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Well not to spoil too much:

1) Eilis isn't in a dark place.

2) They both may use 'old words in expression' but they themselves are the ones that pull and manipulate the Aether in accordance to their link with it. The words themselves are more words of focus and not necessarily spells, they are of the same language though.

3) I will however agree that it may seem mystical and powerful but remember Eilis's magic normally works as a conduit, she still is bound.
The soul is linked to the Aether, the body the battery and vessel.

4) No you didn't read it wrong, poor Tyr got blinded and stabbed.

Spoiler hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFBNAj7P7Nw

Also I will write a proper reply tomorrow.
I wonder if she will remain Arn's sweetheart? You might need Scylla to overcome her now.
As the pillars of fire came towards her Scylla her nose wrinkled in annoyance and defiance. Raising her inky black fingers she carved her way through the air in some strange writing pattern. Scylla’s eyes glowed and a tattooed pattern flashed up on her face. Throwing her head back she opened her mouth and emitted a large scream, one that cut through the walls of the house in a highly unnatural manner and only grew louder. Almost instantly an invisible bubble formed around the woman shielding her from the blast of the pillars as her shadowy wolves dove into the floor to avoid it.
Her eyes focussed back on Arn as the shield shuddered under the gust of wind attacks that followed.
“My my such passion.” Her cold voice spoke as her body turned completely to face him again. “You believe you can save her?” The way she phrased it was strangely gentle, before the maniacal smirk returned. “My dear you will have to do better than that.”
With an almost magician like poof she disappeared leaving only a vapour of smoke and shadow behind where she stood only to appear behind him, her fingers taking hold of his shoulders as she leaned over to his right ear whispering.
“You can be so much more…besides…you need a real woman, not a girl…. One that isn’t going to be your undoing.” She immediately disappeared again, reappearing a few feet off to his side, her hair flowing with her shadows now.

Off to the side however Tyrhallan had attempted to get to Eilis only to be thwarted by the large shadow wolves that doubled teamed on him. He had to use his speed and flexibility to out manoeuvre the beasts, but he knew he would not be able to outrun them forever.
His swords however were not of particular use either. The beasts used their ability to disappear and reappear with surprising well effect that even despite Tyrhallan’s skill he had not been able to land a solid good blow to them that would injure them.
“Damn it all to hell!” He growled before he jumped back again as the second wolf had lunged forward at his throat. He managed to put the decorational blade in between the snapping teeth of the first wolf, making it eat literal steel.
He released it and dove past the wolf side stepping the second one and dissolving it with a powerful kick of his boot. The damn things were a nuisance that he couldn’t hit…he needed a new tactic and fast. As he approached the fire he noticed they stopped attacking as viciously. Of course…shadows could only exist when there was a enough of a devoid of light.
As he thought so however he noticed a small little moth flap in front of him. Sensing this momentary distraction in the man the wolves risked grabbed him by both legs yanking him down and dragging him again to the darkest part of the room and closer to Eilis and Scylla.

Eilis groaned as she slowly raised her head, not knowing what exactly was happening except for the fact that they were under attack saw a horror scene before her eyes. She watched the woman lean into Arn and noticed how Tyrhallan was dragged across the floor by two large wolves.
In her fear and anger her tattoo’s flashes, before she ripped off her gag. Trembling, she attempted to stand again.
She too noticed the small blue white moth that fluttered in front of her vision for a moment before her eyes were drawn to the shadow magic the woman was using.
‘Well…’she thought. ‘Two can play that game!’ Closing her eyes she focussed on her inner light, raising the flow of Aether within her, she immediately felt the tattoo’s protest, but she ignored the pain. As she concentrated she started glowing more brightly and despite the pain and suffering this inflicted upon her she started levitating slightly off the ground. Her expression changed however, almost as if she as drowning, perhaps it was the continuous torture of the binds, but something was terribly wrong...
Cracks formed again over her arms pouring out light as well and slowly bit by bit she lit up the room and brightened it considerably. So much in fact that the wolves yelped in pain as they stopped dragging Tyrhallan further.
Turning to Arn and Scylla now she brought her hands forward, forming a drawing motion of how one used a bow. Holding nothing but light and air her eyes suddenly opened displaying the darkest pair of eyes and an almost cold clinical face.
“Vashina’e!” A word spoken in a voice that seemed more unreal than even the maniacal cackling from Scylla earlier as she released the hand which had pretended to hold the invisible arrow.
Scylla’s eyes widened for a moment seeming to understand it and shrieked as she enveloped herself and Arn with a shield of her own hair for an odd twisted moment.
Not a moment too soon for upon impact the blast created a blinding flash purging the room in almost colourless white, save for Arn and a smoking Scylla.
A loud agonizing scream could be heard coming from Tyrhallan, before the room turned to a more useable level of light again. As the light dimmed Scylla’s hair-shield fell away and it was clearly smoking, with Tyrhallan crawling in pain over the floor holding his face in his hands attempting to cover his eyes the two wolves had been incinerated and blast into nothingness. Not even ashes remained and Scylla snarled in anger at Eilis’s handiwork.
“Cassacure!” Scylla shot back as her hairs now darted toward her, ready to impale her.
Eilis however stopped them before they reached and harmed her. Looking rather unimpressed she used her telekinetic powers to make them drop lifeless to the floor, almost all of them save three thicker bundles, holding them up to with her powers over Scylla’s, who looked positively horrified.
She raised her right hand and made a twirling motion of her index finger.
“Hy-zen-thlay…” Was the softest spoken, but most chilling combination that she uttered sending one bundle straight forward.
"AAARRRGGGH!" Straight into Tyrhallan’s chest, causing him to cry out in panic and pain.
The other two could only watch the deadly grace with which Eilis made the second one turn and shot towards Scylla. She attempted to vaporise at the last second, finding herself being followed by her bloody own hair. Screaming out a string of angry swear words as she dashed about the place trying to avoid a similar fate to Tyrhallan.
So now only one bundle of strands remained and Eilis dark eyes turned to Arn.
Cold and calculated, unbending and unyielding eyes stared at him as the indexfinger twirled once more.
I might be willing to give it a try.
Though I would prefer it if we played each other's potential partners.
I personally love the older romantic period drama's; Tudors especially was a beautiful show with gorgeous backgrounds and likeable characters.
But my question would be do you specifically want it centered around the reign of Henry the VIII, earlier or later? (Like War of the Roses or more Elizabethan).
What is your preference and do you want to play with 'our history' in mind or did you want a more fantasy/alternate reality version of the period? (Like with made up houses, court, ect)
That would be fine. As for Scylla, she is intended as a somewhat longterm villain so I need her to stay alive for now.
The woman glared up at the blasting door and her hair quickly responded by turning into slicing razors and meeting the remnant of the door far enough before Eilis and herself that it casually flew past them.
“GET OFF OF HER.” The woman heard Arn say as she now raised herself up, displaying the true meaning of a terrifying femme fatale.
Large almond shaped eyes, high cheek bones and full deep red lips greeted Arn with interest and curiosity. A sinister smile formed on those lips at the display of his prowess and her eyebrows raised slightly in some kind of understanding.
The dark ebony tresses lifting Eilis up to her line of sight before she addressed her. It was almost comical were it not disturbing and terrifying as she placed a hand on her hip while the other hand grabbed Eilis's chin.
“So found yourself a man didn’t you? Was the master not good enough for you Pumpkin? Wasn’t he ‘hot’ enough?” She cackled and snorted at her own little pun, before Arn started radiating more and more heat making her cease and grimace.
"That's right you want to be a problem..."
Annoyed she rolled her eyes putting Eilis in front of her as a sort of shield, whilst the hairs squeezed tighter around her throat.
“Go ahead you walking oven. Cook our little pumpkin…we don’t need her to be pretty after all.” She snidely commented observing Arn a little closer.
“So you’re her dashing little knight? Protecting her? Bah, as always men only think with what they have down below." She remarked rather unimpressed. "Not that I blame you of course who doesn't love a good romp of pleasure, but she is a special case. If you had any sense you would have destroyed her when you met her.” The lady continued annoyed as she took a wider stance noticing a third party arriving.

Tyrhallan and the rest heard the commotion upstairs.
"What the devil?" Pharlan uttered, as Lady Venray eyed Uilles quickly in worry. Before she could say anything though Tyrhallan interrupted her.
"Father, Uncle, keep mother safe. I'll deal with this." He spoke receiving a nod from his Uncle before dashing out the door and up to the sleeping quarters.
There was no doubt in Tyrhallan's mind as to where to go especially not after hearing Arn’s voice. The mage's command was audible enough for Tyrhallan to grasp the situation as he reached the top of the staircase. Arn's only care was for Eilis’s safety. He was a fire mage. Him hesitating to attack meant that Eilis was in somehow being held.
Hurrying further he grabbed the swords from the wall, decoration and nowhere near the real thing, but the assailant needn’t know that. He hardly had the time to go back to his chambers and pick up a proper blade.
Thus he sprinted off to the guestroom and as he arrived he shielded himself for a moment from the heat that radiated off of Arn. It was enough of a blast in contrast to halt his advance for a moment. Looking underneath his arm he noticed the scene in front of him in horror.

“Well if there isn’t an annoying sidekick too…” She turned to Eilis again. “You have been busy, too bad they won’t last long…” She grinned as she looked over Tyrhallan with interest, looking past Arn.
“My, my aren’t you pretty, you would do nicely…I could do with a little invigoration.” She said touching her face tracing the skin near her eyes. “I am starting to get wrinkles.” She bemoaned with a sigh. “And I am sure I would be able to make use of your corpse…I could always use a good butler.”
Tyrhallan glared at the woman raising himself up with regal bearing and he spoke in an authoritative manner.
“You WILL release her.”
“Oh I will, will I?” She shot back holding his glare with humorous defiance. “Why don’t you come over here pretty boy?” As she said this some of her hair made a ‘seductive come hither’ gesture.

Eilis meanwhile tried desperately to free herself from the grip of the woman’s hair, to the point she tries to tear it and break free, much to the woman’s chagrin.
“Oh will you stop wriggling!” She snapped before the hair literally slammed Eilis into the floor rather forcefully. “Bad.Slam.Little.Slam.Pumpkin.Slam. Before lifting her up again, this time so dazed and lifeless that she resembled a hunter holding up a goose or pheasant.
“Well boys, not that you’ve not welcomed me with open arms, but I was expecting a little more…” She gestured with her hands searching for the word.
“…Hospitality from those fabled men of Belisio, so colour me seriously disappointed.”
“We do not seek to impress foul hags.” Tyrhallan shot back watching her grow livid.
“Foul HAG?! How dare you! I will skewer you for this Little Prince!!!” She shrieked and screamed, casting Eilis to the floor behind her as she went into a full rage.
As her full head of hair formed a cloud of javelins, some hairs twisting together to become slightly thicker.
They wirled and danced around like the tentacles of some weird octopus, before launching themselves at the men.
During this her hands came together forming a bowl and circle as her eyes grew dark and the shadows cast around her seemed to clump together forming two large wolf like creatures gaining solid form.
“Feast my pretties…Feast!"She screamed out in ecstasy as unleashed the shadow beasts.
Well as long as you don't go indepth into the Tahjai (since my focus for now will be on them and on the son of Avitus, the Battle Mage who Eilis killed) I have my reasons for why they are after Eilis and what they try to accomplish.
You however have free reign of anything else of the empire regarding anything else so surprise me.

Also meet Scylla one of two sisters...
The evening itself moved along rather smoothly, easy conversation, good food and pleasant company.
To Eilis is was as if she had been blessed with a little part of heaven. Something she dared not dream she would ever get to experience.
Having retired early, the day had been rather exhausting after all she had thanked Lord and Lady Venray for the lovely meal and for allowing them to stay in their home before excusing herself.
She had also bowed to the mighty Uilles thanking him for his words of wisdom before Arn had offered to escort her to her room.
Whilst she intended to decline his offer, not wanting to pull him away from the conversation he seemed to be having with Lord Uilles. She knew he would not accept it and Uilles would otherwise scold him for not offering his service in the first place.
She chuckled as she thought about the many rules of etiquette that seemed so…unnecessary and restrictive.
As she turned her head as she glanced towards the window, its curtains half drawn so she could still gaze at the star filled sky.
She felt her eyelids grow heavier and the bed was ridiculously comfortable. It wouldn’t be long and she would slip away into dreamland. Here she had everything she had ever wanted. A small measure of peace.
She was somewhere safe, protected and watched over by her own knight, she thought with a smile.
He had looked quite handsome, she recalled with a soft smile as a blush tinted her cheeks.
Arn. Her burning flame.
Undoubtedly the men downstairs would be talking about the war, compare swords or something of the like, there would be enough for them to discuss and worry over.
Practically half asleep, she was dozing off further when all of a sudden a shadow crossed in front of her window.
It happened so quickly that Eilis had thought it had to have been some bird at first, before her mind and reasoning started nagging her about it and forced her up to go over to take a look.
As she stepped out of bed and away from the comfort of her sheets, she mentally chastised herself for being paranoid.
She had crossed many, many miles. Plus, she was far into Belisian territory, no one would presume to look for her in such a place as the Grand Estate of the Venrays.
Reaching the window she gazed outside and seeing nothing but an empty street she yawned satisfied.
“See…silly…there’s nothing there.” She told herself.
As she moved over to the other curtain to close it, suddenly a rock crashed through the window.
It flew right past her face freezing Eilis up. Not being able to do anything but stand and watch when mere seconds later another figure followed in its wake.
Crashing intentionally into Eilis and forcing her to the floor.
Sitting on top of her, holding her down, sat a dark haired woman bearing a most satisfied grin.
“Well hello there little Pumpkin. Play time is over. Time to come home.” She said as she pressed something against Eilis’s mouth.
Her eyes widened in fear when she realized what it was.
A gag.
More effective than the old sewing one’s mouth shut trick the woman had effectively silenced Eilis, making her unable to call out.
But that wasn’t what terrified Eilis, she now noticed that the long black hair seemed to have a mind of its own.
As the woman stood up, she felt it wrap around her and casually lift her up as if she weighed nothing.
“Oh don’t look at me like that, be glad I don’t drain you Pumpkin.” The woman spoke rather bored as she rolled her eyes at Eilis’s expressions.
“You had your little fun, seems like your little escape was worth it.” She said as she looked around appraisingly. “It won’t matter though, when the army advances this here will all be taken over.... or blasted to pieces. Let's just say I so hope for the second one…” She said sadistically.
"Oh I can't wait until we get home and I get to play around with you pumpkin. I will carve you up." She said as she smiled widely at Eilis, but the smile was hardly reassuring and more terrifying as it reminded Eilis of that of a hungry tiger.
I am going to create some necessary drama. As certain characters will show themselves. But if you also have certain ideas with your viamese character please don't hesitate. I have held up more than one storyline before, so flipping back and forth is no issue.
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