to step in, limiting Ayita's space making a roundhouse a poor choice, especially after being close enough to punch her chest. It connected, to low to hit her head, to high to make the pain in her chest worse.

Shelly swung. Her body twisted, muscles squeezing in unison to shoot a well aimed bolt to the face. Fist connected with eye socket. She channeled it all, the pain in her face, her side and her chest, all the anguish and fear. A matching shiner, for sure. She didn't allow the cat girl to recoil, Shelly did not stand her ground, but pressed forward, guard up and ready. Ready on the button too, should she need it.

"I know."
Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Shelly's muscles twisted and strained awkwardly, launching a powerful blow that Shelly barely had time to react to, turning her face enough just in time to spare her nose. Shelly barely had time to consider why her body had begun beating her up when the other fist gut punched her, winding her. Shelly was dazed and confused, but she wasn't confused for long.

"You didn't hear what her thoughts were,"

It didn't take long for Shelly to put one and two together. Shelly seathed with indignation, clutching at her throbbing face and stomach. How dare you. How fucking dare you! Shelly couldn't believe just how quickly and compliantly these muties had reached her expectations of them. Every single one of them was a liability, a child with a hand grenade and a God complex. They were all vicious predators and they were incapable of functioning without flexing their mutie muscles and this was not on, this was SO not on. Shelly had been kind when she called the institute an indifferent, uncaring but fair nature reserve, it was not, it was a gladitorial pit, maybe even a slaughterhouse.

"Honestly, now I'm curious as to why she's here, but Xavier likely has his reasons..."

Shelly knew precisely what she was here to do. Shelly wasn't here to be deprogrammed, Shelly was here to get them all under fucking control. Only she was well enough equipped in both mental faculties, willpower and raw mutant power to fuck with each and every one of them until they too came round to her philosophy on being a decent fucking human being. It was time to teach some nosey wine aunt a lesson in keeping the fuck out of my head. The safety was now off and Shelly was primed to blow, all she had to do was release the cord and that was better done before the psychic decided to make Shelly her plaything again than after. Regardless, Shelly had to take stock before using the nuclear option. She breathed deep, filling her lungs and emptying her mind. Yes! Revenge! An eye for an eye! A blood sacrifice in my Honor! The body screamed as it stung and ached and bruised, but the spirit? It was not so willing. Shelly imagined herself writing the now necessary "Book of Sin" entry that night by the light of a candle, as she always did. There on the page, compared to the last few entries, it read so... Petty. Getting one over on someone was not what her curse was for, it a real, serious choice with real, serious consequences, not a toy to be messed with.

Shelly took her hand off the detonator. Thats what made her better than them. Self control.

Her rage subsiding and the adrenaline fading with it, it became increasing apparent how painful her face was. Shelly wiped a tear off her puffy cheek with one hand as she reached over the arm of her chair into her bag for her mirror with the other. Ouch, people are going to want words with my husband.

Shelly watched as Monsieur Ironic Mutant ironically hated on another mutant with his ironic fist and listened as chairs were being smashed outside by one or both of the girls Shelly had tried to stop earlier before Neko-chan came back in crying to Onii-sama about how she's not a murderer and fucking catnip? Children with hand grenades and God complexes. Shelly could barely hold the laughter in, it helped that smiling was sore. Inner party member was going to busy bringing the beat down on all the new Thought Criminals, who had to be thinking naughty words as they engaged in senseless violence. No? She wasn't doing that? Colour me surprised. Shelly was still determined to beam her a message.

If you're still listening; since I'm having so much fun I'm going to let you off with a warning, and that warning is 'I'm going teach your niece a filthy thing or two about self-love', consentually of course.

With that thought nicely wrapped up, Shelly got up with a slap of her thighs. "Just going to grab some ice for this fucker," Shelly announced, gesturing to her bloodied eye, "and I'll be back for round 2, probably. Don't worry, everyone will get their shot at bullying the new bitch."
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