Avatar of cpldingo
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: corporaldingo
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 157 (0.04 / day)
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    1. cpldingo 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Whats on my mind? Oh just war stuffs...


Former military infantryman. That pretty much means I find myself more drawn toward RPs that have anything to do with modern-ish warefare. ANy thing else just ask, I'm open like the YMCA.

Most Recent Posts

1st Amendment frees you from the persecution from government or its affiliates.

Your 1st amendment does not protect you from the consequence of your "speech"

Yes, I believe you should not be arrested for spouting idiocy, however, don't be surprised when someone who doesn't want to listen to your BS hauls off and knocks you out, at his own risk of litigation.

I always back my 1st with my 2nd...RAH?
The group crowded the now re animated corpse. Hirsch was trying to move in for a better look. Wolfe, however, was almost floored. His senses went haywire, as if someone dropped a large rock into a still pond, he seethed. Every muscle and, bone, and nerve felt to be on fire. Something big was going to happen. Wolfe hadn’t felt anything this intense before, not since him whole squad was killed a few years prior.
Finally, he regained composure, he glanced around everyone had begun breaking down the site of its equipment. He had only enough time to shout:

“MOVE!” Then the castle erupted in a cloud of smoke and fiery debris, Wolfe hit the deck, along with Hirsch. One thing they both knew was to take cover when something exploded. The rest didn’t need much convincing.
Rock and soot and ash began falling on them. Wolfe stood up and shouted to the group, amongst the noise.

“WE GOTTA GET TO THE BASE OF THE MOUNTAIN. GRAB WHATS ESSENTIAL AND BUG THE FUCK OUT! MOVE MOVE MOVE!” He yelled as he made his way to each group member directing them to either cargo that needed to be carried or just having them collect other injured and make their way down the mountain. It didn’t take long before they felt a rumbling beneath their feet. They didn’t have much more time before this mountain collapsed inward.
Turning to Vaughtar he said.
“Vaughtar start moving some of the heavier equipment downhill, and assist with any slow movers! You too Shannon, now GO!”
Ugh, fell off the grid for a while, back now, I'll get something up soon.
I would love to do a Half Life rp, the Black Mesa incident. But I in no way GM material. I don't like being the one to pull all the strings a as it were.
I do have some stuff made for one however, if anyone wanted to GM the RP.
Hirsch stood there and let out a small chuckle to Shannon’s response. The creature didn’t understand humans that well, and no one really understood how and why marines acted the way they do toward each other, well, aside from other marines of course.
“Nah girl, we’re good, Wolfe is good, just a bit stressed out is all,” Hirsch said thoughtfully, he really did care for Wolfe, they might as well be blood brothers. Ever since boot camp something drew them together, their personalities couldn’t be more different, tastes, skills, opinions- All different, but for some reason, they always stuck together, as if they’ve known each other since they were kids; however it only feels that way. Either marine wouldn’t think twice to dive on a grenade for the other.
“I think he needs to get laid or something,” Hirsch said with a shrug.
“Don’t worry your pretty little self about it ok that’s just how people like Wolfe and myself talk to each other, it means we care.” Hirsch said as he patted one of Shannon’s massive arms, as If she were a giant dog.
Just then a large crash, followed by the sound of wet potatoes and twigs inside a burlap sack was dropped from twenty feet, an audible thump with a series of cracking noises. Hirsch turned in time to see Vaughter against the alter, adjacent to him a dead body crumpled in an awkward positions, as the gargoyle stared at the group, if a stone monster had facial expressions, Hirsch swore he thought it looked embarrassed.
Just after, Twain began touching and prodding the corpse, to Hirsch it reminded him of his childhood…poking roadkill with a stick.
He walked up closer.
“Ugh….dude… c’mon man, don’t play with that, you’ve no idea where it’s been….don’t want herpes or whatever do you?” Hirsch said to twain touching the corpse. Wolfe, who happened to hear the comment could be seen shaking his head with his hand to his face.
Wolfe and Hirsch stood off away from the main group. They seemed to be talking to someone. Some poor half dead SOB. The day’s events had gotten much stranger since the attack of the snake rabbit creatures. Both Hirsch and Wolfe didn’t really have anything of merit to contribute to the group aside from tactical appraisal and a few well-placed rounds, still, it was good to be doing something worthwhile.
Wolfe yawned then shook his head. Hirsch noticed.
“You tired already?” He asked.
“Eh? Oh… nah, just not getting the sleep I need I guess..” Wolfe said with a shrug, “I’m fine though.”
“If you say so man, that white streak of hair you got wasn’t there before we ended up here.” Hirsch said flicking out his cigarette. “I may not be the smartest man in the world-“
“I’ll say.”
“FUCK you!” He yelled, “But… I know when a man has seen something completely fucked. And brother, you got that look.” Hirsch said.
“What? You’re crazy-“
“No, real talk homie, remember Chawkowski?” He asked.
Wolfe remembered. Lance Corporal Chawkowski was a marine that had been in the Corps about a year and half longer than both Wolfe and Hirsch. His squad had gotten ambushed in Afghanistan, their convoy had been traveling down a dirt road in between valleys. They had four trucks, the first truck ran over an IED, all occupants killed instantly. The enemy then fired rockets at the rear truck, all five rockets hit their mark, and the last truck also had all its occupants killed. The rest of the convoy was now boxed in, and they were taking machine gun fire from both flanks, from an elevated enemy. Before any air support could arrive about six Taliban fighters were able to get close enough to actually kill three marines in hand to hand combat. Chawkowski witnessed his whole squad killed. He was pinned to a rock wall from his truck. The driver had been shot in the head and his dead body jerked, causing the accelerator to be pressed. Before he was killed close air support had finally made it.
“Dude, when he came back that man had the thousand yard stare.” Hirsch said.
Wolfe didn’t answer.
“And the most fucked up thing about it all?” Hirsch asked hypothetically. “Is that YOU were in a similar situation almost a year later in Iraq, and you bounced back? You watched our brothers get torn down, and you were never phased, like you’re made of metal. Not Chawkowski, that guy is on several different anti-psycotics and anti-depressants. Not you though.”
“Your point?” Wolfe asked with a sigh.

“My point is bro…. what the fuck ever happened to you when that crystal exploded must’ve really fucked you up. I mean when I saw you after it went down the LT and that fucked cult, you looked 10 years older, your eyes seem almost dead, and you just look haagard man… like you spent a decade in actual hell.”
“I’m fine, Joe, really man, I’m fine.” He slapped Hirsch on the shoulder and walked away. Wolfe walked up and stood next to Natasha. He gave her a polite nod.
“So…Moon agent huh? I never really got a chance to see your dossier, but you your skill are impressive, where did you train?”
Ready and waiting
Hey sorry, personal stuff came up, go ahead and skip me this round
Hey sorry I have had some personal stuff come up, go ahead without Me, I'm not withdrawing I'll make a post at the next round.
Nice. Sorry I meant to get something up on Monday but, family medical...sort of emergency came up, so I've been distracted, I'll post soon
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