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Hungry. Cold. Gut strode through the snow as best he could, the snow sticking to his thick coat chilling his scrawny legs to the bone. Every few steps he shook it away, with every few steps more attracting even more of the accursed powder to his body. Another day with out food, and soon he'd have to look for any shelter if he were to survive the night without freezing. Gut chanced a sniff to the ground, and to the air, only it what seemed the barest chance of luck he smelled an animal, one outside of their den by how clear their scent was.

The gray wolf lowered his slowly atrophying body to the snow, stalking towards the scent. By providence it was not long before he caught sight of his meal. A wolf, like he, though this one was lying in the snow. No wolf would sleep in this cold, least of all in the snow of all places! No, it must have been dead or passed out, whether from the cold or starvation he couldn't say nor did he care. Fresh meat, unfrozen meat, no fight to eat, simply food.

From his stalking Gut quickly assumed a quick sprint, born from both desperation and a salivating maw. Food, after so long, food. So close, but another few seconds and his aching, cold teeth would be dug as deep as could go inside the delicious flesh. Just a bit more.
Ah, may as well infiltrate this as I've little else to do.

Greetings dear Sir/Madame! I offer you a character sheet the likes of which have likely been seen time and time again! Look upon it and judge if it is worthy!

Character Name: Gut
Gender: Male
Age: 6 Years
Physical Desciption: A wolf at home in snowy environments. Thicker coat with black-gray fur lining his back and an off-white filling in the rest of his coat.
Personality: Survival of the Fittest. In and of itself standard fare for animal characters, the ones oft made unsympathetic in fiction anyway. With Gut I intend him to be an animal, no concern over morality, larger wolves making him automatically wary and submissive if necessary, any and all oppurtunities to eat safely are taken, with the hierarchy of wolf-packs obeyed. Beyond that the ability to "talk" is an almost alien to him. As such all ideas are best communicated by body language and single, mis-pronounced words when necessary.
Requested Rank: Beta/Hunter (Whichever is left to OP's discretion based upon opinion of Character.)
Reason for such rank: Either/or would fit the character I offer most completely, as they are more oriented towards Gut's personality and thus, a better fit for him than other ranks in the pack.

Thus are the essentials. Hopefully they are acceptable and not a dull read.

With that, Sir/Madame, I await your expedient reply to most humble of submissions.

Also, you forgot the second H in my name good Sir! Simply pointing such out.
Gut lapped up the last bit of flesh he could reach from the bloodied skeleton. After the strip of meat slid down his throat he licked what little else he could from the bones, finishing by licking any excess from his paws and muzzle though a good amount of blood had dried on his muzzle, something that wouldn't be gone until he found some water to wash it out. Such a relief and pleasure, having actual food in his stomach again, he could think more clearly, and unfortunately was now more aware of his undernourished state. The more easily he felt his paws through the absence of hunger, the more prevalent the feeling of slowness, of weight, became.

Nothing could be done for it. Gut shook himself clean of some residual water from the ground, assuming a moderate run to return to the pack. He would guide them to the den, even it was small, it was a show of generosity that they sorely needed, one that would keep him indispensable.

The gray wolf returned to find that the large male, splotched with odd red spots, had returned. Not only that, but the female, the one so eager to throw empty threats earlier was quietly eating alone. Alone. Odd. Odd and disturbing. There was no reason for that meal to be eaten alone, the female was not Alpha, couldn't be Alpha. There was no Alpha yet, thus they should all be tearing into the carcass, sharing the meat by way communal feasting.

Gut coughed out a small snarl to himself through the blood encrusted fur around his maw, this abnormal, unnatural behaviour would see them all starve. Better to have a full pack half-starved than a lone wolf full and fat. Gut assumed a seat a few feet from the female, naturally shying away from the large male, hiding his almost automatic irritation Gut coughed out his ill-pronounced, alien words, "Ready. Lead. Ready?"
It was with a critical eye that Gut judged the gray female, for a scant moment he pondered offering the pup to another as a gift into good graces. But the ghost of blood's taste, the phantom sensation of succulent meat upon his tongue ceased any such generous thinking. Quickly Gut stalked to the pup, corpse still on the frigid forest floor and already growing colder. A quick swipe of his jaws hoisted the carcass into his mouth. Gut was happy to obey the female this once and take his prize a small distance away, behind a tree, to begin his small feast.

Greedily he tore the flesh from the pup, Gut would need his strength. Whether that strength be to hunt with the pack or to hunt them was yet to be known.
I believe I must turn in for the night unfortunately. If at all necessary, do feel free to "auto-pilot" me to the den with any applicable following.

Nighty Night, sirs and madames.
"Gut." He ground out, purposefully adding a bit of growl to the pronunciation. Gut's eyes drifted as hunger again gnawed at Gut again to steal away the fragile pup, though sense shook the futile plan away. Gut turned from the female as she confirmed her preparation, quickly assuming a relaxed stride along the dead forest floor. He shook his coat dry as he walked, some small grace having done away with the freezing rain. It would be a bit before they reached the den at this pace, little to distract from the hunger.
The two of them were essentially alone. Gut could tear at her right now, faking her out to grab the living pup and run. He could hide in the den, his scent would be washed away by the rain and he'd never be found. But after the meat had been stripped from the pup's bones he'd simply starve again. An unappealling fate. Best thing to do at the moment was be a help to the pack, the first to be eaten in desperation was the most expendable one, he would not be expendable.

Gut fumbled more words from his maw, teeth shrieking at the cold air kept his speech short and grated, "Den. Small. Dry. You. R-ral-, com-," words, enigmatic, alien things that they were confused him again as he sought the correct one, "fol- follow!" Gut shut his mouth immediately, eager to keep his crying teeth out of the gelid air. He readied for a trek to the den, waiting for the female to ready herself before he began.
It was a simply mistake in ambiguity I believe.
Gut snarled lowly, impetuous thing, throwing threats when they were both starved and weak. Her promise to end him was the hollow threat born from overprotectiveness. However the silent threat the male was was very much real. Beyond that, however, the offer a pack, however starved it was. All at the cost of a simple, shallow vow. A dangerous game Gut would find himself in, in a starving pack any member was just as likely to be eaten in the flash of a desperate hunger.

Though before Gut could give his answer the male had stepped forward to give his own. Odd, was Gut not being addressed?

Hm? Another empty threat that conjured a snarl from Gut. Regardless, Gut bowed his head, coughing and growling out his next, mutilated words, "Friend. Hurt, none of pack."
Gut had froze in his tracks at the debacle he gallivanted into. Four wolves, two females, a motionless pup, and a large male, all of them starving. The male, white, with splashes of, paint on him? Something of a vibrant red. With that wolf around a fight was out of a question, even with hunger gnawing at him instinct told Gut that bigger beat smaller here. But then there was the pup, looking to be dead or asleep, possibly even freezing. If he was quick enough. . . But what then? Could he outrun them? The females he believed he could, they were as starved as he and he doubted they'd had any sort of meal as recently as he. The large male, though, he would outrun Gut, and eat him and the dead pup for food.

What alternative then? One of the females had him in her attention. A coat of gray and white on that one. Gut could not fight for his food right now, not with that male here nor with the numbers against him. Conversation then, he could converse still, maybe. Gut nearly coughed out the words, the feeling of spoken speech alien to him, "H-, Hello. . ."
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