Avatar of CoxzemuN
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    1. CoxzemuN 8 yrs ago


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Name is Milan. I'm from Serbia. I have been a fan of text based role playing for many, many years now - ever since 2005 I believe. It's a passion which never fades away, I suppose. Anyways, I am not really into these things and don't know what should I really write about myself here, though. You can always involve yourself in communication with me and find more about me along the way! Cheers!

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The world of Loerynn was torn asunder over a millennia ago, during the great demonic invasion. Decades of fierce war have brought nothing but chaos and destruction across the whole world. Invasion of the demonic forces led by Arandar the Deceiver successfully managed to lay several kingdoms to waste. It was so until the races of Loerynn finally came to their senses and forged an alliance.

The alliance formed by Elves, Humans, Dwarves and Blackborn tribe was in the end able to put an end to this madness and successfully banish the Legion's master, Arandar the Deceiver, back into the abyssal darkness. However, despite the best efforts of their alliance to restore the continent back to its former glory and return balance back to the nature, this world was cursed and scarred forever.

Ages have passed and the story of the courage, dedication and honor of those who fought during the invasion became a legend, which later turned into a myth.

Alliance too, though peacefully, has scattered over the years and races of Loerynn made their kingdom borders active yet again. All races of the, now broken, alliance were able to civilize themselves and progress, except for one. Blackborn tribe was the only nation to exclude usage of borders from their diplomacy and actually return back to the cold north. They adopted and embraced their nomadic life and old traditions yet again.

Six hundred and eighty years have passed since the shattering, and years of peace seem to come to an end. Dark presence was felt south of Black Mountain and several fellow Blackborn tribesmen have gone missing. Rumors started to spread around the area regarding the "green plague", apparently seen only by few, which turned those who went missing into cursed beasts of immersive power according to witnesses.

Growing desperate and seeking aid, elders of the Tur'tan village have called for a meet. Messengers were sent out to all other nations, including the Khadirs, whom Humans of Riverdale made contact with just recently. Garganthar, who became chieftain of the tribe just recently, made sure that along with representatives of the respective nations, a garrison of soldiers must tag along. They are about to become the expeditionary force which will move out to face the threat directly.

What are intents of each nation in discovering this incident are, and what benefits can they possibly gain from this? Nobody knows. However it seems that every nation successfully responded to call of the young chieftain. Each kingdom started to organize their troops and march forward towards the village of Tur'tan, where the unexpected is to be discovered...

Topic will be updated with recent events and occurrences from the in character section, and those who engage themselves into this RP mid-way will have the chance to catch up to the story-line and start fresh or plan their approach, knowing the basics and details of the background they are about to involve themselves in.

There is a system in place which will keep our pages, posts and in character section in general neat and good looking. Pages will be easier to scroll through and people will be at ease when trying to find something they are looking for. However, more about that can be seen below in the rules and regulations section.


Players are given complete freedom when making their posts, but there are several rules which are not really troublesome but need to be followed correctly and respected. In order to provide ease of access to everybody, players are expected to do one simple thing at the start of each post in "In Character" section which will actually have a lot of meaning and server it's purpose just fine.

Before engaging into text, players are expected to write down a simple "[chapter . post]" line and then do rest of their post as they wish. This way people who are interested in following certain chapter of the story-line only will have information on where to look at by simply looking at the beginning of each post made by players.

The pure example of this system would be the following: [1.1]

In the example above, first number would indicate that chapter one is taking place during the time period of that post, where as second number indicates the number of the post in that chapter. So for example if first player to type his post does [1.0], where number zero would be the very first post, considered as an introduction, player posting after him will have to do [1.1] and so on until chapter is done. After the chapter ends, and another chapter takes place, first number grows as well.


There are no actual basic rules in this RP as seen in others. Players are actually expected just to follow a few of them, whereas those "rules", so to call them, are not actual force of reckoning. Players are only expected to use common sense, respect other players and report any hostile behavior from other players to the GM, in this case me. For further information, just to clear things up and avoid misunderstandings, I am going to give brief explanation of what each rule stands for and what is expected by what I wrote above regarding each term.

Common sense, the very first rule and most important one, is pretty much self explanatory. However, as stated before in order to avoid any sort of confusion, here are a few examples of what stands behind that word. Common sense indicates that dwarves cannot jump sixty meters up into the sky, elves cannot grow wings and fly off into another dimension, and receiving a fatal blow from zero point five centimeters cannot be avoided. There is no win or lose in this game, everyone wins whatever the case may be. We are all here for fun in the end, and fun we shall have if common sense is used properly.

Respecting fellow players and behaving in general is yet another main factor to keep this RP steady and effectively running. There is no point in having tons of rules, tons of guidelines, and spending time on this if there is no mutual respect among the players. Everyone is free to speak up their mind and say their opinion, everyone has the same treatment and everyone has equal power in terms of picking the direction of this RP and where it should go. Being polite can do wonders.

Reporting other players for their misbehaving is not considered "snitching" nor does it lower one's value. As stated before, everyone has the same rights and those who think they can ruin the rights of others will not be tolerated. With proper evidence, you can feel free to report anybody's misbehavior to a GM (CoxzemuN) and they will be warned or dealt with accordingly if guilty.


I have a fantasy adventure themed RP in mind where players will be able to have their characters come from various places and villages, gathering at the same place for the very same reason and actually proceeding from there their adventure. Locations and names of places, even more races and everything else regarding this fantasy themed world will be so-to-say "unlocked" as we progress in our story-line.

Players will be able to create additional characters when they feel like it, or when new race gets discovered and made available for use. There is no limit on how many characters one can have. However have to keep in mind that they have to RP with each of their characters equally.

Some of the well known races have been used in this RP as well, however over time we'll attempt together to distinct them from what was seen before and known globally about them. As with everything related to 'Loerynn Chronicles', we will attempt to be as unique as possible and avoid the stereotypical knowledge. It is most recommended for players to read about the races before making their pick.


Over generations humans have changed in appearance. First notable thing is their height. Old generations of humans used to be approximately 160cm tall, while the tallest man alive was at 172cm. Now, generations after, an average human being stands at 185cm of height and it can go up to 192cm. There are no known standards for their overall measurement and height. They either have long beards and hairstyles, or shave both and keep themselves freshly cut and clean. There are no rules based on their appearances in their culture.

Their homeland and very origins are at the village of Riverdale, from which their kingdom received the name. In years they managed to expand their territory and develop two another villages, Rockshore and Cannburns. Distance between three villages is not much of an issue, as humans tend to have their belongings as close as possible, especially because of their nature and betrayals.

Overall Damage: Average
Overall Speed: Average
Overall Defense: Average
Special Skills: Effective in attacking at close range, press-on battles and in open fields.

Elves usually tend to have bright glowing eye sockets if they are of pure blood, but over the years there have been some who managed to mix themselves with the humans, thus creating the half-elf population which is frowned upon. Those are recognizable simply with a mere look as their eyes don't glow at all. Both half-elves and pure-blooded elves are taller than an average, or even the tallest, human is. They stand at approximately 210cm in height and are very slim due to body structure and agility they possess. By nature elves don't have growing beards, but since the breed of half elves have emerged from the mixture with humans, some tend to have slight goatees here and there.

Their homeland once used to cover most of the continent as they were the only race back in the creation days of Loerynn, however over the time and assault of the Legion that has drastically changed. Once powerful and mighty, elves have pushed into deep forests of Jaeldanaar, standing for dusk on their language. There is no actual structure in the way elves build their homes, as most of them are on tall trees of their beloved forest and scattered all over it.

Overall Damage: Below Average
Overall Speed: Excellent
Overall Defense: Below Average
Special Skills: Effective in attacking at long range, stealthy executions, precise critical strikes and in forest areas.

Dwarves are the shortest of all known races of Loerynn. They usually stand at 95cm to 120cm in height, but have bulky appearance thanks to their body structure and long immersive beards. Both males and females are usually the same size and there is no big difference between them in general when it comes to height and body structure, putting aside the female curves. The beauty of their appearance is judged by the decoration on their beards they possess, or in female fashion, decorations in their hairstyles which are usually made of expensive jewelry and iron.

There were three separate dwarven clans back in the days, but over the course of years they have merged and found a new home for themselves in the Boldin Mines. Boldin Mines are dug deep beneath the Farnoove mountain on the north-eastern side of the continent, one of the tallest mountains in the world. It is said that if they keep this pace of mining up, they will reach the very core of Loerynn. Though, this story originated fifty five years ago.

Overall Damage: Average
Overall Speed: Below Average
Overall Defense: Excellent
Special Skills: Effective in attacking at both close and long range, being able to take a lot of damage and perform successful sieges.

Those of the Blackborn descent are very unique in terms of appearance. As their ancestors looked more like humans than what this generation looks like, they have become something completely different than regular humans. An average tribesman of the Blackborn tribe stands at least at 240cm in height. They have black skin as the night, bulky and muscular appearance and usually wear tribal accessories. They can often be seen with long braids, long curly hairstyles kept together by several tusks bound together with a rope.

Blackborn tribesmen have a long tradition in close relations with black wolves from the Parraan fields. Each of their warriors is equipped with a massive weapon, a set of leather armor, some fur due to freezing winter and company of a black wolf. Either riding or using them for tracking, tribesmen tend to have a close bond with their wolves and are in general excellent hunters.

Their homeland is far to the north, in the frozen lands of Parraan. They seem to have unique architecture and design of their villages, who are mainly consisting of several huts and are spread over all four sides of the frozen wastes. Main village is Tur'tan.

Overall Damage: Excellent
Overall Speed: Poor
Overall Defense: Above Average
Special Skills: Effective in attacking at close range, possessing destructive power and in frozen/snowy areas.

Khadirs have long furry bodies, accompanied with small tails on their backs. They are approximately tall about 215cm when in standing position, however this is rare occasion as they are usually on all four legs. Slim body structure and long fur are the main assets of this race, as they use both to their advantage. Thanks to their long fur and constant changing of the same, they are able to adapt to all types of climate and weather. On the other hand, their slim bodies and relentless agility give them much increased speed in both movement and attacking.

Khadirs have been made contact with just a decade ago. Though they have not yet proven themselves to rest of the nations of Loerynn, they seem to have gained a lot of mutual respect with the other races. At first they were thought to be brainless beasts and engaged themselves in war with humans of Riverdale, however after weeks of constant battle and duel between Commander Gordan of the Riverdale's 7th Squadron and their chieftain Zakash, which resulted in Gordan's defeat, they came to conclusion that they actually can understand each other and cooperate without the knowledge of each other's language.

It appears to be in nature of Khadirs to pick up the language and culture knowledge of other races really fast, and it was not really a problem for them to adapt into the society and actually start living along with rest of the nations. Their homeland is deep in the fields of Bachko province, in the village of Rorr.

Overall Damage: Average
Overall Speed: Above Average
Overall Defense: Below Average
Special Skills: Effective at attacking at both close range and long range, bursting damage with their increased attack speed and in evading enemy attacks.



Name and race fields are self-explanatory. Unlike other RP's people make, I won't really bother making lots of not needed fields where you have to type some pointless information about your character, such as what he hates or loves. That will actually be told throughout the RP and as your character progresses.

Appearance seems to do for me just enough. That field should be rich and informative. Though the name is self explanatory, I suppose just in case I should state that appearance stands for how someone looks, so until mentioned in character and actually proven to be so, your character's age, his personality and whatever else you think of remains hidden and in your mind.

Pictures are not allowed to be used as a tool to describe your character's appearance. Words can do that far better and more detailed, and that way people can actually use their imagination to gain a picture of someone's character in their heads.
@Dark Light

Blackborn tribe is composed of different species than humans, though I believe you already understand that. They are planned to be like orcs, however in my own fiction and unique style. Instead of savage bloodthirsty orcs, they are nomadic cultural race with mad love for wolves and frozen plains they live in. Like nomad hunters.

Now, I believe by their laws and all they stand for, weaker and smaller ones are considered cripples in some way. But I suppose, since we're starting young, that your character is a teen, kid or whatever. It is obvious he'll be smaller than a full grown tribesman. The way I had them planned in my mind is with all that nomadic outfit such as tusks, furs and lots of ropes on their attires. When it comes to weapons, I was thinking long "two-handed" swords, axes and spears could do. Since they're hunters and all, spears can be their best fit since they have the strength to throw it far and deal massive damage on impact.

However yeah, something can work out of your idea. I kind of like it but we'll have to sync it with the rest of the bulky-men.
is there room for one more? I am very interested in this idea

Why, of course. You can read the posts written by other people as well in this topic, it'll just give you a better insight. They asked some really good questions and we came to conclusion on some things which will really improve the experience overall.

1. Stats or not I like characters to have a role in the party. Strengths and weaknesses. What have they learnt and done up until now. Otherwise despite history and differences everyone ends up doing everything.

Of course, and what you said here is pretty much said in the first post. If you look at difference between an elf and dwarf in the race short but straight-forward race descriptions I created on the first post, you'll see pretty much who stands on the front lines and who jumps backwards to deal damage from the distance, or perhaps sneak up behind the enemy.

As stated before on one of my posts, we simply cannot afford to have a Blackborn being a Rogue or stealthy. Simply race descriptions don't allow everyone to be everything, because of their body structure and shape.

Other races cannot match speed of the elves, except for maybe Khadirs who are somewhere close to them but still not matching it. So that kind of gives every player a rough view of what "classes" are available for each race and path they pick.

2. Problem with two is if you start the journey not knowing how to fire a bow or swing a sword, just because you get into a few scraps, a year later when you are trying to save the world, you still won't be good at firing a bow or swinging a sword.

Having knowledge and skills to swing a sword and fire an arrow is exactly how are going to start, actually. What I meant by starting off small is to have our characters be slightly younger, so they can have time and space to develop (in case we do a part two, make a time-line break between the chapters/scenarios and so on.

I was exactly thinking that our characters start only with their experience with weapons they are familiar with, instead of blowing Kamehameha at the enemies, spawning ten Water Elementals or shooting fireballs out the tips of their fingers. Hope you get the point on this one.

3. Half demons! Or at least demon blood, since you mentioned they existed.

My idea was to introduce these bad fellas after the first scenario, after our characters actually get over the "plague" which struck the Blackborn elders. Once we actually find that small faction in the wilderness and establish a contact with them, then they can be added as playable race or whatever you had in mind. Do you agree on the approach?

Of course my suggestion for them is to be a small faction of half or pure blooded demons, who for their weaknesses back in the days remained on the world of Loerynn even after the war and adopted the life-style. It would be much better that to have some demons actually care about their plants, farms, houses, families and so on rather than simply put Demonic Legion playable as villains.

Tell me what you think on this one, as it's a really interesting idea overall. :)

4. Tur'tan. Love the starting idea, but if this green plague is such a worry that all clans and towns have been notified, why would they send a bunch of ill-equipped untrained investigators? For one reason or another we would have to be suited to the job and also be known to or recognised by the authority of the town we are leaving.

The scale of plague and the amount of plagued individuals is not that really great or huge. They are still in rumor stage to put it like that as well. The very reason of this meeting is to prevent this, in case it is true, from growing and becoming a world-wide threat to everyone. Blackborn tribesmen are reasonable, and actually expect other cultures to be as well in order to prevent this from erupting into something serious, or history of wars from repeating.

Oh and, @Dark Light, your input is more than great. It actually made me smile while I was typing this. Some really good questions and I must say that you have actually forced me to think about it even more, and I perhaps came up with even better ideas than before for the future. Any input and question is precious and welcome, and I'll be more than happy to respond to everything.
@Gat Izen, it is all dependent up to the players. However the actual meeting will begin once everyone settles in the village. I'll make sure, as OP and someone who had this whole idea in his head before putting it on this topic, to have those who arrive earlier than the others have some fun spending their time in the village. That will be in terms of proper descriptions of village's famous locations, hot spots, events and things for them to RP around until others make it to the summit.

However, you'd of course have to keep in mind that in the first post on this topic it is stated that meeting is about to happen in two days time. Which means, those who properly set out on this trip should be able to make it there. If there are certain people who'd purposely like their characters to be late, they can of course notify me and so. Trip can take two days in character for those who want to make it in time to the summit, and I believe there is plenty of space to make a proper introduction from your hometown to Tur'tan of your character and actually gain a proper vision of which direction he is going to take.
4. Are we gonna begin there and say where we have come from or write a little journey sequence? lotr style?

Players begin in their villages, hometowns. And then from there they progress towards the Blackborn village, where meeting is to be held. It is completely up to players' creativity what happens along the way to the village. If two or more players are from the same village (race) it is up to them to create the RP for themselves. I'll hop here and there in regards of events along the way to Tur'tan for you guys. Actual RP where we're all together begins from the village, that's when the actual plot starts.
All sounds good! How many players were you thinking and when can we expect an OOC page?

Well, I don't really have any exact number of players I want to have here. If you ask me, everyone is welcome and there shouldn't be an issue as our "quests" or "progression", however you prefer it, will be wide range along with some fillers along the way in most cases, to buy us some time to make it even more epic.

As for the out of character page, well I have 60%-80% of it ready just on this topic. There are few things to remove and add, but in truth you can expect as soon as we agree on certain topics, which I'll ask straight away and expect straight answer from you guys.

1. Do you want us to have "stats" at all, or simply go along with creativity and let the IC events do their thing?
2. Do you agree with the fact that we start off small and weak, developing our character forward into unknown and eventually gaining power as we progress?
3. Do you have any race/town/place/continent/whatever to add to the list of already given villages, towns, and races?
4. Do you agree that the start of this RP should be all our characters, no matter the race, departing from their homelands and venturing into the village of Tur'tan?

As soon as we agree on those terms, as long as I am concerned, we can begin.
@CoxzemuN I was thinking that actions in the story could give players stat points. Like of course the story would have to be predefined(not dialogue or other things) but in the story if someone has a great idea its plus one intelligence? Something like this would be cool. Or were you thinking more tabletop where you have to have points in order to open a door or kill an enemy?

Exactly my thoughts. I said the same thing just in different phrasing and words. I refer to this:

I was thinking that actions in the story could give players stat points. Like of course the story would have to be predefined(not dialogue or other things) but in the story if someone has a great idea its plus one intelligence? Something like this would be cool.

I don't really feel like having a lot of math, rules and other stuff involved here. I actually want people to unleash their creativity and respect each other's posts and actions. I mean, what do level and stat points mean if there is no mutual respect and actual usage of common sense in a RP?

I plan this RP to be something where people come to cool their minds off from daily life activities, and actually have fun. I suppose I'll have the shortest rules post in whole of Guild, as there is only one I expect people to follow. Common sense and normal behavior, both in character and out of character.
Great idea @CoxzemuN What are you thinking about CS?

Well, I had in mind something like this:


Name field is self-explanatory. Unlike other RP's people make, I won't really bother making lots of not needed fields where you have to type some pointless information about your character, such as what he hates or loves. That will actually be told throughout the RP and as your character progresses.

Appearance seems to do for me just enough. That field should be rich and informative. Though the name is self explanatory, I suppose just in case I should state that appearance stands for how someone looks, so until mentioned in character and actually proven to be so, your character's age, his personality and whatever else you think of remains hidden and in your mind.

When it comes to stats, we are still debating on whether they should be used and in which way they will be used if used at all. You are free to give some suggestions or ideas if you come across any, we would all greatly appreciate it I believe. But just in case if they make it through, they will be something like the following.

Player has a certain number of stat points to begin with, and at the very beginning he distributes them among the stat fields. Over the course of game and as the story progresses, players will be able to level their certain respective stats up. I actually have in mind to start off small and weak, and then progress through the story and get stronger and stronger over time, periodically.

Of course, all this is eligible for a change. It's up to you guys and me what we will make out of this, and hopefully we can come with a perfect system which suits everyone's needs. I am pretty sure that I might look unprofessional or clueless of what I am doing at some point, but I assure that it is completely opposite. I am actually trying to establish a RP where common sense is the strongest weapon, and everyone has fun while progressing with their characters.
I really love what you came up with, @Dark Light.

Though I would suggest, if I may, a little change to overall system you got there. I really love the way you proposed that and what you had in mind, however I think we should simplify it a little bit. What you think about this?

Players start with no class, nor any special strength or ability to begin with. They start with 10 stat points. Those stat points can be used on Strength, Agility and Intellect. Each of those has three sub-groups which they can master. For example Intellect would have Information, Wisdom and Knowledge. For example information sub-stat would give you an advantage in, as you said, terms of Dungeon Master throwing information your way and certain clues. Wisdom would benefit a character in terms of easier picking up of spells/arts when seen for the first time and knowledge would benefit character in such a way that he can store more of them and for example have an easier access to them whenever he feels like it.

Something like that, not too much math regarding that but in truth have players actually feel the freedom when typing their lines. What you think about this? As for the classes, or at least that's how I understood them regarding the Blackborn tribe you wrote there, I'd rather avoid having pre-made classes in the RP. Your character is what you want him to be. It's obvious though and with little usage of common sense one can figure out that Blackborn tribesmen can't really be rogues because they are tall as hell and bulky. It would be literally impossible for them to sneak in the shadows and be stealthy. I hope you get where I am going with this.

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