Avatar of Cpt Toellner
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    1. Cpt Toellner 10 yrs ago
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In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by scribz>

Yeah I heard about Gwazi forming a cult or w/e and...that was quite enough for me. I heard enough.

They are actually a welcoming group of people there. Gwazi posts his stupidity and people cheer it on.

Here we berate you for not living up to our expectations.

I like it here.
Everyone likes Top Ten Lists right?

Top Ten Liked Fandoms
10. Longboarders
-I am the last kind of person you'd expect to own a board, but I've found that anyone who rides these is usually very open to cruising with you. It's an awesome means of transportation and you can make some great friends who will happily teach you how to ride and maintain a board.

9. WarHammer 40K
-For as complex as this universe is, the fanbase around this grimdark sci-fi is brilliantly funny and are able to appreciate the ups and downs of their beloved 40K.

8. Metal Heads
-They seem really off-putting at first, but buff muscular dudes with long hair can be your best friend when you need it most. They are really passionate about a misunderstood genre of music, they want to share it with you. Go to a metal concert, breath in the craziness and see how considerate people get in the middle of a moshpit. Seriously, the same guy who barrels into you and throws you to the ground will be the first one to bend down and pick you up.

7. Fans of Classical Music
-While usually reserved for old people, when I find anyone younger than 30 that enjoys this genre I am usually endured to them. You don't need to be a snob to enjoy this kind of ageless music, and people who are fans are all-too-eager to share their favorites.

6. Lore Freaks
-Star Wars, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, Game of Thrones, Fallout. Each of these I have immersed myself into the lore, getting to know all the background and stories behind what is popular. Anyone who is a lore junkie can spend days nerding out with you, throwing out ideas and sharing stories. You get to see how dedicated people like this are, just check out The Imperial Library as an example. These guys are all fanatics like me and I love it.

5. Star Wars
-It's massive and it's lovable. The passion of fans, the way they love this single franchise, how creative they get about it. It's all very admirable. The real geeks are the ones I love, the kind of people you can theorize too, crush about Grand Admiral Thrawn.

4. Novels
-This applies to anyone who joins a usually quiet fandom over a novel. Books are good yo, it's awesome to be able to finish a book and find a group of fans who have just endured the same adventure as you did.

3. History Nerds
-This is my main group, the kind of people who are really passionate for history, more than the common subjects you'll find on the History Channel. There are so few good meeting places online for people with this level of interest, but it'a a great, funny community. That moment when you find yourself able to laugh at dank history memes is a treasure.

2. Podcast Fans
-I don't have TV or Netflix, I entertain myself primarily through the use of educational podcasts. This is an excellent medium for media, humor, education, news, and entertainment that is decidedly neglected on the whole. Fans of podcasts are great sharers, always wanting to recommend something to you and fill you in on the really good shows that don't show up in Itune's top 100.

1. Reenactors
-These people are true believers, they spend their money into expensive costumes and dedicate their time all out of a love for history and a strong desire to teach. Next time you see a reenactor, just throw some questions at them, they will love you forever. These guys are so intelligent, so dedicated, It's impossible for me not to admire them.

Top Ten Disliked Fandoms
10. PC Gaming (Glorious PC Master Race)
-We get it, you spent a stupid amount of money on a facy rig, congrats? Now you get to complain about graphics from behind your three screens and your custom-built chair. Please tell me again how insubordinate I am to you because you invested 4,000 dollars into this one machine.

9. Shitty Preteen music (One Direction/Beliebers/I don't even know)
-I dislike jumping on this bandwagon of hate, but this stuff really is terrible. These pop-stars get away with horrible music by directing it at pubescent girls and turn them into raving lunatics. These young girls idolize someone as shitty as Justin Bieber and get frenzied at any sign of dislike.

8. Edge
-You want to make jokes about 911, you want to get attention by acting like a hardass, you act all troubled and moody, you tell me how much worse your depression was than mine.

Grow up.

7. My Little Pony (Bronies)
-This has been beaten to death but still deserves mention. This is not right, stop fooling yourself. You've convinced yourself that obsessing over a show created for small girls is alright. You've ultimately destroyed the intention of the show by hijacking the fandom for yourself and inserting your twisted adult interests into this cartoon. It's sick, it's revolting, and it will never be OK. Look at your family, your father, then look in the mirror. Kindly unfuck yourselves.

6. SWJ/Anti-SJW Crowd
-Step 1: Some uneducated opinion or constructed story about feminism or political correctness is thrown out on social media.
Step 2: Fedoras rally around this obvious attention bait and make a big deal out of nothing.
Step 3: Radical feminists and the PC crowd point to this reaction as solid proof of what they warn against.

And so the cycle continues.... It's stupid on both ends folks. This PC culture is limited to a minority of people, only gaining traction because reactionists make a huge deal out of it and the deranged institution of social media allows for it to spiral out of control. I have never facepalmed so hard as I did when that whole "Gamergate" thing erupted. You see teenage boys attempting to counter arguments against radical feminism and end up looking like legitimate misogynists in the process.

I find it ironic how people get offended at people getting offended about something.

5. 90's Nostalgia (Only '90s kids will get this)
-God this is annoying, especially since it come from 80% of the people I went to school with. Every decade has it's ups and downs, every decade had fads and pop culture. How come millennials think their decade of growth is somehow superior to the literally millions of other decades in human development? All this resurgence in old 90's shit is all just a play at money that getting swallowed up by people like this. I mean, we have fucking Surge in stores again, literally a mountain-dew clone that somehow was idolized to the point of bringing it back. It got worse with the whole Pokemon Go fad, people preaching to me about how this "speaks to their childhood." Shut up. You can enjoy something without making yourself look superior because you were born in the 90's/

4. Weed (Stoners)
-Seeing as my main groups of friends in college were the stoners, this would normally sit at 10 or 9 on this list. However, when my fiance left me because I told her to stop smoking pot after two trips to the hospital, I became significantly less tolerable of this addictive drug. I tried it out a few times despite being in the army, it didn't work until a few years ago, both times I got high my throat swelled up and I felt sick. So maybe I'm biased. But trying to be friends with people who are obsesed with a drug that slows down their thinking and makes them lazy is a task I will not longer put myself through. Our cultural obsession with this crap needs to stop, we need to stop trying to convince ourselves that this poison is a legitimate medicine. Look up actual scientific studies on TCH, discover how little we know about it, get beyond the crappy pro-legalization agendas and see this for yourselves.

3. Anime (Weeboos)
-Allow me to front this with a disclosure that I do enjoy some anime. I've seen a grand total of three full seasons of 2 different shows and parts of other series, but I do not dismiss the fact that Japaneese animation can be spectacular and cover interesting aspects.

With that out of the way, I'd like to call out all of these idiotic white kids who think watching some cartoons somehow allows them to understand the complex culture of Japan. Stop interjecting Japaneese words you learned from an anime into casual conversation, it doesn't make you look cultured.

2. YouTube Personalities
-This is one of the entries on this list where I hate the original content as much as the fan base. Thousands of these shitty channels, reaction, let's play, or any number of crappy, uninspired video concepts that pollute and down out other good original content that's waiting out there. The crap is retarded and it's everywhere, a bunch of idiots subscribing to watch other idiots get paid to sit in front of a camera for 5 minutes and talk in funny voices.

But the fans are the real winners here, mindless little kids who eat up this garbage and allow it all to perpetuate. Each of these YouTube personalities has their own little army of shitbirds that stir up stupid drama, spam shitty memes, and pollute every mention of comment section of good original videos (like older music) with "[Fucknuts] brought me here, lol!"

1. Dr. Who (Whovians)
-These fuckers have earned this #1 spot. I have watched some of the show, my opinion of it is something that is inventive and at some-times, clever. However, with as much of a following, you'd think they'd be able to throw more than 30$ into production for each episode. It's preachy, campy, and the acting is nearly as bad as the writing, yet I still will accept that people like it and leave it there. Unfortunately, the fans of this show have gone out of their way to make me hate it. Literally every time I bring up that "I'm just not a fan," I will either get berated or have 15 episodes shoved in my face and told "you're just not paying attention to how good it is." In the hallowed history of this site, I have gotten into year-long fights about this show, one guy dedicating himself to antagonizing me here simply because I said I disliked it.

I leave you with one last antidote; me and some friends went out to eat. One of my friends brought around his girlfriend, let's just say she wasn't mutually liked by the group. At dinner she started gushing about Dr. Who and I made a passing comment that, "I was never a fan of the show, it always seemed like they could do so much more with the concept." The girlfriend, without breaking her stride said this direct quote; "I wouldn't expect you to understand the show Nick, you did drop out of college after all."

Yeah, fuck whovians.

No one even goes here anymore

Is wolves the edgier version of foxes?
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I do miss Dervish, he was the only thing keeping me there. I can't log into skype without all the old spam chat siezing my computer, so that's sorta sad.
You already spared me from the greatest horror of all: having to listen to a story.
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by Cpt Toellner>

Jesus that's hella fascist

Was it a good joke?

The admin changed her name, so I changed the name of my alt to the Admin's original name. I made a few "I'm the real Diana, she's the imposter" jokes and moved on, we all laughed and she even changed the name of the alt to something like "I'm a big dummy". About two days later I get a pm from our old pal Jorik that they tracked my IP and alternate accounts are strictly against the rules. He was very high-and-mighty about it and was basically asking me to plea for him not to ban me. I kinda had enough of the shit there so I left before they could have the pleasure of banning me.
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by Cpt Toellner>

why did you get kicked out?

I used an alt to make a joke.
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I have them all on skype, but havent logged on since winter. I deleted my facebook years ago, lost everyone from here. I think I have Sole on infitate pending friendship status.
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
About two years ago to this month everyone migrated to another forum. There was a bit of a reniasance there until the last of the Spammers petered out. I got kicked out of there about 4 months ago, so I can't tell you who's there now, but it was mostly Brovo and Gwazi getting their E-Peens stroked by younger users and a few others that stuck around. Everyone else scattered to the winds.
In Uhm... Hi? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I can make Turt dead, will that help?
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