Avatar of Dblade26
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    1. Dblade26 10 yrs ago


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March 12th, 2020
McClellan Residence, A Prison of His Own Making

Tim didn't think being suspended for a few days was much of a punishment at first. Considering the way his mom had gone full lawyer and stormed out of the principal's office threatening to ruin Lloyd Senior's family and the school for apparently being fine with letting his son assault a student attending on a scholarship if Tim's punishment went further than that, maybe it wasn't really meant to be one. Still, being stuck in the house all day with no one around for two days running was starting to get boring. His parents had locked his tablet up in a chest in their room to 'teach him a lesson on solving his problems with violence first' even if they might agree with his reasons for doing it. He'd been thinking about all of it a lot when he wasn't distracting himself with his phone or TV.

What was the point talking things out with people like that? You had to stop them from hurting people first and then maybe you could talk with them about not being a complete-


Tim checked his phone, more desperate than he thought he'd be for reciprocated contact from the outside world. It was Elliot. Tim thought he might have given Elliot his phone number before he'd gotten called out over the PA. Maybe he'd gotten it off of someone in class.

So how'sprison?

Tim was typing up a response, already grateful his parents hadn't tried taking away his phone so they could still contact him for emergencies.

Help me break out? I'm bored:

R u kidding?! u're lucky u didn't get x-pelled! I didn't think ne1 could get away with smthing like that and u're only gone 4 a few days!

Yeah I guess that's true. mom's a lawyer and dad works for KBEL the broadcasting company. Think they threatened to do legal stuff and spread it all over the news.-Better not say he was vice-chairman. It was the kinda thing that made friendships weird. Anyways, time to change the subject-About the news you think Lady Arcana really fried the police commish?

Ionno, it's sus. She could just gank him whenev no need 2b sneaky. Arcana doesn't kill NEway.

Yeah I mean she didn't even kill that Nazi dude and he prob deserved it. It's the kinda thing that knocks her out for the spot for #1 hero

Wut?! No way! Arcana's the gr8est!

You're crazy! I mean the Question's cool and mysterious and old school and awesome! Sure he's really just a Hub City guy who fights local crime but he's probably the closest thing we have to the classic Actor Activists from waaay back and being a normal dude fighting for the everyman in Hub just makes him cooler! Plus he's supposed to be a crazy good detective! Then you've got Grim in Gotham, who's amazing if at least even half the rumors are true AND they aren't afraid to off criminals who deserve it! They probably deserve the number 1 spot more than Arcana does! You have that Superman guy in New York too but he kinda seems like a massive jerk who doesn't care if he wrecks the city while he does his thing right? I dunno if he's a hero or just a guy doing what he feels like so Arcana's above him at least. I guess you hear some stories about that Vinestalker thing occasionally showing up to do hero stuff but isn't that more of a bigfoot or a loch ness monster deal so I don't think he counts. So I mean sure Arcana's probably the most powerful real hero in the world and she's cool but she takes it way too soft on bad guys who deserve it. I guess I'd give her like the number 3 spot so far but there's probably better heroes out there and new heroes keep showing up right?

aaaand that killed the convo pretty quick. Tim should've known better than to hit Elliot with a wall-of-text rant on superheroes when he probably would've just been like 'I still like LA tho'. after the first sentence and been fine. Tim sighed and went over to the indoor hutch where he kept the rabbit his parents had picked up for him one day, just because they felt like doing something nice, according to his Mom.

"Hey at least I don't have to worry about you judging me for beating up bullies or getting hyper about heroes, right Hoppy?"

Still, if had a chance Tim would love to really be a hero and not just watch them. He'd do way more than just stop some kid from getting beat on. It'd be great. If only.

12:07 AM, March 28th
Warehouse District; Hub City, Illinois

It had taken some time for Bruce to find a suitable empty space in a city like Hub. Still, he'd persevered and worked to find a warehouse that was reasonably clean, not currently in use and not cluttered with too much wastage. The end result was this place, where he'd carried the Question before laying him out on an old, disused couch without too many stains, waiting for him to eventually wake.


6:31 AM

His dreams had started out pleasantly, memories of his more pleasant days at the orphanage. Playing tag, climbing the trees, baseball. It was nice, reliving it all again.

However, Oscar Ellison was never the most lucky guy. It wasn't too long before they got worse.

Days spent going hungry in his dingy apartment, working long hours and getting paid the minimal amount, all the while repeating to himself in his mind that 'it'll all be worth it, it'll all be worth it'. Patrolling the freezing streets, beating criminals senseless. Searching through a dumpster for evidence, 'this is the cook's dump site,' and finding that evidence but also discovering a deceased infant, wrapped in a plastic bag and decaying vegetable matt-

With a shuddering breath, the Question awakened, jolting straight up. He looked around, whilst standing up. "Where am I?" he muttered to himself.

Bruce looked up from where he'd been meditating in anticipation of Question regaining consciousness.

"A space I prepared for emergencies. I thought it would be better than leaving a masked man unconscious on the street. So, right before you passed out you decided to accept my training. Do you still want to do this, or was it a decision made from sleep deprivation?"

It all came back to the masked vigilante. He mulled it over in his head. He was strong, but one of these days he could be taken down. He needed the training. "... Right. I still accept it."

Bruce grinned at the confirmation and sprung up from the lotus position with a surprising lack of stiffness, holding a hand out to help Question off of the old couch "In that case, shall we start now?"

The Question gladly accepted the man's hand, using it to pull himself off the couch. "Now? ... Hm, I suppose there's no better time."

After he pulled the masked vigilante up, he lead him to a cleared off space with some boxes and old pieces of pipe cleared away to form a wide circle, on which a number of mattresses had been thrown down to make improvised crash-mats. "First, I need to see what I'm working with when you're not about to pass out. So...set yourself up and attack me. Don't hold back, or we won't get anywhere."

Throwing off his hat and trench coat, the Question moved into a fighting stance. "You sure? Look kinda old, but then again..." He would then run forward, having talked in an attempt to distract his new mentor, trying to deliver a cross punch to the man's face.

Bruce simply stepped in as The Question rushed him, grabbed his arm while shifting it off-course and tugging him off balance, then pivoted his hips into The Question and threw him to the ground. "Good. No hesitation, and decent punching technique. But you've been fighting untrained thugs and mafiosi used to punching down for too long."

One minute he was about to land an easy shot, the next he was on his back whilst his teacher gave a quick analysis of what he did. "Shit." Question bounced back up, getting into a fighting stance again. "Alright, that was just a warm up." He began to slowly inch away, aiming to grab one of the pipes and throw it at the man.

"... Time for the real show." As quickly as he could, the masked detective grabbed a pipe off the ground and threw it at his opponent's arm.

Bruce shifted slightly to the side and to prove a point, caught the pipe as it would have sailed by him. "A good improvisation, but too slow. Thought must flow instantly to action as soon as a strategy is formed, or hesitation will bring failure." He briefly flourished the pipe enough to show he would have no problems using it before letting it go.

Question ran this through his head, not even giving a nod or a "yes" before picking up one of the mattresses used as makeshift crashpads, and pushing it as fast as he could towards Bruce before trying to pin the man with it.

Bruce allowed himself to be bowled over by the mattress, but as he fell he rolled back and kicked upwards with his legs, turning the weight of himself, the mattress and the Question into power for a sacrifice throw propelled by his kick.

"Got you no-AAAAAAAH!" The Question yelled as he went flying with the mattress. He hit the ground, the mattress landing on top of him. After a moment of resting, he pushed it off of himself, rising up once more. "Looks like improv won't help. Why don't we just handle this the old fashioned way?" He asked, whilst rolling up his sleeves.

By this time, Bruce had jumped back to his feet and now stood in a neutral stance, one hand out in the typical 'bring it on' gesture and clearly enjoying himself. "I'm looking forward to it."

Despite himself, the vigilante let out a chuckle. "Heh. Bring it on, old man." He said, amusement evident in his voice. He would pull a quick stutterstep, before advancing at a slow pace. Once he was only two yards away from Bruce, he would throw two quick jabs at the older man's abdomen.

Bruce slapped both low jabs down and away with open hands while stepping in toward Question, then flung one hand at the vigilante's face to try and get him to step back or shift his weight to lean away, before scything in with his foot to try and trip the masked man up.

Rather than lean away from the hand, the Question brought up his own hand to block it. However, when Bruce scythed the masked man's foot, he began to fall back. He managed to catch himself, though as he tried to regain his balance he was open to an attack.

Bruce simply pushed forward and tucked his in the arm he'd struck with, launching off his rear foot as he half-tackled, half shoved at the Question's center of balance with his forearm and shoulder, looking to send him crashing to the ground again in the instant he was off his footing.

Needless to say, the Question fell once more. "... Okay, you win." He said, pulling himself back up. "That give you a good enough idea of my fighting style?"

Bruce seemed pretty content as he watched the Question pick himself up, though he had obviously enjoyed the little bout. "Definitely rough, but you have good instincts and quick wits. With more training and a more diverse set of tools, you could become formidable."

He paused for a moment and looked the Question over.

"But first, we need to do something about your conditioning. A life of sugar cubes and...office work? It makes for a poor foundation."

"Poor foundation? Sorry to break it to you, but I kinda need a job to keep afloat, and the sugar cubes... Well, they hit the blood stream quicker than coffee." Question replies, picking up and putting on his hat, before picking up his trench coat and throwing it over his shoulder.

Bruce couldn't stop a certain amount of amusement from showing on his face at the Question's reply. "If that's the case, I'll simply have to make you work twice as hard as I would anyone else when you aren't busy destroying your body."


Dialogue Styling Red | Thought Styling Red Italics

Archer had underestimated Lancer, both her resolve and her remaining power. Now as she closed the gap between them, her overwhelming power would surely bear down on him and kill him. It was his fault for being so foolish, allowing himself to be swayed by momentary melancholy and thoughts of the past. What he'd seen was a coincidence, preying on his foolish sentimentalism. Well, this was what he deserved for abandoning pragmatism and fighting with honor, after all.

Very well, Lancer. It seems you've earned this victory. It's a shame. I would have liked to experience this war a little longer.

Just as Lancer was about to close in, Archer felt the impossible-to-deny tug of a Command Seal, calling him back to his Master. Before he could be struck down by her final attack, Archer vanished from before Lancer's eyes back to his Master's side, his normally stoic or smug expression replaced by one of disbelief.
Basic Information
Superhero/villain Name: Formerly 'Young Dragon'
Civilian Name: Bruce Phoenix/Lim Fenghuang
Origin city/Planet: Born in San Francisco, CA
Hometown: Wanderer
Sex: Male
Race: Asian
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 141 lbs
Age: 90 Birth Date: August 8th, 1930
Costumed Appearance: None
Civilian Appearance:

Icon: (Symbol, logo, or trademark symbolizing the persona they undertake; like Flash's lightning bolt, Batman's Bat, or Superman's emblazoned S.)
Costumed Personality: No different than normal.
Civilian Personality: Bruce tries his best to remain calm and meditative and project the outward appearance of a friendly, middle aged man just trying to get along with everyone and offer advice and help when it's needed. His goal is to find worthy students among the new generation of heroes and mentor them in both combat and if necessary, a larger ethos or philosophy of heroism, and to that end he tries his best to be what he feels his students need him to be. However he still has deep and painful regrets about the end of the previous age of heroes and his failure to do anything about it, and hopes that he can help shape this new one into something better and less ultimately dark. Bruce also still has a strong drive toward heroics, and while he's normally happy to leave things to younger heroes, if he feels it's necessary he's more than happy to step in and show the world some old-fashioned heroism.
Super abilities:
Master Martial Artist-Bruce Phoenix is a master of a seemingly impossible array of martial arts including Jujitsu, Karate, every form of Shaolin Kung Fu, every form of Wudang Kung Fu, Taijiquan, Kali, Kempo, Muay Thai, Western Boxing and Savate. He has also studied the use of numerous systems for martial arts weapons and is skilled in improvising weapons of his own when necessary.

Highly Skilled Acrobat-a childhood with two stars of the Peking Opera and a lifetime of training since ensured that Bruce Phoenix is an excellent acrobat, whether for show, running across rooftops or outmaneuvering opponents in unexpected ways.

Polyglot-due to both his travels and his advanced age, Bruce has learned to speak numerous languages fluently. Specifically he can speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Fujianese dialect groups of Chinese, Central Tibetan, Japanese, French and some Spanish and Arabic.

Some Academic Knowledge of Magic-While he has no potential to actually manipulate magical forces, Bruce's studies in Nanda Parbat gave him some knowledge and insight into the practices of magic and the nature of the supernatural, though he's hardly an expert by any means.

Skilled Actor and Performer-Because of his childhood of training to rejoin the Peking Opera and a lifelong personal interest, Bruce is a fairly skilled singer, dancer and actor though his style may be a bit out of date.

Peak Physical Fitness-Thanks to a combination of rigorous training, meditation and internal chi manipulation Bruce has maintained perfect physical fitness and a fair degree of youth in spite of his technically being a nonagenarian. He can lift over 400 pounds (More more with use of his Chi), sprint for marathon distances without tiring and take a punch from a professional boxer without slowing down.

Chi Manipulation-Having been trained in the esoteric arts of true chi manipulation in Nanda Parbat, Bruce can use his body's own natural reservoir of chi to briefly boost himself to truly superhuman levels of physical ability, accomplishing feats like lifting a car, deflecting a bullet (though not stopping sustained gunfire) and leaping small buildings in a single bound or denting solid steel. He can also use chi to heal himself or others of injuries or toxins if he's able to concentrate, and can use the expanded awareness he's gained along with this control to sense emotions and certain unusual types of energy, though the fainter either is the harder such a thing becomes.
Civilian Occupation: Wanderer, Adventurer, Teacher.

Character History/Origin: Bruce Phoenix was born in San Francisco, California in 1930 when his parents, who were both involved in the attempted internationalization of Peking Opera, were on their first ever American tour. As a result they stayed behind in America to raise their son. They hoped he would someday become the first American Born Chinese man to be a major star of their beloved art form, hopes that became more fervent when the Japanese shut down nearly all Peking Opera schools in 1931. They had his name recorded as Bruce Phoenix, for its American sound and feel and the surname's auspicious nature.

Although he was raised with far more kindness by his own parents than any traditional Opera school would have allowed, Bruce's childhood was focused around cultivating the key skills of singing, dancing, acting, acrobatics and martial arts from a young age. The last was what Bruce excelled in the most, driving himself beyond his parents' expectations in his appetite for learning combat even off the stage. His parents were proud even as they had to split their time between difficult day-jobs and his training, but dreams of opera stardom weren't what motivated their son.

Instead, Bruce dreamed of belonging to an entirely different profession of flashy, costumed fighters: The Actor Activists. They were heroes who fought war and corruption in battles more exciting and dramatic than he could find in any opera and the best part was they were real, here and now! He idolized the Impossibles for their role in the war effort, especially Jade Mantis, a Chinese immigrant like his parents who stood and fought with the Impossibles as an equal.

That was why in 1945 with the war having just drawn to a close, 15-year-old Bruce Phoenix ran away from home to try and convince Jade Mantis, then a returning war hero, to take him on as an apprentice. It took rescuing his hero and earning a name for himself in the papers as the teenage vigilante 'Young Dragon' before he convinced the veteran Actor Activist to take him on as a sidekick, but they adventured together throughout the late 40's and 50s, with Bruce expected to take up Jade Mantis's role if the latter eventually retired. Bruce wanted more for himself, at least as far as the martial arts that had originally drawn him to heroism were concerned. inspired by his predecessor's tales of a mythical city in the Himalayas that the Axis tried to infiltrate during the war, Bruce left America in search of the lost city of Nanda Parbat in 1957, agreeing to take up the identity of Jade Mantis upon his return.

Even with directions from his mentor it still took Bruce two years of wandering through Asia to find the city, but the training it offered him was extraordinary. Nanda Parbat had been graced by a number of masters of the martial arts and their knowledge throughout the centuries. It took him seven more years until he felt he had learned enough from the monks to leave the hidden city in 1967, but the world Bruce found outside was far different from what he remembered. His old mentor and nearly all of the Impossibles were dead, Actor Activists were outlaws and the world's trust in America had been irreversibly shattered.

For decades after, Bruce wandered the world in disillusioned retirement, questioning the relevance of heroes to the modern age and the wisdom of Nanda Parbat, taking odd jobs and feeling joy only in practicing martial arts and adding to his repertoire of skills, always moving from one place to another before the decreased aging he gained from his experiences in the Himalayas became apparent.

Bruce didn't return to Nanda Parbat until the early 2000s, when the growing presence of terrorists in India and Pakistan motivated by religious extremism and later U.S. intervention made him concerned for the city's safety. There, he finally found out what had drawn so many great martial artists to the holy place, as Rama-Kushna and the monks offered him the spiritual guidance he needed to heal his broken soul while he guarded the sanctuary. Bruce's second stay there also helped inspire him to find new purpose in his life, and now he's set out into the world to find worthies among the new generation of heroes, so that they can both benefit from his experience and avoid his mistakes.

Optional information
Nemesis: None Yet
Allies: Formerly Jade Mantis
Team: Formerly a junior affiliate to the Impossibles.
March 10th, 2020
Hub City Secondary Learning Academy

Man, today had started out so ordinary. Get up, put on the uniform the maid pressed and laid out the day before, rush through breakfast alone as usual for Tuesdays while the driver reminded him what time his parents would be home at (His father was working late, as usual, his mother would be back sooner) and whether there was any change in plans that'd throw off his pickup time for school or anything (No, but would Tim at least try to be out front early so the school didn't make him circle the car around while he waited?) then spent the remaining time reading (Mostly switching between Dune and a history Ebook on ancient Egypt) and toying with his phone (random animal videos, obviously.) until it was time to go.

The first class of the day had been typical too, and Tim had gone through all of it almost on autopilot, or at least it seemed like it, because now-

"What are ya gonna do about it, pleb?"

Now Lloyd Johnson had just knocked the new scholarship kid onto his back over a stupid water fountain, and Tim felt way too angry to not give the situation one-hundred percent of his attention.

Teachers at the SLA didn't have their own rooms to teach out of and kids usually stayed in an assigned homeroom, so between class rotations you got breaks where you were allowed to hang out in the hallway, go talk with your friends, have a drink or a snack or whatever. There were even little nooks with couches or something at the corners of the halls for it. Tim had been sitting at one with his tablet when the scholarship kid...Tim thought his name was Ellian? Elios? Anyway, when he'd got stiff-armed onto the ground in the middle of using a drinking fountain by Bargain Bin Malfoy.

Lloyd Johnson was apparently the kind of tool who earnestly used terms like 'pleb' out loud along with being richer and more spoiled than a fourteen-year-old jar of mayo. He was one of those guys who grew a lot and early too, so he was built like a blond gorilla. Tim figured Lloyd probably had a brain to match, but King Kong Senior had the school board and the principal in his pocket, and everybody knew it.

Elijah- no, no that probably wasn't it- anyway he'd only been here since the end of Christmas break, for winning a raffle or a scholarship award and then passing some kind of test. Tim had heard he was from Hell's Corner or maybe the Wedge, but he didn't think anybody really knew. He kept to himself too much for anyone to know. They just knew he was poor- well no, just poorer than everyone else-and that he was smart. So now Lloyd Everybody-Knows-That-Name-Means-Penis was making a big show of pushing him around and hogging the fountain. Tim could hear Lloyd spewing crap since the eighth grader was making it easy on purpose.

"Can't imagine what you'd want with the water anyways. I'm sure you wouldn't understand, but it takes a more refined palate to appreciate the quality and unique taste of excellent water like this!"

"You mean the kind that tastes like shit?"

Tim hadn't even realized he'd moved from where he was and said it until Lloyd turned around and glared at him while the crowd paused to ooh and ahh. Stupid, stupid mouth. He didn't regret doing it, but why couldn't he have come up with a better line? Tim could see the rusty, thrown-poop-crusted wheels turning in Lloyd's Big Ape Brain, he probably wasn't used to being mocked.

"Who are you? I wanna know your name before I feed you your teeth!"

At least they were both guilty of cliche one-liners. Tim wasn't on Lloyd's radar, that was good. Outside of school he'd won some fights with rich middle school D-bags, but this was probably the Dark Overlord Final Boss of rich middle school D-bags. Tim was going to need every advantage he could get.

"That's Tim McClellan! He knows kung fu and he's gonna kick your ass!"

Well, so much for that. He'd have to try and figure out who was being 'helpful' later. Right now he had Screw-The-Rules-I-Have-Money stalking toward him all slow and angry and menacing. Tim shifted his one leg into a better stance and waved his hands around like a guy in an old chop-socky movie and Lloyd put his own up and stepped back, hesitant and probably expecting some kind of knife hand chop or palm thrust or secret pressure point strike.

So Tim kicked him as hard as he could in the balls. When Lloyd started to doubl over, Tim grabbed him by his uniform, pulled him in and twisted to throw him to the floor.

Then went over and grabbed Elliot's hand- Elliot! That was his name!- and ran back toward the classrooms with him before Lloyd came to his senses enough to beat the tar out of both of them. Just in case. He was going to be in crazy amounts of trouble later.

But it was worth it to stop someone like that.
Medium High Tier

Low Intermediate Tier
Think this might be good to go, lemme know if it needs any tweaks or additions.

Right, Rider's been completed by yours truly!
The vampire kissing the non-human sun-energy powered alien would be hilarious.
Right, whose up for figuring out character dynamics, provided we're still doing this?
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