Avatar of Daemanis
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    1. Daemanis 9 yrs ago


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"Come sit with us, would you? We're discussing whether our keepers plan to kill or fuck us. I'm starting a pool."

Silvarae would raise an eyebrow at the greeting from the familiar red-head and the chosen topic of discussion. She could honestly say that she highly doubted they were there to be used in some kind of offering for the price her father normally charged for her services, a sacrificial offering would be insane to even consider. As for the second idea a slight blush would cross her face before she would shake her head furiously.
”Don’t be ridiculous” she would say unable to completely hide the embarrassment from her tone. The thought of such a possibility being totally abstract though reminding her of her total lack of experience in that department.
”Besides why would they have martial training facilities for us to train in combat here if they intended to use us as some kind of pleasure doll. she would add as she took up a position beside the door leaning back against it, her left hand straying to the dagger at her side gently resting on the pommel. An old tactic to be aware of the exits, and to secure them. In this position she had a good view of the rest of the room and commanded control of the ext.
Looking over the two women in the room she had seen Maeve working out and knew that if it came to it she would be hard pressed to take her out in hand to hand if not for the fact that she seemed to be largely unarmed while Silvarae herself carried her armour and her weapons for close combat. The other woman, a much smaller woman who seemed to her to be kind of petit, she had seen her around the bas only in passing though and had no real knowledge on her, ‘if it came to a fight she’s the wild card.’ She thought to herself with a nod.
She would relax against the wall visibly, she had assessed the situation now and they didn’t seem to be any real threat to her though she had no way of knowing their runic powers were, and in the case of the smaller woman, she didn’t know if she even had a marking to say she has powers, she could very well be one of the blessed waiting here for everyone to gather.
“The names, Zero.” She would say as her fingers traced around the pommel of her dagger she was feeling a little annoyance at being made to stop her training for this, while also feeling slightly underprepared in not knowing that much about the others.

‘A week and a half, an entire week and then some’ Silvarae thought to herself as she worked herself out in the training room. She had long since worked out a sweat, she had several trainers she worked out with at once this was so that she could practice blocking attacks from all directions at once. Another strike and another parry, she was fast on her feet, able to sense where the strikes were coming from almost as they were coming. Another Strike, it connects with her left arm, pain shooting out from the point of impact, ‘not fast enough.’ She thought to herself as she reversed the grip on the training staff she held in her left arm providing a measure of cover for her now throbbing arm. Another strike, blocked with the reversed staff, This was her moment to retaliate, but if she did the training session would be cancelled without her having improved with generating shields.
“Enough!” the instructor called from the side stepping towards the small group that were training. “It’s about time for you to officially meet the other Marked, I want you to go and get showered and presentable Zero.” The man said using the alias that she had become known by many years prior.
”Five more minutes.” She would respond her voice devoid of emotion more of a command than a request. She had been known to be like that since she was old enough to start working with others.
“Now!” the instructor would state firmly and the trainers would immediately back away before bowing respectfully to Sivarae. She would glare at the Instructor before changing the grip on the staff in her left hand and transferring the one in her right hand to her left. She severly disliked that she had been stopped midway through her training process, she needed to improve otherwise her coming here would be a waste and father would be furious. But then again, he had told her they were paying a very large amount to have her here, so maybe he wouldn’t be too mad at her if she didn’t improve.
She returned the Staves to the racks and grabbed up the towel she had cast aside upon first entering the training room. She wiped the sweat from her brow as she headed for the showers, her right hand had strayed to the quickly forming bruise on her left arm rubbing it gently as she walked. She would not show any outward signs that she was in pain though the unconscious movements would be a dead giveaway. ‘Got to get better, faster, stronger.’ She thought to herself as she pushed open the door to the showers.
The room was already steamy, she guessed that someone else had been in here before and shrugged as she set about following her own procedures to shower. It didn’t take her that long to get the smell of sweat off her though it did permit her time to think.
”From today you have a new assignment” the familiar voice of her father told her, “You will be working with a group called the Blessed, you will do as they tell you for the foreseeable future, So long as they are paying the bills, you will not hear from me. They will give you all your instructions and I expect you to preform to your utmost. Failure is not an option. Standard mission parameters are in effect. Special condition, If I contact you, you know what to do.” He would add before dismissing her.
She would then be escorted to a car that had been waiting for her and brought to a rather large looking mansion. It almost seemed comical to her in the way it reminded her of the mansion from X-men. It hadn’t taken that long for them to arrive but she was given a file of rules and procedures that she would have to study while she was shown to a room that made every comfort she had ever known look like it was bland and utilitarian. She felt uncomfortable in such accommodations and after the first night had requested to be transferred to a less ludicrous room.
They quickly found her a room similar to that of all the other workers and she felt much more comfortable in them though she did consider them a little gaudier than she would have appreciated but she was able to rest in her room from time to time.

Stepping out of the shower she would procure a new towel and dry herself before wrapping it around herself and gathering her dirty discarded clothes and headed towards her room. She passed a few people who seemed to take a second look at her body. She would keep looking forward ignoring the looks as if they mattered little to her, this was something she fought with herself about, she wanted to hide each time they looked at her, but her ‘appearance’ would be shattered if she did.
She had to be the perfect soldier, that’s what they hired, and that is what they expected from her. Entering through her door she would close it quickly breathing deeply, thankful to be away from prying eyes. She quickly found her clothes and combat armours, donning them she would stretch out.
‘should I take my weapons.’ She pondered to herself for several minutes before nodding to herself, she would strap the twin daggers Fenrir’s fangs to her hips and her bastard sword Jorgmundr to her back before walking towards her door. She glanced over at the two cases she knew contained Valhalla and Artemis wondering if it was worth bringing them too and shook her head. No, they were for special occasions.
She left her room still slightly before the time to meet and greet everyone and proceeded to wander her way to the area with no real haste. ‘This is a waste of my training time.’ She thought to herself as she shook her head slowly. The bruise on her arm quite visible and spreading slightly.
As she approached the halls that would lead past the gyms and towards the greater assembly areas she would spot a familiar, well semi-familiar face, a woman she spoken to on occasion at the gym, ‘Maeve’ she thought to herself remembering the name of her fellow marked. She would remain silent however giving of an air of self-importance, which was to cover for the fact that she felt self-conscious around a woman who also seemed to work out almost as much as herself.

Cienna nodded hearing Julie wanting to hear about her story, sadly she knew that it wasn’t at all like Julie thought it was.
”She… she told me, but… it’s not… it’s not what you think.” she would say softly before steadying herself with a deep breath before she would continue.
She would recount the story that Erin had told her just before the whole time not letting go of Julies hand. She was careful to make sure that she portrayed everything from the emotions that Erin had displayed to the simplest gestures. She wanted Julie to know that Erin had been telling the truth. She had no way of knowing how Julie would react to this information, she could only hope that she would understand.
”Please believe me.” she said softly barely above a whisper she was scared that Julie wouldn’t believe her and would cause more pain and suffering for her. She felt responsible for Julie’s suffering at least in part and she was determined to make up for it, even if it meant taking on the suffering of years to make her smile.
”I don’t want you to leave. she whispered in fae.
I think we lost a lot, when Tucker had to go away, but @EchoicChamberand I kept going lol
Yup, Zephyr is kinda different though lol

"I-I mean, my apartment is gonna be f-fine. I-I mean, they'll probably need to r-repair it, so.... Y-Yeah,"

Cienna knew that the apartment could be repaired of course, she hadn’t destroyed the building just damaged it, but as her powers hit Julies apartment the hardest it looked like a bomb had gone off inside so the repairs would need to happen before anyone could live there, or so she had felt. She could hear the sounds of Julie moving, maybe getting more comfortable than she was, even having her wings folded down she felt the air showing that Julie had made a move to get marginally closer to her.

"W-why are you c-crying?"

As she heard this difficult question she felt Julies fingers touching hers and would lean forward encasing her hand with her own squeezing lightly.
”It’s difficult to say.” She says as she turns her wrist to reveal what she thought would be Erins name, which in actual fact would show Julies name again with Erins name faded just below. ”I spoke to her.” she would say softly looking down ”She told… she told me your story, and I’m scared. she would admit as she listened for Julies reaction. Would she be angry at her, or would she want to run away again.
I have Zephyr that would

Cienna would tilt her head hearing Erin say to stay safe, the next thing she knew she couldn’t feel Erin’s presence anywhere near her, like she had vanished now. However, she became keenly aware of another presence pulling on her. ‘Julie!’ she thought tilting her head listening to any tell-tale sounds that would reveal that she was awake. Her breathing while steady showed all the hallmarks of someone waking.


Julie made a kind of squeaking sound to Ciennas ears, ‘was that supposed to be an attempt at my name?’ she pondered as she sat on her feet still, the pain in her feet had been numbed until now where it had just started to rear its ugly head again.
"W-What are you doing here?"

"Are you okay?"

Honestly Cienna had a hard time even thinking how to answer that question. Why she was here was simple she wanted to apologize, she wanted to make sure that Julie was fine, and not to say the least she wanted to be with Julie more. How to word these thoughts she was trying to process her chaotic thoughts and feelings.

‘no I’m not ok.’ She thought to herself her hand moving to cover her tattoo, she was hurting because she knew that Julie and Erin were hurting. Tears again falling from her eyes she let her head drop she wanted to break down and cry. She took a deep shaky breath trying to steady herself again she would look up at Julie spreading her wings and lifting up of the ground and moving to the seat she had originally taken up before she spoke with Erin.

She would hold up the book that appeared blank to the eyes though a close inspection would reveal the cover like all the pages had small patterned, raised dots. She had used the book as an excuse to come back to spend time with Julie. It now served as an excuse to let her re-order her thoughts.
There was also the promise she made to Erin she had to find the right way to tell Julie without upsetting her, and to try and stop their pain.

”I…. I…. I….” she shook her head again her emotions were threatening to take control so she bit her bottom lip hard, her fangs piercing her lip before she spoke again “I, wanted to apologize, I wanted to make sure you were…” she stopped as tears fell from her eyes again, she couldn’t bring herself to even imply that Julie needed to be watched.
”your home… was destroyed…” her voice would sound almost desperate in its sorrow. ”you…. Do you… doyouwanttostaywithme?” again she almost vomited the words at Julie instead of actually speaking.

"C-Cienna. You're a good, good fairy. It's not your fault t-that Julie is this way. But p-please, please promise me something."
"T-Tell her, remind her, about all those years ago. S-She may not believe you, but press on. Please."

Cienna wasn’t sure ow to respond to this, she wanted to shake her head and deny the thought that she could possibly be anything but evil, she had caused pain to everyone after all that was the path she walked. Darkness was her choice to gain command over the wind to not be a burden to all those she cared for she had no choice, but here and now, this demon, she was calling her good. She wanted so very much to do something, anything to show this demon that she appreciated it.
Her request was not a simple one Cienna knew this but she also knew if they were to ever be truly happy she would have to somehow bring up this subject. She had the ability to share her past experiences but they were always in her own senses. Meaning that what she heard, felt, and tasted. Others, save for those who often flew on wings, could understand her wind sense so that would simply be white noise to her brain.
”I will…” she said the words coming to her mouth without the bidden thought to do so. She knew in that moment that she would, no matter what she had to do, she would sacrifice anything to make Julie and Erin happy again. ‘Like two sides of the one coin, what one felt surely had to effect the other’ she thought. ”if you two are happy… she would pause taking a breath ”that’s all that matters. she would add this as she squeezes Erin’s hands tightly. She would try to smile as sweetly as she could for Erin, the effect of which most likely being comical to anyone else as the smile would reveal her fangs and be somewhat awkward. She had never been good at hiding her emotions behind falsified emotions. She could however normally remain passive looking but the tears on her cheeks belied that too.
”The worst part of being a fairy. Is that I will always be evil.” she spoke this line softly in fae as if talking to herself. She deserved to be punished and she knew it and then a thought occurred to her ”uhm you don’t have a home to go to anymore… seeing.. as how… I…yeah...” she said looking down unsure of how to proceed with her line of thoughts past what she had said “Do… do… doyouwanttocomelivewithme??” the sentence was mixed English and fae and barely legible even to herself as she blushed heavily.
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