Avatar of Corpus Venenum
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    1. Corpus Venenum 9 yrs ago


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Nah. I'm all out of sentiment. That little expression of humanity's tuckered me out. I'm to bed, and I hope everything's cleared up and you guys are better friends than ever come the morn. P.S. I'm personally fine with Yuri (I've watched too much anime to be sensitive to it anymore), but as far as Yaoi goes? I'll live with it, for the sake of the friends I've made here, but I may have a mental breakdown if too much happens :D
Narya? Congrats - I just want to let you know that my respect for you had just risen greatly. Don't bother minding your tongue - I mean hell, swearing isn't so bad when you consider what Rusalka and Kitten have been doing with their tongues XD Things must be pretty bad for you if you'd choose to express yourself to us, and so I afford you even more respect, and I think everyone here can offer a shoulder if you want one. (I'd recommend Destiny, myself - she's like the mother of this group and there's no telling what Kitten'd do if you tried to use Rus :P). But, we're a small and happy family here. So swear if you want to and we'll bear it - cry on us if you want to, or feel free to punch me in the face. I've taken a few shots for friends before, and reading such an expression makes me think of you as a friend - if the feeling's mutual. So lean on us...if you need to. After all, it's not like we like you or anything... BAKA! P.S. I will happily respond to any comments about this post - and Chukklez? I'm not stepping in on your conversation - I'm just sliding a few paragraphs in edgeways :P
Someone start poking holes in this? Thanks :3
Hamlin the Dragonfly aka Harry Deacon
Happy Feet, That Floppy-Hatted Bastard, The Storm's Fury
Unknown. >1000 years.
Maximum Overdrive Hamlin is the living embodiment of all weapons; an avatar of death and speed...but also one of mercy and protection. As such, his physical capabilities are ridiculously far beyond human. Flexible to the point of being rubberized, faster than most super-cars, strong enough to lift nearly two tonnes one handed, tough enough to walk off small caliber bullets and falling buildings and with senses that are ridiculously sharp, he is the pinnacle of physical ability. However, he lacks anything more than knowledge of magic - he cannot perform it himself, as the life force to which most magic is attracted is not present in his immortal frame. Ace in the Hole Being as he is an avatar, Hamlin does not have any existence beyond a physical one. He has a soul...of a sort, but beyond that, has no life signs. He does not breathe, his heart does not beat, and indeed he emits no body heat. This makes him immune to most discomforts and gives him the ability to ignore pain as well - plus, no spell that focuses on life can find him, rendering him invisible to any spell that isn't set to search for a physical presence, since he doesn't count as being undead either. These powers combined mean that he can never tire, he can ignore temperatures so long as they aren't damaging his body (or his hat) and he is effectively an absolute badass. Heart and Soul This is the closest Hamlin can come to magic; a magic-satchel type ability that allows him to manifest any bladed weapon from out of nowhere. This ability is limited only to bladed weapons though; he cannot summon blunt force or ranged weaponry. These weapons are indestructible and immortal so long as they remain without about two meters of Hamlin - then they just vanish. However, he can only summon a maximum of three weapons at any one time - not even he knows why.
Hamlin, despite being once tough-as-nails character and with a body to match, has no resistances to magic beyond his speed and his lack of status as a living thing. He does not emit body heat, nor does he breath. He is, for all intents and purposes, a void in the universe but for his physical presence - and his hat. This means that he cannot really be healed by magic, as his body isn't truly flesh. He is also bound by a code of chivalry; he cannot ignore someone who needs help, and he is sworn to always do what he feels is right - and this can work against him and be turned against him by clever opponents. Of course, this is a problem when you combine it with the fact that he has one hell of a temper when his ire is raised; if an opponent can get under his skin, they can torment him into fighting with himself, since he'll want to kill them but his code won't let him kill without good reason. Also, Hamlin cannot use guns. He can't even touch them; they pass right through him as if he weren't even there. He takes that to mean that firearms have an avatar of their own running around the place whom he has yet to meet - but one way or another, ranged combat is impossible for him beyond throwing rocks...with enough power to knock sizable holes in the average wall.
Hamlin is skilled with every bladed weapon that has ever been made, terrestrial, demonic, angelic, extraterrestrial and anything else. If it has a pointy end and Hamlin can lay his hands on it, he can use it. He is also a master gymnast and athlete, and he excels in nearly every sport and every physical challenge. For example, he once sprinted from the bottom of Mount Everest to the top in his shorts, whereupon he slid back down again, having swum to the mountain from the U.S. He's just that kind of guy.
He spends most of his time reading trashy romance novels and playing his flute, which he feels makes him look mysterious. Despite more than a hundred years of practice, however, he's still just improvising - he's never learned a single tune.
Mostly a nice person, Hamlin believes that despite being a manifestation of all bladed weapons, he exists for the protection and aid of all life, save that which proves itself unworthy of such benefits. As such, he is always kind, always helpful, always willing to put himself forward to help...but he has a reputation as a sadistic bastard with a twisted sense of humor too. This is because he asks for impossible standards from his students, and they hate him for it. He does it because he thoroughly believes they'll thank him for it one day, and that they'll discover the joys of speed and flight. And because he finds it hilarious.
Hamlin is at least a thousand years old - mostly likely he is far older. However, he has never settled anywhere for long. It's doubtful that there is an inch of the planet that has not felt his touch in his time. But, he stays at Orean Cause. Those who wonder why occasionally ask him, and to them he replies "I am here because I am needed here, and because many do not want me here. For as long as this is true, here I will stay. However, when this is reversed...when all here want me, but none truly need me...then I shall have to go.". No one has yet figured out if he is quoting Nanny MacPhee, or if he actually came up with the line himself. No one wants to ask either.
The first rule of engagement with Hamlin: Don't touch his hat. The second rule? The same as the first, just multiplied by several orders of magnitude. Continue ad infinitum, and you have the rules.
Playing his flute, parkour, sparring with and without weapons, running trainees into the ground
Dishonorable people, guns, magic being used against him, people touching his hat (he REALLY doesn't like people touching his hat)
Theme Song
Gymnastics, Fencing and Dance
Hamlin's dreams are many and fleeting, as he has had many and has seen just as many reach fruition. Now, he waits for a dream that is truly worth his full measure of skill and time.
Appearance Human: (Ignore the basketball clothing, this is the closest I could get to the desired effect) About 6 feet and 6 inches in height in human form. Giant: Jack's height increases to about 10 feet, whilst his musculature expands greatly, usually destroying whatever he's wearing on his upper body, yet always leaving enough material to cover his legs from the waist to about mid thigh. Apart from this change, there is no real difference to his appearance - he just gets bigger and stronger. Name Jack Risastor Örninn Nickname Iceman Age 16 in Jotun years, so about 32 in human years. Gender Male Powers Jack's most useful and most commonly seen power is his ability to manipulate snow and ice, and to a lesser extent wind. His control over the wind is not absolute, and is indeed rather feeble, as he can just about summon a stiff breeze. However, his control over ice and snow IS absolute. He can manipulate it into any shape he wishes, and can create it from water (though he cannot cause snow or ice to boil, only to become water again, and he cannot make it from steam). He is also immune to any kind of weapon made from snow or ice, and cannot be affected by the cold, no matter how powerful it may be. His only other power is his Giant form. This form is part of his heritage, and is really just a massive surge in size and strength, though the strength is purely physical and not magically reinforced. This form can only be used every so often due to the massive physical strain it incurs, and it can also only work during times of danger or great emotional distress. Whilst in this form, he has a purely physical strength, speed, stamina and endurance boost, meaning he effectively becomes as tough as only a ten foot tall man built like Dwayne Johnson and Hulk Hogan's love child can be. His sense of pain is also dulled - not enough to ignore being stabbed, but enough to walk it off. Even when not in Giant form, he has a faster metabolism and therefore faster healing than an average human - nothing superhuman, but scratches and bruises vanish overnight and he can recover from more damage than a human can. Weakness Pathologically afraid of fire (another part of his heritage), physically weak to the fire - he burns easily in the sun, and will be physically hurt more than a human if he is burnt with hot metal or fire. Not invulnerable in the slightest, just tougher when he's in Giant form. Skills Great at rock climbing, sculpting, making snowmen and many physical activities. He also has talents for mathematics and the sciences, traits which come from his mother. Hobbies Jack spends most of his time reading, learning more about the world whilst also reading fiction. He also spends a lot of time in the school's art facilities, making random sculptures. When he isn't doing either of these, he's probably exercising in the gym or outside. Personality A somewhat disconnected individual from the rest of the world, Jack tends to watch it spin around him while he only stays with it through his few friends. He doesn't make friends lightly, past experience making him treat everyone as a potential enemy until they prove him right or prove him wrong. When he does make friends, he stays with them no matter what happens, putting himself in harm's way to make sure they're safe, and always acting as a shoulder to lean on. Apart from that, he has a bottomless curiosity that becomes apparent in any conversation with him, and a sense of humor that displays itself at random times. However, there is another side to him. He has a genetic disposition toward depression, which he has been fighting for a long time, thanks to the circumstances of his birth, which led to his father's death. He also blames himself for the death of his mother, thinking he should have been there to protect her. He has a tendency to shoulder the weight of the world, trying to prove to himself that he deserves to live. He's always trying, always fighting himself, attempting to move on. But never quite making it. Background Jack was born to a world where everyone hated him. His first home was Jötunheimr - the extraplanary home of the Jotun, the Frost Giants. He was born there to a Jotun father and a human mother, stolen from Earth during a Jotun raid. She and his father hated each other to begin with, but gradually grew to love each other and have a son. However, the rest of the Frost Giants believed Jack was an abomination that must be killed. As such, Jack's father sacrificed himself holding back the other Jotun as Jack's mother returned to Earth through one of the many portals that litter the Jotun's world. She forged a new identity for herself and her son, but soon realised that he was barely aging. She worked out that he was growing about half as slowly as a normal human, and so Jack only became a physical teenager at the age of 26. He is now physically 16, but mentally much older than 32. His mother died in a mugging just after his sixteenth birthday, and he ended up working 3 jobs to maintain the inflow he needed to pay for his fourth year of school. He had planned to stop his education and find his own way in the world once it was over, till one day a letter appeared on his kitchen table, containing a brochure for a place called "Orean Cause" - a school which, it seemed, catered to his kind of people. He made the decision to go for it, as he had no better options, and applied for a scholarship, which he was able to attain. Soon after, he learned that he had been given control of a trust fund by an anonymous benefactor. There was more than enough money to pay his way through the rest of his time at school, Scholarship or no Scholarship. As such, Jack aims to discover who his mysterious helper is - and why they are helping him. Likes Quiet rooms, good people, being helpful, kicking ass, snowball fights. Dislikes Assholes, injustice, bullies, the deliberately obtuse, really hot days, comments and questions about his family. Theme song Fire and Ice Clubs Being the self-imposed outsider that he is, Jack stays away from extracurricular activities unless he has a reason to be involved (like a desperate need for members for a club he likes, or perhaps a friend is attending who wants company) Dreams Jack dreams that one day he'll conquer his own self-hatred and depression, and finally become one with the world he has taken as his home, and be able to surround himself with true friends. But he only thinks of it as a dream - it'd take something (or someone) special to make him think of it as a possible reality...
It's funny how peaceful those schools look considering the uber-edgy-tragedy characters filling up the roster. :P nice boat
... NK...it's funny, yes, but still...to reference THAT anime...either you're taking a joke too far, or you have the worst taste in anime of anyone EVER.
Welp, looks like a few things happened while I was at school... You wanna know what happened today? Well...
Right then. That's Jack settled in, and he shall remain there until the period changes because apparently, when it comes to engineering,
Having retrieved some necessities of his own from the office, Jack returned to Engineering, paying close attention to where he was going this time around. The teacher motioned for him to return to his seat, and Jack retrieved his Engineering textbooks from his duffle bag, which he had been carrying all morning. He had planned to swap it for the rucksack it contained, but had been late arriving at the school and had lacked the sense to ask Iyo where the dorms were. However, he had his map now, and he had been told he was in dorm 107. He settled in, the chair creaking a little under his weight - when you're a 6ft 6 walking muscle pile, you get used to ominous creaking when you lean on something. He took in the room around him - so many people... Who knew? Maybe he would run into some interesting characters in his classes today...
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