Avatar of CyanideSweetie
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 192 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. CyanideSweetie 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current broke my phone AGAIN
7 yrs ago
In Arkansas for a few days, shit reception. So sorry for any rps waiting on a post from me!
7 yrs ago
At rockfest today! Won't be online much!


Hi! You can call me Cya, I'm 23 and I'm a stay at home mom.I'm a pretty frequent poster, I'm able to post atleast once daily. I will always let you know if I have something that's going to keep me away. I'm most comfortable with 1-3 para, and I ask that if I ever post and it doesn't seem like I'm furthering the story line, or I'm not giving you enough to work with, then PLEASE tell me!
Umm I love small group, and 1x1 rps the best! I'm willing and eager to try new role plays. Though some of my favorites are asylum/ human experiments, carnival/ freak show, post/ apocalyptic, parody, and anything fantasy!
Just a heads up, I'm married and due to this I'm really not interested in RPing smut. Romance is fine just as long as it's not the largest part of the story!

Most Recent Posts

I can work on a post but I'm not really sure where to go with it xP
I'll fight you
Ooo interested
Bitch I gave you the instructions on how to do the thing
Aw byebye
I'm still here, I was waiting as well

Boy use some coding so it doesn't look like a wall of text
I'm still here just been busy
Caebyn -Bynie- Danvers

Caebyn sat in her room munching on her almond joy. She had her ankle propped up on a bunch of pillows, impatiently flipping through channeles. She didn't really understand why she felt so restless. She spent a lot of time on her own, reading books or binging on tv series and she was happy to do so, but all of a sudden she felt really discontent being alone. Its not that she didn't have the books or access to her shows. She had been generously accommodated; her bookcases filled with all her favorite authors and unlimited access to any show she could think of as well as her favorite stations.

Maybe it was because all those fantastical adventures seemed much too real now. She was the girl whose life was about to change, for better or for worse. She was going on an adventure of a life time in the form of this sickness and it was going to make her great, or it was going to make her dead.

She sat up, swinging get legs over the side if her bed. She winced at the throb if her ankle but got up anyway. The only thing that had a good chance of distracting her from her anxious thoughts would be some good ol human interactions with her fellow mutants. Standing she stretched, and smoothed down her hair. She had showered earlier and hadn't bothered to dress past her undies so she hobbled over and donned alacey floral romper, leaving her feet bare as to not irritate her ankle farther.

The second she cracked open her door she heard the commotion. Limping quickly to the pool she slipped inside. The pretty asian girl was being held up by the new guy from breakfast and there was a swirly thingy and a few faces she didn't know, one of those looking confused and pissed at Bailey the other hunching down very near the army girl with near worship in his gaze. She took a few steps from the chaos and bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorr- oh sweet baby Jesus" even with every thing going on Bynie felt her face flush a florescent red as she made eye contact with the girl she had accidentally walked in on while she was changing. She tucked her chin into her chest and dashed away. Forgetting about her ankle it caved mid escape, she desperately tried to regain her footing. Just when she thought that she was good she slipped in a puddle and tripped over the boy next to Sienna, gracefully belly flopping into the pool.
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