Avatar of Dark Huntress
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 166 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Dark Huntress 7 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Just started new job, working nights so the replies maybe slow during the week. They should come on weekends easily though since I'm off then.
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5 yrs ago
Finally working again and getting paid once more. Hours are about the same so no change there which is good.
5 yrs ago
Good news! I has job now though don't start till next week.
5 yrs ago
Well just got laid off on my job more my companies fault than mine, but now searching for a new one.
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5 yrs ago
The moment you read someone's response and you type out a response post it and realize that it's longer than you intended it to be.


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Roy sighed at the apology waving it off not really caring about the rain, it wasn’t the first time she got caught in a downpour without a coat and it wouldn’t be the last it seemed. Though she was startled when hand placed a foot long coat around her shoulders grey eyes looking from her boots to Ava, she frowned a moment about to argue that she needed a coat as well before she held her tongue. Ava had given her it, and honestly the slight cold was getting to her with the cold rain that beat down on the both of them.

The city lights reminded her of a time long since past, that was when a thought struck her maybe they did have a place to go. That was when she got pulled into the wrong kind of group well couldn’t say it was wrong when they used tech to help people, but if you didn’t have the right paperwork it was illegal it was how she had gotten started. The people there didn’t care as long as she made tech or fixed it that was how she got the credits to put Ava together taking the odd jobs every now and again when she was short on credits or she just needed something new to work on when she was stuck something to keep her hands busy.

“I may have a place maybe,” it was if they still was able to put her old nickname to her face it had been years after all since she last visited one of the locations. With that she began to move pulling the coat tighter around her slim shoulders, taking caution as to use the back streets that she still knew like the back of her hand, the human had grown up here and when her brother moved she had moved into his old apartment seeing now reason to leave even if this area wasn’t the best place to live. “Been years since I’ve been, but let’s see if they still remember,” by now she was talking to herself it was what she did when her nerves were on edge or she was barely holding together, but Roy wouldn’t allow herself to break down not here and not now not when they weren’t safe.

It took minutes, but it felt longer to her way longer than it actually was. When they made it to where she knew it’d be she stopped it looked like a wall and for a moment she stared at it before reaching out, hand touching the wall fingers sliding over the graffiti that marked it before two of her knuckles knocked. A few more minutes passed, before a slot opened eyes stared at her narrowed. “Things that are made,” the male voice stopped waiting for Roy’s reply “can be used to help or destroy as we see fit.” It was the truth and these days most people used technology to hurt other people the inventor didn’t like it, but it was the way of the world.

“Welcome home Spark,” she sighed relaxing a bit more at those words when the door opened. “Whose your friend?” Grey eyes glanced at Ava a glimpse of a smile started before it disappeared the first in what seemed like hours, “this is Ava and Ava this is Greg.” The old man nodded in greeting, “I need a place to stay.” A laugh shook him before he shook his head, “never can stay out of trouble it seems, but we have a place for you.” With that he waved for them to follow Roy swallowed wondering if he already knew that she was wanted, before following “he’s trustworthy taught me a bit of what I know,” to which she knew she’d have to work her keep in this place if they were gonna stay here for a few days.
Things could change a lot in four years Roy had come to realize, she had gone from an inventor with a dream to someone who had created something with free will, or better yet the right to choose whether she wanted to follow those laws. Things had been fine her teaching Ava these things over the years they had been going through touch and feelings even though sometimes she was questioned as to why, "need to know these things," as well as understand them "to connect with other humans." It was the answer she had given months ago, though those lines were now blurring Roy realized, but she had been ripped from her mind when the police came.

They had demanded her to hand Ava over saying and android with the freedom to choose was too dangerous, and when she had stood her ground and told them no that she would not she had been threatened it was then that Ava seemed to act. Smoke bombs had been set off and they had ran with registered weapons even though her brothers gun which now sat in the holster on her thigh felt heavy, David had wanted her safe and it seemed after long years of it sitting in the nightstand she would have to use it. Roy hoped not the inventor didn't know what she would do if she used it, she had pinched the bridge of her nose shoulders tense as the sirens faded away in the distance even then her tense body didn't relax.

The question caught her off guard to where grey eyes finally opened being pulled from the chaotic thoughts that wouldn't seem to calm, "because us humans aren't rational when we're scared." It was why some of the things happened and it seemed this would be the case as well, "you may have been in my sight when it happened Ava, but when we're scared we don't tend to take one another's words for truth unless we have proof even then they would've found a way to take you." It was how it worked without proof they would just call her a liar and even with proof they would have told her she had fabricated the whole thing, since she had created Ava how easy it would have been to fabricate proof and in a way they were right it would've been too easy for her to do so. "I also thought I told you to call me Roy, though what little good it does me now I suppose since in probably a few hours my picture and name will be all over the news as well as yours."

The human ran her hand through her hair not entirely sure where to go from here, things had just gotten complicated and fast that much was for sure. Roy doubted she'd be able to go back inside to grab things the police had probably left a man to guard her now old apartment, which meant they had nothing, but the clothes on their backs. She as sure she could go to David for help, but she damn herself to hell before she put her brother into any danger or got him wrapped up in all of this. "I don't even know where we can go didn't have anywhere safe besides my apartment and now that's gone."

Full Name: Roy Elizabeth Williams

Alias: Spark (an old name her brother called her)

Age: 27

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Grey

Species: Human

Personality: Gonna leave that to the rp better at writing it than explaining

Abilities: good with fixing things as well as making machines

Relatives/Relationships: no relationship has a brother by the name of David Lucas Williams

Portrayed by: Gabriella Wilde
@Dynamo Frokane

Hmmm it would be different from my usual stuff, but I can give it a try warning though I work this weekend on a 12 hour night shift schedule so things may be slow on my end till I’m off again tomorrow is my last day off.
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